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Everything posted by Waju

  1. We've never had a problem with noise. We worried when we first had A298 about passing traffic to the outside decks but it's always been quiet for us! It's also very handy for the lift/stairs to the MDR.
  2. How did you know? I only told galeforce9 😲 hahahaha
  3. I don't have photos but I can recommend an inside cabin - its A298 on deck 11 - lovely large cabin for an inside and just a couple of steps away from the door to the tiered deck at the back of the ship. There are tables and chairs just outside the door so really easy to take your cuppa out there in the morning or have a quiet nightcap before you go to bed. Please keep it secret though - don't tell everyone☺️
  4. We've booked the Baltics in May, obviously minus St. P now but just happy to be going back on Aurora and calling at ports we've never visited before!
  5. Thank you, I'll try and find out.
  6. Has anyone visited the Abba museum and can tell me how far it is from the cruise terminal? Many thanks
  7. Just wondering if anyone could be tempted to take a 3 year cruise - step too far for me! World’s first three-year cruise announced – and it might cost less than renting on dry land (msn.com) Just been reading about it and it appears to include everything you might need - meals, alcohol at meals, laundry, internet etc etc,,,,,, Starting price of around £25,000/year doesn't sound too bad including living expenses. Probably cheaper than living at home and paying the gas bill. If you could rent out your property it might go a long way to covering the costs!
  8. Although I adore Aurora, its the 'adult only' bit that's really important to us. Having seen parents letting kids play football in the atrium and teenage groups on the larger ships playing 'tag' up and down he staircase and in the lifts we prefer the more sedate cruises! I'm sure P&O could fill a mid size ship like Britannia with adults - I hope they can find a few places we haven't been to before though.
  9. That's an idea - maybe make Britannia adult only if we lose Aurora or Arcadia
  10. Did you just lift that from YouTube Presto2 or is it someone you know? I've never seen it before but's my nephews wife!!
  11. I'm having an expensive day - just booked Aurora for 16 nights in May - my first time back on my absolutely favourite ship since just before the pandemic
  12. Another good one round here is 'yer reet duck?' For those who need a translation 'how are you?' 😊
  13. Yes that's a good one - round here if we wanted someone to make us a cuppa we would ask 'are you mashing?'
  14. Round here they are called 'jittys', in fact the local BBC radio station did a 'jittys of Derbyshire' calendar the other year 😊
  15. Well............... I've booked 4 nights in the North East, 4 nights in Wales and 4 nights East Sussex - all before the end of April - so thanks again indiana x Who needs cruises? 😊 ps I DO but a change is as good as a rest as they say 😉
  16. Thank you! I did a quick G**gle and found it - I've just booked my first one and am now going back to find some more 😊 I'm so pleased I saw your post - thanks so much
  17. What a bargain - would you mind sharing what company that is with? We had two days B&B in a LLanberis/Snowdon hotel last week for £99 in total for the two of us and have just booked another two day deal in North Yorkshire next week for the same price. You've got to love a bargain!
  18. And............why do they always wear a scarf to walk to the taxi when they are fired? When they are out and about the trees are in leaf so it is filmed in the Spring/Summer so surely warm enough not to need a scarf!
  19. That's a bargain, I looked at CPS yesterday for a 16 night cruise and they wanted £247 - might have even been £267, I can't remember I was looking at so many cruises/options. I think next time we may try the multi storey car park option but worry that if the port parking has become so expensive lots of other people will do the same and it will be full, Imagine getting down to Southampton for your cruise and not being able to park anywhere 😲
  20. Do you know what has struck me most about this series? The HUGE lips on the ladies 😲 In my opinion its a horrible look.
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