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Everything posted by abbeydoo

  1. I would agree. It's just a reflection of what considered entertainment by many in society. The cruise lines need to hear in their feedback (or through voting with feet) if passengers want something different otherwise nothing will change.
  2. I sailed on the celebration out of Miami on the 18 August. My 12th carnival cruise and the one where I witnessed the worst behaviour. It wasn't fighting, I've never seen a fight aboard any ship but I saw several incidents where passengers were absolutely vile and verbally abusive to crew. Shouting in their faces, swearing at them calling them stupid whilst the crew member is apologising to the abuser. Yes, I've some some rude, entitled people previously but it was both the level and frequency of aggression that stood out for me. Interestingly (maybe) most of the people I saw do this had blue cards around their necks and all of them appeared old enough to know better. I know cruise passengers are just a cross section of people from wider society so it's a disappointing assessment of society really. I put in my post cruise survey that carnival needs to implement a zero tolerance approach towards guests abusing crew.
  3. We did this last month. All went along to guest services and requested a spare key for both rooms. Excluding the shortish wait in the guest services line, obtaining the spare cards took less than 5 mins. No questions asked. I did tell our room steward we had switched as a courtesy.
  4. It was also on the celebration a couple of weeks ago.
  5. If I recall correctly on a 13 day transatlantic we had 2 elegant nights and a captain's dinner, which in practice is another elegant night. 12 nights on the Venezia I think only had the two standard elegant nights.
  6. Carnival Imagination 2013. I was looking for something to break up a trip to Disney for my sanity. My youngest daughter didn't want to cruise said it would be boring and she'd be seasick. Aside from during the height of COVID, there hasn't been a year when she hasn't cruised since 😁
  7. I have an upgrade offer for the Venezia in October. Balcony to a terrazza cabana for $544. Although this is the 3rd offer I've received, coming down from $1168, and I really want the terrazza cabana, $544 is still a little too high and I can live with the balcony if needed. That being said, if an offer comes in for 400, I'll snap it up.
  8. It has! Cruise booked this morning. Thank you for sharing the list early.
  9. Thank you! Yippee, the cruise I want is on the list. Now just to hope I get the offer
  10. I would be interested to know too. There's another cruise I have my eye on for next year. Would be fab if part of the elite offer.
  11. Thanks all. I must have dreamt the whole case from room service thing. Yes, not my first cruise so will have the 1.5ltr and will pick up bottles at bars singularly throughout the day.
  12. I'm finally going on an elite cruise - yippee. Had one booked last year but had to cancel it and rebook on a different cruise that wasn't an elite. Obviously being offered an elite cruise shows what a degenerate gambler I am but hey ho, I've taken full advantage and have three cruises booked.....so far 😁 But my actual question, aside from how can I fast forward to August, is using the complimentary room service that is part of the elite offer. I'm sure I've seen it mentioned that I can order cases of water that will be non chargeable. Is that correct as I've never seen packs of water on the room service menu? I like to have bottles in the room for night time.
  13. I love purple sunset, my fave alchemy drink. My family thinks it's gross, but they obviously have no taste.
  14. What does this mean please, the proceed accordingly part? The demographic was probably 25% black, 70% white, 5% other. So proceed accordingly.
  15. That's a very good point, thank you. I did take the upgrade offer in the end so fingers crossed we can get the extra room key and switch occupants. Otherwise my poor son in law is stuck with me!
  16. Thank you. Hmm, looks like it never actually returned. Wonder what happened.
  17. Sorry to resurrect an oldish thread but has anyone seen the flat iron return? My last carnival cruise was October 23 and it wasn't back then. Next one is August 24 so just wondering.
  18. I took my first MSC cruise from Southampton over bank weekend, 4th May. It was horrible. The main problem was the other passengers who sadly the cruise line has little control over. As a two night cruise it was literally a booze cruise. My daughter referred to it as Butlins on sea. Shouting, screaming and barely looking after their children who were running riot in the buffet, picking up stuff with their hands whilst parents did little. Buffet floor always sticky. My room was actually a good size for an interior but dirty with food over the dressing table, dirty towels that were allegedly clean. Dining room food was hit and miss. The meat was more fat than meat, overly salty but at least hot. And people everywhere, which I know sounds strange but this is my first cruise where I felt completely hemmed in by people with the accompanying long waits for elevators. And to top it off they still have not released the hold on my credit card. I don't know whether I'll sail MSC again. I achieved a status match from carnival as gold on MSC but really didn't feel any benefits of being gold.
  19. Apologies as I'm having issues today and seemingly double posting. Yep, understand the wristband and the correct person will have that. The other two are not fussed about Havana area, it's me who loves a cabana 😊. It's more whether the spare key will open the door on the deck that leads to the cabanas and not just the room. I do a accept I may be over thinking this though!
  20. Title should be extra room key
  21. Title should be extra room key
  22. We are a group of 4 adults across two rooms, with allocations based upon maximising booking offers. As one person in each room will switch I planned for us to obtain an extra key card for each room. I now have a Havana cabana offer for one of the rooms that I'd like to accept. I wondering if we would have any difficulty obtaining an extra key card that gives access to Havana area. Any thoughts or experiences greatly appreciated.
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