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Posts posted by bobupandown

  1. 26 minutes ago, bee-ess said:


    I booked Jan 1st 2022 on Britannia in Caribbean on 27th April with an FCC and wasn't told that. The cruise is still showing on their website and available to book

    May be they are doing all the Cancelled cruise's first and FCC, and see what's left over.



  2. 5 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

    I really wanna go to Bridlington. Just can’t find out if the toilets are open. 

    opted to work bank holiday for some extra pennies instead. Keeps me sat at home instead but it’s always quiet and boring in a morning. Just hoping the calls are sales and not like yesterday’s. 

    hopefully will go to the valley country park that’s about 20 mins away but hubby might take the girls before I have finished work cos they get bored. 

    decided to have a look at what my Florida holiday would be next year and the price has gone up £2k. Wouldn’t dare book anyway until everything has stopped. 

    what are your plans for this sunny bank holiday? 

    Hi Vampiress88

    Went to Bridlington last Wednesday it was packed, people on the beach hardly any parking. Plus an over 60s coach trip, no mask, gloves or anything. To be honest, you wouldn't have thought we was in a lockdown situation.

    Toilets open,Busy Bees Fish Shop and the Trawl was open, all the big shops and  bakeries, and you could get coffee,  tea and ice creams.

    Nothing open on the harbour.

    So if you fancy a run out, I would suggest you go early.



  3. Hi All

    I also agree, and I am not sure about our November 6th Cruise going ahead or April the 8th next year.

    Tried to book for January 2022 to the Caribbean, but P and O said they weren't taking bookings yet, because they wasn't sure about how things would be on the ships, ports etc. Anyone else been told this, for 2022 booking




  4. 6 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

    Quite a few of our neighbours struggled with the whole social distancing concept on VE Day, so a mere "Stay Alert" would be an invitation for more stupidity. One family posted invitations to everyone saying  lets have a VE Day picnic on our own drives which would have been lovely except 10 minutes in about 7 or 8 households had gathered around 2 drives, blocked the road off to traffic and weren't staying 2 metres apart at all. We stayed on our drive for a bit but got really uncomfortable with what was going on so went indoors. A few hours and several bottles later people outside were hugging &  dancing not to mention falling over. One family invited grown up children round and a few people from other roads ended up joining in. I probably sound like a miserable moany neighbour, I'm really not though, any other time I would have joined in but it was just irresponsible under the circumstances. Apparently the police were called but I'm not sure if any police officers turned up.

    The same people will be out clapping loudly on Thursday no doubt. I wanted to tell them that a man we know of in his 50's living, 3 streets away,  died of Covid-19 a few days ago, no underlying health conditions as far as we know, but they were too pickled to have cared probably.

    I'm missing my daughter and new Grandson, the same as everyone else is and I actually had a cry indoors seeing people mixing with family members who shouldn't have been there. 

    Sorry to moan but after 7 weeks I'm having a little wobble!

    If you are moaning so am I, we had the same in our village. I can't understand the Almaty of some people.

    • Like 4
  5. 5 hours ago, kalos said:


    The NHS have my sympathy ,we just knew this was going to happen and will be replicated at most A&E's 

    up and down the country.

    They will have the nerve to stand clapping again this Thursday night ... unbelievable !

    Everyone of those people should have been given a fine, not just there but every A&E across the country in the same situation. 

    • Like 2
  6. 22 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

    After reading all these refund posts they're making us think long and hard about paying the balance in August. We'd rather forfeit the deposit than have to wait months for a refund and all the hassle and stress that goes with it. As of now the cancelled cruises go up to July 31st. If they're going to cancel past then we'll know  before that date. We're going to let them cancel and credit us the deposit. It's a tricky situation but as of now P&O only have £135 of ours and we will not give them any more.  We already have a cruise booked for next October. Look after yourselves 

    Avril & Frank 

    We have decided to do the same

    Both take care

    Elaine and Bob

  7. 13 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

    Hi bob. Where have you been hiding? I hope you're both well. 

    Unfortunately the market isn't anything like that now. It used to be a real market. Now it's just inside stalls. No atmosphere any more.


    Hi Avril

    Yes we are both well thank you, still been having a look around the site.                        Hope you and Frank are ok. Are you still going in November on your cruise, we are thinking of changing it for something else next year, not sure what to do.

    Yes we have been to the Barnsley market since it's been upgraded, but has you say No Atmosphere. But a lot better then Doncaster Market.

    Both take care, keep safe

    Bob and Elaine

  8. 5 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

    You're right. It was Joe Edwards. I used to go shopping every  week with mum and she always took me to watch him before we went home. The policeman with the big moustache was always directing traffic near the markets. You don't see characters like that now. Sadly gone.


    Also you could buy cheap tin good's on the market on Mondays, and pie and peas for lunch.

  9. 20 hours ago, Presto2 said:



    Well it has been our dream cruise to go to the Caribbean at some point and as we have some FCC this is where we are heading. Probably very late 2022 and possibly a Christmas cruise to fit in with our work dates.


    It seems a long way in the future, but decided to post now and focus on moving forward and give us all something positive to share and talk about.

    Which ships, if it is as wonderful as it sounds and if an aft cabin is a must? Which islands? Christmas? Is it great in the heat?


    Any help appreciated and looking forward to discussing something positive and exciting.


    Only one thing I ask ---------- NO mention of COVID 19. Am trusting things will have sort of settled by then and it won't be an issue ………..




    20 hours ago, Presto2 said:



    Well it has been our dream cruise to go to the Caribbean at some point and as we have some FCC this is where we are heading. Probably very late 2022 and possibly a Christmas cruise to fit in with our work dates.


    It seems a long way in the future, but decided to post now and focus on moving forward and give us all something positive to share and talk about.

    Which ships, if it is as wonderful as it sounds and if an aft cabin is a must? Which islands? Christmas? Is it great in the heat?


    Any help appreciated and looking forward to discussing something positive and exciting.


    Only one thing I ask ---------- NO mention of COVID 19. Am trusting things will have sort of settled by then and it won't be an issue ………..


    Hi Presto2

    Thank you for asking this question, this is on our to do list as well.


    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Presto2 said:

    It has been a real breath of fresh air poorer to read this thread at the minute. 🙂

    What itinerary have you booked? Am guessing it is on Azura. We have a cruise booked for April on Azura and our itinerary looks brilliant

    Hi Presto2

    We are on the Azura 8th April until the 22nd, Greece and Italy and the Itinerary has you say looks brilliant.


  11.  Another three weeks of lockdown, then the Government  might start opening up slowly. It all depends on the medical people. They are looking to see how Germany etc will go on, when they open up, and see how the virus goes from there.

    WE have been listening to the British Government, if you can't see now every time they make a statement, it is all put down to the medical evidence.

    So when there is an enquiry after it's all finished,  they have got a scapegoat  to be able to say "it's not our fault, We followed what the medical advice was".

    On the news today's, there might be another three weeks Lockdown after this.

    But has Avril say's"It makes light at the end of the tunnel easier "



    • Thanks 1
  12. 55 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

    Apart from Alaska etc, I would love to do a Vietnam/Thailand type cruise. 

    It would probably have to be part of a Worldie though as Michelle cannot fly. 

    But, at the moment, I would take any cruise.. 

    We may change tact though and save to do something very special rather than lots of P&O cheapies...



    Same has you Andy, would love to do Vietnam / Thailand


    Others would be Australia, New Zealand, Caribbean ( Booked three times, and had to cancel due to health reasons ) Baltic's. To many more to mention.

    But these would be on top off the list.  



    • Like 2
  13. 16 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

    Our last one was last Nov/Dec. Aurora 13 night Madeira and the Canaries. The weather in Madeira was beautiful but the rest of the cruise was a bit hit and miss and very windy. I've not known it to be cold in the Canaries. It came as a bit of a shock. The ship was lovely as usual and we enjoyed every minute. We never let the weather spoil anything for us. The cruise back was quite eventful with trying to outrun the gales, but the Captain got close to the shelter of the south coast and it wasn't so bad. Next one Arcadia November 6th 2020 all being well.




    Hi Avil

    I can't believe we was on the same trip. 

    We generally go in November and normally go on the Arcadia, but thought we would have a change. I agree a very nice ship, and we really enjoyed the cruise.

    Next Cruise in June, but I can't see that happening.                                                         

    Then 6th November Arcadia, see you in the Crows Nest Avril. Hopefully.



    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Adawn47 said:

    We will definitely go. That's where we'll arrange to meet up with Bob and Elaine on Arcadia. Black Russian in hand😉


    Hi Avril

    Definitely meet up with you and Frank, in the Crows Nest. Elaine says she's celebrating with you with a Black Russian.

    Looking forward to meeting you both.

    Take Care

    Elaine and Bob 

    • Like 2
  15. I rang P and O yesterday to cancel our November cruise, but I wanted the money I paid to stay has a credit, because We already have a couple of cruises for next year booked.

    They said " We could only do this if we found another cruise for next year, because they were hopeful from September the cruises would be operating as normal"

    So at the moment our November cruise, is still on.


    Hope everyone is ok, and staying safe


    • Like 1
  16. On 4/3/2020 at 8:46 PM, AndyMichelle said:

    So what are your thoughts if cruising as we know it is finished? 

    Not saying it is, just what if? 

    What will you do, where will you go? 

    Should we arrange a UK holiday where we can all meet up?

    At least we would be with people who enjoy the same sort of thing... 

    Who would be up for it? 

    Any suggestions welcome... 

    I know we bicker like children sometimes, but what I have learnt recently is that there is a tremendous amount of care and respect amongst us. 

    I know this would be some people's nightmare, but I for one would love to spend time in your company. 

    Let me know if you like or hate this idea? 

    Either is fine, just putting it out there... 



    Hi Andy and Michelle

    Great Idea would love to meet up with everyone, maybe once a year and in a different place.

    Stay safe and well

    Bob and Elaine

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, Eglesbrech said:

    You don’t need to accept vouchers. ABTA are trying to get that pushed through but have not been successful as yet so as at today you are fully entitled to a cash refund.

    Hi Eglesbrech

    Thank you for letting me know.


  18. P and O:                  60 / 90 days for refunds

    Princess Cruises: 90 days for refunds. 

    NCL:                       90 days

    TUI:                         Wants to just give vouchers, and may be cancelling their flights till                                        August.


    We are on P and O on 6th November wonder what we will be offered by then.

    Expecting a refund for our June Cruise, hopefully


    Not just the Cruise industry doing this, we also have a weeks holiday with Balkan Holidays for Bulgaria in June, they want to give us vouchers, change to next year or loose our deposit. 

    Hope everyone is safe and well.


    • Like 1
  19. 6 minutes ago, Vampiress88 said:

    this is what I keep thinking. 

    everyone’s going come out of this a couple of stone heavier and a lot will be pregnant! 

    Plenty of homemade cooking with us to, 🍰 worried about getting into my cruising clothes. Still been Hopeful it will happen.

    Definitely a baby boom, they will be called the Corona Babies. Some people might even call them that.  

  20. 5 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

    We seem to have lot in common bob. Same first cruise and we're on the same one in November.  Who'd a thunk it😊.

    Stay well. 


    Thank you Andy for setting this up, bringing back so many memories on our cruises.

    Hi Avril

    Elaine and I would love to meet up with you, if the Cruise goes ahead.

    • Like 1
  21. 5 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

    The sun's really trying to get out this morning. I hope the weather picks up soon to brighten me up. I'm just sat waiting for my Asda delivery and wondering what next week will be like. It's getting much  harder now to try and stay positive. My brother- in-law,  who had  contracted covid19, died last night . Two family members gone in 10 days. It's really hard, not only for us, but for anyone who needs to be together as a family to comfort each other and can't. I can hear Frank moving about upstairs now so it's time to put on my brave face. Sorry about this post, but I don't want to talk like this in the house. I'm trying to keep everyone's spirits up and need a place for myself to talk. Stay well.


    So sorry to hear your sad news Avril, my thoughts are with you and your family. You and Frank stay safe, and take care of one another.

    We are all here for you, hugs.

    Bob and Elaine

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