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Posts posted by jayscore

  1. Being an "aft rat", I wouldn't trade this location for anything. Yes, it can get HOT back there during the day, but that view can't be beat! Talk of soot, vibration, and privacy are a very minor experience.

    Our first two cruises were inside cabins, the rest one form of aft, aft wrap, or Vista Suite. Does that give you a clue how much we like this location? 😺

  2. 1 hour ago, Xmansmom said:

    Well I have been trying to order my husband beer a little bit at time. I ordered two 4 packs of beer the first order and went to order a another 4 pack today and it won't let me. Really, two 4 packs of beer and they cut me off. Seems pretty silly.


    No worries. When you board the ship, buy one or two "buckets of beer" , don't open them , and take them to your cabin for later use. I think the price will equal Fun Shop prices, plus, they will be chilled!

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  3. On my boarding pass for the Dream, I see Muster Station E4. Fine. From what I understand the drill is actually held indoors somewhere. We're deck 8 aft. Any ideas where they will send us for the drill?
    (This will be our first "inside" drill, if it's so.)

    Thanks in advance!

  4. I have to admit I first started buying FTTF at $50, and thought it was truly worth it. Then I endured the price hikes over the years.  Now, at $90, I would rather spend the money on drinks, souvenirs, bingo and such.


    (Yeah, yeah, I know, "Easy for you to say, now that you're Platinum." Either way, $90 seems too much.)

  5. On 12/29/2018 at 7:38 AM, Snit13 said:

    Nassau like Cozumel.....been there done that.....over and over.  Great for someone who is new to cruising but for many of us we have just been there to many times.


    Bingo! Our first time there had the original straw market, and it seemed, to me,  there was a local ambiance and "newness".

    Years have gone by, and "it ain't just the same" Nassau I recall from the past. (But, what is?)

    If you have never been there, by all means check it out!

  6. Being an "aft rat", I've had Vista Suites on Spirit class which are set up in a different way, with a separate bedroom. Aft wraps on others with more legroom, but no tub. Then certain aft cabins with the extra wide balconies. All of these have had a decent size balcony, if that's your main concern.

    Just saying........😺

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  7. 10 hours ago, navybankerteacher said:


    As another former heavy smoker, I think some of your comparisons need questioning:

    gastric problems are involuntary, stack gasses and auto exhaust are largely unavoidable if you want a ship  or car to move, perfume is rarely as pervasive and simply does not linger the way tobacco smoke does —- tobacco smoking stands alone.


    My apologies for my blunt, thoughtless comments . I should have been less descriptive, and simply said, " Odds are, we all have to deal with these situations in our own personal ways."
    Sorry for the crude remarks.


  8. As a former heavy smoker, I can understand the opinions from "both sides of the fence".

    Smelling and dealing with offensive odors takes SO many forms. How about those reeking of perfume, or gastric problems. How about that vile exhaust from the ship's stacks, or cars? I could go on and on....

    We are never going to experience a pure air situation unless we totally avoid a shared human environment.

    We all have to deal with our surroundings as the status quo allows, for better or (sadly) worse.
    In other words., if you truly can't deal with the situation, don't go there.

    (OK, I'm off my soap box now!)😋


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  9. 22 hours ago, BoDidly said:

    Each and every time.  But I add a few more that I haven't noticed being posted on the threads.


    For example.

    Cut off  water.

    Turn off hot water breaker .

    Cut heat down to minimum tolerance.

    Stop mail

    Stop ice maker.

    Lock all existing buildings

    Summer , Cut air down

    Test all security cameras

    lock all windows

    Setup timer on separate interior light .


    Bingo! The only thing I can add is send a copy of your itinerary to those that matter.


  10. As far as beer, I think you may be better off getting a "bucket of beer" at one of the bars, ask them to fill the bucket with ice, and haul it to your cabin for when you want it. As far as booze, order ahead, but realize the outrageous price you will pay. (But, if you do the math, it's still a bit cheaper per ounce than the bar price)

    My opinion, of course!😉

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