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Posts posted by mercury7289

  1. 19 minutes ago, wowzz said:

    If anyone is booking cruises for November this year, they need their heads examining.

    Talking of which, I am getting numerous emails regarding 2021 cruise deals.  Is anyone seriously contemplating booking a cruise for 2021 at the moment ?

    I guess a late cruise next year, with a minimal deposit might be attractive, but  the prices I've seen aren't that special.

    What, where and how first!

  2. 1 hour ago, wowzz said:

    Mercury, glad you got out.

    I know that it's a but late now,  but I hope that over the last 141 days you took your car out at least two or three times, and got the oil up to temperature,  put the air conditioning on at full blast  etc. Leaving a car idle for the best part of 6 months can cause all sorts of issues. I fully appreciate that your health is much more important than anything else, but a 15 minute drive once a month is virtually risk free.   

    Afraid not wowzz, only on the drive, and then back into the garage, about every two weeks.

  3. Just now, No pager thank you said:

    To be honest, if 1 person had it, the only vessel I would want to be on is a lifeboat on a quick jaunt to the nearest shoreline...although I do get what you mean.

    I agree, it seems from some of the reports that 1 person suspected, all other guests confined to cabins.

    Russian roulette comes to mind.

  4. Just now, terrierjohn said:

    Businesses have to try and get back to some sort of operational status Jean, and the only way to establish a safe way is trial and error. If they sit back and do nothing their cash will run out and they will be bankrupt.

    Trial in there own back yard!

  5. 19 minutes ago, Captain_Morgan said:


    Of course they're going to say whatever they think they need to in order to get people onboard....the fact their idea of crew being in quarantine meant they could work as normal and simply not go ashore just says it all as to their so-called strict regulations.

    To me its akin to Viking Ocean getting rid of their Chief Security Officers in favor of an unqualified navigational officer because they didn't see the need of having someone in that role onboard as we found out during our last cruise with them prior to the world going crazy.  

    The report did not say that the crew were in quarantine in this instance, that was another sailing.


  6. 4 minutes ago, Captain_Morgan said:


    Is anyone remotely surprised to see this happening with a common denominator being a seemingly rushed return to service?  Add to the fact the perceived arrogance of perhaps believing because they're operating a smaller operation that somehow they're in a better position to avoid an outbreak because they've  not got thousands of people onboard?  

    I saw a blip on the news the other day clearly stating both Indonesia and the Philippines are the top two infected countries in SE Asia respectively, and as in the case of the idiots in the Hurtigruten offices they admit that the majority of their crew are coming from high risk countries yet they did nothing to keep them separate from the rest of the people onboard to ensure they weren't infected.

    It was reported, that ahead of resumption, the company had reassured guests in a blog post that it had strict regulations in place that go further then the international standards for the sector.


    Obviously, did not work!

  7. 2 hours ago, molecrochip said:

    We have to be realistic. All evidence suggests that Covid will hang around like flu does. Passengers and crew will therefore inevitably catch it from time to time.


    The difference is that even now, we know better how to fight it.

    Do you think, even with the yet undisclosed protocols that this will be the case?

  8. 1 hour ago, molecrochip said:

    As with all of these cases, its important to understand what happened.


    What amazes me is that the passenger took the correct steps to notify the authorities and Hurtigurten did nothing. The reports indicate that the initial crew infected were not Norwegian nationals.


    What seems to be a concern here is that crew are testing negative in their home country, then travelling to board ships and finding they have the virus on arrival.


    I've heard suggestions that P&O were looking end to end bubbles. So crew arrive a foreign hotel with negative test in last 72 hours, quarantine for 2 days including further test. If negative, then take charter flight to Bournemouth, avoiding airport except for security. Bussed to hotel in Southampton for 2 days quarantine including further test. If all clear then can join ship.

    In MHO far to early to use us as guinea pigs. 3 attempts and 3 failures.They rolled the dice and lost!

    The crew and staff will pay for there folly with there jobs. Awful!


    • Like 2
  9. 52 minutes ago, No pager thank you said:

    I understand that Norway is outside of the EU but follows similar rules...not trying to start that one off again...please stay with me a second...😀


    Have Hurtigurten trialled the CLIA guidance which was referred to on a previous thread a few weeks ago?


    Depending on the investigation (what seems immediately obvious here is the notification and quarantine issue), it may be that the guidance has to be revisited, based on what went wrong.


    The only thing I would say is that this story doesn't have great readership beyond boards like this. 


    I know this raises serious safety questions but do we think that this will make a difference to the majority customer sentiment when it comes to the next cruise company to attempt to restart?

    Well, three have had a go, fully or in part, and each has ended with Covid cases.

    A total disaster.



    • Like 1
  10. Just now, Harry Peterson said:

    How about:


    We have made an electronic bank transfer, but unfortunately the internet fairies have stolen the money and spent it on a wild drunken non-socially distanced party with the pixies.


    Why blame the pixies! 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

    Anyone fancy a caption competition (no prizes but never mind)?


    We watched these two for ages.  I’ve got a bit of video as they made every move together - synchronised duck-guddling! 🙃. Great way to waste time/enjoy non-pressured leisure opportunity 




    Maybe this is what zap99 was trying to say! but used the F word instead😌

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  12. 33 minutes ago, molecrochip said:

    I'm not expecting any more P&O or Cunard ships to leave as part of the current pandemic changes. Carnival put tow further Fantasy class ships into long term lay-up. My expectation is that since then, its been decided that the cost of them in lay-up is not worth paying so they will be sold.

    The report said basically that, but it did not mention from which brand they would be from.

  13. With in the report to the city was this: looking forward.

    And if we are unable to re-commence normal operations in the near term we may be out of compliance with a maintenance covenant in certain of out debt facilities as of May 31st 2021.


    Love it to happen, but cannot see any possibility of commencing normal operations in the near term!

  14. 1 minute ago, Captain_Morgan said:

    should read, "2 more ships to leave the Corporation" as opposed to the fleet given this is a P&O forum

    Looking at the big picture! P&O being a sub brand, and branch office of Carnival.


    But what ever, 2 more going!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
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