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HAL Sailer

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Everything posted by HAL Sailer

  1. Graham, I appreciate your sentiments and I admire how you two were able to accommodate Pauline's late mam's travels. With DH's significant decline in physical and cognitive health, it wouldn't be wise of me (nor fair to him) to risk medical evacuation in a farflung corner of our world. For now, I will armchair travel and add to what will now be my bucket list… Thanks, though, for your heartfelt ideas, -Melisa
  2. @Seasick Sailor, @bennybear @puppycanducruise, and ALL other: Thank you, but anything I can muster in our situation I owe to the example of my DM who cared for my DF through nine years of increasingly debilitating Parkinson's during what should have been their best years of retirement. And, after being widowed at age 72, she resumed their love of travel for her next twenty+ years eventually touring six continents before her own passing at age 97. I consider their life lesson my blessing, -Melisa
  3. @marshhawk I absolutely agree! See as much of Madeira as time allows.
  4. Yesterday, my DH's specialist opined that a couple of routine tests that would usually be recommended following DH's recent hospitalization have a risk level for him that outweighs any possible reward. Sigh. It doesn't make me sad. It just confirms the truth of our new phase of life. Or, as one Crystal cruiser posted when asked which line he/she would select above the others during Crystal's shutdown, "Our cruising days are behind us is in first place." So, everyone that still can, please get out there and travel as you can! And, know that I will travel vicariously enjoying your photos and stories and suggestions till the day comes that I can resume my journeys. It doesn't make me sad. It is actually a comfort as the specialist's advice helps me focus on enjoying 'the now' making different types of memories with my DH. Bon Voyage, -Melisa
  5. @marshhawk On Madeira you must do the wicker toboggan street ride. DH and I did on our honeymoon and, all these years later, I'd do it again! Not my video but take a peek at the fun! -Melisa
  6. @StLouisCruisers What difficult news! May our prayers surround Buddy and Amy with comfort and add to the love their community is bringing to their doorstep.
  7. Absolutely. Agreed. Perhaps, on this day -- the day after our Independence Day -- our country can begin to find a better direction, a more lasting solution. That would be a true tribute to the founding of our country. -Melisa
  8. I've finished baking both a chocolate and an almond Texas Sheet Cake to take to my DH's former family's annual July 4th BBQ later today. (Yes, you read that correctly. Eons ago, his former inlaws 'kept him' over their own daughter when she abandoned him and their two toddler sons whom he raised alone. And, years later, they welcomed me with open arms.) It will be great to see everyone as this is the first BBQ since Covid cancelled 2020 and 2021. And, now I'm sitting, catching up with the Daily news, and enjoying a very quiet morning after three days of the Navy's Blue Angel performances directly over our condo. As a child of a Strategic Air Command father, I love seeing the planes perform but after Practice Day and two Air Show days I am more than ready for the sound of silence... The Blue Angels arriving from the north headed straight toward our Balcony. Looking west out of our Living Room as the Blue Angels cross over the river's dam basin filled with kayaks. 🎇🎆Happy 4thof July!🎆🎇, -Melisa
  9. Thanks, ALL, for your encouragement regarding DH's nephew's rehab and for your sympathy in the loss of a dear friend. We will miss her deeply. At the funeral luncheon, many stories were shared including the one about how, very early in their careers, the deceased's DH and my DH as the Branch Manager and Assistant Branch Manager of a prominent Detroit bank turned down a gentleman seeking a $500 loan to start a music studio. After due diligence, the gentleman just didn't qualify. The proposed studio: Motown Records The gentleman: Barry Gordy (Who is now worth ≈$400 million!!!)
  10. We've been away the past two days for the funeral of a friend of 60+ years, so I haven't caught up with your news, any news, or, in fact, anything! Lately, I feel like my existence has become the proverbial "...a day late" (but, thankfully, not "...the dollar short" part yet). I do have some uplifting news to share: Yesterday, two weeks after his horrific mowing accident, my DH's nephew Curt was moved to a highly regarded rehab facility. No prognosis or timeline known but this is a positive first step on a long road… While I catch up with the Daily family, know I'm sending my 🙏prayers🙏 for your needs and shouting 🎉hurrahs🎉 for your joys. -Melisa
  11. Thank you ALL for your continued care and prayer for DH's nephew, Curt. I'll update in the days ahead... Many thanks, -Melisa
  12. I think I'm mostly caught up with Daily-ite news since Wednesday. I won't try to name you all as then I'd surely miss naming someone, but… parking lot hit & runs, some in & some out of Covid jail, unexpected medical woes, yummy food pictures and recipes, hospitalizations, new contributors posting, cruises being enjoyed, times spent with family and friends, other successful travels, crazy airports and flight problems, cute pets, enticing port pictures, and delightful reports on new babies, grands, and other treasured children! But, through it all, the common thread of Daily-ites sharing, commiserating, and caring across the miles and through our differences. What a family we are! -Melisa
  13. I volunteer at a meal location for the homeless where sloppy joes are a favorite. Some guests mention their mom making them; others mention school cafeteria sloppy joes. Warm memories abound. When sloppy joes are served, I always feel like we've fed both bellies and souls.
  14. We are just back from a three-day trip to DH's 89 yr old sister's whose 68 yr old son, Curt, you have held in your prayers. It is a very difficult situation. In addition to his physical injuries, he has developed on-going mental confusion. There is no explanation but it may be a combination of oxygen depravation during the lung crushing mower accident, the lasting effects surgical anesthesia can sometimes have on older patients, and the 'less than brain healthy choices' he made during his 30 years as a roadie with an internationally traveling rock band. No matter, he is unable to make decisions and his brother has been appointed his guardian. DH's sister could have been appointed but with mobility limitations and not driving, she is not up to the task. When physically ready, Curt will be moved to a rehab. DH's sister plans to sell her beloved lakeside property and move to a senior living apartment. She had hoped to remain on the lake, but she recognizes she can not give the care he will need and he is no longer able to assist her. It is very difficult but will be on-going. So, @rafinmd, perhaps DH's nephew should move to the Rotation. I need to catch up on the past few days of The Fleet & Daily. Please know that I thank you ALL for your prayers. And, as I catch up, I will say my 🙏prayers🙏 and shout my 🎉hallelujahs🎉 for you! -Melisa
  15. @ottahand7 🍕 Your pizza looks scrumptious! Since I find myself in the U.P. occasionally, would you be willing to share the name of your special pizza place? Based on your other errands, I'm guessing you went to Escanaba or Marquette as each has a Meijer and a Menard. But that's as far as sleuthing led me -- and that pizza is calling to me!🍕 -Melisa
  16. A short update: DH's nephew has been moved from ICU to PCU. Doctors considered removing chest tube Monday and Tuesday but didn't. Maybe today? No news yet on any plans for discharge, rehab, or return home. Your prayers are a blessing, -Melisa
  17. Oh, NO! Not still! And, what a shame not to be in your own balcony cabin. -Melisa
  18. [I didn't want to mix this with my prior post about DH's nephew. Hence this additional musing...] Yesterday's Father's Day posts made me think about how The Daily helps us keep alive our memories – through a picture or a story – about a loved one, a favorite port, or a shared recipe. It's likely that many of us grew up making and sharing memories around dinner tables at multigenerational holiday gatherings. And, although my DH enjoyed his Father's Day Zoom that allowed him to visit with his sons and grands scattered in many places, it's not the same memory maker. I doubt I'll ever hear a grand say, "Remember that time we Zoomed…" So, I propose that, as we gather today around The Fleet Report and Daily, we raise a toast to the new memories we are making and the fond memories we are sharing at this – our daily dinner table. Cheers! -Melisa
  19. Thank you ALL for your continued prayer for DH's nephew. His mother appreciates your care and prayer; pain medication keeps Curt from fully understanding. And, as many have suggested, we are settling into the realization of the long recovery ahead. -Melisa
  20. Quoting myself as I'm not sure how to edit. Instead of wife, I should have used the more inclusive word spouse.
  21. Thank you. His name is Curt. 68. Unmarried. No children. (Oh, I don't mean that to sound like a dating app listing.🤣 I just know some would wonder whether to also offer 🙏prayer🙏 for a wife and children.) -Melisa
  22. Just got word that DH's nephew has been taken back into surgery for doctors to put in a plate to secure his ribs. He also has had a chest tube inserted for the lung injury. And, he will be back in ICU for some period after this surgery. Yesterday, the report buoyed our spirits. Today reminds us that his injuries will likely lead to many ups and downs on the path toward recovery. Your continued prayer is a blessing, -Melisa
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