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HAL Sailer

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Everything posted by HAL Sailer

  1. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! My father was 45 when I was born and I was 33 when he passed. In those intervening years, daddy taught me many things, spoiled me a little (okay, A LOT!!!), and laughingly went along with it when, in my high school years, people thought that 60+ year old man was my grandpa! He was a wonderful dad! -Melisa
  2. I know if I tried to name each of you, I'd surely miss someone. Instead I'll say "Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!" to all of you for your prayers and healing wishes for my DH's nephew. DH just talked with his sister and the first blessing is that her son was moved out of ICU this morning. The second blessing is that her other son is expected to arrive today and the plan for the help needed by DH's sister seems to be coming together. Before the accident, we had plans to visit with DH's sister next week as part of a quick 'circle-the-state' roadtrip to see a number of his and my relatives. We may modify that plan. This morning, I'm off to Our Neighbors Garden to help plant cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash. Thanks for your ongoing prayer, -Melisa
  3. Prayers are asked for my DH's nephew (age 68) who was mowing his mother's lawn yesterday and going up a hill when the tractor tipped over on him. He has multiple injuries โ€“ fractured vetebra from mid-back to waist, broken ribs, fractured sternum, bruised lung, He has had surgery and rods, pins and screws were inserted to stabilize his spine. He was fortunate that neighbors were swimming in the lake his mother lives on and saw the accident. It took three men to get the tractor off him. He was pinned so tight he couldn't breathe but, thankfully, the men recognized the seriousness of his injuries and called 911 before trying to move him. He has been the caregiver for his 89 year old widowed mother (my DH's sister). So, there are arrangements to be made for her care now and each's care when he leaves the hospital. We live six hours away, but, even if nearby, my DH's limited mobility and memory challenges would not make DH a suitable helper. Her only grandchild has stepped up temporarily... Thanks, in advance, for your prayers, -Melisa
  4. @ottahand7 I am so glad to learn from your post today that last night's big storm skirted your area. When our TV stations started advising us in the NW Lower to move to interior rooms AND warned of the massive storm headed your way in the U.P., all I could do was think of you and pray. -Melisa
  5. On Fresh Veggie Day, I'm just back from working in Our Neighbors Garden where our group of volunteers grow potatoes, carrots, lettuce, green beans, squash, and many other vegetables. ONG produce is picked up by Food Rescue which distributes it to local food banks and meal programs for those among our community who are food insecure. In 2019, ONG raised 4,000 pounds of vegetables. COVID shut down our garden in 2020. Last year, we planted a smaller area that yielded 2,500 pounds (some pictured above). This summer we are back in full force hoping to grow 5,000 pounds as we know the need is great. Volunteering at ONG is perfect as I can go (or not) as my DH's situation allows. And, now living downtown and no longer having large perennial beds, ONG satisfies my need to dig in the dirt! -Melisa
  6. ๐Ÿ™ for @ottahand7's safety as very severe storms are now in her cabin's area of Michigan's Upper Peninsula with tornadoes possible, too.๐Ÿ™
  7. Isn't it wonderful when gift recipients tell/show how they are enjoying their gift? That acknowledgement adds joy to the "thanks" they've already said!
  8. ๐Ÿฅต๐ŸŒก๏ธ๐Ÿฅต We've just hit an actual 90ยฐF with a Real Feel Temperature of 101ยฐF! Too hot, too soon! The historical average for June 15th is 76ยฐF. Last year it was just 74ยฐF. And, my town usually enjoys cooling breezes from Lake Michigan, but not today. Today it's way too hot, way too soon for summer in Northwest Michigan! ๐Ÿฅต๐ŸŒก๏ธ๐Ÿฅต
  9. @StLouisCruisers Well, if ONE hugs helps, then we Daily-ites will band together to send you a ZILLION hugs!
  10. ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐ŸธThe Drink of the Day๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ I have loved a good Dirty Vodka Martini since my mid-30s. Which leads to a bit of a story about my first: I had recently taken a new position, was at a company event, and had just ordered a Vodka Tonic when the man behind me called out, "STOP! Don't make that for her!" to the barkeep. Turning to me, the man said, "Lesson One: Don't drink cheap when the boss is buying," and changed my order to a Dirty Vodka Martini adding, with a wink, "The olives make it both a drink and a nibble." Presumptuous on his part โ€“ Absolutely! But, a Dirty Vodka Martini has been my drink (and a nibble) ever sinceโ€ฆ -๐ŸธMelisa๐Ÿธ
  11. @Heartgrove ๐Ÿ™Our prayers for your family. May you each be sustained and comforted by warm memories.๐Ÿ™ @smitty34877 ๐Ÿ”ฅThank heavens for the gas alarm! So glad your family is safe. Hoping the inconveniences are few and short-term.๐Ÿ”ฅ @kazu๐ŸŽ‰Hip Hip Hooray! Your return made this Daily-ite's day! Your contributions have been missed!๐ŸŽ‰ -Melisa
  12. ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰Hooray for our BHBs!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
  13. @Heartgrove Our prayers are with you. May your DS be comforted in her journey by your presence. ๐Ÿ™
  14. Zanzibar from November 1996 on the now defunct Orient Line's Marco Polo (a quote from my journal) "Zanzibar -- what an experience! We smelled it 20 minutes before we docked. Zanzibar grows 95% of the world's cloves along with other spices, but has no sanitary sewer system. It's a cacophony for one's nose!" (1996) The public beach with the Marco Polo in the background. The most beautiful sight in Zanzibar were the dhows. The boats were romantically lovely -- a combination of wood, wicker and sail! And, when away from the dock, they ghosted across the water as if performing in a water ballet. -Melisa
  15. +1 But @kazu we miss you! ______ Totally off topic but, I'm just back from the grocery where I saw a lady snap off the woody part of her asparagus and drop the snapped off ends on the floor. What??? She was talking on her phone and the other person must have asked what she was doing and she openly said, "I'm snapping off the asparagus ends. They charge by the pound and I'm not paying for trash," as she continued dropping asparagus ends on the floor. What??? (You just can't make this stuff up!) -Melisa
  16. @ger_77Your volunteer project is surely a blessing for those suffering such a deep, difficult loss. Thank you. @Heartgrove Your planned schedule sounds grueling even without the added emotional aspect of each day. Travel safely.
  17. Quick question @grapau27: Is that because there aren't/weren't drive-in / drive-through theatres in the UK? Or because you've just never been? -Melisa
  18. As a 10 year old, I won a drive-in theater pass worth a car load's admission plus concession stand treats. That was a big deal to a military family on a tight budget and an even bigger deal to me. But, a few nights later, when we pulled up to the gate neither the ticket taker nor manager would honor the pass. I dissolved into tears but my parents said we'd go home and sort it out. True to their words, they helped me find the owner's name, taught me how to present my case, and stood by as I made my call. After a sincere apology, the owner not only reinstated my pass but also awarded an extra pass good for admission each month the rest of that summer! My parent's lesson on how to 'set things right' has served me well over time. And, that drive-in owner had a customer for life. (Well, until a mall developer bought the land and the drive-in was no moreโ€ฆ) -Melisa
  19. @Heartgrove May the prayer and care of the Daily-ites surround and comfort you as you travel to be with your DS during her final journey.
  20. I found a honeymoon picture from our day on Dominica. Oh, we were young and in love. Half of that is still true! ๐Ÿคฃ (It's a picture of a pre-digital picture...) -Melisa
  21. DH and I arrived back in NW MI last night after my three day 1500 mile drive from our family place in SW FL. We left a day early to get out of FL before TS Alex's rain arrived. I spent this morning catching up on the May 31 - June 3 Daily. Just a few notes from the past few Dailys: My much older brother brought our dad a quart of moonshine when DB was stationed in the South. This much younger sister just had to sneak a sip when no one was looking. Ohhhh, what a mistake!!! Sixty years later, I can still remember the burn... My maternal grandmother made the best applesauce cake. She'd pick the apples, make the sauce, then bake the cake! She used to let me help when, as a child, I summered with her. She's been gone almost forty years. It's time I dig out her recipe! DH and I were last at Roseau on our honeymoon on a Transatlantic cruise on the (defunct) Royal Line. From the posted pictures, much has changed in the intervening decades. @dfish So glad to learn your surgery went well and that you are feeling strong enough to get out for walks. @Sharon in AZ Sorry to learn of your DH's COVID but I'm glad he is being well cared for and that you have been able to take tours that fit your solo time. @kazu You are missed! A lot. ๐Ÿ™Prayers for all those in need.๐Ÿ™ ๐ŸŽ‰Joys to all celebrating!๐ŸŽ‰ -Melisa
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