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HAL Sailer

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Everything posted by HAL Sailer

  1. And, on a totally other topic, did anyone else notice HAL cruisers being dissed on the Crystal Board? I occasionally look at it as I'm intrigued by Crystal's demise and the discussions on what renovations the new owners might tackle. One discussion centered on the possibility of adding Lanai cabins. There were mixed opinions about Lanais but the comment I found out-of-bounds was this one (screen shot inserted). Trailer Parks!!! I haven't decided whether to respond. Many who call themselves 'Crystal-ized' often do not take kindly to other commenting. And, one can be quite harsh if anyone disputes his (Crystal blinders always on) opinion. -Melisa
  2. Well, I'm back after four days of a 'day care' version of respite. We stayed at a hotel near my DH's son as they do not have a first floor bed or bath. DH's son kept DH each day so his dad could be safe while I had a summer break. I spent time with a number of different friends -- each over a great meal. I went solo to the massive Grand Rapids Meijer Gardens where I especially enjoyed contemplative time in the soothing Japanese Garden and wandering the laughter-filled Children's Garden. And, I had a reunion of sorts with Grand Haven – Coast Guard City USA – the first city so designated by the USCG! I lived in Grand Haven for years before knowing DH and hadn't spent any time there in over 20 years. Its annual Coast Guard Festival is this week so I enjoyed some festivities. DH said he enjoyed time at his son's but was (a bit more than usual) confused last night and again this morning. Over dinner he said it had been nice to spend a few days with this college roommate. I gently reminded him that his roommate is deceased and showed him a picture his son had taken of him with DGC. This morning he thought he had a golf outing but he hasn't played since his 2016 stroke. Sigh… And, so much has happened here while I was gone. The sermons disappeared, reappeared and seem to be safe for the future. Thanks @marshhawk for that explanation. Shadow has become AKA Little and is progressing nicely in her training. Kudos to @kazu for that heartfelt effort! @aliaschief is still touring Scotland's islands but had an unexpected hiccup that his guide efficiently fixed easily explaining why @aliaschief chooses that tour company. HAL is finally properly searching for @dfishsister's luggage. How could HAL have confused that? We have some new contributors including @grapau27lovely wife, Pauline. Daily-ites have new illnesses, new diagnoses, new treatments, and, far too many are still suffering the ill effects of Covid -- prayers for all. Glad to be back, but still catching up… -Melisa
  3. DH and I experienced bioluminescence during a private tour on Vieques. Our guide took us out in a small peddle boat. Each peddle turn created a new stream of 'stars' in the water behind us. And, when he had us throw a handful of water high into the air, we were surrounded by 'stars' raining down. As @cunnorl said, Amazing!
  4. @aliaschief Your Scotland tour adventures continue to be spectacular! Thanks, also, for responding about the tour company you use. Great info! Enjoy Oban! And, have a dram or two... -Melisa
  5. @aliaschief It seems you might be on an organized tour. If so, may I ask if it is a small group or private tour? And, the tour company details if you are so inclined to share (and if CC allows). Thanks, -Melisa
  6. @aliaschief The Isle of Mull is lovely. My last memory was of an unexpected hike. Returning from a week on Iona, our coach was crossing Mull headed for the ferry to Oban when we came upon a lorry accident. The roads on Mull are barely a lane wide with many turnouts for passing, but there was no way by for our coach and a lengthy delay was predicted. The decision was made that another coach would come from the opposite direction and we would hike to the closest place the new coach could turn. So, off we went trundling our bags down the main road about a mile to the closest turnaround. All among us were physically able, but some bitterly complained. Others knew it was the making of a great memory! -Melisa
  7. @aliaschief Oh, to again quaff a dram of Oban 14 at its source. Enjoy! Will you have the chance to get across from Oban to Mull and then on to either Iona or Staffa? -Melisa
  8. @SWFJOE You don't mention how soon you are traveling but with the frequent air travel delays that are currently happening your AMS short stop and JFK 2 hour layover may result in missed connections if any of your flights don't leave on time. So, you may or may not reach FLL as currently scheduled. Would it be wiser to decide about a FLL hotel stay once you know whether you will reach FLL as scheduled? If you get to JFK on time, you should have a good sense of whether your final flight is leaving on time and whether you are feeling up to a two hour drive after. From JFK, you can then make a FLL hotel reservation or not. You may not find same day availability at every FLL hotel, but you'd likely find someplace suitable for an overnight stay.
  9. @kazu, when you feel that way I hope you will wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze knowing that the Daily-ites are wrapping you in hugs.
  10. I've been thinking all day about his idea that he isn't going to let his current Covid infection stop him from having his last race -- even if that final race can't be till next year. It's made me ponder whether we need to 'un-retire' and find as much normal as we can -- even if Covid delays or modifies it.
  11. @St Pete Cruiser Added this picture as it gives a good sense of Saturday's sailboats parading out the Black River.
  12. I was not down from Traverse City for the Saturday start, but I did locate a couple of published pre-race pictures of My Girl. In each picture, DN is on the foredeck in a blue shirt with dark cap. The first picture you may recognize as in Port Huron's Black River as the 172 boats headed out to Lake Huron for the race start. The second is in Lake Huron as they headed to the start line 4.5 miles north of the Blue Water Bridge. BTW, my DH grew up near Port Huron on a dairy farm between Rattle Run and Smith's Creek. -Melisa
  13. Exciting News! The boat my DN was sailing in the BYC Race to Mackinac finished 'first across the finish line' in its Class. (It will end up in 2nd place on corrected time.) Optimistic News! My DB, that COVID kept from his announced 'final' race, continues to improve and his oxygen levels are no longer dangerously low. He's far from well, but I'm told DB is talking about 'un-retiring' to race in 2023 with DN to celebrate his 75th and his son's 40th birth years! Not Such Good News. Despite their best efforts at isolating from one another, my DSIL who tested negative all last week has now tested positive – a week after DB. And… since DSIL will now not be going, Auntie M will gladly drive from here up to the island to drive my DN back to the Detroit area -- a 10 hour circle trip of love. -Melisa
  14. That's the exact recipe my Ohio grandmother taught me as a kid. You're right, it's not as sweet as the bottled Marzetti dressing I buy, but your recipe is my 'go to' for homemade slaw dressing. And, it's perfect with fish! -Melisa
  15. When I need a sweet coleslaw quickly, I use Marzetti SOUTHERN Recipe bottled slaw dressing. Make sure you select the SOUTHERN version as it's the sweet one. It isn't found in every MI grocery, but I have found it at Piggly Wiggly, Harris Teeter, and Publix in southern states. It's usually by the bottled salad dressings (NOT in the produce section of refrigerated ones). -Melisa
  16. Great news! My DB's Covid symptoms are finally headed in the right direction. His oxygen levels are staying at an acceptable level, he isn't sleeping 24/7, and he is now eating though still no taste nor smell. DB disappointedly won't start his final BYC Race to Mackinac today but his son will sail the multi-day race in his dad's honor. @rafinmd, I think both my DB and DH's nephew can now come off the lists. Thanks for having included them. -Melisa
  17. You're so right! Mother had a certain timelessness. This is last photo I have. It was taken on Mother's Day 2011. She was still walking two miles each day then. DM passed three months later just short of age 98!
  18. Today's Acropolis photos remind me of a warm memory (and a bit of a giggle) that my late DM wouldn't mind my sharing… At age 86, DM joined us on a HAL cruise with a stop in Piraeus and a shorex to Athens. DM really wanted to see the Parthenon and started the climb up the Acropolis. Part way, she didn't think she could finish and sat down. Leaving her there, I offered to count the steps plus the paths to the top and then come back so she could make a decision about staying or trying again. Reaching the top wasn't much farther and I realized that she was sitting directly below where I stood. Deciding I would call down to her before going down, I called out, "mother, Mother, MOTHER." No response. I switched to "Doris, Doris, Doris" again to no response. I tried again "Doris, Doris, DORIS." She looked around (but not up) very puzzled until a passing person pointed up saying, "I think someone up there is trying to get your attention." DM did decide to continue. I went back to finish the climb with her and she celebrated reaching the top. Later, when telling others, she would often add that upon hearing "Doris, Doris, Doris" from above she had been certain it was the Greek gods 'calling her home' but it turned out only to be Melisa... My DM -- 1999 -- age 86
  19. Some uplifting news to share: Tomorrow, a month after his mowing accident and two weeks after he was moved from the hospital to rehab, my DH's nephew Curt will be going home! He has made good physical progress and his thinking is clearer. He will receive Home Health Care plus ongoing Physical Therapy there. His 89 year old mother (DH's sister) will continue to have assistance from others as Curt isn't able to resume that responsibility yet (ever?). There is still a long road of recovery ahead but this is another positive step… Thank you, @rafinmd, for having included him on the rotation list. And, thank you everyone for your prayers. -Melisa
  20. @StLouisCruisers May your family be surrounded with love and comforted by prayer at this difficult time of loss.
  21. Oh, my, what a fall! Prayers, @durangoscots that your bumps, bruises, cuts heal quickly and without too much pain. Prayers that your Sarah will have a light case and quick recovery. I'm sure you, @grapau27, and Pauline are very concerned.
  22. Yes, it's extra disappointing that DB can't sail his final race as his son was joining him on the crew for this special occasion. My DB is vaxed + double boosted, so his being so, so sick is a puzzlement and the malaria relapses he's had since serving in Vietnam are an additional concern as he fights Covid. This 'sis' is very worried about her 'bub'. Thanks, ALL, for your prayers, -Melisa
  23. I have just gotten word that my older DB is suddenly down very, very sick with Covid. He's been a long distance racer all his adult life and was scheduled to sail his final race starting this Saturday in the 98th BYC Race to Mackinac. My DSIL says DB's too sick to be disappointed that his competitive career will end without him. @marshhawkThanks for mentioning that you add blueberries to Jiffy cornbread mix. With Jiffy being a Michigan company, it's a family tradition and my pantry is never without a mix or two. Until tonight, I had never added anything to their cornbread. Blueberries! Magical! And, the blueberry cornbread muffins were the perfect accompaniment to our pork chops and sauteed broccoli plus a much lighter summer side than the sweet potato I'd usually serve. Thanks! @rafinmd Please add my prayers and condolences on the loss of your cousin to those of the other Daily-ites. -Melisa
  24. @Horizon chaser 1957 Your gift to @kazu is beautiful in so many ways.
  25. @marshhawk I echo the advice to only use a foreign ATM at/in a bank. Another tip: One of our banks provided us with a separate ATM card tied only to a separate, permanent Travel Account. That way, if that ATM card was ever lost or stolen or hacked, a criminal could only access the limited amount of money we have in our Travel Account and could not access our checking, savings, money market, or brokerage accounts held at that bank. We always keep a small amount in that Travel Account to keep it active and before each trip (foreign or domestic) we add the additional amount that we guestimate we might want to withdraw for cash during that trip.That gives us access to ATM cash without worrying that other accounts could be emptied. Fair warning: A couple of banks were not willing to set up this type of separate account with separate ATM not tied to our main accounts. You may need to seek out a bank that will. -Melisa
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