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Everything posted by jam19872016

  1. I should have known they couldn't be close to clearing the ship in under an hour...it's still chaos out here.
  2. Doing the next to last call already, that was a quick catchup. I guess I will head to the meeting point now so I don't get an overhead page.
  3. Good morning from Miami. Bit of an interesting timeline so far today. Stayed up watching Youtube instead of trying to sleep. Regrettably I even got up for a late night snack. But once I turned out the lights and put my head on the pillow, I was out like a light. That hasn't happened all cruise. That was around 1am. Around 6:15 I could hear the thrusters, but it was nowhere near as bad as the last few port days. Stewart mentioned maybe it was the ports we were out when I said it was so strange it wasn't like this last week on the other side of the hall. That explanation didn't make sense, but I went with it. Today in Miami again was definitely better. There were some vibrations, but normal for being this low at the back of the ship. There was no sleeping through the vibrations we experienced last week. Now having the same room and knowing we were going to be sitting in the B2B room for an hour and a half, I had no plans of being there at the requested 8:45 meeting time. Wait until near last call and make my way down. Enough so they are not looking for me, but I'm not sitting there all morning. At 8:56 the first announcement comes in the room apologizing for the delay but the gangways are now open. We were here on time, so this was a clearance issue. Disembarking started two hours late and I imagine embarking will start at least an hour late, so I hope everyone packs their patience this morning especially with the weather issues already in place in Miami today. I'm ready to roll but going to hang out until they near the end of the debark process. So glad to keep the same room this week, this day would be going much differently for me so far if it were not for that.
  4. I've decided on bed. I know I am going to have an exhausting final week and I need to try and get a little sleep. I will also benefit from not eating again tonight not to mention all the calories I consume in my drinks. Tomorrow we will be back in Miami to start the last leg of the cruise. Thanks for following along, see you from what is supposed to be a nasty day in Miami.
  5. I have a friend joining me on tomorrow's cruise. She will have her own room so I can still have my own space. I've been tasked with keeping her out of the casino as much as possible. Now I have that task every cruise and fail every time. Of course, it is always my fault but she is a grown woman and when I suggest things to do she is never interested. I've sent her videos from the Piano Bar and she is mortified by how bad it is. I can already see where this going...she will be living in the casino again. But I shall do my best to distract her. She is a last minute planner, just like me. I just talked to her and she has not begun her packing yet. Yep, that's about how much packing I usually have done 10pm night before the cruise 😄. Where we differ is day of. I am up and out the door as early as possible and try to be on the ship when boarding begins. She would rather show up as late as possible and is generally late to things anyway as a rule. Punctuality is not her strong suit. She says she plans to be here at 12:30, followed by what time is final boarding, 2. I said probably 2:30 but don't push it. My money is closer to 2 than 12:30. Especially with the weather forecast in Miami tomorrow. I talk about her like she does not read what I write, and she may not be keeping up live, and won't have Wifi on the ship, but she will be reading this one day and expect to get a lecture from her 😆. I'm excited to cruise with her (ask me that again in a day or two) since we have not cruised together in a while. We used to cruise together about three or four times a year but now we are lucky to make it more than once a year. Having our own rooms helps keep us from wearing on each other, niether of us are easy to room with, just ask my mom 🙂
  6. Dinner was good. Those dbl baked Alaska's is the way to go. Finished my walk and restocked the bar for next week. Now I'm debating...piano bar or bed?
  7. Barramundi was good. Just a touch dry but not enough to detract from the taste. That tomato thing on top is so good. Penne was also good. Very good flavor and very generous portion of seafood. For dessert baked Alaska x2 826.
  8. That was indeed very much improved over the first time I tried it. Before there was no flavor but this time there was a nice sweet flavor to the tomato with a little kick to the sauce. I enjoyed it a lot. Barramundi and penne mariscos 810.
  9. Giving these another shot, hopefully they will be better than the other day. Fried green tomatoes 751
  10. One other nice thing that happened. I was on my way through Pixels to pick up my loyalty gift and pin and a member of the crew came up to me and said she had a picture for me. I had totally forgot to pick it up again (I've always had it delivered so I don't even think to pick it up). I asked her if she happened to have last week's still. She said she did and they were together already for me. Very thoughtful of her especially since I had forgotten about it again. I'm trying to decide what the plan is tonight. I wanted to stay out tonight since I don't really need to be up until the last last minute tomorrow. They want us to meet at 8:45, but then we just sit for a while. I don't need to clear the room since I am in it again next cruise. But I have been pretty tired all day, and sleep sounds nice. I am not sure, I am feeling a little more refreshed now and I know that I am probably not going to fall asleep at a reasonable hour anyway. I also know when we dock in the morning the thrusters will be my wake up call.
  11. Casino wasn't great, but not terrible. I'm happy with how much money I was able to cash out, especially since it was house money. I went to guest services to once again get myself added to the list of B2B guests. I mentioned that this has never happened on any other ship and she indicated sometimes it happens with bookings made my travel agents. Let's just say I know my travel agent VERY well and I don't think it was anything he did wrong on his part. I also asked about $87 credit still showing on my account as refundable OBC. That was the exact amount of six days gratuities and I was never charged gratuities so I wanted to make sure that was going to come off for that before I spent it on gambling. She informed me my gratuities were prepaid. I am almost certain that I did not prepay them, I rarely do even if the rate is going up especially if I have OBC to burn anyway. Again knowing my TA pretty well, I can safely say he did not pay them either. It's a mystery and I hope the crew got their money but I am not going to argue the point, if they said it's paid I will go with it. They also offered me cash on the spot since it was refundable credit. Sweet.
  12. Still got some OBC to burn so I'm gonna see how busy the casino is.
  13. I'm questioning my plan to sit outside. This wind is no joke.
  14. Nice lazy afternoon so far alternating between the gym and sauna. Almost got my four miles, will finish after dinner since I don't think I'm gonna stay out late tonight. Inside is packed on this rocky sea day. Time for a coffee.
  15. Probably will have to be in the gym, but gonna go get a start on today's walk. Shooting for four miles today.
  16. Saturday. Weather not looking good for embarcation. Thankful not to be driving in that. Got my sea legs on and took a motion pill I'm ready I hope 😀
  17. It's mostly all been really good. I have an identical one back home. I like that this one holds more, but I do miss my familiar friend.
  18. I enjoy it a little less than I used to. I have a tendency for motion sickness. The actual rocking reminds me I am at sea and I do enjoy that.
  19. Good afternoon. We are still rocking and rolling over here. All decks 12 and higher were closed off last night and all furniture on 11 had been put away. Wonder if they have reopened, or more have been closed off. Walking track is 12 so hoping that has reopened. Getting ready now to go sieze whatever the day has in store.
  20. I didn't realize it before thanks to my sea legs, plus the fact that my mobile bar has me swaying on my own, but this ship is really rocking. The pool water (which was netted off this time of night) was flying all over the deck. In case I forgot, my toilet water is nearly flying onto the floor. The hangers may need to get pulled down in the closet as they are clanging pretty bad. I see most of Florida is under a gale force wind warning which is right where we are heading, so tomorrow should be interesting. It has been one heck of a bad weather cruise and you do have to feel bad for those who may have booked their only trip for 2-3 years and have had nothing but bad weather the entire time. Most people have been taking it in stride which is refreshing as sometimes people get quite nasty about weather events out of the cruise line's control. I'm back in the room now and putting on my seat belt as I climb into bed, it's quite a bumpy ride right now. See you all tomorrow and good night.
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