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Newly Retired Teachers

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Posts posted by Newly Retired Teachers

  1. We took an Uber and hiked to the top of Diamond Head this morning.  Spectacular views from up there, but bodies are a bit sore now.  







    Then we went to the Ala Moana Center, replaced my old Apple Watch at the Apple Store and used their Wi-Fi to participate in an HOA Board meeting via Zoom.  

    Casual dinner in the Lido followed by the Hawaiian/Polynesian dance and drum show.  



    Then we enjoyed the music at BB Kings before calling it a night.  



    We have tickets to visit the Doris Duke Shangri-La Museum tomorrow morning.





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  2. 5 hours ago, Lido deck main said:

    Looks like you both are having a great time.  You two are very photogenic.  The entertainment sounded good on the second night with the Jersey Tenors.  With regards to the pickle ball, did you bring your own racquets or did HAL provide them?  In the gym, all those people without masks, you would think they would want to be careful at least until they get tested the second time so that they don't have to go to quarantine before Hawaii and miss Hawaii ports, but that is just me.  If you are walking around, just wondering the room where they used to have the computer classes,  (I forget the name of the room) are they having art classes in there?  Hope you continue to have a great cruise.

    You are very kind.  LOL

    We were just tested and now we are waiting in our cabin for 30 minutes, hoping the phone doesn't ring!

    To answer some of your questions:

    We brought our own paddles, but the ship does provide some paddles and balls.

    We did cardio again this morning.  The gym hasn't been that crowded when we go, so maybe that is why some folks are comfortable not wearing a mask.  We are right there with you, and we want to be able to enjoy Hawaii and the rest of the cruise.

    We walked past the room that was used for computer classes last evening, and the table tops are completely clear.  I don't know if they will start using that space after this round of testing is over.

    Thanks again for your well wishes.

    15 more minutes to wait now.

    Bob & Steve


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  3. 5E4B4C7E-BFA5-4C45-975C-5F013FA1405F_1_105_c.thumb.jpeg.5cba3112007051279d288267d13f4ca9.jpeg12EB3760-B6FC-46BE-A5F3-C41C021401EF_1_105_c.thumb.jpeg.2080d0fa9e9b69c573d6295930c95be3.jpegDay 3 - North Pacific

    A little more active today, cardio on the treadmills in the morning.  Surprised to see about half the folks in the gym were not wearing masks.  Guest Services told me that if you are doing strenuous exercise, you don't have to wear a mask.  Hmm.

    Koningsdam has Pickleball set up for playing at 9am and 1pm.  It's always fun to play on a moving court with wind, but it fact, it's pretty sheltered up there.  We have to miss the 9am slot tomorrow because of COVID-19 testing, but we plan to play again at 1pm.

    Tonight was a Gala Night, and dress code ran the gambit.  Dinner was good as was the dance show in the World Stage Theater.  Weather today was cloudy and cool, about 55 degrees.


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  4. ACA1EC40-0BF4-42D9-8032-7E93798C1015.thumb.jpeg.b5a4506045d390f1139dae64b742e763.jpeg014FEB11-8FDC-4745-AEC6-7F98C9C06324.thumb.jpeg.747b24ced06e3e832589e7cc4296bb8c.jpeg4BF7B685-E25D-4118-9867-1931C768CB13.thumb.jpeg.5ad0c87210a16917c4e8b08c0a3c1e4b.jpegDay 2 - Catalina Island

    It was a beautiful sunny day, and we made the choice to stay on board.  We just didn't want to risk the transfers by tender with our next COVID-19 Test scheduled for the 5th.  The views of Avalon harbor were wonderful and the water in the Sea View Pool was surprisingly warm.  All in all, a very relaxing day.  We have met some very nice passengers, from as nearby as our own town of Palm Springs, to as far away as the East Coast.  Trivia in the afternoon was fun.  At dinner, we noticed a lack of Wine Stewards (and we're not even big wine folks).  We had a surprise reunion though with our Wine Steward from our last HAL cruise, South Pacific, Fall 2019 on the Amsterdam.  It was great to see Manny, though he is running drinks to Dining Room tables now, instead of acting as a Wine Steward.  I hope that changes for him soon!

    For entertainment, we went up to deck 14 for a lights out view of the stars, guided by the on board astronomer.  Looking forward to tonight's experience!  The show in the World Stage theater was The Jersey Tenors, a fun filled show.  Afterwards, we caught the last act at the dueling pianos in Billboard Onboard.

    Bob & Steve

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  5. Good Morning,

    We woke up to a beautiful view of Catalina Island, calm and clear.  As we expected, a notice was delivered announcing that everyone will be periodically tested during this cruise.  We were given an appointment to have a rapid antigen test on Feb. 5 in the dining room.  Instructions state that passengers are to return to their cabins and stay there for 30 minutes post testing.  Medical Center would call and conduct a rapid PCR test if the antigen test is positive.  If no contact is made during the 30 minute waiting period, then "assume the test results are negative."

    The Front Desk told us there are about 1470 passengers on board our cruise.  Nothing seems crowded so far.  It doesn't seem that there will be any large production shows for entertainment this cruise.  Only a dance company is mentioned for the World Stage.  Again, very glad to be back on board a ship again!


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