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Everything posted by Denversail

  1. I’m currently drinking in the Bamboo room. It is a cute little bar with comfy seating.
  2. Now folks have been cutting line in front of me all morning. It happened at the kiosk at the airport, when I went to hand my bag over at the airport, and again when I went to the table to get luggage tags. I just decided to roll with it. In a moment of weakness I did comment about how some people are aholes at the kiosk but they were pretty brazen about it. I’m not in a hurry and want to enjoy my time so just rolled with it outside of my one slip. Remember I mentioned I was the first one stopped and told to take a seat. They weren’t exactly organized about it and folks just sat wherever. They left us sitting for about 15 minutes and the area quickly filled up. Then they started letting folks in 30 at a time from the front rows. I was probably sitting about 6 rows back. At about the 30 minute point people start getting upset. They are bitching at the workers that they letting people in out of order. They’ve been there for 25 minutes and the folks they are letting in got there later. The woman explains she is doing her best. At this point she has let in the 1st 4 rows. I don’t disagree that it is being done out of order but in my mind at most it is maybe a 15 minute delay. So who cares? The worker then makes the mistake of starting to let in the complainers. This caused her to jump from the 4th row to the back row. This caused an uproar including some racist comments from some folks. At this point I have to step in and point out that I’ve actually been waiting the longest and I’m managing not to complain. Everyone is going to get on and they should leave the worker alone. I don’t know what is wrong with people.
  3. I hadn’t printed my luggage tags. They had a little table set up where you just give them your name and they fill out tags for you. If you recall my check in time wasn’t until 12:30. I immediately noticed two lines. One was for folks with a checkin time of 10:30. The other line was really long and said it was for folks with an 11 o’clock check in. I knew from past experience not to go near the 10:30 line. I would just get turned away. I got in the 11 o’clock line. We waited about 15 minutes and they let us in. They didn’t even check my sail pass until I was in the building at the security check. I’ve also learned that once you are in the building they don’t care about your checkin time. I did over hear the workers at the door annoyed with a woman who got upset with them cause they wouldn’t let her in with a 12:30 checkin time. I have no idea why she got stopped and I didn’t even get checked. Maybe she tried to go in with the 10:30 group? 🤷‍♀️ I was quickly checked in and on my way to the upper level when they let the folks in front of me go and then stopped me and said they weren’t letting anymore folks up and I need to take a seat. This is where things started to get ugly….
  4. I enjoyed the Happy Diner. The food was pretty good. My only complaint is that my hashbrowns were a little undercooked. My omelette was delicious. I finished up with breakfast at about 9:30. My map showed I was about .07 miles away. I decided I wasn’t in a hurry and would just walk it. I only had my purse and a large rolling suitcase. It was an easy walk and I was at the port check in area by 9:45.
  5. Next I experienced the worst Uber drive of my life. It was supposed to be about 35 minutes. I had decided I would go to Happy Diner which is right near the port. I selected the comfort option and it said it would be $55. My Uber driver was dancing a beat on the gas pedal. I felt like a bobble head. At first I thought something was wrong with his car but nope I could see him lifting his leg up and down. Thank god I don’t get car sick. He also locked the windows so I couldn’t roll down the window. About halfway through the ride I’ve become a sweaty bobblehead. The driver doesn’t speak English but I finally get him to turn on the AC. My favorite part was every time his phone gave him directions he would slow down from the 50 mph he was going on the freeway to 35 mph so he could read his phone.
  6. My flight landed a little after 7 am. I was in terminal 7 and it was a very short walk to baggage claim. My bag was the first one out. I walked outside and immediately saw the walkway over to the Uber pickup area. It was an easy 5-10 minute walk. At this point it is only 8 am so I find myself with a few hours to spare.
  7. It was still really dark when I left for the airport and my car was covered in leaves but I didn’t see any damage. I can also report that my flight was uneventful. I arrived at the airport at 4 am. I moved through with the common folk and still got to my gate with 30 minutes to spare. I headed upstairs away from the crowds and got a Caribou coffee and bagel while waiting to board.
  8. We will get back to Dupable a little later. I have a lot to say about her demands. Well last night felt like a complete disaster. Mr. IT tried a bunch of different things but couldn’t get the garage door to stop opening on its own. We decided just to switch it over to manual. Mr. IT kindly offered to get up at 3 am to load my bag in the car and get my car out of the garage. I said that is silly. I’ll just pull my car out and leave it in the driveway for the night. I head to bed thinking nothing else of it. I was woken around 10 pm by this roaring sound. Our house is getting pounded by hail. It is dumping. It sounds like our windows are about to shatter. It is so loud. Mr. IT promptly reminds me where I’ve left my car.
  9. I am partially packed. I don’t hear the garage door opening at the moment. I haven’t seen any lights flickering. Just waiting for my pizza to get delivered and I will probably head to bed. I do have to get up @2:30 am.
  10. I just don’t know what to say. Actually I kind of do. I hate my house. Our garage door has now started randomly opening on its own. I think it did it the other day but Mr. IT and I weren’t 100% sure about what had happened so we wrote it off. I was just walking in the kitchen a few minutes ago and I heard it opening. I closed it and was explaining to Mr. IT what was happening and it opened again. We are concerned about this for obvious security reasons. It also creates a dog problem. Our dogs have an exit from our yard to the garage. Our Pup-Pup would roam and smell every corner if given the choice. Mr. IT has declared he will identify the problem.
  11. I’ve checked in for my flight. I got a load of laundry started. It looks like the weather will be mild in the low 70s. Works for me. I just need to download a few books and pack. I’ll likely leave the house tomorrow around 3:45 am. My flight should land at LAX around 7:30 am which leaves me with extra time. I haven’t decided if I’ll just go straight to the port. I would estimate going right there would have me arriving about 9:30. Not terrible but a little earlier than I’d like.
  12. Our garage lost power today when Mr IT tried to plug in the air compressor. Our kitchen reset everything about 30 minutes later. Yikes!
  13. Checking in for the cruise and a single load of wash were my big accomplishments over the 3 day weekend. Getting sh$t done! Now the stress is starting to kick in. I have 2 days in the office this week and then I’ll work from home Thursday. As is the usual the Pup-Pup has his grooming appointment the day before I leave. 😭 A ghost also invaded our living space while I was out of town last week. Our lights have started flickering in our bathroom. I get the added bonus of handing over a bunch of money to an electrician right before I leave. I hate my house.
  14. For the few of you that might be wondering @Dupable is still alive. She is currently in Arizona at an event. After all her small ship complaints on Odyssey of the Seas she has booked her next cruise on Navigator of the Seas for this November. She has decided the smaller ships are just FINE.
  15. I finally checked in. I was surprised that I was still offered a 12:30 boarding time. I think everyone knows I’ll be ignoring that sh&t. My flight is scheduled to land at LAX @ 7:30 Friday morning. If I recall folks have said that only Uber XL can pick up from the airport. I’ll have to double check. I’ll likely just Uber to and from the port.
  16. On this trip I will be in a junior suite. I personally saw the humor that on my last cruise I was supposed to be comped a junior suite but got downgraded to a balcony due to availability. On this cruise I was supposed to be comped a balcony but had to pay $300 to upgrade to a junior suite again due to availability.
  17. Well someone is a SALTY NON-SAILOR 👀. We will cut him some slack. I would be salty too. I will also mention that I’ve been gone traveling more this past month than I’ve been home. We have a Pup-Pup that likes to have breakfast at 2 am. Mr. IT isn’t used to dealing with that. Our Pup-Pup can be a handful. Mr. IT’s change of circumstances did cost me 6 crown and anchor points however I’m happy to say I benefited with a first class flight. You see Mr. IT has refused to book any more economy flights. I spoiled him with first class tickets on his 50th for our trip to Hawaii. He has declared never again unless circumstances demand it. I on the other hand will still go economy on shorter flights but now that it’s booked I’m just going to stick with it. 😀 I plan to check in for the cruise sometime in the next 12 hours. I also need to figure out my transportation and where I’m going. My flight is for some ungodly hour Friday morning. I work Tuesday through Thursday next week so I will probably do the packing and any other preparations that I can this Monday. I think the only activity I’ve booked so far is ATV in Ensenada. I’m going to make it to this one! Of course I’ve booked the deluxe drink package and I booked 2 devices for WiFi. I decided I would just leave it as 2 and enjoy not having to switch between devices.
  18. Welcome to my live! When I decided all of five minutes ago to start this thread I thought I was two weeks out from my trip. Thank God I looked it up cause that would have been really embarrassing. 😬 Mr. IT and I were a little deep in our cups about a month ago and decided we would book this trip. It is just a 3 day with one stop in Ensenada. I had a rationale, I could take a bunch of casino comped vacations with minimal impact to my vacation days. The risk was minimal. I can book non-refundable flights and fly in the day of. The bulk of everything I’m charged would be refunded or at least a future credit if I didn’t make the ship. i confirmed the following morning with Mr. IT that we should proceed with reservations and he was a hell yes. He even bought a really weird hat with solar fans in it. He was super excited. Then the unthinkable happened he just couldn’t make the dates work. He immediately declared he would still be keeping the hat.
  19. So (hehe) Mr. IT keeps reminding me I need to come close out this live. I just got super busy with my drama filled life. Anyways as we have both said we really enjoyed this trip. We are considering other opportunities over the next few months to take another weekend trip. We really appreciated you all following our adventure. Mr. IT has always had a love for photography. I know that him getting to share his shots with you enhanced his vacation experience. Thank you for showing him so much love! Trip Highlights: Cocoa Beach The Beach Club Weather Lack of ducks (didn’t see a single one) Rocket launch Airline ticket refund Rental Car (this made a huge difference and would do again) The drink package Downers: Cancelled flight Middle Economy Seats (worst flight I’ve ever been on) Dupable’s inability to post dog pics Until next time. 🫡
  20. I actually liked the short 3 day cruise. We aren’t the types to try and shove in a lot of activities. We did the beach and casino basically. The three day cruise felt just right. The cruise itself for us was free. We still paid all the other expenses though. I’m happy to report that United has said they will be giving us a full ticket refund for our flight out. That mitigated some of the expense. The shorter cruise definitely increases your per day cost. Just something to consider. For us the vacation days we have available from work are more valuable than money spent.
  21. Our flight home was great. I watched two movies and consistently drank vodka and soda. It went off without a hitch. Our surprise middle seats in economy on the way out did not go well. Obviously out of our control but miserable. We both had the worst possible scenarios. The flight home in first class was almost majestic. Mr. IT says he will never buy a ticket in economy again. He says you might as well pack him up in a suit case.
  22. Thanks for the pics Dupable! Of course I saw the actual dog before your pics. I can confirm to all our followers that PupPup is alive and well. Dupable next time I would like a consistent communication of proof of life. If you are going to choose to stay home with the dogs do better! This is like me sending you a pic of your plants while you are looking at the plants. You just seem to be lacking commitment these days.
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