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Everything posted by Denversail

  1. Things are getting a little hairy around here. By things I mean my legs. I tossed our room this morning looking for my razors and canโ€™t find them. Wolf thinks they got left behind in Galveston during our mad dash to the shuttle. Iโ€™m not happy about this.
  2. We are in Costa Maya today. I was supposed to do ATV this morning but Iโ€™m way too hungover for that. Honestly I was afraid Iโ€™d be in need of a toilet and not be able to get to one. It is already noon and I havenโ€™t had any liquor yet if that is any indication of how crappy I feel. I decided to stay with Wolf. We got off the ship and had lunch. I think there is just two restaurants at the port. We did flavor of Mexico. Wolf really enjoyed the snapper. Mine was just okay. It was very pricey. The port is nice but extremely crowded. Lots of large ships.
  3. Iโ€™m glad youโ€™ve enjoyed it. Unfortunately Iโ€™ve only done one other review and it was dull. All I did was take pics of food and drinks. I wouldnโ€™t advise wasting your precious life minutes reading it.
  4. Iโ€™ve spent most of the afternoon in the Solarium. I did try to get a chair on the pool deck and there were plenty. They have them so close together I decided not to embarrass myself trying to get in one. Iโ€™m old and fat so I require a side entrance. The solarium is fine if you enjoy elevator music. It was the same stuff they played while I was getting my massage. Iโ€™m not sure what the purpose of this thing is. Seems like a waste of space. A pool would have looked really nice in that spot.
  5. Nice. We are going in an hour and I didnโ€™t think it was included.
  6. Wolfโ€™s dog is doing better than apparently Dupable would like. She declared this her 3rd serving of steak and her last. Iโ€™m not sure what this woman has against children and puppies.
  7. @scubaslayer as requested. Sorry it took so long. I had to drag my ass to guest services to get it. Struggled with the pic. Let me know if you need me to take another one.
  8. I now see why I didnโ€™t remember the port area. Any suggestions for things to do nearby? Places for lunch?
  9. Iโ€™ve been avoiding this topic but I just canโ€™t anymore. I feel I have no choice to address it. The topic has bern forced on me repeatedly this week and I canโ€™t ignore it any longer. I didnโ€™t notice this on Odyssey. It might be a Texas thing? The swingers are out in full force. I thought I was getting on a family cruise instead itโ€™s a bunch of folks pimping out their partners. When did this become a mainstream thing? I guess I live in a bubble. Steer clear of the pineapples folks that ainโ€™t innocent fruit.
  10. We had dinner last night in 150. That was our second dinner there this week. Both experiences were good. I was exhausted from the night before so I went straight to bed to catch up on sleep. Iโ€™m starting to bruise from the hard bed. Will need to talk to my room steward today to see if he can fix it. I tried to go into wind jammer this morning for my OJ but it wasnโ€™t meant to be. They choke everyone into one entry point with 4 sinks. This causes a very long line just to get inside the wind jammer. The other food options donโ€™t open until 7:30. This ship is full of bad choices. I think we are about an hour out from docking in Roatan. We have no plans today. Wolf wants to get off for a little bit. Iโ€™ve been here multiple times but donโ€™t remember the pier area for some reason. I think Iโ€™ve always done an excursion of some kind. We will see once we get there if we want to explore anything. It is cloudy and looks like it is going to rain soon.
  11. I can report that a god awful smell has developed in the starboard hallway on deck 6 in the last hour. Iโ€™m hoping it is just temporary and not the start of something yucky.
  12. I always see folks playing that push quarter thing in the casino. I figured out this morning where they get the quarters. Iโ€™m obsessed! So much fun. I even got Wolf to play for a while. With my money of course. Now at Jaimieโ€™s for my feeding. Having a great morning so far.
  13. I made some terrible choices last night. Seems I misbehave when Dupable isnโ€™t around. I was actually kind of sober well letโ€™s call it not drunk early in the evening. I told myself I was going to got to bed by 10. I think at exactly 10 I decided to start drinking instead. The details are a little foggy but I closed the casino last night. I woke up thinking I must have lost all my money I had on me until I remembered I didnโ€™t leave willing which meant I probably have cash in my purse. Just like that it was like a morning win when I looked and found a bunch of dough. Yep folks it was a full on blackout. I do remember getting pizza last night to take to my room. I think I was two rooms away when that greasy slab of deliciousness just slid right off my plate onto the floor. This means I woke up hungover and starving. I donโ€™t like the grab and go options so at about 8:45 I attempted to go to Johnny Rockets. I was rejected. You need to be seated before they close not just there. I let that roll off and headed to the dining room. I think the line was about 400 people deep. That was strike number three. Now I just wait until my next feeding at Jaimieโ€™s @ 12:30. Just two hours to go.
  14. I normally love Oasis class ships. Iโ€™ve been on Symphony, Allure, and Oasis and loved them all. Iโ€™m just not a fan of this one. Even the activities on this one are off in my opinion. The only Royal class I dislike is the Freedom class. It is just an enlarged version of the Voyager class which I love.
  15. Dupable picked up Wolfโ€™s dog last night. She immediately declared her a royal pain in the ass. She is doing well. Dupable also stopped by to spend some time this afternoon with my pup pup. Missing this guy.
  16. I enjoyed my outrageously priced spa treatment. It was a nice way to start the day. I did not like how they started the appointment. At those prices I would expect a more comfortable wait. If you canโ€™t accommodate everyone at the same time donโ€™t book that many appointments. Iโ€™m not going to lie I just donโ€™t care for this ship. Iโ€™m still having a good time but I can already tell I will never step foot on Harmony again. I think this ship has the worst most uncomfortable pool deck in the fleet. Just my opinion. We have lunch at Chops in an hour. We will try and hit up a few Triviaโ€™s after that. They are currently holding one in the Royal Promenade. No thank you.
  17. I think some readers might not have a grasp on what Dupable is really about. Those ducks dominated the cruise. Good Sport didnโ€™t know how to hide them right. The rest of us didnโ€™t know the proper duck protocol. Remember if someone immediately found it we messed up. We werenโ€™t allowed to hand them out. She actually stayed after hiding a few and questioned folks on what theyโ€™d be doing with the duck. It was really exhausting. She even went out multiple times to hide them only to come back saying it just wasnโ€™t possible. She actually took some back home with her. That is my mamma folks. I hope this explains a few things.
  18. Dupable is pretty upset about that tiny little duck. Iโ€™m trying to convince Wolf that he should make it his mission to find as many ducks as he can this week and send her pictures.
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