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Everything posted by Denversail

  1. We made it to Jamaica. We went to Chukka (?) good hope estate. I loved loved loved it. I would have liked to have had more time there. A ton of activities. I think we paid somewhere between $40 and $60, none of us could recall the exact amount. You can add any activities you want after getting there. They have river tubing, zip lining, horseback riding, ebikes, and more. We just enjoyed the grounds. I have a few pics. I think Dupable has some more.
  2. My body has had enough of my shenanigans. Since I don’t have any self control I’ll be skipping the casino tonight. This upset Dupable. Even though I’ve been in there every night this was the night she was going to play. I of course have ruined her plans. I dropped some beers off with the dealers. I will be back there tomorrow when my voice returns. I’ve agreed to one trivia and then it is bed for me. i don’t think I mentioned this previously, about a week before the cruise Royal changed up our schedule. They reduced both of our stops by several hours. This was a later arrival to Grand Cayman and an earlier departure from Jamaica. Well we already saw the results in Grand Cayman. The Jamaica change made our 10:30 excursion a 7:30 am excursion. We are all thrilled about that. Who doesn’t want to get up and go swimming at 8 am when on vacation?
  3. My exhaustion caught up with me and I enjoyed a nap this afternoon. Dupable decided I was done sleeping right before we left Grand Cayman. We thought the day would be a little different and I hadn’t made us any reservations tonight. We had hoped to walk into sushi but when Wolf checked they were full until 8. I was hungry so we stopped into the crown lounge for a snack. This just made me hungrier. Our main dining was my time and we don’t have specific reservations. My time seating doesn’t start for another hour. We decided to go to the main dining room and see if they would take pity on us and let us eat. They did! They sat us right away at a nice window table.
  4. 11:45 and we are only here until 5:30 I think. I’m sure there is some confusion for those who made it ashore. They had to move our tendering to a different pier. The captain has already confirmed no one else will be getting off today. I know that some folks were on a tender half way to shore and they turned back and brought them back to the ship.
  5. I think we will have a revolt soon if they don’t open up some bars. The natives are getting restless.
  6. Our excursion was a bust. After sitting in the Royal theater for over an hour it was pretty obvious which way the wind was blowing. So we requested a refund and went back to the room to drop our stuff. It was at that point that the captain made the announcement. All tendering had been suspended. If you weren’t already off you weren’t getting off. So now everyone is out by the pool trying to get a drink from the only open bar on the ship.
  7. We have separated from Good Sport and Dupable. Wolf gave her a clue about where her ducks are. I think he suggested it was more like a clue to another clue. Anyways as soon as we walked away he promptly confesses that he has no idea where her ducks are. 🤣🤣 Just as I suspected. I realized when I came to get ready that I completely forgot to pack any water shirts. 😞
  8. We are in Grand Cayman today. Dupable said it is a good thing I’m getting off. She says the cruise compass reported that only one bar will be open on the ship while we are in port. Wolf and I are doing stingrays and sandbar. Dupable and Good Sport are going to stay on the ship and toss their room looking for their ducks. Wolf has yet to relent. I’m not even sure he really hid them. Someone had said Icon is supposed to be here today. I don’t know if that is true. I haven’t spotted her yet. It is really hot out today. Should be a nice day to be in the water.
  9. We have a duck theft folks. Dupable and Wolf are fighting. Wolf has stolen her ducks. She’s starting to get really worked up about it. We are at day 4 and she is running out of time to hide them. He keeps telling her she needs to find them like everyone else. I’m guessing he has hidden them in her room somewhere but with him who knows. Now normally I would take pity on Dupable and step in to assist her but this is her karma moment. We were at hibachi last night. I was seated next to a nice family from Venezuela. They had a shy little girl maybe 2-3 years old. I asked Dupable to give me a duck for the little girl. She refused! We even argued about it but she held on to those ducks. She wasn’t about to just start handing children her ducks. They will need to find them like everyone else! So we now find ourselves in a little game of duck duck goose.
  10. I’m proof this just isn’t accurate. I’m on a ship it is 6 pm. I’ve hit 17 bars today. I’m not even slurring.
  11. Well it just finally happened. The elevator was packed and I was the one. I leaned into the dang buttons. The entire elevator crowd let out a loud roar. I was a little frightened but they all calmed down once I pointed out that we were going down and I had lit up all the upper floors. Once I explained we would be long gone and it is the next group that would be inconvenienced they let me live.
  12. I came by our room to see our stateroom attendant Ketut. I just wanted to let him know I have some laundry that needs to go out. He immediately asked me if I wanted a flat pillow. He saw what I rigged up to sleep last night. To my credit I tried to just resolve the problem on my own. The weather so far has been perfection. Not hot or cold. Just the way I like it. The ship is rolling a little bit right now. It took a few folks to confirm that. Most people just responded with no you are just drunk. Well no *****, if I wasn’t drunk I wouldn’t be asking the question.
  13. We stopped in Playmakers for an afternoon snack. We are doing Hibachi tonight but won’t be eating until 7:30. Playmakers is included in the dining package.
  14. We had a light lunch in Chops. I did accidentally sober up long enough to remember Mr IT. I did a quick checkin with him. Wolf’s dog is still alive. She still won’t eat anything but steak. At least she is still eating. He also declared that whoever I got that marriage proposal from can just hop on a plane and pick up my pain in the ass dogs. 🤣🤣 Now back to my drunken state.
  15. We had a really good time at breakfast. I’d like to apologize to my fellow diners for all the snorting. We aren’t crazy we just like to have fun with our mishaps. At first we were in a loop. They took our drink order 4 times. Twice was the same guy during a single visit to our table. After about 30 minutes we moved to the food. I don’t mean the eating part just the order. They eventually brought out some of our food. This seems to be a new theme. It happened to us last night as well. We just roll with it. One more time and we will start placing wagers on what food actually gets delivered. Good Sport had ordered Grits. They brought out the grits first by itself. Everyone knows you don’t just eat grits by themselves. You’re a real weirdo if you do. They kept trying to take his grits. He held the defensive line and wouldn’t let them take them. He eventually got his eggs. At this same time they decided to lead a party of 10 through the super tight space behind Good Sport. Every time he tried to take a bite another person bumped his chair. Don’t worry folks he eventually got that spoon to land in his mouth.🤪🤪 What can I say? We are easily entertained.
  16. When we were at Chops last night a photographer came through to take pics. Dupable loves to have her photo taken. He takes the pics and says he will be right back with them. Umm, okay. He comes back and drops the pics. Dupable likes one of them. When comes back he says it is $30. We ask if we can use our diamond benefit and he says no. You can only use that on boarding and port photos. So we decline the purchase. Sure enough when I checked her account this morning the photos weren’t there. Has anyone heard of this?
  17. We let Dupable set our breakfast plans this morning. I forgot from our last trip that she forgets to check the venue time. This means Dupable was up and ready to go with no where to go. I hate how Royal manages the opening time for food venues. If you have a huge mob outside waiting for you to open you are opening too late. Just sayin.
  18. So much fun tonight. Caught up with more crew that were on Oasis earlier this year. I also played blackjack with a fun group. I even got a marriage proposal! The best thing I learned though was from another passenger. He takes his unused Diamond vouchers from the day and buys Fosters for the crew. He then gives them to the casino workers. How great is that?
  19. Haha… I mentioned IFLY to Good Sport earlier. He showed some interest but said he hadn’t heard about it. So I turned to Dupable looking for an explanation. She said those activities don’t interest her. Apparently when something doesn’t spark her interest she just avoids sharing the information.This got an eyebrow raise from Good Sport.
  20. From the moment we booked this trip and Dupable found out Wolf and I are jumping to Harmony she has been grumbling. Why is she going on the SMALL ship? I’m not even sure she knows the name of this ship. She just calls it the small ship. Good Sport joined in on her gripping once we boarded. He is upset they don’t have Central Park to sit in. They never just sit in Central Park! He is also upset that they don’t have a Johnny Rockets. He likes to get the milkshakes. Funny I’ve never seen him get one of those either. They both thought they were super funny on the way down the dock this morning. They kept cracking jokes to the folks getting off The Wonder….. like… how does it feel to be on a real ship? It looks like an adult next to a small child. Our ship looks like the Wonder regurgitated it. Dupable’s favorite…. Short trip, small ship. They both laughed after that one. I think a high five was even included. 🙄
  21. Dinner was in Chops. No food porn tonight. I’m trying to clean up my act! I would like to hit the casino but they seem to only have the tables I want open later in the evening. We will see if I manage to stay awake long enough. My pocket book will be thankful for the lack of gambling access. If I can’t do it my way I just ain’t gonna do it.
  22. Lunch at the Beach Club was nice. We all enjoyed it. We were really hungry when we sat down. This was my second time having lunch there. Each time I thought my food was overcooked. This time I got the grouper. The flavor was okay but it was really dry. The piece I got was really thin so that might have had something to do with it.
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