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Everything posted by Frncie

  1. We were on an Oceania cruise last year, and they offered Stitch-n-Zip kits for eyeglass cases, etc. This may be what you are referring to and, yes, they are needlepoint. They are nice little kits in lots of different designs, with everything you need: canvas, needle and thread. But beware! No scissors! Come prepared!
  2. How does one find out what the “Air Allowance” is for a particular booking? If I am to make an informed decision to book my own flights, I need to know (1) the price of the flights I want to book, and (2) how much of a fare discount (Air Allowance) Regent will give me for doing so. I’ve looked on my invoice. I’ve looked on my booking page. I can’t find it. Do I need to call them and pay the $75 for this info? This just keeps getting crazier.
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