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Posts posted by CruisingKat71

  1. Kat, just a quick note to say thanks again for bringing us along on your adventure. It had been a lot of fun and has made me even more excited to get back on Allure in August.


    Your scopes were a lot of fun. In the matter of 7 days you progressed from a rookie to a seasoned veteran in the fast block action. For whatever reason you got the creepy followers compared to Celisse.


    Safe journeys home to you and Dirk. Your kids and fur baby can't wait to see you get back home safe and sound. Hopefully March will work out and maybe see you on your birthday cruise.


    The joint scope was a great way to end the night.





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    Thank You so Much Andrew. That means so much to me. I am so happy you enjoyed following me on Allure, as I did following you, when You, Lisa, and Owen, were on in March. I have had a wonderful time on Allure, as was happy to share with everyone.

    I do look forward to getting back home, to my Children, and Fur Baby.

    I do hope, we can work it out to go Cruising with you and Lisa. It would be a great way to celebrate my Birthday. I will looking forward to your scopes.

    Thank You again, for being a good periscope role Model, and inspiration [emoji5]



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  2. 46b847871d01a6601148843b4c01758e.jpg0d59ffcc36c0a5a56c2fa8c2043eb2be.jpgc0a9ccb81a8f590a3529ff7c9d5b4d1c.jpg83fdb6c8d4804ade556e836f1165c7a0.jpg58621ced2785e25a3283f542bbec9f37.jpgDay 4 Falmouth Jamaica.

    The Plan of the Day, was to stay Close, and do some Shopping.

    We got off the Ship, about 10:30am.

    We Walked around some of the Shops Right off the Ship. I found some great things, for my Children.

    My husband Dirk, wanted to go see the, as he put it, "The Real Part" of Falmouth Jamaica. I WAS NOT A FAN!!!!

    (My Husband, was in the DOG HOUSE, for Quite some time, that afternoon.)

    It is not a good area to venture out into. The people of Falmouth Jump all over you, trying to get you to buy something, or go Somewhere.

    When traveling to Falmouth Jamaica, DO NOT...... Go out into the city, unless you have a Organized Excursion through Royal Caribbean.

    When we got back to the Safety of the Cruise Ship Compound, we headed to Margaritaville. I was much happier being there! We just hung out there for a little while, had a light snack, and some Drinks.

    It is free to go into the Margaritaviile complex, and they have a very nice pool you can swim in, at no Cost.

    We headed back to the Ship about 3:30.

    We had Dinner in the Main Dinning Room. I always love all the food Royal Caribbean has. Their is many different opinions on the Food Quality, with the Food. I do Agree that the Eggs are just not good!!

    I did find out though, that the Wind Jammer on Allure does not do the made to Order omelettes, BUT.... The Wipeout Cafe DOES!!! They are quite good.

    For the Evening entertainment, it was the 70's Disco Inferno Party on the Royal Promenade!!! I was a teenager in the 80's, BUT....... I love the 70's music as well. I had brought a outfit to wear just for the 70's party, apparently out of all 6000 passengers on the Allure of the seas, I was the only one with the idea to dress up for the 70's Party!!! Where is Nick when I need someone else, to Dress up with, LOL!!! I still had fun Dancing however!!!

    I was pretty much wiped out after the 70's party and Called it a night!! [emoji4]





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  3. I'm a little bit behind, on my live blogs. I'm getting off the ship tomorrow. I will catch up all of my reviews from the days, that I have missed. It took me months to pack for this cruise, and Royal Caribbean expects me to pack all of that up in one day?!?! unbelievable!!!!! LOL!!!!

    Thank You everyone for following me along on my Journey here and on Periscope. [emoji4]



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  4. I loved watching your scopes! Unfortunately, there was a troll above me and you blocked me instead of him [emoji4] oh well, it was great fun watching and very kind of you to share your trip!



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    Hello there,

    [emoji31] I am sooooo sorry I did that, I did unblock you, just as soon as I realized what I did, that afternoon.

    Thank You so much for following, and you should have no problem following me for my next cruise in September I will be taking Royal Caribbean's majesty of the seas, again very sorry that I blocked you, it was totally by accident. [emoji17]



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  5. Kat,




    Been keeping up with your scopes particularly in the AM as I get ready for the day. I think you have inspired me to scope. I've already leaned little things about the ship just by watching you walk around that i wouldn't have been able to learn otherwise.




    Keep it up!



    Awww!!! Thank You very Much. I am so glad to hear that, as I am trying to do a really great job to show as much as I can, but still enjoy my vacation as well.

    I said the Exact same thing to Andrew, when he was on Allure in March, that he inspired me to scope on my Cruise and share the Experience with Others. I am sure you will pass the Torch, and inspire someone to scope as well.

    Thank you for following!!!! [emoji4]



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  6. Were you able to "unblock" your innocent periscope follower? Poor thing was probably wondering what the heck he did to get booted....... [emoji15]



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    Yes I was. I hope they come back. I feel bad, I accidentally blocked them. [emoji51]



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  7. Just got back from the disco party. What on earth is this?!




    Mom got a light up ring which was her mission tonight. Gordon from our roll call scavenged it for her like the delightful prince he is. [emoji4]





    My Hubby is guessing a Cell phone Tower?

    I have to say, never saw a towel Creation like that lol!!! You will have to enlighten me with what your Steward is like at lunch tomorrow. Was great to hang out with you tonight, and looking forward to lunch tomorrow. [emoji4]



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  8. That last scope was hilarious Kat! It sounds like you're having a blast. I loved when you blocked the wrong guy. lol.



    [emoji37] Smh, I can't believe I did that, I unblocked them. Had a lot of fun in Margaritaville, but I don't ever get to the point where I am just totally out of it completely.

    My husband will tell you, I hardly drink at all, ever. I still have two bottles of wine, that I brought on board, that I just remembered, that I need to consume. I am a lightweight, when it comes to alcohol.



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  9. Day 3 Live Review from Allure of the Seas.


    Today we were in Labadee Haiti.

    I tried to get up early enough to catch the Sunrise. No such luck, as by 6:45, the sun was very well up into the Sky. Considering that I am writing this review at 1:00am, pretty sure I won't be up early enough to catch it tomorrow either. I will shoot for Thursday Morning.

    When I did get up, I made my way up to the Decks to Scope Our Approach into Labadee Haiti. It was extremely windy, so I decided to scope from the Solarium to help cut down on the Wind Noise.

    I could See Mountains Haiti in the Distance with Clouds on the very top of the Mountain. I managed to catch the Ship's Horn Sound on the Scopes. The First one, scared the daylights out of me as I was not expecting that. The next short 3 blasts did not startle me as much.

    I decided to have Breakfast, in the wind Jammer, as were meeting another Couple from our group in there.

    After Breakfast, My Husband and I headed over to Haiti, at about 11:30.

    It was Extremely Hot, I think at least 90 Degrees. For the Beaches in Haiti, I had Reserved a clamshell beach lounger for two, for the Price of $35 for my husband and myself, that was a great deal!!! While there, I did have the Suggested Drink "The Labadoozie", it was really good, with ALOT, of Rum in it!!! We only ended up staying about 2 hours. We were back on board by 1:30.

    My Husband and myself decided we wanted to spend the Rest of the Afternoon in the pools on the ship.

    After we jumped into the pool for a few. We decided to then go to the hot Tup over the water, that is right outside of the Solarium, for Sail Away from Labadee Haiti. It was very nice experience, the water is not too hot!!!

    For Dinner we decided to Skip the MDR dinner and do our own thing. We decided to eat at Johnny Rockets for Dinner. It is very reasonably priced, $6.95 per person. They bring you onion Rings, and Fries. They have a selection of Burgers, or Chicken sandwiches to choose from, and GREAT milk Shakes!!!

    After Dinner, we had reservations to see the comedy Show. They had the opening comedian who was from Florida, and the Main Comedian. Unfortunately I do not remember their Names, but I can Definitely say, the opening Comedian was better, and made me laugh more!!!

    After the Comedy show, we went into the Amber Theater, to watch the Love And Marriage Show.

    There was a couple on their honeymoon, married 3 Days. A Couple that was Married for 29 Years. And then a Couple that was married for 60 years.

    It was very Funny, as the couple that was married 29 years and, when asked about ex Girlfriends, the Wife asked Tim, the Cruise Director, what about Baby Mamma's? Let's just say poor Tim the CD had his hands full with that Couple.

    The Couple that was married for 60 years took away first place, with matching the most correct answers.

    After that is was almost midnight, and I am not a good night owl, I turned in for the night.

    Tomorrow we are in Falmouth Jamica. We are planing on hanging out in Margaritaville, and doing some souvenir shopping.





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  10. Kat,


    Where do you reserve the Clamshell? I have not see it on the website as an option







    Hey Doug,


    They are actually called the Beach Loungers.

    They are Priced at $35.00 for two people. I had trouble finding them as well, so I just called Royal Caribbean Cruise planner area directly to book them.

    Hope that helps.



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  11. Hi Kathy.


    Was Labadee great? We have been there only once. It was windy from what I remember. Did you end up going to Chops or Izumi's for dinner? We like them both. Okay, be honest, how is the ship? We have not been on bigger that the Voyager class. Your Periscopes sure make it look inviting!


    Have a great rest of your cruise!





    Hey Jackie,

    It was Good. Will be doing my daily review here in just a bit. [emoji846] thank You so much.



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  12. Hi Kat. Sounds like you had great day today. Hopefully the evening has been just as much fun. Being on holidays is a bit of work, isn't it.:D




    Thanks for offering to say hi to the sports crew. As for saying hi to specific flowrider staff there has been turn over since we were on her with crew going to Harmony. If you wanted to say hello approach one of the crew at the sports desk. You could tell them that Andrew, Lisa and Owen from Canada say hello and that we B2Bed with them in March. You might catch someone that knows us, and you might not.




    Thanks for doing this.





    Hey Andrew


    Your very welcome. It is actually cool for me to see the Places you showed on your scope, in person!! [emoji846] I was scoping the approach into Labadee, and Lisa was following the Live Scope, I walked in the area of the Golf Course. I did a shout out to your family, and shot the scope up to where your Sky Loft Suite was. Your home Away from Home in March, for Two weeks!!!

    Thank You for Following along. and I look forward to your next Scope. I think you said in LA?

    Having a great evening, and a fabulous Cruise!!!



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  13. 4edb7343152281997884c0fa7814b4e6.jpgc80cd5c177dcf570ccff530941e80043.jpg1b99350cb0eed02755b5e576edac1fa5.jpgcf80f61f95c0c42f60884889ee92d23e.jpg3f73c219c1cc22a4553ba521931dbba3.jpgThis Evening was Formal night. I am a Nurse by trade, so I am not used to wearing heels very often, I managed to keep my shoes on until after Dinner. We quickly Changed after Dinner. My Husband Dirk, and I, went to see OceanAria. It was a wonderful Show. Sorry I could not scope that show. It is actually not allowed. There is regulations regarding copyright laws.

    Tomorrow we will be in Labadee Haiti!! It is just going to be a beach day for myself, and my husband. I did reserve one of the clamshell loungers on the beach,!as I like to have some shade, and not get sunburned.

    I will most definitely do a Periscope early in the morning and the ship pulling into Labadie Haiti. I plan on turning in a little early tonight, so that way I can be prepared for tomorrow.



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  14. 7e0157a4b161bc95b4ea598e46b27584.jpgHaving a great Day so Far!!! Got up at 7:00am. My first stop was Starbucks!!!!! I learned with all of my research, that on the oasis class ships, you can preload your Starbucks card, or Starbucks gift card, and use them to buy your coffee!!! it's a full-fledged This is only on oasis class ships, this can be done.

    After my coffee, I decided to walk around the sports deck and do some Periscoping. I'm still getting used to the ship and I was all the way forward trying to find the flow rider, so obviously I had to walk aft. Once I found it, I had a blast Periscoping the flow rider!!!

    I can see why Andrew loves it so much it is so interesting and so fascinating watching the people surf with the flow rider. I would not have the courage to get on there, at least not right now. I have to get myself in better shape.

    After my scope from the flow rider, it was almost time for the meet and mingle. I finally got to meet my fellow Periscoper, Celisse!!! We kept missing each other yesterday.

    Embarkation day was kind of confusing for me, as I was trying to find my way around the ship.

    The next event was the slot pull.

    That was fun it was $15 a person and you took three turns spending the slot we ended up winning about half of our money back, it was still fun even though we did not win big!!

    It was great to be there to Celebrate Celisse's and Angela's birthdays with them.

    It is almost time for the cabin crawl. I will Periscoping the Cabin Crawl. That way I can do a cabin tour, of many different type of cabins. There will be a superior Oceanview cabin in the cabin crawl just like my Cabin so that way you will see The type of cabin that I have.

    I will write more reviews on this evening later on have a great day



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  15. I didn't even realize that was what happened. I had to go to a meeting for Dialysis with my mom right after Muster, but we stopped in the room for a minute before the meeting and we were already really far out.


    We were in the theatre for muster and we heard and felt the ship start moving when we were in there, but I didn't realize we would be that far along. I guess because we didn't have to turn around.


    So was there a sail away party at all? I was very confused when I went walking around and didn't see ANYONE.


    I'm sorry you missed your sail away. I know you were really looking forward to that. [emoji24]



    I was told by Friends that were on the Jetty Rocks waiting to capture a picture of my Crew, on my Balcony, that it was a "Ghost Ship sail Away" NO ONE on the decks!!! [emoji852]️

    No sail away party that was announced or than I was aware of either!!

    Look Forward to finally meeting you this Morning!!!! [emoji4]



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  16. I really enjoyed your scopes today Kat and Celisse! Thank you so much!




    Kat, you'll have to show us the signs you made for sail-away, all the effort you put in, we'd still like to see them when you get an opportunity :)




    Enjoy the night and here's to another great day tomorrow!



    Thank you very much for your kind words. I kind of downplayed exactly how disappointed I was on my last post, I was completely upset!!' that I didn't get to say hi to my friends on the Rocks waiting to capture a picture of us from our balcony.

    I had watched so many periscopes from Billy Scoping the Allure so many previous Sundays with no issues, and it was finally MY TURN!! and we had a hiccup with our sail away and didn't get to wave goodbye from the ship, as it sailed away.

    But I got over it, and I'm ready for a fun filled cruise the rest of the week!!!


    Here are my signs, I did go ahead and tape them to my balcony, maybe somebody will see them in the ports. [emoji6] and I can always use them for future Cruises as well.





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  17. Embarkation day was very fun. I was very frustrated, that we got a very late start with the Muster drill it was at 4:30, I had prearranged the port Everglades wave hi cam to zoom in on my location on my balcony, but guess what, I didn't even get up to my balcony until we were way past the jetties!! I was VERY, disappointed!!'

    But what can you do, I am on a Cruise!!!!

    We had to get ready for dinner at 5:30, as our seating for dinner and the main dining room was at 6 PM,

    Celisse was trying to find me, as I found out from her scope. But unfortunately I was at dinner, and the MDR is a no phone zone.

    By the time I got out and about, she was already heading to Mama Mia.

    I will definitely catch you tomorrow at M&M Celisse!! Can't wait to meet you!!!


    I finally got a chance to have my first drink on board, I know very late, ( not a big drinker)after dinner. I got the lava flow, as recommended by my friend Matt!!!!!


    I decided to go back to my cabin, and just chill out, so I can be ready to just take on the day tomorrow with full energy!!!


    Catch you guys tomorrow, for more fun. Thank you so much for following me along here, as well as periscope!!!!!



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  18. Kat I just did a whole scope dedicated to finding you, but my viewers said you were at dinner! Hahah


    Oh well. We're back in the stateroom now unpacking and then we're off to Mamma Mia at 8PM


    I'll probably check out Karaoke at 11pm if I'm not too tired. Hope to see you soon! :)



    Awwww, I am at Guest services at the moment. I miss your Periscope my husband said that dinner time is a no phone zone.

    About to walk the boardwalk



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