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500+ Club

500+ Club (6/20)

  1. @BND Was the Oasis bar open? Also, how was boarding this time? Same/better/worse than your previous sailing? TIA.
  2. A bit, but I can get by with 4-5 hours sleep if I need to be up for a port day.
  3. 3am-5am, depending on how late the casino/latest bar stays open.
  4. Poocher, not picking on you, but I don't get why anyone mentions grats in this context, you pay them with or without the package, seems irrelevant to me.
  5. Wait a little while, it will likely be back up soon. Also, if you haven't tried yet try laptop/PC.
  6. Will be on Freedom in November. $105 is the current on board price. So you are seeing the standard 20% off deal. We will likely see 25% off multiple times between now and sailing and if we're lucky we'll see 30% off. The majority of cocktails will be in the $10-$13 range.
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