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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. @kazu Jacqui, safe travels to Amsterdam today. ✈️ @Cruzin Terri Happy Anniversary ! 🍾 Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports today @richwmn. An interesting quote today. The Tetrazzini dish sounds tasty and would go great with the Rose' wine today. The Maker's Mark ginger is an excellent drink. Prayers for all on our care list with so many illnesses and hospitalizations. Prayers for all needing them and for @smitty34877 that they new aide will be perfect for Tana. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. I am leaving the house in a bit to pick up gypsum soil amendment for our lawn. We have a lot of light rain coming so John wants to get it applied ahead of the rain. It is supposed to loosen the soil. I hope it works because I ordered more daffodils since I forgot the trouble I had planting then the last time I did 3 years ago. I got my front bed all cut back and the Virginia Creeper trimmed and the ends treated with poison ivy killer. If we don't go for a drive today I will spray poison ivy that is in the woods surrounding the house. Have a lovely day everyone. Nancy
  2. @Quartzsite Cruiser I am so sorry to hear about your DH. Prayers for you both. @Seasick Sailor I hope your back gets better quickly. I hope your DH is ok. @JazzyV I hope that the injection will help long term with your back pain.
  3. God Monday morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. Farm animals were important to my Dad's family as they were dairy farmers in both North Dakota and in Michigan. I have named my new Trail Boss truck, it is Big Red. Custodial workers are important and should have their day of recognition. Grudges can drag one down. George Washington transmits the proposed Bill of Rights to the signers of the Constitution, transmitting is so much easier these days. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for all the lovely photos of Brisbane, the Koalas were charming. Elliot Rose is pretty cute too. Prayers for everyone on our care lists and the people of Ukraine. Prayers for Baby Murphy's family because the despair they have been going through for so long. @smitty34877 I am happy that you have an aide committed to work with Tana. I hope everyone that is going through health trials are getting better! @lindaler Bon Voyage part 2. I hope you have a wonderful time on your Australia and South Pacific journey. I have administrative work to do on the MI Garden Clubs scholarships and then will finish up the digging part of my gardening for the season. We have three days in the 80s and then a bunch of cooler and rainier days. Then it will be spraying poison ivy and spreading fall fertilizer for the perennials and the shrubs. I hope we can drive around looking at the beautiful fall colors tomorrow when we still have sunshine.
  4. Good afternoon. Here is a brown rabbit from me. It was greeting us at the historical museum in August. I don't think it was a native rabbit as it was the size of a kitten. @Quartzsite Cruiser, @HAL Sailer and @smitty34877 prayers for you during all that is going on in your lives right now. @Haljo1935I hope you can get treatment for your respiratory illness. @summer slope I hope your auto immune illness isn't serious. KO ofPrayers for everyone in our group who are ill, feeling badly or going through trials. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. @richwmn thanks for today's Daily reports. A good quote, we love coffee here and have frugal fun at the cabin. It is great us folks "up in age" have a day too. Lenda, thank you for the photos of the Seychelles. @dfishthe enchilada recipes look tasty but pass on the cocktail and I am unsure about the wine. We left rather early this morning for the casino to get a good seat for the Ravens game. We both bet on our teams, John for the Vikings and of course me for the Ravens and we both cashed our bets. It was fun once they quit switching the games from big screens to small screens. It was a beautiful day here with high 70s and sun. Have a nice evening. Nancy
  5. Good morning. So many of our group with illness and other problems so prayers for them. @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope that your DH had a good night and you both got some rest. @smitty34877 Prayers for your DH and for Tana. Prayers for you so that you can stay strong through this and can find an aide for Tana. @JazzyV So sorry to read you are dealing with health problems, prayers for a pain free day. Prayers for baby Murphy and her family. Prayers for @marshhawk for your DH and for you to stay well through your trials. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. I look forward to today's photos of Fiji, a place I would love to visit. We are going to have a day of yard work, it has dried out and I can work on dividing iris and potting some for the 2024 plant sale, I hope my neighbor takes some. He was diligent coming over in May to taking photos of what they look like. When I planted them they were little pieces I brought back from the cabin several years ago. We have a lot of warm days coming up so I hope that they can root properly for the winter. Everyone have a nice day. Nancy
  6. Bon Voyage @cruzn single @Ichiban Nekko and @WannaSea 🍾
  7. I have enjoyed following along with your great narrative of your long cruise. I recall from your world cruise this year you mentioned that a hamburger was offered in the MDR. I hope they will do that on Legendary voyages too. Please let us know if that addition is offered. We had no hamburger offered on the Grand South America last winter. I am glad you are enjoying the Volendam, we loved her.
  8. Good morning everyone. Another rainy day although it was supposed to be sunny. I hope it clears up so I can get some work done outside. @richwmn Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. An interesting group of days, I am sure we will all celebrate maritime day. A very good quote by Abraham Lincoln. Interesting after his DWs battles with dark depression and his own battles with depression. @summer slope, @cat shepard and @dfish thank you for the effort to give our daily drinks and food choices each day. Today's cod sounds good and the vino sounds good. I will pass on the apple cocktail. Thanks for the photos of Anchorage @StLouisCruisers. We were there in September 2016 at the tail end of our Denali and North bound cruise on the Noordam, our first HA cruise. We walked around the town and had a lovely dinner at a seafood restaurant. It was rather muted by a dreadful red eye flight home. When we do Alaska in the future we will do a round trip from Vancouver or Seattle. @JazzyV thank you for keeping us up to date on all the celebrations and life events as well as fr everyone who needs extra prayers. Prayers for all on our care list and the people of Ukraine. Our wine dinner was lovely last night with some great wines and good company. I guess today will be house cleaning as it is wet outside. We are fully done with all planning for our January/February cruising so I am happy that is behind me so I don't have to fight HAs website any longer for a while. Happy Friday! Nancy
  9. @HAL Sailer Prayers for you and your DH. I hope that they can get him stabilized. A very difficult time for you too. @Quartzsite Cruiser So happy to hear that your DH is feeling better and will be able to go home today. @smitty34877 Prayers that you can find an aide for Tana. You have enough on your plate right now. @rafinmd Bon Voyage Roy! I had a nice discussion at the wine dinner last night with a woman who was David Zinman's (former BSO conductor) piano instructor at Oberlin College. She said he never practiced. I was fortunate to be a symphony member for several years before he departed for Colorado.
  10. The crab cakes turned out great last night. They went well with spaghetti leftovers from the veal chop dinner. @0106 note the fresh curly parsley in the cakes, a necessary ingredient as you had mentioned a month or so ago. Adds more flavor to the cakes.
  11. You sound like we did when we did GSA. I hope that your ship has extra storage so that you can have your stewards get them out of your cabin. We had ours stored but John left needed cold medicine in one of his and he had to have it hauled back. It sure was wonderful to be able to walk off the ship at 7:45 AM and get to a cab. Good afternoon everyone. I had a trip to Battle Creek for a rheumatologist appointment and then when I returned we went to Costco. More driving tonight we have a wine dinner at a nice restaurant about 15 miles away. Thanks for the photos of Bergen today, a lovely city. I doubt we would ever make it there as it is a summer destination and we have the cabin in the summer. @Quartzsite Cruiser thinking of you right now as your DH goes in for his procedure. Prayers for a great outcome. @rafinmd safe travels to get to your first cruise port destination.
  12. @kazu Jacqui, I am sorry to read that your BFF has lost her husband. I am sure you knew him well so sympathy for the two of you. @Cruising-along A lovely photo of you and your DH. We are home and unpacked. Tonight is crab cakes for dinner and since I bought 2 pounds I am doing a double recipe and we will freeze half of them. I forgot we have a wine dinner tomorrow and the crab won't keep that long. Cool and windy here but we have lots of sun and 70s and 80s for the weekend. Thanks for the reminder on scheduling my mammogram. I got the letter reminding me to schedule the day before we left for Baltimore and would have forgotten it for a while. I called and I get in on Columbus Day, the first day of eligibility. There are benefits of living in a small town.
  13. @Cruising-along Happy Anniversary! ❤️🍾 We are getting ready to leave our hotel outside of Toledo. About three hours or so we will be home from our road trip. Have a great day. Nancy My massive veal chop I had for Monday dinner. I never would have ordered it if I knew the size.
  14. Good morning everyone. @ocean sounds Bon Voyage! 🛳️🍾 @lindaler Bon Voyage! I hope you have much more fun than Grand South America. Your itinerary looks wonderful. Thanks for the daily reports @richwmn. Thanks for our Daily Care and Celebrations reports @JazzyV. Prayers for the entire family of baby Murphy, @smitty34877 and your family at this sad time. Prayers for everyone on our Care list and the people of Ukraine. We were happy that there was little rain during the game but sad for the lackadaisical play by the Ravens relying too much on Justin Tucker to bail out their offense. We made up for the loss with a crab cake dinner at Papa's. Today is a day with a long visit over coffee with my friend that introduced me to HA. Then lunch with friends from my Master Gardener Days. Then we head to the big jewelry shop to pick up all our watches that had battery changes. They are the best and only $15 a watch. Then the seafood store for MD crab meat and large Gulf shrimp. Finally dinner with long time friends at an Italian restaurant. I will be absent tomorrow as we start our drive home, I don't know if we will stretch it out or go in one day. @StLouisCruisersthank you for the lovely photos of Dunedin. We drove down a street in Olinda, Brazil that was claimed to be the steepest, Mercy Street. It appeared a little steeper than the one in Dunedin. Have a lovely day everyone. Nancy In lieu of Tofu, crab cakes.
  15. Good morning from rainy and a bit windy Hunt Valley, Maryland. The storm is slowly moving out so we may get a few breaks for the Ravens game notably the 11 o'clock hour when we will start our long walk over from downtown Baltimore. Have a great Sunday. Nancy
  16. Good morning from rainy Maryland. Bon Voyage @VMax1700 🛳️🍾 Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. Prayers for everyone in our group needing them and the people of Ukraine. We are happy it appears the worst of the storm will be through by tomorrow morning when we will make our long hike to the stadium from the parking garage we use. I had wanted to go to Pimlico and have lunch in the dining room and watch a few horse races but they may cancel today and I never have luck betting on "mudders". We will have sushi tonight with my late DHs son and DDIL. A lot of college football for us today. Prayers for everyone on this storm's path. I am sure farmers here will be happy as it has been very dry. Have a nice Saturday. Nancy
  17. Good morning from Washington PA. I think we are snake bit. A tropical storm formed off the Carolinas and is heading up the coast with 50 mph winds. I already heard from our friend that sits next to us at the Ravens game he is doubtful they will make the drive from Lewes, DE. We brought rain gear but if we have high winds we will watch the game from our hotel room. Upsetting but we will wait and see. We still will be able to get together with our friends we missed seeing last year when another storm blew up the coast. Happy Friday everyone. Nancy
  18. @NextOne great news on you getting scheduled for your needed heart surgery.
  19. @HAL Sailer Happy 87th birthday to your DH, I am sorry to hear that he in not doing well and they can't figure out what is wrong. @grapau27 Great news on your clean bill of health from your skin doctor. @mamaofami So happy to hear that Sam is home again. I will be missing tomorrow we will be traveling to SW of Pittsburgh and spending the night in a hotel. We like to take in scenic places if we come across them. Nancy
  20. Good morning, thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn! I love pepperoni pizza and today is a day to get ready as we are heading to Baltimore tomorrow with an overnight SW of Pittsburgh on the way. Pass on creamy shrimp, banana drink though today's Zinfandel looks tasty. @Lady Hudson thanks for the update on your DH. @rafinmd glad to read you are going forward with your planned cruise. Prayers for all on our care list, baby Murphy, all the catastrophes in our world and the people of Ukraine. I am rushing out to get the oil changed on the truck with an 8:30 appointment. Our planned vaccine appointment yesterday was a fail. They announced when we checked in they didn't have the new vaccine so we left. On the way home is a Walgreen's and we stopped in and they had the flu shot and new Covid shot, in and out in a half hour. I got both in one arm it is a little sore this morning and a little headache but all is well. Have a lovely Wednesday. Nancy
  21. Good morning everyone. I love butterscotch pudding but I rarely have it. It is a good quote by Robert Frost. I will pass on the lemongrass, the cocktail would be lovely for a dessert and today's wine looks like a winner. I look forward to photos of Kahului. I haven't been there but I imagine our 2 stops in 2025 that were going to Lahaina will be Kahului. I look forward to photos of the area. Thanks for pulling these together for us each day. Prayers for @smitty34877, @CrabbyPatti, @Lady Hudson DH, Baby Murphy and her family and all the other fellow Dailyites that are going through illness or trials. Happy anniversary to @mamaofami and DH Sam, I hope he can get his brain bleed addressed soon. Prayers for Ukraine, Libya, Morocco and Maui, so many catastrophes in the world. I had a nice time at the meeting yesterday. We are leaving shortly to get our flu and new Covid vaccines. Then some grocery shopping and the farm stand around the corner. Have a lovely Tuesday! Nancy
  22. @smitty34877 Terrie, I was saddened to read of the passing of your dear husband Lou. I am so glad to hear that you were able to get him home to allow him to pass with family around and in familiar space. May God comfort you and your family. @Lady Hudson Oh my, I hope that your DH responds to the antibiotics. I pray that you can continue to see more of Greenland.
  23. Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I have to run out to our garden club district conference that is 37 minutes away. @0106. Double happy day in Baltimore yesterday, the Orioles clinched and the Ravens bead the Bengals on the road. We will be in the road in a few days to go to our next game. Have a nice Monday!
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