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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Prayers for baby Murphy. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ @mamaofami prayers for your DF Judi.
  2. Good morning everyone. Global forgiveness day should be every day, I wish it could be attainable. Last time I did a walk with my Dad was probably 30 years ago when we walked through the woods to look at the site where my cabin is now. My DM was a long too. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily reports each day Rich. Pass on the Bass, the cocktail but at least I have heard of the winery for today's wine. Have been to today's port as our end point of our Konigsdam Iberian Adventure then were whisked off to the city. Another fun quote by Mark Twain. Prayers for all on our Care list, especially baby Bailey as she recovers from her heart surgery. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. Prayers for the families and colleagues of the 2 lost firefighters at the Port of Newark. Nice cool weather here which is really awesome since the rest of the nation is baking. @grapau27 your garden is lovely and I love your double White Rabbits. Have a nice day everyone. N
  3. It is one of my favorites on Holland America. I order it almost every time it offered. First photo from the Volendam with a mushroom sauce and the second was on the Nieuw Statendam on our NS balcony. I am hungry now.
  4. @Denise T so sorry to hear about your blood sugar battles. Very frustrating if changing your diet and meds don't help.
  5. Prayers today for Baby Murphy with her heart surgery. Thanks for the gorgeous photos of Valencia Sandi. Good luck at the dermatologist today.
  6. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. A terrific quote. I bought chicken thighs yesterday and since the high will be in the 60s I won't worry about heating up the cabin by using the oven so oven fried chicken it is. Umbrella covers come off and rarely are used again in this house. Kissing is a fun reason for a day. Pass on the meal, the cocktail and probably the rare chardonnay. I have never been to today's port but looking forward to everyone's photos. Prayers for everyone on our Care list and the people of Ukraine. Since today is a cool day I will garden and bake the carrot cake for our neighborhood fireworks event on Saturday. I got a great deal at the fireworks tent in town since they were ready to consolidate with their operation in Wisconsin. I don't light them, only ooh and aah so I bought a lot. 3 times the amount I would get before the 4th. Have a nice day. Nancy
  7. Definitely have a squat rack. Very well stocked gym for a small ship and pretty empty on our Grand South America. Probably depends on the age group on your voyage.
  8. Dixie @summer slope I am so sorry that Bailey ran out of life. You are doing the right thing to ease her suffering. 😿
  9. Good morning. We are getting more badly needed rain and more due through today so therefore we are heading to town. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. Apple turnovers are delicious. Have worn a bikini in the day. Fun quote by Oscar Wilde. Pass on the vegan chili, love Mai Tais on the rare occasion and I will wait for Ann to translate our wine for us. Thanks for the port photos Graham and look forward to more. Prayers for everyone on our Care list and the people of Ukraine. Have a wonderful day! Nancy Harassed Eagle from our fishing trip a couple of days ago.
  10. Happy 4th of July! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. We will be barbecuing steak today. There won't be any country music here. A strange quote thought provoking nonetheless. Asian Chopped Salad sounds good if no Cilantro. The drink would be tasty with sugar free syrup. The nearest I would get to a Shrader Cabernet was a couple of years ago we dining at an Italian restaurant near where I used to live. We liked it because they tolerated BYO. Seated at the next table was the world's foremost wine critic (now retired) Bob Parker and a two guys and they were pouring several vintages of Shrader. I stopped to talk with Bob's wife since she was in MGs with me and I could smell that fabulous wine just standing next to the table. I have been to LA once unless I landed there once flying to Hawaii. No desire to go back except to visit Santa Anita race track. Prayers for all on our Care list and for the people in Ukraine. @StLouisCruisers thanks for sharing your DDs 4th of July tree. We have our 4th celebration at the lake on Saturday so a quiet day of gardening for me. Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July! Nancy
  11. Good morning everyone. An interesting group of days and thanks again to @grapau27 for enlightening us to what Compliment your Mirror is all about. Pass on sugary cocktail but shrimp cakes sound great and we always love Pinot if we can get it. Really looking forward to more photos of Stavenger. @StLouisCruisers your photos were calendar quality, I am sure whoever received them were thrilled. Thanks for the Cares reports @JazzyV. So many illnesses and problems for people in our group. Prayers for them and the people of Ukraine. John and I will go fishing today. He caught a keeper walleye yesterday so that is in the refrigerator waiting for more. It will be in the high 80s so sitting in the boat over 70 degree water will be better than gardening. Have a wonderful day! Nancy
  12. @Cruising-alongand @kazu thank you for the lovely flower photos over the last several days!
  13. Roy, I used the laptop today to read the Sunday papers and since John had been using it a lot a Microsoft news page opened full screen and I read it there. The closer we get to visiting Baltimore the more I start following their news. This year it will be around September 23 for the Ravens Colts game. This neighborhood where the block party was going on is an area that I was in rather frequently as a sales manager doing ride alongs with my sales people. There are some really shaky areas in Baltimore, Cherry Hill, Dolphin Street, Mondawmin and areas around Johns Hopkins to name a few. Every big city has them. Really sad to start shooting at people simply having fun. I really feel for people that are stuck living in these areas. The homes are decent, the crime is bad. Thank God there are great hospitals that can absorb that many casualties quickly.
  14. Good morning everyone! It is a cool morning and since we left most of the windows open last night it is 65 degrees in the cabin. It will only get to 80 today so we can leave the windows wide open and it will still be pleasant in here. Our fishing yesterday was a flop. John will go out today but I have too much yard work and with a still sore toe my stamina isn't the best. It is healing well and it appears the toenail can start growing back soon. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. A great day to celebrate disabled people and the Special Olympics has done a great deal to help recognize them. UFOs are out there but I have never seen one. Great quote by Goethe. I haven't been to today's port but I am sure the photos will be wonderful. I will pass on the carb loaded cocktail and the Risotto but the Talbot wine looks like a winner. I haven't paid any attention to Bordeaux pricing since I left Baltimore since the wine stores are dismal here all the while the aged wines we bought on futures in the 90s and early 2000s are being depleted and no way to replace them. @cat shepard thanks for researching these wines for us and I might start shopping retailers that can ship to MI when we get back to civilization to find the next step lower wines as the Talbot and restock. @JazzyV Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations Reports. @smitty34877 I hope that Lou is recuperating well and that you have the help you need for caring for Tana while caring for Lou too. the way the health care system is these days one needs to be at the hospital constantly to make sure loved ones are properly cared for. Prayers for all on our care list and for the people of Ukraine. Prayers for the people killed and wounded in the mass shooting last night in south Baltimore. Have a great Sunday! Nancy
  15. Good morning. Happy Canada Day to our friends up north. πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ An interesting group of days. I love wings, naked so I can control the heat and ranch dressing on the side. Jokes are great and a helpful quote by Zig Ziglar. Salad is a winner, put the cuke in the drink in the Greek salad and the vino sounds great. Thanks for the photos of Halifax and Peggy's Cove. Never have visited. We were booked for 2020 on the Zaandam which was cancelled. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports. Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine. It is a beautiful day here again. I think more fishing is in order today. Tomorrow will be windy so that equals no fishing. I caught 2 keeper walleye, the only fish I caught. We had fish fry last night. I added club soda instead of water in Drake's Crispy fry and the batter was much lighter. Will do that again. Have a wonderful day! Nancy
  16. Good Friday morning everyone! Congratulations on your retirement @kochleffel. You have so many outside of work projects I am sure it will be a rewarding transition. @smitty34877 Happy birthday to your DH Lou. I hope he is recuperating smoothly and hopefully pain free in the hospital. πŸŽ‚ @bennybear Happy birthday to your DH! πŸΎπŸŽ‚ We have a beautiful sunny morning. The rain wasn't quite ready to let go as we had a brief thunderstorm last night. We will be heading out fishing today finally after so much rain. Our neighbors are up here and my sister and DH is due up here on the 6th with DH, DD and her fiancee. Rain is due here for the 4th in the afternoon, our neighborhood celebration is on the 8th so I hope Saturday will be dry. Thanks for the Daily reports @richwmn and @grapau27 thanks for clarification most mornings on the meanings of our days. August is a good time here to look for meteorites during the Perseid meteor shower but a campfire is necessary to keep the mosquitoes away. Handshakes are slowly coming back post COVID but better are the hugs. @summer slope thanks for the tasty cocktail, I would love it as a rare treat on a BHB. Halibut is hard to buy up here but it probably will be great recipes from Debbie @dfish. @cat shepard probably more research in order for today's vino. Vanessa @JazzyV thanks for our Cares and Celebrations reports. Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine. Have a wonderful Friday! Nancy
  17. Well the raining has stopped but we have so much smoke it looks like fog.
  18. @smitty34877 continued prayers for Lou and you. @cruising sister prayers that Murphy's surgery goes well today.
  19. @Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage! πŸΎπŸ›³οΈ Good morning everyone. We have another gloomy day here after three straight days with rain. It is cool too but the shut up cabin is staying warm. Thanks for the Daily reports! I forgot my cameras so I am thankful for my phone camera. With our weather this week we have our share of mud especially on our newly repaired road. I think Keillor's quote is very true. We have been to Ushuaia on the Volendam this year. Rather jealous of the sun and ships at the pier. We had to tender in with cold weather. @summer slope thanks for today's cocktail, a rarely enjoyed treat. Probably will pass on the meal, we are having pot roast tonight but would bet today's wine would go great with it. @JazzyVthanks for keeping our cares and Celebrations reports. Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine. We did a private tour since Ushuaia and Tierra del Fuego was a bucket list visit for me. Our guide Marta Velazquez was wonderful and a lifetime resident except to go to college. We wanted to see the sights in the National Park so away we went. Since we had to tender John was worried about time so we couldn't go visit her home.
  20. Good morning everyone. Special prayers for @luvteaching in the loss of your DH Phil. Sincere sympathy to you and your family. Thanks for the Daily Rich. I think insurance is very important. Piercings have gone too far IMHO. I used to love having a physical newspaper and I had favorite columns to read. Getting delivery of a local paper where I live is impossible, they can't keep drivers so I subscribe to the local and the NYT online. I rather agree that if one had luxuries they have already met their necessities. I haven't been to Cozumel even after owning a time share in Cancun for 30 years which expired in 2017. We had plenty of time to go but never made it. Heading there twice next winter. I hope today's chicken recipes will be winners, cocktail sounds good and I hope it isn't a rare wine. Thanks Vanessa for keeping our Cares and Celebrations up to date for us who don't check in later in the day. Prayers for @smitty34877 DH as he recovers from surgery. Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine. We have smoke here, we don't have clouds but it is really dingy. I had to use my rescue inhaler for the first time in weeks. More due for today. Have a great Wednesday. Some new blooms. Nancy
  21. Good morning everyone, I missed yesterday as I was commenting on my phone and I hit the wrong blue bubble for @richwmn and I could not delete the bubble for the life of me. I kept signing back in but those comments remained. Today is a new day. Thanks Rich for the Daily and Fleet Reports each day. I use sunglasses almost daily in the summer and we have onions daily in whatever permutation of salad we have each day. Helen Keller was an inspiration and a great book to read for elementary school kids. A great quote by Mae West. Today's chicken I bet will be great and I look forward to @dfish Debbie's recipes today. @cat shepard thanks for signing on early for our wine commentary. It sounds like a great one for summer. I look forward to @summer slope cocktail recipe. Many thanks for the photos from today's port. Thanks Sandi and Graham for the photos of today's port. We will be there in 2025 God Willing. It was interesting to hear about what I difficult port it is to access. @JazzyV thanks for keeping our cares and celebrations list. Special prayers for @marshhawk and her DH, @smitty34877 for her DH and for Tana and @luvteaching and her DH, and family. Prayers for all needing them and the people of Ukraine. We had a nice visit to Escanaba yesterday and a Mexican lunch. When we dodge bad weather days at the cabin it is sometimes a Monday and places we would really like to dine are closed. We went to the grocery store Meijer and I had intended on using one of those electric carts to give my foot a break but they were all charging so I limped around to get dairy and produce. I did pretty well. I am glad John did Menard's on his own. After no rain for so long I bet we got 2.5" and more due tomorrow and the next few days. Our freshly repaired road is really soft after all of the rain. John will mow the lawn and I will try to get some weeds before they go to seed. Maybe fishing if it doesn't blow. I look forward to more photos of Kauai. I have never been there before. Have a nice day. Nancy
  22. @marshhawk very sorry to read your DHs cancer has returned. Prayers for proper treatment and remission.
  23. Good Sunday morning. The badly needed rain continued through the night. More due today and tomorrow. Thanks for the Daily reports Rich. I live in a log cabin 4 months of the year and remainder I wish I was a seafarer. Pass on catfish and salmon and the sweet drink but we love NZ Sauvignon Blanc. Thanks for researching these for us each day, @summer slope, @cat shepard and @dfish. Thanks for keeping up the Cares and Celebrations reports. Prayers for @luvteaching and her DH. @smitty34877prayers for your DH today. Prayers for all on our Care list and the people of Ukraine. My foot still hurts, bandage change today so I hope it looks better. We are going to Escanaba tomorrow as we have more rain and weather in the 60s. A cool week ahead. Our home away from home in Amasa MI. Have a nice day, Nancy
  24. @luvteaching prayers for your DH, you and your family. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ @bennybear thank you for the lovely photos from Japan.
  25. @Sharon in AZHappy birthday!! πŸŽ‚ @StLouisCruisers happy birthday to your DD. @kochleffel I hope you have a good time at your retirement party. Enjoy the recognition of your retirement.
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