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Posts posted by sprinkles

  1. Thanks Fishywood, I would be totally fine with the "express" overnight tour and just might keep Dad on hold until Princess Excursions become available. Also thanks for the input on Santiago, if we do decide to go on our own, I was already thinking based on Tanya's post, that Santiago might be a better choice.


    Tanya, thanks for the info - can you tell me what tour company you used? Did you find the experience to be much of a hassle? Did you leave most of your stuff in your cabin while you were "gone"?




  2. Working to cruise - I would LOVE it if Princess offered one, but as far as I know (unless someone on here can tell me otherwise), Princess tour is a 48 hour tour (usually when the ship docks overnight). Our itinerary has us docked in Pisco from 7am to 5pm then in Lima the next day from 7am to 6pm. Dad has done it before and says there is no way that Princess will offer an excursion as there is not enough time. Maybe that's a better question, does anyone know if Princess will offer an overnight tour to get there?


    Denmarks, I know what you are saying, that's why I'm asking if anyone has ever done it before. I've disembarked from a ship early (pre-planned), but this is a whole other ball game.


    Any comments greatly appreciated (even those saying we are nuts - lol)



  3. Hi All,


    Dad and I are doing 49 day with Princess in January. Shore excursions not out yet, but there is no way that Princess is going to be offering Machu Picchu, as the ship docks in Pisco one day then Lima the next.


    So yes, we know it's a little nuts, but we are thinking about leaving the ship in La Serena, to take a private tour to Machu Picchu, then catching back up with the ship in either Pisco or Lima.


    The ship docks in La Serena then has two sea days before it docks in Pisco one day, then Lima the next. Has anyone ever done this? I know it would have to be pre-approved with Princess and that we would be totally on our own if we missed the ship again.


    But seriously, is this doable? Anyone ever taken the flight from La Serena to Cusco - if so how far away is the airport in La Serena from the ship? Even as I write this, I think the whole idea is nuts - lol. Any suggestions appreciated - Dad has been there but I haven't and he really wants to go back. Thanks



  4. Has anyone ever left the ship in one port then caught up with it later (pre-planned). Dad and I are doing the 49 day South America in January. Shore excursions not available, but there is no way there is time for Machu Picchu, with the ship docking in Pisco one day and Lima the next. So we are trying to figure out if we can do it on our own from La Serna, then catch up to the ship at Pisco or Lima.


    Yes, I'm going to call Princess next week, but you know how the answers are there. Just wondering if anyone has ever done it (and yes, we know the risks) on their own.




  5. In 2004 on the Old Tahitian Princess we were seated at Staff Captain Ron Willson's table for the entire 10 day cruise in F.P. (he is a full Captain now, I believe). He and his wife always "kept" a table. I loved every minute of it (DH desperately wanted to move tables, as he thought the whole things was too stuffy, but I won the argument) - the service was incredible. Capt. Willson was charming and we all looked forward to seeing what his wife was going to wear to dinner each night. The six of us "regular tablemates" became good friends on the cruise and did a lot of things together. Including a special invitation to the bridge while we were sailing into one of the small islands


    I do remember that there was one or two nights when the Capt and his wife did not come to dinner and we would instantly loose half our waiters - lol. But for me, the whole thing was a blast and something that will probably never be repeated.


    Happy Sailing Everybody,


  6. Thanks RickE and Lanwood,


    I know all too well, how it depends on so many things (I've done it MANY times myself). Parents were grilling me on the "exact price" for the Star 11 days Alaska, I was just hoping that a recent Star Cruiser might post. I'm going to re-iterate what I told them, go to the spa on the first day and check it out - lol. Thanks :)


    Happy Sailing Everybody,


  7. Hi all,


    Sorry, need a quick answer and can't find it in search. How much does the thermal suite packages cost for an 11 day cruise on the Star? PP and couple?


    Also can anyone confirm that there is only two formal nights on the 11 day Alaska?


    Trying to get some answers for parents leaving tomorrow and I haven't been on the Star for awhile. How is the spa and the thermal suite on the Star?




  8. Our family of four went last month on the Grand Princess - here's my thoughts. I would do it again, and next time would probably share with DH. DH was the only one who listened to our waiters recommendations and got the Royal Mixed Steamer Pot - it looked AWESOME, with King crab, snow crab, muscles and all kinds of stuff. The rest of us got the "King Crab", when we first got them the three of us said, "where's the crab" jokingly and our waiter said right away "I'll bring you some more" (which he did).


    It was good, but the bottom was filled with a TON of spicy peel and eat shrimp - just kind of a waste as you can usually find tons of peel and eat shrimp on the cruise. Our king crab tended to be smaller pieces. I was jealous of DH with his big clusters of snow crab - lol. Even his King Crab looked bigger and better. I can't remember the other stuff that came, but like I said, it was good and I would do it again, I would just get the mixed steamer pot personally.


    Happy Cruising Everyone!


  9. Medgwash, hopefully someone else will be able to tell you what specifically is going on on the Coral currently. But if not, let me tell you about the Island last year (sister ship), as it is probably set up the same.


    Churchill's deck 7 (last year no air circulation and almost always standing room only)


    Sky Deck - 15 by the bar (last year just a few small metal tables barely out of the elements)


    A small area in the casino - when not non-smoking


    A small area on the promenade deck.


    Have a great cruise.


  10. I,m currently on the Grand Princess. Yes, both our ships have been released to leave the scene. This has been very sad. I've spoken with crew members who have said that the deceased was having alot of personal issues back home with wife and kids. I've also been told that yes, they do have human rescources here to help "counsel" crew members.


    One of the saddest things I have seen is people making jokes about the whole thing, without regards to who is around listening - i.e. maybe a personal friend or something.


    But for the most part, I have not seen the "typical bad cruiser behavior" - time will tell. It's just nice at this point to be sailling again. Very weird last night at muts just basically sitting here in the middle of the ocean going nowhere.


    Then even more strange just now - pulling up so close the the Star Princess to transfer our sick crew member. We'll I'm off, we've just been told Hilo is definately cancelled and who knows if there will be a second port scratched as well.



  11. Thanks Beg, actually I know your name Lol. We were on the 28 day with you last year (we were also "Egyptians" on Halloween). Please say Hi to your dear wife for me (she and I talked quite a bit at the back of the ship - actually maybe I'll try and send her an email if it's still the same). How did you like your Australia cruise? It's still on our list, but we should have done it when we were still in LA, it will be harder to get to from here.

    Anyway Thanks for the help, I looked at what you're talking about and can't seem to figure it out, I'll keep trying.

    Tammy (also known as Tammy and Paul)
  12. Thanks Fuzzy,


    You're patters show it on the second full sea day which is the first day I can book a pedicure on the ship - lol. Seems trivial, but we've always done this cruise from L.A. Now I'm in the Pacific Northwest and can't imagine driving home in this freezing weather after a pedicure.


    Thanks Again, takes a little stress off.



  13. OK, I don't get it - why am I the only one that is having this problem?

    I just attempted an advanced search for Grand Princess under title only and it says sorry no matches. I get the same results no matter what board or what I put - any advanced search comes up "sorry no matches"

    There's really no one else out there having this problem? There was a time when I ran a search like that, ALL posts with Grand Princess in the title would come up. Without all the other posts that may mention the Grand somewhere in the post.


    ps, I got my answer on formal night, but have other things to research, this is driving me nuts.
  14. LOL - OK Pam. But you and I have been on here the same amount of time, I just don't post as much. I may not post a lot, but use this board extensively when planning cruises and something has changed. Just trying to figure it out and I am under the gun, leaving in two weeks, I've set today aside to finish planning some things for this last minute cruise and just can't sit and read tons of pages. I also don't want to post questions that I know are on here and have someone tell me to do a search (when that's exactly what I am trying to do).


    P.S. just for fun I tried to search on google Grand Princess Hawaii formal nights and got results from 2003
  15. Hello,


    OK, I'm getting lost with this website anymore and I've been on this board for awhile. What night is the first Formal Night on Grand Princess 15 night San Fran to Hawaii?


    I know the answer is on here somewhere. I also just tried to ask a question about the search feature on here and for some reason it was moved (presumably to some section that is hardly read). Can anyone tell me why when I try to do an advanced search for say like Grand Princess title only, it says zero results. This is happening it seems no matter what I type in. This has been happening for awhile now, what gives? I am actually young, but my eyes just won't let me read through pages and pages to find what I am looking for.




  16. Hi all,

    I'm not the most highly techno person by any means. But maybe someone can help me with this search engine. As you can see, I've been on here for awhile (actually before my listed date, as I could never figure out how to transfer my original posts when this site was changed up).

    I've noticed for awhile now that the advanced search never seems to work anymore. What am I doing wrong? I don't want to get flamed for asking questions that have been repeatedly asked before but, this search engine is driving me nuts. Like now, if I do an advanced search for Grand Princess (title only) it says zero results. Same thing if I type in formal night (I'm trying to find out what night is the first formal on the 15 night Hawaii out of San Fran). Same thing is happening to me on the Hawaii board. Any help out there.

  17. Sorry you're cruise was not what you expected. Should you happen to come back and read the replies to your post. I have a question for you, since I am sailing on her in two weeks. Do you happen to remember which night was the first formal night? Was it the first or second sea day? If anyone else can answer I would appreciate it, as I am having scheduling difficulties with the salon.




  18. OK - Now I'm jumping in. Although, I think I'll stay away from the comment that "most smokers seem to be broke" - THAT'S JUST TOO HYSTERICAL FOR WORDS.


    I'm only jumping in because I do believe that the cruise lines read these boards and I get tired of mostly the non or anti-smokers speaking their peace.


    I LOVE cruising - period! My cruise experience has changed drastically because of these smoking issues, but I am trying to deal with the changes. I love Hal and Princess, although up until these smoking changes, I loved Princess more (Elite). I still cruise both lines. HAL - a balcony only and yes, find that I spend much more time in my cabin on HAL. Princess, I choose my inside cabin somewhere close to a smoking area.


    My biggest irritation with this thread is the whole argument of all smokers being inconsiderate and the idea that no one ever complains of inconsiderate non-smokers. Well, OK let me voice my complaints on the inconsiderate non-smokers that I have encountered.


    I have seen it go from the simple coughing and waving thing that has gone on for years. To the women who proudly wrote on this board - how she would "hold her breath and run through the casino to get to the showroom". Until one evening when it was too crowded and she was running out of breath - so she started running faster and "knocked a women over sending the lady's drink into the air and the women to the floor". She claimed she kept running and never looked back. To me that is beyond rude and in "my world" I consider that assault. When all the women simply had to do, was go up one flight of stairs or use the elevator to go to the showroom without going through the casino.


    Rude non-smoker? Last year I was gambling in the casino (and yes smoking) when a hysterical women came up to me screaming hysterically and pointing (inches from my face) at me saying "you are a horrible person and should be ashamed of yourself" over and over again. She was banned from the casino for the rest of the cruise (a 28 day one to be exact).


    I have story after story that I "could" tell about rude and inconsiderate non-smokers. That same 28 day cruise on a large ship, I watched day after day, non-smokers filling the smoking side of the aft pool tables, when the non-smoking side was completely empty.


    To me it has always simply been an issue of politeness and common sense. I have seen time and time again, non-smokers walk by a smoking area and loudly make rude and obnoxious statements to those of us in the area. That's not inconsiderate? I would never consider walking through the gym making comments about "addicted gym people". Or make rude comments to an overweight person because I see them eating an ice cream.


    OK, getting off my soap box now, I have too go through my couch looking for coins to buy my next pack of cigarettes. WOW, it's going to take a lot of panhandling to pay for that 15 night cruise next month since "us smokers are all broke".

  19. JTV,


    I did the 10 day out of San Francisco, 10 days, two years ago on the Sea Princess, plus a 7 day out of Seattle last June and a 7 day from Vancouver to Whittier before and loved them all.


    So just a few suggestions/thoughts. What city would you be more interested in starting from? All three are interesting cities and have different things to offer. Personally I love cruising and would take an 11 night over a 7 night anytime.


    If this is a once in a lifetime thing, my own personal suggestion would be to make sure you take an itinerary that goes to Glacier Bay. My last cruise to Alaska did not and I really missed seeing it.


    Happy Cruising Everybody!


  20. Hello All,


    Any recent experiences on the Grand Princess? Specifically - is there still a smoking section somewhere near the aft adult pool/bar? Trying to decide weather to book a cabin forward near the cigar lounge or preferably at the aft end (but only if there is still a smoking section there). Thanks - Happy Sailing everybody!

  21. BBUM, thanks for posting info. I cannot believe this, but am actually considering booking another Princess cruise (which I swore I was not going to do after our horrible experience on the Island Princess this month and did not bother to but a FCC). So at any rate, can someone give RECENT info on smoking areas on the Star Princess?




  22. Yes, things have been changing over the last year, our first two cruises after the BIG change last year were absolutely fine on the Saphire Princess. But we just got off the Island Princess and all I can say is - be very wary smokers - things are changing by the day. On the Island we were also not allowed to smoke anywhere on the Lido Deck, we were a bunch of second class citizens up on 15 with little to no protection from the elements. My family (5 of 6 smokers) were very unhappy with the smoking situation on this cruise (as were most of the other smokers).


    I could go on and on - but won't. Yes, there was always Churchills - which was out of control and you could hardly breath in there (especially when all the cuban cigars came on board). There were times Churchills was standing room only - just disgusting. And the Casino - give me a break, yes there were a few tables in the smoking section, but in the morning all the ashtrays were gone. The casino has it's own rules and chose to have back to back no smoking nights.


    And the promenade deck - there was a small section at the back of the starboard side where you could stand by an ashtray on the wall - no more standing ashtrays out there. At any rate, just wanted to warn the smokers out there. Smokers, please keep posting Your experiences so people can make informed decisions.


    Princess - if you're reading this - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have some sort of standard smoking policy - FLEETWIDE!

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