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Everything posted by Robjame

  1. Good to hear. This was a mixture of dishes that we wanted from all over the MDR menu.
  2. New Years Eve in MDR - AmuSe Bouche - Caviar - foie gras - shrimp/zucchini risotto - Florida Lobster tail - Key Lime pie - strawberries Romanoff
  3. Anyone else addicted to those breadsticks? ‘One curious finding: The crew have been super friendly, helpful, cheerful. The bartenders……. Not so much. There is usually 3 on duty but they are talking among themselves, hardly noticing that we are waiting. Dour and unfriendly. What’s with that? Again sommeliers are difficult to track down. The MDR dining room manager finally brought over an ice bucket and a new bottle of the white we were enjoying and let us serve ourselves.
  4. Orv sometimes those other sites are country - based - Aussie or UK and the prices are different. ‘No such current Currents showing this on Riviera…so far
  5. Not what you said Susie. And it is the category that is more expensive, not the balcony. All B3 cost more than B4 All B2 cost more than B3 etc.
  6. Let me get this straight. Are you saying that B3 cabins are more expensive than B2 cabins for the same cruise? Must be Marina or Riviera to be extended balcony. Proof please - naming the cruise will be sufficient. Don’t just disappear now.
  7. I showed these on another thread, available on Amazon, a jar of tablets designed specifically to cleanse and sanitize metal and plastic water bottle. Takes away any metallic taste. Container is about the size of an espresso cup (1.5 oz) containing 40 tablets. If you own YETI’s, you will have another use.
  8. It is a fascinating process to sit on your balcony and watch the process of re-embarkation. It is a real path of order of operations, with each part of the process waiting for the step before. Yesterday they were trying to leave before a storm hit. I have never heard an Oceania security staff member complaining about guests.Even when the two 30-somethings cut the line waiting for facial recognition clearance and were processed before all of us, they were stoic. I said to one, “you need a gun.” He smiled.
  9. You will find a shoehorn, umbrella, 2 bathrobes, 2 prs slippers, laundry bag in every room. ‘Beach towels are available for excursions.
  10. I agree. Am trying to think of a circumstance where a contract would be opened to allow the seller more money. I spoke again yesterday to the head purser as to how they were going to handle this price increase since we will be in the middle of a contracted back to back. She said she has heard nothing from Head Office re. the implementation of this announcement. Will let you know if anything is revealed.
  11. Good point and thank you for reminding me. I was a little disingenuous in my response. Perhaps my point would be better made that it is simple to support an increase for others if it does not affect you. NIMBY. We do not take Oceania excursions but I would never promote a cost increase for this reason. If there are justifiable reasons (and I contest this) for Oceania to transfer it’s labour costs to its client, why would they not transfer these to all their clients, not just the lowest - those below A category?
  12. The sympathy and compassion of travellers has long been used as a very successful method of extorting money (or more money) from travellers. The generous nature of Americans and the accepted culture of tipping in the US makes it particularly easy. Baksheesh! There are simpler ways Oceania can get more money -fuel surcharge, cruise price increases - but few that would be accepted with less complaint and I note the number of Platinum+ Club members with prepaid gratuities who can get behind this increase. If you are Platinum+ don’t lecture the rest of us about begrudging “them” an increase to offset inflation.
  13. Hmmmmm - maybe that’s the rub, hearing what you want to hear. The announcements I have heard say, ‘“Be back on board by 4:30.” Big difference.
  14. Be sure to check out Baristas - it has really changed. 6:30 - extended continental breakfast - meat, cheese, tomatoes, toast, pastries, lox, cream cheese lunch - sandwiches and cakes, and cookies (some have mistaken this as the afternoon tea) 😆 6:00 -10:00 aperitivo - olives, nuts, tapas - wine (beverage package works) coffee drinks, grappa, brandy etc. hostess serving and assisting, carrying etc. JUST DONT TELL ANYONE ELSE _ VERY UNDER UTILIZED
  15. Today we are in Barbados 8 - 5 we are at the far end of a narrow pier. Buses come to the ship, manoeuvre a 180 turn and pick up passengers who are waiting in a long line - tedious and slow. 10 am and the line is still long.
  16. LOL Then we would really be the great unwashed masses Surely you were being facetious? What category do you travel in? “Oh they put us down below Where we’d be the first to go”
  17. I should have put a 😉 in my reply. I think that would be hard to change.
  18. Dave I fail to see the advantage of this as opposed to just rolling back your prepaid gratuities? except Oceania has your money as float. ‘The crew would get no more money by me prepaying than me making a simple adjustment at reception
  19. I have an idea - all of us altruistic platinum Oceania club members - out of respect for inflation and the hard working employees …..let’s refuse the prepaid gratuities and insist on paying these gratuities ourselves! NIMBY JMO
  20. And how do you square that with a cut in service when 2 a day service becomes 1 a day.
  21. I asked reception that question and was told it depends how it is structured by your TA - a dollar amount in OBC ( the way our. TA did it) in which case anything more is my responsibility or prepaid gratuity in which case TA is on the hook
  22. Our room steward is leaving Riviera.to join the staff of Vista. He is adamant that he sets sail for the first cruise on April 22
  23. Things different (for us) on Riviera. - gong is gone from Red Ginger - Bouillabaisse in Jacques improved with additional seafood - expanded room service menu has some nice choices - you can go off it for certain items - even steerage - charges for wine events only apply if you show up - no penalty if you miss a booked event - expanded breakfast room service menu including hot items
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