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Posts posted by richwmn

  1. April 30th, 2024, at sea – destination Quebec, Quebec, Canada


    It is only 7:30 in the morning and we have already tried and failed at an attempt to anchor and tender to Cap-aux-Meules, iles de la Madeleine, Canada. This was to be the only stop on this cruise that I hadn’t already been to. Oh, well.






    So currently we are moving at 10 knots in a Northwesterly direction. The temperature is 48°F / 9C° under overcast skies. The humidity is 80% and the winds are almost 15 mph.


    Yesterday morning I got off the ship and walked around a bit. I have called at Charlottetown several times in the past and it seemed pretty much unchanged. I got to a parking lot where several cabs were parked with a dispatcher selling cab tours. Considering the fact that it has been several years since I took one, the prices seemed reasonable. The day was cool, but comfortable.






















    After returning to the ship, it was a typical day. We got our disembarkation information in the mailbox so I guess this is about over. Only one paragraph really applies to me, that says that I will receive another letter the day before disembarkation for 4* and above. I will be disembarking fairly late with Jim and Cathy since we have a short trip to the train station and don’t have to be there until around 11:00am.


    We have had good turnout for trivia for this cruise and the questions have been pretty good. My small group of three has been relatively successful having won several times over this cruise. We continue to have three sessions each day, sea or port, with the first being general, the second being themed, and the third being music clips to identify by title and artist.


    The show last night was the ‘Volendam Repertory Company’ in a show called ‘It Takes Two’. This is a very good show featuring the two lead singers in singing several duets, with each lead singer getting a solo song. Both lead singers are very good. We have another show with the troupe tonight and they leave the ship tomorrow.

















    With that I give you today’s activities (subject to change) and menus –


















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  2. April 29th, 2024 – Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada


    We are now in Charlottetown, and will be going out in the town shortly. The big attraction here is the house from the book ‘Anne of Green Gables’. In one of my previous visits I saw the house but didn’t do the tour.


    According to local weather it is 43°F / 6C° with rain. We have a nice day here as we don’t have to be back on board until 4:30.






    Yesterday we had our normal trivia and our group did well. We currently have a group of three and have been playing together since the Canal cruise began. As a rule we do pretty well but tend to lose in tie breakers.


    For the second time since I boarded I found that I had the wrong Cabin Card in my pocket. During trivia, Tom and I ordered drinks and our cards were switched. Luckily, since I knew where he was going it was an easy process for me to go where he was and swap cards. The first time I had to get a new card at Guest Services.


    After running a couple of errands, I made it to the World Stage for the early show. I was a bit apprehensive because the schedule listed a comedian I didn’t recognize. His name, Flip Schultz and he has quite a list of his accomplishments. The act began with a short video that ended with the audience being encouraged to sing ‘Sweet Caroline’, which they complied with. After that was over, he came out and did a pretty good routine and got a good response from the audience. It ended up being a pretty good show. He did push his website and following him on social media.




    The various music venues all had good audiences last night, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. The performing groups right now are all good.


    Here are today’s activities and menus –
















    Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada yesterday


















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  3. 9 hours ago, rafinmd said:

    Today is the 5th anniversary of @richwmn  starting the Fleet Report, Daily, and finally Fleet Report and Daily.  Here are some key dates:


    December 31, 2018 @luv2trvll’s last Fleet Location as his source of data disappears

    April 27, 2019: Rich puts out feeler on Fleet Locations but had no takers

    April 28, 2019: Rich’s first Fleet Report

    June 1, 2019 @kazu was first guest host of the Fleet report

    Approx December 25, 2019 first “Today is” Starting with Christmas and holidays but something else added for regular days.

    March 16, 2020: First appearance of “The Daily” There was not really a change in the substance for a while but March 16 did add a discussion of various possibilities


    Other milestones in the Daily:

    April 5, 2020: First Meal Suggestion and quote

    June 23, 2020: First wine suggestion

    June 29, 2020 Maps become a regular feature of the daily

    July 9, 2020: My first sunrise

    July 10, 2020: First care list

    July 27, 2020: First wine review by @cat shepard

    August 5, 2020: First alternative meal

    August 8: 2020 First shoutout list

    September 1, 2020 First Drink AND Drink Review

    December 26, 2020: Dailyite Meet and Greet on Zoom

    January 27, 2021: Debbie’s first meal review

    February 1, 2021, First Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit

    March 1, 2021 First Destination of the Day

    July 24, 2021, First BHB with Passengers Lafnvegas onboard

    July 31, 2021, First regularly dailyite on board Crazy for Cats Nieuw Amsterdam

    January 18, 2022: Father David’s first sermon on the Daily

    June 19, 2022: First Fleet Report and Daily

    January 28, 2023 @JazzyV takes over the Care and Celebration lists

    January 25, 2024 First Alternative Maps with cruiser names



    Y'all always give me a lot of credit for 'starting' this concept. Please add this to the time line

    Lisa @LAFFNVEGAS started the original "Where's the fleet". I contacted her and she began in early 2006, probably Feb. She said that she handed it over to David @luv2trvl in 2010 or 2011. They both deserve a lot of the credit for the existence of this thread. I would have never started without there efforts before me.


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  4. 5 minutes ago, Vineyard View said:

    We haven’t sailed HAL for a long while, but Pinnacle Grill was an excellent restaurant. Not Michelin….that does not exist on cruise lines, regardless of their tag lines nor claims. 
    I read recently that HAL introduced additional charges for certain items on their menus, in specialty as well as MDR. That would be a big change. Maybe played into the original posting, but it isn’t mentioned. 

    Here is the current Volendam Pinnacle Grill Menu showing up charges.
















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  5. April 28th, 2024 – Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada


    Like yesterday, we are still a little way outside Sydney. We should arrive in a short time and be ready to go ashore on time. We are currently moving at 10 knots, and heading Northwest. The temperature is 45°F / 7°C, the skies are overcast with a humidity of 92% and a wind speed of almost 14 mph.




    Yesterday was a very nice day in Halifax. It stayed cool all day and everyone seemed to have a good time. We were a little late leaving due to an excursion returning late. Sail Away went well.


    Yesterday the 4pm trivia had a theme of ‘1960’s’ and my team did well. After trivia was over I went to the Ocean Bar with Cathy & Jim, then joined them for dinner in the Main Dining Room. We arrived around 6pm and were quickly seated upstairs along the rail. I had a shrimp appetizer, followed by a salmon dish, and apple pie for dessert. It was very good and we spent about 90 minutes.


    We finished in time to go to the show. Last night was a group called ‘Breton Thunder’ doing a show called ‘Heritage’. They introduced themselves as natives of the Sydney area and that they would do a show of local music. Later in the show the drummer announced that he is actually from Newfoundland, which is at least very close. The show was very good and they provided some interesting information about the area. They will do one more show on May 1st.






    After the show ended there was a short rest before the Orange Party started, which as we know celebrates Dutch heritage. We had the advantage of actually having it on the King’s birthday, which is on April 27th. It was a nice gathering held in the Crows Nest. The venue was set up differently that previous Crows Nest parties and I believe the setup last night was better use of the area. The Ocean Bar band played and did an outstanding job with the songs they played while I was there.


    Here are today’s activites and menus –














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  6. April 27th, 2024 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


    We are still a little way away from Halifax, it is a nice but chilly morning for our first day in Canada. We are proceeding toward the berth at 10 knots going Northwest. The temperature is 39°F / 4°C under clear skies. The humidity is at 74% with 14 mph winds.




    Yesterday was a nice day in Portland, and I had a nice walk thru the town. It was a short day, so in some ways it was like a sea day. Trivia went well, and my group did ok.


    Last night I had dinner in Canaletto with @k Jacqui and Debbie. It was a very good meal and I had a nice time getting to know them a bit. I don’t usually post food pictures, since I usually eat in the Lido and the meals are not really plated. However, in this case Jacqui took pictures of all three meals and I’m sure they were posted on her thread.


    After dinner I went to the World Stage for the show. The entertainer last night was Michael Robinson with Terrance. I have always enjoyed this act and I looked forward to seeing him again. I have to say, though, that this is the third time in the last couple of weeks that Mike has been our entertainer and as I mentioned about another performer the act is pretty much the same each time. It is much better once a year, rather than once a month.


    I now present today’s activities and menus –















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  7. April 26th, 2024 – Portland, Maine


    It looks to be a very nice day in Portland today. We are docked and about ready to have Guests leave the ship. It appears that there is plenty to do in the area of the dock.






    I already went over yesterday morning, we didn’t clear for Guests to leave the ship until about 2:30 and we had a late sail away. Boston is a very nice place to visit, and I have done it several times in the past. Yesterday I just completed some errands.


    No show in the World Stage last night. The Volendam Repertory Company was scheduled but it was announced that there was some kind of trouble and a movie would be shown instead.


    Today’s activities and menus –















    Portland, Maine

















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  8. April 25th, 2024 – Boston, MA


    Well, we are not actually in Boston yet, that is still over five hours off, although from the map it doesn’t look like we are that far away. We are headed Northwest at 10 knots. The temperature is currently 39°F / 4°C under clear skies. The humidity is 54% and the winds are a little over 17 mph.




    I already talked about my excursion yesterday. So we will pick up with the return to the ship. The tender ride in both directions was smooth, and upon returning to the ship lunch was being served in the Lido. All aboard was 1pm, but we didn’t get underway until around 2pm. Trivia at 1pm and 4pm was good. I had a Pinnacle Grill dinner scheduled with @catlet and met the others at the Crows Nest for a pre-dinner drink at 5. We made it on time to the Pinnacle Grill and had a good dinner and company. @kazu, Jacqui and Debbie had dinner scheduled at the same time and were seated next to us so we had a chance to talk to them as well. The meal went well, everything was cooked properly and was very tasty.


    We left Pinnacle Grill and went to the World Stage where comedian Alan Yenser was again the entertainment. In truth, I wasn’t impressed with his first show, and since this is a different ‘cruise’, the show last night was an exact repeat of that show. To be honest, most of his audience hadn’t seen the show before so it was new to them and he got about the same response as last time.




    I did leave the show a bit early and called it a night. All in all it was a nice day in Newport and on the ship. Here are today’s activities and menus –


















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  9. 21 minutes ago, RobertoF said:

    HAL gift cards are currently unavailable on the AARP website.  Hopefully they will be back tomorrow (a rep at AARP did not know).

    I just looked since I bought some yesterday and found this note:


    Through April 25th, various gift card brands will be unavailable as we perform system maintenance.

    We apologize the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to improve AARP Rewards.


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  10. April 24th, 2024 – Newport, RI


    It has been an interesting morning. But first, lets see about yesterday. It was a good day at sea yesterday. For what it is worth, the current trivia host is not, in my opinion, as good as we had on the Grand. The questions are fine, and we have done well. It just isn’t as much fun for me. Add to that, he doesn’t finish the 7pm trivia in time to make the 7:30 show as happened on the Grand.


    Last night the World Stage show was ‘The Volendam Repertory Company’ in ‘Guitar Rock’, a show that keeps moving and is very good. This was the third time I have seen the show, and it was still good. We will have three more shows by this troupe before they leave in Quebec City.


    After a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast I reported to the World Stage to join a HAL excursion for Newport. We were to report at 8:00am and tender together for a start time of 8:45 at the pier. We received our stickers, orange 21, and shortly after 8am we were called to go to the tender area. The tour organizer had the busses parked very close to the tender dock, and we took off right on time. Our guide was very knowledgeable about the area and his commentary was very good. We saw many majestic houses from the bus, until we arrived at one named ‘The Elms’. Here we were allowed to exit the bus and tour the house and grounds for about an hour. This house is very nice and the staff has done a great job of staging it for the visitors. After we left the house, it was back to the tenders and back on the ship around noon. It was a very pleasant day in Newport.





















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  11. April 23, 2024 – at sea, destination Newport, RI


    Good morning from a rocky Volendam. The ride North so far has been rougher than I remember from my previous relocation trips from Fort Lauderdale to Montreal. Or my memories could be thru rose colored glasses.


    Volendam is currently headed North and a bit East and we are currently near the North Carolina Virgina boarder. We are due into Newport tomorrow at 7 am for a short stay. The temperature is currently 55°F / 13°C under broken clouds. The winds are just under 29 mph and the humidity is 55%.




    For the most part of the day yesterday the ship had quite a bit of motion. We did have a full slate of activities and everything was well attended. Trivia was well attended and the questions were difficult.


    At 11am the Captain held the first of two Mariner receptions and I had a chance to talk to Jacqui and Debbie, along with Jim and Catherine. The reception had good attendence and everyone got a drink or two. After the Mariner reception we had lunch.


    After the 1 pm trivia session I headed to the Cruise Critic Meet and Greet. The event was well attended and HAL provided the usual water, tea, and cookies. We all introduced ourselves and several announcements were made. We then had some time to meet the other CC members. It is always nice to talk to the people we have chatted with on line for a while.


    Last night the World Stage show was scheduled to be the Singers and Dancers. Due to the ship’s motion that show was delayed until tonight and Elliott Finkel took the stage for his second show instead. He always does a good show and I’m sure he did last night as well, but I felt like a movie night so I stayed in. If the sea state co-operates we will have the Singers and Dancers tonight.


    Today’s activities and menus –


















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  12. 8 hours ago, POA1 said:

    Hi, Rich. Brian from tech support here. Did turning off MAC randomization help with the login issue?


    If it did, we can close out your trouble ticket. If not, we will have to escalate to someone with a greater understanding of networking.



    Yes, it seems to have taken care of things, thanks for checking back.

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  13. April 22nd, 2024 – at sea, destination Newport, RI


    Back in the sea day routine. Early breakfast and a nice relaxing day. This morning we are proceeding North along the US coast, currently off Savannah, GA. Our bearing is North and we are moving at 16 knots. On the Sea View Pool deck it was sprinkling a little while ago, but not bad. The tv weather is showing broken clouds and a temperature of 72°F / 22°C with a humidity of 74% and winds at 12 mph.




    Yesterday was turn around day in Fort Lauderdale. It appeared that most of the ‘In Transit’ Guests took the option to stay on the ship and there were about 50 or so people in the Wajang Theater. Once all the disembarking Guests left the ship, and several had to be reminded as always, we proceeded to the terminal for our immigration scanning. That went smoothly, but again we had to wait for one Guest to show up so the ship could have a zero Guest count and we could return to the ship. He did finally show up and once he did we returned to the ship.


    It was again very nice to be on the ship for a little while with almost no other Guests. A little after 11am the new Guests started arriving with their hand luggage. The cabins were ready about 11:30 and the ship settled down a bit. The Lido restaurant was open about the time the new Guests boarded the ship.


    Sail Away was originally scheduled for 3pm but was closer to 4pm. Just prior I was able to meet @kazu Jacqui and we manned the rail for Sail Away together. It was nice finally meeting her after working together on various CC projects over the years. I also got to see some other friends that I knew would be boarding.


    Last night on the World Stage was a presentation of ‘Origin Story’, which I watched several cruises ago. While it is a nice presentation, I didn’t feel the need to watch it again. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood again, so the night went well.


    Today is full of activities, including some special ones not on the Daily sheet. There is a Captain’s Reception for 4* and above at 11am, and a Wine Tasting at 2pm. Here are the general activities and menus –

















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  14. 13 hours ago, POA1 said:

    I would like to add that this login issue is relatively new. The authentication method was different in December. They must have changed it between the end of last year and our sailing over Easter.


    I saw on Rich's thread that they were updating the Volendam today. I don't know if that's the change they're making or not. But, since he's been on the Volendam for a third of year now, he's in a position to know.


    I just ran into this problem (among others) on Volendam this morning. I did your fix just now and will see if the problem persists.

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  15. April 21st, 2024 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Turnaround Day!


    In a short time Volendam will zero down Guests and a new cruise will begin. I have had a good time so far and expect it to continue. Half my trivia team is continuing on, so we will be recruiting three new players.


    It is currently 72°F / 22°C with 83% humidity and no wind according to the ship. Local forecast says 76°F and increasing to 85°F at 1pm.






    It is 7:31, and Daniel is already calling for self-assist passengers to start leaving the ship. At 9:15 the returning Guests who are not leaving the ship are to report to the Wajang Theater to do the immigration thing. When we are finished with that, we will return to the empty ship and the new Guests will start boarding shortly after.


    Last night was a normal final cruise night. Lots of goodbyes, and changing of information. One of the people I said goodbye to was a trivia partner for the last 109 days. He is also a Fort Lauderdale resident, so he has a short journey home. The other trivia partners that are leaving were for the last 15 days and are flying back to their home in San Diego. We won the last general trivia at 1pm, and just missed the final themed trivia, ‘Languages’, at 3pm. I have had a good run so far at trivia on this cruise.


    After trivia the final bingo was at $2,700 or so. I bought a ticket for the free cruise lottery, then decided to play bingo – not a normal thing for me. The bingo package was for four games and a scratch off ticket. The scratch off ticket got me a $5 free play chip in the casino, the bingo got me zilch. The bingo package was $39, so I spent $59 on ‘gambling’ last night.


    On the World Stage last night we had comedian Adam Yenser. Talking at trivia, no one could remember seeing him before. He was listed as being a comedian and Emmy Award winner, and a former writer for Ellen DeGeneres. His comedy was uneven and didn’t say too much about Ellen. It could be that he never got in his groove, but all he got were a few polite laughs.




    I need to wrap this up because the internet is going away shortly for an upgrade of sorts.


    Today’s activities --















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