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Everything posted by richwmn

  1. We found out a couple of hours ago that we will not be visiting Kangaroo Island. A hull inspection found that NZ might reject us so we are going to spend some time at sea getting the hull cleaned again by some divers.
  2. February 22nd, 2024 – Port Lincoln, South Australian We arrived on time this morning to a very nice day. When you get off the ship it is a bit of a walk, or a shuttle, off the dock. We will see what happens afterward. We had the typical two sessions of trivia yesterday. We did ok on the early session. The late session had a ‘Botany’ theme and we went into it hoping to get a few right since we all said we didn’t know too much about the subject. Well, it turned out that the questions matched our knowledge and we got all seventeen questions correct. We were the only team that did, so we won without a tie breaker. Meals were good as always. The World Stage was dark last night. Instead we had Derby Night. This was the same as we did on the World Cruise last year. Starting at 8pm the Ocean Bar Band played to a pretty full Lido Deck crowd. The beverage attendants were out in force and dressed up a bit. The Lido Staff was out with plates of food, making sure that everyone had some treats. At 9pm the ‘horses’ went to the post. We had five this year, staff members who joined in the fun. Each player advanced the amount of a die roll until each crossed the finish line. After the race finished, tickets were drawn for some prizes. It was really a fun evening. We lost another half hour last night and now we are synchronized with South Australia. We won’t have to adjust the clock again for several days. I did sleep well last night, and woke up this morning at about the right time. I will be going into Port Lincoln in a few minutes. Here are the activities and menus --
  3. Both the King’s Room and Queen’s Room are general meeting rooms, along with the Hudson Room. Each is used for various functions during the cruise based on the requirements of ship’s staff and various groups that might be aboard. I know that the King’s Room was used for a special meal for the President’s Club earlier in this cruise. Right now all three rooms are being used for organized activities. The Queen’s Room is being used for Watercolor, the Hudson Room is being used for Bridge Instruction, and the King’s Room appears to be people playing cards. Since we are currently on a ‘Grand’ cruise the ship provides more activities than the typical seven to fourteen day cruise. On a typical short cruise, these rooms may be used for meetings or classes by groups, such as continuing education groups, that request them.
  4. February 21st, 2024 – at sea, destination Port Lincoln, South Australia Another uneventful night aboard Volendam. The seas remain calm and the ride has been smooth. We are currently headed East at 16 knots and should make Port Lincoln on time tomorrow at 8:00am. We lost another hour last night and will lose another half hour tonight to match the time in our next few ports. The temperature is 68°F / 20°C under broken clouds. The humidity is 84% with winds about 15mph. The two sessions of trivia yesterday went well. Of course we didn’t win, but we are always close. The evening’s session was ‘Geography’ and it wasn’t identifying shapes of countries. The questions were a nice selection of information about geography and the winning team got 16 out of 17 points. As happens frequently, there was a tie. Dani’s tie breaker is always the year something happened, and whoever is closer wins. After trivia I went directly to the World Stage. Our entertainment was a comedian, Jeff Green. His act was funny and well received by the audience. He was on stage a little over the normal time, but it seemed like it was shorter because it was fun. After the World Stage show I roamed around the ship for a bit. The entertainers in the various venues have been aboard since we boarded in January and still get a good crowd. Last night the Piano Bar was about 2/3 full and the Ocean Bar maybe a bit less. I also went up to the Crows Nest, but missed the Dance Band by a few minutes. The people that were still there said the band had a small crowd dancing. I also donated to the casino for the first time this trip. I played Roulette for about a half hour and managed to walk away with half of what I started out with. All things considered, not too bad. Tonight’s activities and menus --
  5. I am currently on Volendam and we visited Komodo Island a few days ago. All announcements about going ashore specifically mentioned both HAL and Private excursions and both were allowed to get off the ship. I believe @Cruising-along did a private excursion and may answer you with more specifics.
  6. Marianne was part of my trivia group and was on the ship until Fremantle. She split the cruise (and the cabin I understand) with Margery who is now on board.
  7. February 20th, 2024 – at sea, Destination Port Lincoln, Western Australia We lost an hour last night, and will lose another 1½ hours over the next two nights in order to match the time in Port Lincoln. We are currently traveling due east at 16 knots and will arrive at our destination Thursday morning at 8:00am. The temperate is currently 68°F / 20°C with 86% humidity. The wind is around 21mph and the skies are overcast. Yesterday the two trivia sessions went well, as always the first was general knowledge. The second had a theme of ‘True Crime’, and consisted of major crimes that hit the headlines. Dani recited a major disclaimer before she started to the effect that some of the crimes were very bad and she would understand if anyone left. My group did not find that any of her descriptions rose to that level. The winning team got a score of 16/17. I left the Mix right after trivia and headed for the World Stage, as did most of my group. Last night the feature was called ‘B Side’ and was very good. As mentioned before, this group called ‘Grand Cruise Repertory Company’ does an excellent job with the shows. They were scheduled for 12 shows and have been doing about one show a week. They have been a very welcome addition to the cruise. The ride since yesterday afternoon has been very smooth. We seem to have stayed just before or after weather problems on this cruise. We just missed two cyclones, and in Fremantle we had two nice days which were bracketed by 100°F days. We passed the halfway point on this cruise last night. I am eight days away from halfway thru my itinerary. Today’s activities and menus –
  8. February 19th, 2024 – Albany, Western Australia Today we are docked, and from the looks of it we are close to town. It should be a nice day in town, a little cooler than the past few days. Last evening was very nice. The early trivia session was good. The theme of the late session was ‘History’ and we managed to tie. Of course, we lost the tie breaker. I guess we need to work on that aspect of the game. Last night the entertainment on the World Stage was a group called ‘The Tap Pack’. This is a group of four men doing a tap dance routine with a bit of singing. Both the singing and dancing were entertaining and the audience seemed to appreciate it. We lost our creative writing instructor in Perth, and got a drawing instructor in exchange. I understand there was a bit of a problem with the number of people showing up for the first session yesterday. I hope it gets straightened out, seems like a nice activity. Here are today’s activities – And today’s menus –
  9. February 18th, 2024 – at sea, Destination Albany, Western Australia. Today is another sea day, and a good day to relax. We are headed south at 11 knots and scheduled to arrive in Albany at 8:00am tomorrow. The skies are overcast and the temperature is 68°F / 20°C. The humidity is 81% and the winds are at 16.5mph. Overall a pretty nice day. Yesterday evening the topic of the late trivia was hair styles. This was pictures of various hair styles and we were supposed to give the name of the style. Top score was 14, we got 12 so not too bad. After the trivia session was over, I headed to the World Stage to see the show. The show featured Akos Laki, billed as an instrumentalist. I skipped his first show because I didn’t think I would enjoy a sax as the featured instrument. I have to say I was wrong. The show was good, he is very accomplished at both instruments he played, sax and clarinet, and his talk was interesting. The songs he played were suited to featuring the instrument, and he played them well. Here are the activities and menus for today.
  10. I just walked back and took a look at that area. I was wrong, there is a nice little deck area there, and there are doors to get from your cabin outside.
  11. As far as I know, all cabins have been upgraded to the interactive TV system. My ocean view (3300) does have the upgraded shower and I believe most do. I don't know if there is any outside area on deck 2 to exit to, I don't think so.
  12. February 17th, 2024 – Fremantle (Perth), Western Australia Day 2 It has been a nice evening in Fremantle. Yesterday I took a long walk thru the city which sort of mirrored my walk last year. There were a couple of differences, but not many. It again started with taking the shuttle into town. We were dropped at the same place and as with last year the volunteers were there to help us and were very nice. I was on a bit of a mission yesterday. At an earlier stop I went into an Australian Post Office store with @Cruising-along Carolyn. While in there I noticed an upgraded cell phone for a price I could consider, but I wanted to be sure it would work. I talked to support and was assured that it would. I kinda tried looking for it again for the last couple of stops but wasn’t successful. I asked the volunteer for a possibility and she suggested a nearby store. That happened to be a local supplier, so they didn’t have any unlocked phones. I saw a Target, and checked there. The Post Office was also across the street, but neither had what I needed. In Target the person suggested a place named ‘Officework’. I put that in my phone and set off. For some reason I kept messing up the instructions and kept getting further from the store, so I walked back to the bus. The same nice volunteer was familiar with the store and told me how to get there. Turns out, it was very close to the dock. I walked there and found the phone, actually a little better than the one I had looked at. The employee was able to look up my carrier (T-Mobile) and said that I would have no trouble. I bought it for a little bit less than I had expected. I then walked across the street, and a little bit down the road and got back on the ship. After trivia and a bit of frustration I had a new working phone. It is another pretty day today and I’m sure everyone will have a good time. Today’s activities – Today’s menus – Some pictures of Fremantle –
  13. February 16th, 2024 – Fremantle (Perth), Western Australia We docked in Fremantle this morning on time, and we have been cleared to go ashore. We will be here overnight, so there is no hurry to get anything done. Also, I stopped here last year on the World Cruise and I had a nice visit then. We had the normal sea day trivia sessions yesterday, and my group did well in both. The theme of the evening session was ‘Nautical’ and had questions that would be expected. Most teams got 13 – 15 answers correct but one team did get a perfect score. The World Stage show last night was again Daniel Mallari. He did music from Broadway shows and I think that his selection of songs was better suited to him than the first show, particularly Circle of Life and I’m Still Standing. He did a solo of Jesus Christ, Superstar and while he did fine, it didn’t quite sound right (to me) without the chorus. I do think he is a good singer with a good stage presence and did enjoy the show. I don’t say too much about food. The reason is that I feel the food is very good and since I eat in the Lido mostly the meals are not ‘plated’ so pictures wouldn’t really show anything. I have been eating quite a few salads from the salad bar, which is well stocked. The breakfasts in the morning are well prepared, whether you talk about omelets, fried eggs, or pan cakes. It has been nice to have the Taco Bar stocked each day and available from 11:30am until 8:00pm. The burgers and hot dogs at the Dive In are good and available during the same hours. Today in Fremantle is going to be hot, but should be a good day. Here are today’s activities, meals, and a few pictures from the ship.
  14. I didn't see many, but others that went to other areas said that the flies were a problem.
  15. February 15th, 2024 – at sea, destination Fremantle (Perth), Western Australia Today is a sea day on Volendam, heading for Fremantle. We are currently in the Indian Ocean, headed south at about 19knots. Our expected arrival is tomorrow morning at 8am. The temperate is 73°F / 23°C under clear skies. The humidity is 89%, and the wind is at a little over 15mph.
  16. If the cruises were linked together prior to boarding you can see the entire itinerary. I don't know the time frame or exactly what your PCC or Travel Agent has to do since mine handles it. I am currently on Volendam for a B2B2B2B. I could see the first three as soon as I boarded. The last was booked about a month before boarding the first and was not linked, so I can't see it even though it was linked later. I don't think this would be available if the cruises were on different ships.
  17. February 14th, Exmouth, WA, Australia We are at our resting point, and the tenders have been lowered. Tendering ashore should begin in about 20 minutes, but I will wait for quite a bit later than that. The temperature is currently 79°F / 26°C with a humidity of 64%. The wind is less than 1mph and the skies are clear. Looks to be a nice day to tender ashore today. The theme for last night’s trivia was ‘Mardi Gras’ and the questions were pretty good. We again managed to miss winning by one question. After trivia, I went to the World Stage and got there in time for Daniel’s final few questions on Exmouth. He seems to research the ports well and does a good presentation. For the evening show we were again treated to the Grand Voyage Repertory Company, singers and dancers. Their shows have been good and seem to be over too quickly. All four of the singers have good voices, and all eight performers are accomplished dancers. I enjoyed the selection of songs. This group has been a good addition to the cruise and I look forward to their remaining shows. I’m getting ready to tender into Exmouth, but first here are today’s activities and menus.
  18. February 13th, at sea Destination Exmouth, WA, Australian It is Tuesday morning on Volendam. It is currently 81°F / 27°C around the ship. The humidity is 84% and with winds are about 9mph. The ship is moving in a westerly direction at 15 knots and we are expecting to arrive in Exmouth tomorrow morning at 8:00AM. Yesterday we had a nice day in Broome. Trivia at 4:00pm was well attended, as was the session at 7:00pm. The theme for the late session was ‘The Olympics’ and Dani did a very good job of presenting difficult questions. Even at that, one team did get everything correct. The performer last night on the World Stage was Daniel Hallari. He calls his music ‘Popera’ and describes it as pop songs sung in the fashion of opera. I found that, to my taste, his music was ok. He does have a good voice and a pretty good stage presence, but I was not particularly fond of a couple of his selections. Overall it was a good show and it looked like the audience enjoyed it. Today is another lazy day at sea, proceeding to Exmouth in Western Australia. The sea has been calm for most of this voyage and Volendam has been very comfortable. Today’s activities – Today’s menus –
  19. the odd symbols are characters that don't translate from the web site I copied the wine name from. I can't tell that they are messed up until I see them on the day. It should show as "Mülheimer", not the umlaut over the u. They show correctly in some places, but not in others. Rich
  20. It would not be on the website. The availability to purchase FCDs is only when you are aboard a ship. I don't have a current brochure available, but you buy one for $100 (or more if you wish) and get a reduced deposit and on board credit. The $100 FCD is good for cruises up to about 21 days. You can 'top it off' for longer cruises.
  21. February 12th, 2024 – Broome, Western Australia Super Bowl Sunday on Monday morning aboard Volendam! With the Super Bowl on the TV in the background, we begin our Monday morning in Broome. The position map shows us to be a little more off shore than we are, but there is a long dock that separates us from the main land. Fortunately, the dock is large enough for the shuttle busses to come all the way to the ship. Because of tides the gangway didn’t open until 7:45, but people were lined up for at least an hour to be the first ones off the ship. Last night I took another break and didn’t do much other than the two trivia sessions, which both went well. The evening session was pictures of celebrities from years ago that we had to identify. It proved to be very interesting. I did attend the Port Talk on Groome and Exmouth. Daniel is a good speaker and gave us quite a bit of good information about both ports. If you are so inclined, there seems to be plenty to do, and a good variety, in both ports. Today’s activities – Today’s menus – Some early pictures of Broome –
  22. I rarely order from room service, and when I do it is just a BLT. Someone else will need to answer this.
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