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Posts posted by lostchild

  1. Your thread title says WiFi enabled camera to phone. If you have a camera has WiFi, the camera makes its own WiFi hotspot, that you set it up on the camera, then you connect to that on your phone to transfer pictures. You don't need the ships WiFi for that.


    I was just going to post the same thing. Don't need any external WiFi at all to get the pic to the phone. Once the pics are on the phone, OP could just the smartphone and the ship's unlimited WiFi to backup pictures to the cloud.

  2. Having sailed a number of different cruise lines, I've found the taste of water in the cabin sink can vary greatly. Last year I bought a water bottle made by Brita that has a replaceable filter built into the cap. I just fill the bottle from the tap and then it is filtered either as I drink out of the bottle as I squeeze the water into another bottle or class. Each filter is suppose to last for about 60 fills and then you pop in another.


    Oh actually I completely forgot about Brita. I think that's a great idea! Thanks!

  3. Could you tell me which brand of rechargeable CPAP you got? I was actually looking at them as I travel quite a bit now and my home one is quite heavy (with the brick). I was looking at the Transcend. Also last time when I was on Disney cruise, they wanted to take my extension cord (for the CPAP) as it has 3 outlet strip at the end. I use it at hotels to plug in phone charger and stuff but on the cruise it is a banned item.

  4. Could someone tell me what exactly is a 90 min internet package? I mean who do they time it? Is it like you log in, start the timer.. log out, stop the timer.. and you got 90 minutes total for the entire cruise? I got a cabin with our kid as the 3rd. We have unlimited internet and he got a 40 min package. I couldn't find any definition on celebrity site describing what the 40 min package does...

  5. I know there are still people who listen to CDs, but pretty much everyone in my family and close friends are listening to streaming music like Spotify. If I am a musician, I would definitely try to put my music on Spotify or other streaming channels and give out my information (album name, etc..) during the performance. That way people could find you on their streaming service and play your song over and over again. This is what my wife and son do.. driving me crazy. And then my other friends hear the song and play it over and over themselves....

  6. I've only ever seen CDs on sale.


    I think they usually charge $20, but I don't know if they get it. I wouldn't buy any CD for $20.


    I only have been to one cruise and didn't see any musician there. But I see a lot of them at Santa Monica or other tourist places and they usually charge around $15 to $20 for the CDs. I never seen people actually buying them though.. most just go look.. ask for the price and say thanks and left.


    I would think on the cruise ship it would be even more difficult to sell CDs. A ship hold like 2800 passengers? Probably less than 10% will actually get to see the musician's performance. And maybe 50% of them will like it enough to ask for the price of the CD. So that's about 140 people. Of those, I think less than 10% will actually buy the CD even of the price is fair. So you will sell about 14 CDs max on the whole trip...

  7. It's good to know the tap water is good. I know we love the tap water from Canada and New York but the water from So California (our home state) is horrible. We were thinking about getting the water bottle packages for the next Celebrity cruise but we will have to get the bottle from bar/restaurant right? My wife drinks 4 to 5 bottles a day minimum... it would be a lot of stops to get 1 bottle of water each time. I think if you pay for a water package they should just fill your cabin with 12 bottles of water every day. It only cost them like $2 to $3 and you pay like $16 x 2 per day!


    I guess we will try the tap water and if we don't like it.. could buy the package onboard!

  8. Actually I think we would have love to sit with different families on each night. But that's not how they work on the Disney cruise. Our family of 3 was matched up with another family of 3 every night of the 7 nights cruise. I think it was because our kids are around the same age. But that's pretty much our similarity ends. They pray before their meal, and we watched them pray. Our kid talked about video games, their kid was not allowed to play video games. After a few nights, both families were trying to finish our meals as fast as possible and leave the main dinning room.

  9. I am totally fine with sitting with random people at the buffet. We do it all the time at the mall food court. I think it is more awkward when they assign you another family sitting at the same main dinner table every night of the cruise. You have to dine with them every night and after a few nights you know that you have nothing in common and then it is just making small talks and both family knows was done to avoid the awkward silence. We actually started to make reservations at the specialty restaurants just to get away from the main dining room in the later days of the cruise.

  10. Your last statement is not correct. The drugs do not work after you become sick, but the ginger tablets will.


    I never tried ginger pills. My mom did give me ginger soup (ginger, water, and brown sugar) whenever I had stomach ache when I was little and it did work every time.

  11. I am getting these :



    The ones you have look amazing but alittle outta of more than I can do. PLus my husband would KILL me. ;)


    Heh. Well if you normally don't get motion sickness on regular day to day.. those may work. I have tried those, unfortunately on a whale watching tour at Maui, and lets just say that the fish in the ocean enjoyed 99% of my breakfast and dinner from the night before. :rolleyes:


    I know the patch (behind the neck) works for me, but the wrist band with electric pause seems more natural and actually cheaper over long term as I use it everywhere and the battery is replaceable. And what's amazing about the one I linked is that it works even after you got sick. None of the pills or patch work after you are already motion sick, but the watch does.

  12. I am going to buy the wrist bands but I also want to take something on board with us just for the fact that I am allergic to antihistamines. Does anyone have any ideas? I see there is ginger candy and you can get peppermint candy. I would prefer to stay natural.


    Which wrist band are you taking? I am using this one:



    I had it for about 12 years and still working great. Use it on cruise, little boat, roller coaster, plane, bus, car, etc... Over the years I must have let over 20 people borrowed it on cruises and everyone thanked me afterward and bought their own. I am one of those people who get car sick if I am not driving.. and can never read anything riding on anything that moves.

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