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Everything posted by blueplatinum

  1. I am cruising on Costa Fortuna in September and I am a bit concerned about this. I have done four previous Costa cruises (various ships, the last in 2019) and there was always water available from fountains on deck and/or in the buffet. Can anyone who has sailed in 2022 or 2023 confirm if this is still the case please? I am not bothered about water in the restaurant but I do want to be able to fill my water bottle. Thank you.
  2. We are Richard and Lexie. A gay, married couple from the UK and living in Gran Canaria. Looking forward to making some new social friends on the cruise. Joining in Barcelona on 28 September for two weeks. See you on board.
  3. People will be joining and departing the ship throughout its journey but hopefully we can hopefully all get together at some point. Let's introduce ourselves here. ----------- La gente se unirá y parte del barco a lo largo de su viaje, pero esperamos que todos podamos reunirnos en algún momento. Vamos a presentarnos aquí. ----------- Le persone si uniranno e lasciano la nave durante il suo viaggio, ma speriamo di poterci riunire tutti prima o poi. Presentiamoci qui.
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