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Everything posted by Top_of_the_Cube

  1. Never have come across that question before. I can't recall ever seeing plasticware on any ship. Also, I have never seen plasticware listed as a foreboden item to bring aboard. If you do bring your own to the MDR or specialty restaurant, be aware they might charge you a forking fee.
  2. We have always done set dining time with almost always a twelve-top. My wife is very conversational, and the most introverted folks at our tables really take to her. We end up having a wonderful dinner time. The almost has to do with one cruise where the only table available was a two-top. My wife was very upset and cried. Not sure how I should take that.
  3. There have been comments on this board about people admitting to being in contact with an infected individual, and not one of them were denied boarding when providing a negative test taken within the time frame required by the cruise line. They were, though, required to go through a special screening with the ship medical staff. Most reported just having the medical representative doing a visual examination. I assume that if you are exhibiting obvious symptoms, it might be another story. Now, admittedly, these were anecdotal stories on these boards from folks of which I don't have personal knowledge, but it does jive with Carnival's posted protocols. But, in the end, it is up to the decision of the medical staff. CDC still, as of today, defines contact as being within six feet of an individual for at least fifteen minutes. Just in case your husband was sitting across a large table from this "friend" for most of their time together.
  4. Well, OP, since you asked - as long as I am physically able, I prefer to carry on all my luggage. Why? Partly because I am cheap (save the tip to the porter), partly because I want to get unpacked and stuff out of the way before hitting the Lido, partly to avoid the wait and see if/when our luggage gets delivered. I am sure there is also some hidden undiagnosed neurosis involved (maybe I'm joking, or not). Wife and I pick a late check-in time so that by the time we get on the ship, we can go directly to our cabin to unpack (we have not yet attained the appropriate "loyalty" level). By the way, I am what some call an over-packer. Depending on my whim, I might have as much as a large suitcase, a medium or small suitcase, and maybe a backpack and a satchel. I think I just heard someone faint.
  5. Speaking only of my personal experience with excursions in the Caribbean. The further that you travel from the port (I am generalizing), the less time you might have with the actual excursion part of your trip with a private tour. That is because (again, my experience) the private tour will tend to try to get you back to the ship early enough to account for unforeseen delays. I think they do this with all their tours, but it becomes more noticeable with longer travel times. Ship-sponsored excursions have less to lose by pushing the return time. But, I bet there is some clause in the contract with the ship line about delaying the ship's departure.
  6. Simply put (and just my opinion), cruising is not back - for everyone. My wife and I can live with long lines and decreased service and staffing in order to get back on a ship. As long as we feel the ship is safe, a certain level of qualify food is available, our rooms are clean and comfortable, and the price is right (very subjective), we want to cruise. If you expect and require more from your experience, I can definitely see why your vacation might be a bust. This in no way is to say my view is right and your expectations are wrong. Ones not right and the other is wrong, they are just different. There will come a time that wife and I will look to Carnival to up their game as conditions in the world and industry improve. We will evaluate then (also, very subjective) if we will continue to accept the product Carnival is providing. Read the discussions and consider the reviews and experiences to determine if cruising is for you right now. As for me and my house, we are glad to be back on the ships.
  7. I am sure there must be cases in which the ship has left behind passengers on a private excursion returning late, but my quick search for stories has not uncovered any such incidences. On a private tour in Belize, our guide/owner received a call about another company with bus problems while we were returning to the ship. He was prepared to divert our group to pick up any ship passengers on the competitor's bus. The other company did resolve this without our needing to change our course. As our guide commented to us, the reputable private tour companies work together to make sure that no passengers miss their ship because of the tour. If just one group ever got left at the pier, that would spell doom for all their businesses.
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