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Posts posted by Getty123

  1. That singer/music was very annoying:eek: and not really into Cirque type entertainment so not planning on booking until there are at least some early passenger reviews. Also the picture with the snake crawling on a woman's back was enough to make me shudder considering my fear of snakes.



    I agree with you about the snake but I have not seen it lately. I did complaint on this media

    Thanks jc

  2. I found this interesting take on Eden. Now I am not sure when it was published... but given that talks about entertainment... it could be fairly recent. Interested in peoples reaction. I could see doing this once, and perhaps that is the idea. A real wow factor to bring home and post about... vs steady diet. http://www.cruisington.com/revealed-the-tasteful-sinful-details-of-eden-on-the-new-celebrity-edge/


    Good article, it I think is old as it shows the reveal party in nyc

  3. Totally agree - last time on Silhouette (May-June 2018) they invented "three strikes" rule - instead of having unlimited drinks during happy hour, there was only three drinks allowed during 5 to 7 in the evening. Not that I wanted to booze myself "to the Edge" but this was clearly an attempt to control the free alcohol leakout, and I wouldn't say that there were a lot of Captain's Club members on that cruise...


    Three weeks ago in equinox at Michaels drinks were free

  4. Luminae is a walk in restaurant. We have always gotten a table when walking in almost always, but might wait a few minutes for a window table or one with particular waiter. I hope the Edge system also works well.


    For a special anniversary dinner once my DH spoke with the hostess earlier in day about getting a quiet window table at a certain time. She said she couldn’t guarantee a specific time for a window table unless we got there when it opened, but since we wanted it around 8:00, she told us to wait in Michaels Club around 8:00 (Retreat Lounge on the Edge) and she would call the concierge when the table was ready. It worked out well - we enjoyed cocktails and relaxed until our call came. It was a memorable dinner - the food and wine were wonderful, the service was excellent and ambiance superb. :D


    Yes they are very accommodating, since traveling on suite we have really enjoy this private

  5. Everyone will have their favs to try..


    We are assigned to BLU so we will mostly be visiting that nice space for dinner. ( in Nov we'll be trying each of the 4 MDRs ..plus 1 night at RTG.)


    For Jan, we picked Fine Cut for what we hope is an elegant dinner, and Rooftop for what we hope will be a fun outing...There's enough on the menu to keep us happy.


    We will probably do a lunch there as well and try lunch at the Bistro depending on menu(?) And the Raw place, although dh is allergic to shellfish. A few trips to the buffet as well.


    We have no interest in LeP Chef or dinner at Eden so I think we pre selected good stuff for us...


    Key is to secure some res and remain flexible!


    I am in a suite and going to the retreat/lumenea

    But do you need reservations

    Thanks jc

  6. Lost another post..easy to do with fat fingers!



    Thanks for your help and the mapping efforts. I think our cabin will be Okay. It was that one or the one next to it closer to the bump out. Hope view will be Ok with bump out and the enclosed sides of the Infinite balc...we should have no problem looking aft...practice for our SV in Nov. Not sure abput looking the other way...may be seeing a balc from a bump out cabin????


    Whatever it is, we will love it!


    Again thanks to Lloyd for more wonderful photos...so exciting!


    How about 10159, I think it’s close as is an S1


  7. I heard that Celebrity is painting all of the hulls of their ships in the Edge dark blue so that they will be consistent across the fleet (part of the Revolution). The hulls will be painted with a silicone-based paint that will increase fuel efficiency. I personally like the classic look.




    Luv it, white is kind of dull. I also like the orange mc as it’s the whoa factor.

  8. Any idea approximately when the ship will be ready to sail? I know that the first cruises are scheduled for early December, but I "assume" the ship will be ready before then.


    Looking forward to Celebrating New Year's and the following week on the Edge. Thanks


    I will be on, please look for me

    Jesus Cardonne

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