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Posts posted by Smiley525

  1. Yes. We have done it twice.



    Great to hear! My DD is tiny (only 57 inches and 58lbs) there is no way I want her in with the 17 year olds! We are on the Grandeur which is a small ship so doesn’t have separate ‘teen’ rooms (meaning 12-14) (15-17). They didn’t even really divide up 5-12 much


    When they announce that the muster drill "will be" in 15 minutes, the general consensus is you should start heading to your muster station then, and be there before the actual drill sirens blow. If you wait for the actual drill and leave your stateroom (or wherever you are) at that time, and get to your station 5 minutes later, there will legit be passengers upset with you. Once I even saw crew members aggravated with those people and they started marking them absent. It's counter-intuitive to me, because in a real emergency you're not moving toward to your station until you hear an alert, but whatever - muster drill is over faster if everyone goes early.


    Have a great trip!


    Yes! We were one of the last ones at our drill-I was like how did all these people get here already!

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