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Posts posted by wizard-of-roz

  1. flsunnymommy: Welcome! Please take Chewey. The cruise ships are a wonderful experience for the entire family. And, they make living with your SD, onboard, very welcoming.

    POTTY BOX: If you do not have a cabin with a veranda ask them to place the potty box close to your stateroom. They can place it in a crew closet (where they store their equipment), in a stairwell (if there's room) or on an outside deck. I always insist that the "box" be placed "closeby" because of the difficulty that may arise in the late night walk. I have NEVER had a problem with any cruiseline, once I insisted.

    It is truly possible to have the box in a convenient spot....sometimes the Hotel Manager must be called in on the decision. Most times it's perfectly placed on the day you arrive.

    Although Chewey doesn't work for you.....when your son is in an area that is not condusive for Chewey it is totally appropriate for him to accompany you to another area....ie. a lounge for entertainment/bingo/casino/restaurant, etc., while your son engages in another activity.

    No one will question you.....this is not "normal circumstances", in the real world. You SHOULD keep Chewey on his leash, you must keep up his good rules and boundaries, etc. He does not have to stay in the cabin away from you!

    The other guests will not even question you about it. They'll be more curious about; "where he goes to the bathroom" and "can I pat him" and "what does he do", etc., etc.

    I always allow for "patting", once Brenny has been put in a "sit-stay" or a "down-stay" and I explain that it's always best to ask and wait for me to give the proper commands. Brenny will be on her 10th cruise, this Saturday and she loves it as much as we do. We ALWAYS include her in everything we do! (Not to mention she's needed!)

    ***She's a life saver and we're grateful to her for more than she or the public will ever know!!!!!!***

    The other guests are missing their own "fur-babies" who can't go traveling with them and they just want to admire and love your amazing SD!

    :)Have a wonderful cruise with your "whole" family! :)

    If you need any help on what kind of documentation or what's the best places to visit, etc., etc. We're all happy to assist you!!!!!

  2. Nancy, Cindy, John and Joe: .....Thanks so much for the good wishes. :)

    I'm in the packing mode (getting all Brenda's things together for a 2 week vacation, is overwhelming!) It was easier for 3 kids. I have a checklist that I go down and, hopefull, I'll follow it! She has a Vet check (got to get the Agricultural Inspection Form updated, tomorrow) and a grooming appointment on Friday. I must pack her Heartguard and Advantix, since we'll be away during the first of the month, this time.

    There must be time in between for me. :confused:

    So much to do.....she's now laying in her crate, by my desk, at work...snoring so loud, she's literally vibrating the floor....Awww! To be her! ;)


    I'm so looking forward to this cruise and all that goes with it! I'll write about our journey upon my return.

    Take care all!

  3. When we trained at CCI on Long Island 2 months ago, we were asked for a $100 room deposit. Just in case we trashed our room. We would have gotten it back at the end of the two weeks but the whole class decided to give it to CCI as our donation ($800). So all the supplies we got (2 leashes, 1 vest, bowls, measuring cup & collar) were free. We can also get a new free vest once a year if we need it.


    How wonderful are all of you for doing that!!!! Kudo's to you!

    That's great that they are now giving everything to you! And, are using the $100 as a deposit on the dorm room. I was amazed at the stuff that they get donated to them.....it takes a society of donors to make an organization as successful as CCI! And the team of people to cultivate those donors always makes my heart sing!

    I love CCI and all that they do!

    I donate to them every month, an automatic withdrawl from my checking account. I can't thank them enough!

  4. Darcie: Have a wonderful cruise. Don't forget to find the "Promenade" deck, where you can take your dog for walks (on leash) and watch the sea, horizon or the land, once you've docked. It's a glorious thing. And, look out for "sneaky patters" who can't wait to catch a "pat" of your dog, of course, while your in the elevator.

    I once forgot to bring enough of Brenda's favorite "chewies", these are the enzyme chews that I give her twice a day......they clean her breath and teeth and she loves them. I had to go to the purser, who took them down to the paper cutter and have the ones I had left cut into smaller pieces to last the rest of my cruise. I never did that again.

    Don't forget your dogs favorite toy, just one will do! I once had to go to Walmart, once we were docked, to buy some tennis balls.....I lost the "one" ball I brought onboard! :o


    I always bring bottled water (a flat from Costco) onboard for Brenda. I put a large label on it with name/ship/cruise date and cabin number. In all of our cruising, I've never had to go without it, it always makes it to my cabin!

    NOTE: CCI does not charge for their dogs. They will ask for a donation of $100 to cover the cost of the vest/feeding dishes/leash and collar. But, if you don't have it, they don't insist. The cost to CCI of breeding/puppy raising and training of one of their remarkable dogs is now over $50,000 per dog!

    Tinwoman: Lighten up! And, Quam.....what can I say. :rolleyes:

    Happy cruising, with your Service Dogs, to all!!!!!!!!

  5. I'm married to a "kingfoot", "COMBOY" and any other whiney, complaining, over educated, aggravating man who thinks; "if you can't boil and eat it, you can't have it!"

    Take a cruise/relax/go lay in the sun/go take a nap/sip a drink.....do whatever it is that men like YOU like to do.......Gawd knows, I can't or should I say I don't want to figure it out! And, I've been married to mine for a very long time.............And, I love my man, wouldn't trade him for any other....but, get over yourselves!

    It's the reason I continue to work and purchase the things that make me happy and that includes "BINGO CARDS" on a cruiseship! Oh! Sure! He'll come along and watch me win or not (with his expressionless grin), not forgetting to remind me of the "odds" against my winning! Such a brainiac! WHO CARES! Sit down, hold on, shut up!!!!!!!

    Sorry, I feel so much better! ;)

    Now, all you brainiac's, (that includes my DH), try and have a good time!!!!! Life is for the living!!!! Stop counting! RELAX!!!!! :cool:

  6. Hi -- We will be sailing with Andar on the Star soon and she had directed me to this thread. I've been reading many pages and learning lots. I am a transit driver in the city of Vancouver and come into contact with many SD. But more importantly I teach for our union (Canadian Auto Workers) occassionally. One of the courses I teach is a week long Human Rights Course and we do cover people with disabilities but we don't really talk too much about SD but I am happy to now say you have all taught me lots. And I feel more comfortable discussing it with my participants.


    Thanks again


    Vickie: Thank you for sharing and spreading the "good word" about these amazing Service Animals.

    Cindy & Darcie: We are so grateful to our Puppy Raisers and keep in touch with them, with pictures and stories of Brenda's adventures. Unfortunately, they're not good communicators but that doesn't stop us from letting them know how much we appreciate the wonderful job that they did.

    When we were at CCI we saw a 14 year old SD who was assisting a woman in a wheelchair. She was a Yellow Lab/Retriever mix and she was in excellent health. It was a joy watching what she can do and loves doing. Her human is going to retire her this year....even thought the dog still wants to work. CCI like to see the dogs retire in good health. So they can enjoy their "non service" life to its fullest!

    Well, it's a little less than two weeks and we'll be onboard the Sapphire and out to sea. YUMMY!!!! I smell the fresh salt air already!!!!! ;)

  7. Nancy: Carnival Pride is a wonderful ship. You will love it! We did! Don't forget to look at the ceilings in the buffet area; get your 24 hour ice cream; check out the art work in the foyer and, don't miss a picture with the statue of David (I promise you won't miss it!)

    I'm going to check with my TA and see if they will have any "specials" on the Pride, in January.

    We'll be cruising on November 15th, I don't think I could convince my DH to do it again so soon, no matter what the price but give him a couple of months and maybe he would!


    Thanks for what you're doing with CCI and your grocery store. It's a wonderful effort on your part and will assist the Service Dog Programs.

  8. Shirley: Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Brenda gets to run and play and jump and catch and fetch and leap!!!!! She gets to come in out of the rain/snow/sleet and swealtering heat.

    When she's outside, she gets to enjoy the company of other dogs/cats/rabbits/birds and humans. You see SD's know how to enjoy these pray animals and humans without the tension/aggression and fear that is instilled in them by some humans!

    Brenda gets to go into the mall and restaurants, buses, trains, airplanes (right at my feet, not in cargo) and on cruiseships. She gets the pleasure of watching T.V. (she loves the Animal Planet) and has a favorite couch to lay upon! She swims in the family pool and visits the county beaches, when other dogs must "stay away!"

    She's challenged on a daily basis, which keeps her mind and body toned and sharp.

    She has regular visits to the Vet, gets her fur and teeth brushed daily and gets lots and lots of hugs and kisses!

    She has a wonderful, wonderful life filled with adults and children who adore her and want to see her live very long!

    She doesn't have to wait in a hot car or on a hot porch or out in the rain or snow.....she goes inside "everywhere" and is afforded a life filled with luxuries that I wish every dog could enjoy!

    Please don't feel sorry for our "Working Dogs", we wish everyone could be one and everyone could have one!!!!!

  9. We so envy you guys, but wish you the best trip. I have now found the 7 day Riviera on Nov 30 for $369 pp balcony!!!!:eek: I don't know how we can NOT go. Except that one little thing called a job that pays for us to go? May have a different job in the works, so it may work out. We will see.


    Everyone have a great evening, what is left of it. I need to hit the homework, get dinner going and get the 5 year old in tub and teeth brushed and ready for bed. Now that all makes me tired!




    Nancy: what cruiseline has this great deal???? :confused:

    Werin: You make me SMILE REALLY BIG!!!!! :) I had to print your picture to keep in my desk...You are such a pretty girl!

    Sunshine: It sounds like you found the problem.....Amazing, how just a "pat" at the wrong time or too many "words" can "mark" the wrong behavior!

  10. We had a wonderful time in Santa Rosa with all the other Service Dogs. We all had a good time!

    We learned about the service work that these dogs are doing with our Iraqi War Vets and how they're assisting children with autism. The difference that a Service Dog can make in a life of someone who would be "stuck at home" is so wonderful!

    On our break periods Brenda played in the yard and ran and ran with some of her graduation buddies and with some puppies....they all had a hard time keeping up with her!

    When the break was over and we would go inside she would stare at the door leading to the play yard, anticipating her next opportunity to go out and romp with the herd!

    There were some very sad stories about some dogs, in my gradauation class, (2002), who died suddenly with some very weird health issues. We all had a good cry! That being said, there was a 13 year old Lab, who was still assisting her human, in a wheel chair and loving it...amazing!!!

    Dogs are like humans....some have long lifespans and some don't! It can be heredity and sometimes it doesn't matter! We have to love and care for them for as long as we can......(she says with a big tear in her eye!)

    Peter, what a great picture....and, Wherin is smiling, I know a dog smile when I see one! She's a beauty! And, "the ship beneath our feet"...there truly is nothing like it!!!!!

    Traveling to Mexico: You MUST have proper documentation for your SD on a cruise ship. The Agricultural Inspection Form (get it from your Vet), is perfect. It has all the information that the Immigration Authorities and the Cruiseship Personnel will need.

    The crate: Brenda loves her crate at work. I put a soft rug on the floor of it for her senior joints. It's her respite place, away from the people and the noise. I took the door off of it so she can go and come as she pleases.

    When onboard a ship: I will leave Brenda in the cabin for short periods (I make sure that she sees me leaving.) I use the command "wait" (this means you must stay here but you are free to move about.) I do not hold a conversation with her.....When I return, I greet her with a simple "hello", no big deal. I repeat this several times a day to just get her used to being alone. I do this at home, at work or in a hotel. NEVER make a big deal about leaving or returning; it's just part of her routine, it's natural! She does her best snoring, while she's sleeping in her crate, at work!!!!

    Cari: You are so helpful, thank you!

    Well, I must get back to work and then go shopping and get my packing gear ready for our trip on November 15th.

    Stay well and take care,


  11. You all are so, so busy! I love it!

    Happy sails to all who are leaving on their cruises....we will leave on November 15th....I can't wait. I'm so sick of the "politics" and our "economy", it's enough to make anyone sick!!!!!

    Cari: I would love the name of the Attorney, to have it, just in case! Have a wonderful cruise!!!! And, I'd love to get together for dinner, one day......When you get back, let's set it up!

    Nancy: We leave tomorrow for Santa Rosa. I'll let you guys know how the workshop was, when I get back!

    Cindy: Make sure that when the trainer is around she/he does not get eye contact with Joe, at all! He'll soon forget her/him and will only focus on you! Good luck....he's beautiful!

    Dean Koontz is an amazing man with a wonderful family. His dog was named "Trixie", he's written many books about her adventures....I think I have them all!!!! He's a wonderful supporter of CCI and I believe the campus, in Oceanside is named after him; "The Koontz Campus!" Or, at least a great portion of it is!

    I've got to run but I will write more when I return, next week!

  12. Cindy: Please let us know how it goes. Brenny has a "patch" on her vest. With CCI the logo is on both sides and any patches only have room on the very top (between the zippered pouches.) and between the shoulder blades or withers. (Are withers for dogs and horses?)

    Brenny's patch reads: "Please do not pet I'm working!" Some people will still sneak a "pat", these dogs are irresistible! I do not acknowledge the people, in elevators, whose feet she sits on and who feel they've earned their pat!

    If you walk directly toward Brenny, as she's wearing her vest....you can't even notice the patch, until you're right on her and then it's too late.

    We really need a "pop-up flag"; as the people are approaching and you can always tell what they're going for, "a secret pat" or a "question", we can just "pop-up" the flag, with a flick of our wrist and waahlah!! No more questions!

    In all seriousness; Cindy, good luck with Joe....May every turn you make be filled with much good health and happiness, with your new companion!

    Life is so much more complete and sweeter with our Service Dogs!!! ;)

  13. Like the rest of you...who go to this Board for good information about our Service Dogs and traveling, through life, with them....I emplor you; DO NOT TO TAKE ANYTHING THAT "TINWOMAN" HAS SUGGESTED SERIOUSLY!


    The website that she [Tinwoman] and her cohorts are touting is absolutely the worst thing that anyone can do, who ligitimately believes in our SD's and the proper training and certification that it takes to go into public areas with them! She is the very reason why some of us are faced with discrimination!

    Quam: Our dogs are very welcomed into Churches of all denominations.

    ****Now, back to the reason we're all here....Su Casa is wonderful. But, in order to watch the cliff divers...La Perla would be better.

    Have a wonderful time!

  14. Roz, I'm so glad your issue was resolved. I'm sorry the guy was fired but it seems to me it was his own fault. Someone like that shouldn't be working with the public anyway. It just goes to show what kind of person he was, having a chance to go to a workshop to save his job and doesn't

    show up! UGH!


    Cari, My cousins father died and she took his placard and used it! She even told me about it knowing John is a quad. Talk about nerve. Of course she is also the cousin who had an affair with my ex and broke up our marriage, then married him. So I just consider what kind of person she is. Anyway, we are moving forward with Joe and working on taking him on this cruise. We are going to meet him in the 22nd and hope to see if they can make a litter box and make it part of his formal training. That way he will be already trained and we won't have to worry about it. I have written to all the islands we are going to and only heard back from only one of them so far. We also found out that he has a microchip, so if we go to the Bahamas we should be all set. Talk soon, Cindy


    Cindy: I'm glad it's over and we've been back to the restaurant a few more times and, as usual, we were greeted very nicely and even treated to a dinner by the new manager! All's well! (The story of your cousin is awful....another moron in this world!) Sorry!

    Joe will be ready to go cruising, just like you wanted! Again, don't be afraid of the "potty box", the dogs think nothing of using them and get quite comfortable with them. Brenda is so talented at making her "circles" in that little space!

    Princess uses a "cardboard" box, with sawdust. I make sure there's lots of the sawdust in the box otherwise her paws slip on the bottom!

    To all of you who are cruising to the Carribean or Mexico....the Agricultural Inspection Form/recent Immunizations signed by your Vet./Chip or Tattoo, along with the Dogs current City License/Tag and a copy of your Passport is really all that you should need for these countries or Islands. It's all we needed. I gave copies to the Purser, they were examined by the authorities and we were done.


    Make lots of copies for them and you.

    Rangeley: Bring all your documentation and your good to go! Carry copies on you, when you're on the Islands and just in case you're asked to show them.

    Tinwoman: The reason a person makes the commitment to have a Service Dog in their lives is to enhance that life. Most of us would not be able to travel [well], if it weren't for these amazing dogs. To leave the dog at home would defeat the sole purpose of having one!

    To comment that leaving the dog at home is a "final voice of sanity", is really insulting to the rest of us!

  15. GOOD NEWS!!!!!!! :) The person at Souplantation has been FIRED!!!! After working for the company for 14 years and, the fact that he gambled with his job so heavily has come back to bite him very hard!

    We went into the restaurant, two days ago....I must tell you, I was a bit apprehensive about doing it....but, I knew I had the right and I'm going to go forward in teaching the public about those rights!

    Karen, the manager who had always been so welcoming to us for years, walked over to me and said that "Renzo" (the General Manager, who confronted me) had been given a chance to redeem himself, by attending a workshop on dealing with the public on a myriad of issues and did not attend! The following day he was told not to return to work! WOW! Talk about "swift action!" I asked if he was given another restaurant to work at? She said that he was "fired" from the organization. I'm thrilled (I'm not glad to see anyone lose their job, in these times, but he did nothing to make it easier on me or himself!)

    Again, THANK YOU to all of you for your wonderful support! We DO have each other's backs!!!!!

    Quam, your incorrect! If I am walking with Brenda and she is working the entire time and I decide to take off her vest, (which is not needed, in the first place), during this time and I, then, extend her lead to allow her to "release" for a bit.....she and I are still within our rights to be anywhere!!!!! And, can not be asked to leave the area just because an official happened to come upon us for that time! Had the dog been disruptive/injured someone, etc., that would have been different.

    Service dogs definitely walk a very fine line in the public's "eye." My friend's SD must literally be ON HER to detect her blood issues that he alerts her to and, while in some public areas, where he is desparately needed and where the venue may cause her blood to change, her dog may be asked to actully sit ON a bench or IN a seat "right next to her!" This may be viewed as "rude" or "invasive" by the public....but, is extremely necessary by my friends SD!

    She gets lots and lots of questions about it and she simply tells them the truth! Her SD has saved her life on many, occasions by being right next to her, with his head on her lap! It looks "questionable" but is appropriate for both of them!

    Again, thank you!


  16. Also, for anyone who is interested in speaking with the Department of Justice (1-800-514-0301)....I called, they will be sending me documentation on filing a complaint and then I will return it to them.

    I'm actually "over it" and, I'm moving on....but, it does not negate that day! And, if I don't make sure that others, who will be coming into this restaurant or any other restaurant are not treated this way, then I'm not helping.

    We need to be "there" for each other and protect the rights that were fought for by others, before us.

  17. Darcie: How awful! He was such a controlling jerk! You survived it but I'm sure it was very upsetting, at the time!

    Geeezzz! What up with the control freaks who think they just know it all! You'd think they'd have more training or be more informed! What's it going to take?

    I'm going to train Brenda to "poop" on the shoes of anyone who treats us with disrespect when it comes to access issues!

    There, I feel better already! :D

  18. Talk about supportive.........You are all an amazing support system and I thank you so much for that! We share a commonality of our love for our families and our devotion to our dogs. Without these amazing Service Dogs, I know my life would be very, very shallow!

    CCI will be writing a letter to the Souplantation and they suggested that I call the Department of Justice - 1-800-514-0301. I have not done this yet! Work has gotten in the way.

    I should have told the police that I wanted to press charges against this gentleman but I was so "beaten down" by the time they had arrived, it was all I could do to just stand up and explain what happened. It was all so exhausting! I swear I could have used a valium...for the shaking my insides were doing!

    I'm not letting this go.....I will pursue every avenue that I can. If it means a law suit, so be it!

    Cari: We had to use a Taxi in Nassua....my DH has mobility issues and walking in the heat and humidity would have been overwhelming for him!

    Also, I will try and call you again, when I catch-up on some work. I would love to be at the Souplantation when you are all there. I know this man works on Monday's. We went back on Friday and he was not working that day. I want to ask him why he removed the "Guide Dogs Welcome" decal off the window?

    Cari, please do not apologize for your "NormaRae" attitude when it comes to access issues....without people like you, we, who use SD's probably would be sitting at home, doing nothing!


    And, I love the "soup anyone?" You're so cute!!!! :p


    Sunshine: Happy cruising (that's what really brought us all together, who can forget that?) Have a wonderful, restful time! And thank you for your support.


    Peter: You have done the right thing in bringing Werin into Cameron's life, you've given him a chance to become social and Werin has opened up his world. You, too, have faced many obstacles in traveling with an SD. I certainly know I'm not alone....but, when it happens it can stop us in our tracks. Through all of our persistence we may change the world!


    Nancy: There is no law that states that any establishment must "post" a welcoming sign to SD's. Too bad! Would it help I don't know? It sure frustrated the moron I was dealing with; enough so, that he scraped it off the window!

    Mary: Educating the public, one person or establishment at a time, is a daunting task. For those who went before us, I give them the kudos and gratitude and I am so, so thankful and humbled by all that they had to go through. I can't give up the fight, if not for myself than for them!!!!!! Thank you for your patience with the puppies, they are our successors!

  19. Cari: I've tried your number several times.....I can't get through, it just keeps ringing busy or nothing!

    I would press charges and go forward and let me know when your friends are going to the restaurant.....I'll be there too!

    The restaurant is: Souplantation, on Rinaldi Street, in Northridge (in Porter Ranch)......there's only one in the San Fernando Valley...they can't make a mistake.

    I LOVE YOUR FIRE!!!!!! Thank you!!!! We, can sometimes, feel very much alone!!!! :)

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