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Posts posted by luckyprincess

  1. We went on the Oasis May 31 cruise with me, my hubby and my 3 adult kids (18, 20 and 26).


    It was 1st cruise for 18 year DD & 26 year DS. It was 2nd cruise for me, hubby and my 20 year DS.


    We had a good time but I was a little disappointed with my kids, especially the 20 & 26 year old. My daughter has a boyfriend & son has a girl friend and they bought the internet package with their own money. They slept late, went back to cabin in afternoon for naps and went to cabin early to text their boyfriend/girlfriend. My 26 year old even spent time in cabin watching movies on his computer.


    I tried to keep a positive attitude because it is their vacation and they should be able to relax and do what they want. But I spent a lot of money for the 5 of us and I was so surprised they did not want to venture out more and experience all the fun stuff to do on the ship.


    Unless I change my mind that will be the last vacation where I am paying the bill for everyone. My next cruise will be me and hubby only. My hubby doesn't believe me. He thinks I will change my mind.


    I guess the one thing I learned is do not bring adult kids who are in love on the cruise unless their love interest can come on the cruise too.


    Sorry for the long reply - but if your son doesn't want to come then I would leave him at home and try to get another friend or family member to take his spot since it was such a great deal.


    Hope you have a great cruise!


    Yeah, I think this can be typical for that age set. I was married at 23 and still totally moody lol!

  2. Weird...this is what I have. I could have sworn it said differently too!!



    Sailing Itinerary




    Date Port Arrive Depart Activity


    26-Jan Fort Lauderdale, Florida 4:30 PM


    27-Jan Cruising Cruising


    28-Jan Labadee, Haiti 7:30 AM 3:30 PM Docked


    29-Jan Ocho Rios, Jamaica 8:30 AM 4:30 PM Docked


    30-Jan Cruising Cruising


    31-Jan Fort Lauderdale, Florida 7:00 AM

  3. Hi all! so my good friend and I (she has never cruised) are booked now on the Jan 24 Explorer of the Seas from Pt Canaveral going to Cozumel and apparently, Freeport. For maybe $80 more I just held a cruise two days later from Ft Lauderdale on Liberty going to Cozumel and Costa Maya. They are both on deck 7, on the hump. Explorer is 7624 and Liberty is 7638. I've been on Explorer, never on Liberty. Please, what is your opinion and why?

  4. :D

    Yes he was told this and that is why he said he will go and suffer through it! My hubby now refuses to allow him to go( as vacation time is very important to us) Son says we will be stealing from him as we refuse to let him go with the attitude he is giving us. He no longer lives at home and dad and I are enforcing tough love at this point! Though my softhearted mom side is being crushed as we have always taken our family on our big trips and know i will miss this but I will survive! Both daughters and new Sil will be with us and I just know my son will regret his choice!


    You sound like a really sweet Mom and your hubby sounds like a good disciplinarian. I think not letting him go with a bad attitude and making him pay is the right move and a great lesson for him to take into his late 20s. Letting him go if he promises an attitude change and you can really believe he will follow through (lots of males in their early 20s still behave like teens and are super moody and hormonal, so only you know) sounds good too. I'm sure he will regret his decision in time. But in the meantime, sounds like you have the right course of action.

  5. I went there last year, so I guess they changed the buffet after that? I will say you aren't missing much - it was very 'buffet' like food, some tough shrimp really and some other ceviche that I thought tasted funny in little plastic Dixie cups. I have pretty high standards on food though, so that may be why I was unimpressed at having this as a 'luxury'. I would have been fine with them charging $10 or $5 less and having a regular buffet....the actual cabana was wonderful though!!

    14413484589_c5798c812a.jpg885378_10151493874969489_2071376320_o by ihateworkinglate, on Flickr

  6. Only if you complain



    Sent from my iPad using Forums


    Lol yes! If you peer at me on my balcony and I'm enjoying it in a romantic way ;) I would think you would either giggle to yourself and have a good story to tell or think wistfully to the time when you would have been able to throw caution to the wind and be fun and reckless and reminisce. I don't, however, expect you to call the front desk and request a fainting couch because SOMEONE IS HAVING SEX OUT THERE!!! SEND HELP!! :rolleyes: For real, I would LOVE to hear the staff laughing after that phone call....

  7. It's not a dumb comment at all. For all the people who go on and on about following the rule, they completely ignore the fact that for a woman the only difference between a skirt and a pair of shorts is where the crotch is sewn.


    You can't ask a blind rule follower / someone with no critical thinking ability to explain anything to do with logic or rationality. A rule is a rule is a rule to them. Doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. If rule said jump off the ship, they'd do it because it was the rule.


    The point is people DO want to do what they want, and aren't looking to infringe on anyone elses good time. If you can't have a good time because of what someone else is wearing, I guess I feel a bit sorry for you. People don't want to have their dress rigidly dictated by the company they are paying to take them on vacation.


    Why is this like grasping quantum physics for some people? It's so plain and easy to understand.


    I like you :D

  8. Almost the same subject. I was on Oasis last week. The guy in front us going in the main dinning room for breakfast had on a tank top (Wife beater shirt like Tony Saprono) he was told that they would serve him this time but in the future he would not be served with that type of shirt.


    Can you post a pic of a silk, lace, fine tailored or dressy tank top?

  9. Sigh.... No, we're not "wondering" what dressy shorts are. The point is, everyone has a different idea of what some people think fits in that category. For those of you under 45-50 who still have firm, lean legs, short dressy shorts look great. For those of us, who at one time had fabulous legs, time does take it's toll and I will not wear that short of shorts anymore. Although my DH still thinks I have great legs.;)


    That said, I don't see what you posted as being "dressy" or "elegant". What I see are short shorts made out of nice material (not denim or khaki) but that doesn't make them dressy. Current where? I haven't been anywhere dressy than anyone has worn shorts to and we eat at nice restaurants, go to the theatre, etc.


    If I wore shorts to work, I would be sent home. Heck, even the girls wearing short tight dresses to work are not seen as professional at all. Most work places have dress codes.


    Quite a few did wonder out loud what dressy shorts are. If you don't want to learn, then don't ask.

  10. This is actually the comment the deserves a like button.


    Since following simple rules is so important to you (and others, not meaning to just pick on you) I assume that you never drive over the speed limit.


    Most people I know do drive over the posted speed limit because they know its not enforced most of the time. Of course if you happen to find a cop who really wants to enforce it, its going to cost you a lot more than a walk back to your cabin to do a quick change. Yet, almost everyone seems the ignore the simple posted limit that any sane person should be able to understand.


    Lol, both so true!!

  11. Sigh.... No, we're not "wondering" what dressy shorts are. The point is, everyone has a different idea of what some people think fits in that category. For those of you under 45-50 who still have firm, lean legs, short dressy shorts look great. For those of us, who at one time had fabulous legs, time does take it's toll and I will not wear that short of shorts anymore. Although my DH still thinks I have great legs.;)


    That said, I don't see what you posted as being "dressy" or "elegant". What I see are short shorts made out of nice material (not denim or khaki) but that doesn't make them dressy. Current where? I haven't been anywhere dressy than anyone has worn shorts to and we eat at nice restaurants, go to the theatre, etc.


    If I wore shorts to work, I would be sent home. Heck, even the girls wearing short tight dresses to work are not seen as professional at all. Most work places have dress codes.


    Well I guess it does have to do with age. Most current fashions and the idea of elegant or dressy pertains to generations I suppose. I live near NYC and that's typically where I go to eat. Dressy shorts are everywhere at the very finest of restaurants.

  12. 1. I'm an overplanner and knew exactly what cabana I wanted. I was the first person off the ship and walked over to Nellie's, found the person that was in charge of cabanas and asked for what I wanted. No problem at all and I wasn't a suite guest.


    2. They give out only 6 wristbands per cabana and you need the wristbands to be allowed in them.


    3. You would have to keep the volume super low. Not that I'm a total biatch :p but if someone was playing music I didn't care for at a volume where I could hear it I'd probably ask the attendant to have them turn it down.

  13. Me too here.

    For our Canada/New England in Sep/Oct 2015, we will be in an oceanview. First cruise without a balcony, too cold!


    But still keeping our finger crossed for the upgrade fairies.... ... :)


    Suite, but it really wouldn't have to be a suite. A regular balcony room would be fine.

    We're doing something in 2015 that I said we'd never do, a cruise without a balcony. I'm already feeling claustrophobic about it.

    We're doing the New England out of Baltimore in mid Oct. My reasoning is that we really won't use the balcony much, too cool.

    I am definitely keeping my eye on the rates. If the balconies get anywhere near what we're paying for the inside, I'm on it.


    I just had this experience last year. I'll say that more importantly is the coupling of a much lower deck with the oceanview. I could have dealt with the window (although I would much, much rather have my private balcony) if I were on a higher deck. I was on deck 2 and although it was sooo nice and quiet it was hard to get to and waiting for elevators was super annoying. I was in a Pullman bed right above the window though and it was kind of magical to have my only view be of the ocean. But I really missed that balcony! Lol

  14. It's so ridiculous that people are whining that this fun thread is 'bad' because it touches upon some of the negatives of a vacation. Life is not all lollipops and unicorns. :rolleyes: Believe it or not, some people can find something on their vacation a time waster without being a negative hateful cruiser. And those that say NOTHING ZOMG WHYWOULDYOUTHINKANYTHINGWASNEGATIVEITSAVACATION ummm...take a deep breath, lol.


    Anyway... I think my biggest time waster on my last cruise was waiting at the guest services line on my last day to pay the .35 or whatever I owed, lol. I wanted to just leave a dollar in the stateroom :D I was actually surprised that they let you go over a cash account at all, as that seems to invalidate some of the reasons of having one (strict budget). But definitely waiting for defiant dopes on muster drills is way up there for me! Any kind of port talk but only because I research like a maniac for months leading up! :p

  15. If she is slower paced you have to make yourself slow down. Maybe let her sleep in the mornings while you do something. I travelled with a friend once and she was so sloooooow. I couldn't believe that people could take so long to get ready every day.



    Lol, yes and she has told me already to not schedule her every minute :p I'm the same way - I like to get up and get going, especially on vacay! But I think I'll be using the mornings to keep occupied, like you suggested! I wish they had more morning activities...or maybe they do and I haven't noticed. Off to search some compass'!

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