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Everything posted by AlaskaGoer

  1. I've gone and come back. We do want to go and do a cruise that is strictly, or mostly, just Greece. But I know there are plenty of changes coming for cruisers so we're gonna wait a few years to let the dust settle.
  2. We did NCL and we were off and in a taxi within 20 minutes. The taxi hit a bit of traffic and the ride took closer to 30 minutes. I'm all about giving yourself some extra time. I'd do the 9:00a. IIRC, you have a 15 minute window before where you can get in.
  3. One poor guy got a late ticket # and didn't get into the port until 5:00pm. And then still had to take the cable car up.
  4. What cruise line? I can only speak for Santorini, but either book an excursion to get off the boat early... or make sure you know the procedure to get a very early tender ticket.
  5. Wonder if they'll have the 'shared uber' service option as well.
  6. We enjoyed it. Was nice to go through and check out the small stores and what was available to eat.
  7. We took the boat from Old Port to Oia, and someone asked the captain if they do a return trip. He said no. Unless there are other boats that you can hire to get back, I think you're stuck using the bus to return.
  8. https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/Epic?cid=PS_DIG_NA_BRP_GOO_NA_NA_NA_NA_NA_NAM&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmYCzBhA6EiwAxFwfgOwuYzBC56iWmSV72kws8h7z74jRRFFJAr_9nFuowS8_rEqpXeXvixoCHNkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds 4k? Not sure how booked the Epic is tho.
  9. Might be official, but it's about 2k to 3k short on passenger numbers for the Epic.
  10. Epic and in a week. There was a 2pm ship that is no longer listed.
  11. Interesting enough, I checked cruise mapper to see if there were any changes to the amount of ships docking. For our day it's now 1 less.
  12. " Controlled Disembarkation in Fira Bay: Implementing controlled disembarkation procedures to prevent overcrowding." Curious on what that will mean.
  13. I have a ton from one of my previous Euro trips I'll bring. Thanks
  14. Thank you. I didn't know if it was that packed that we would have to stand in line just to get close to the boat vendor. WC?
  15. When getting off the ship waiting on the dock, did you just get b line it for the boat ticket or did you wait a bit in line for the cable cars? Just curious after getting off the tender, how crowded is it to go straight to the boat ticket booth. Or is there room to get around the lines...
  16. Interesting. They estimate the passengers for my ship at around 3k. But it can hold between 4228 - 5074.
  17. We will be in Canne next month, and its the one port that I am struggling to find something to do. Can you recommend anything in Canne? Resturants? Places to check out?
  18. I assume your group went through the main entrance, correct? We're at the beginning of June, and during a weekday. Hope to lesser crowds lol
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