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Best Cat Mom

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  1. Day 15… [I may not be as detailed now given that it has been some time since the cruise, but I'll include as much as I recall. I did have some notes from the earlier part of the day luckily.] Today was a sea day and we were relieved not to have to get up early. We had our usual Baileys and coffee in the room and then headed to Le Muse for breakfast. I believe that the sea had started to get quite rocky by this morning, as we had been sharing the waters with a new storm that was building in the Caribbean. Rough water has never been a problem for us, but sometimes it makes for interesting walks around the ship. BCD had the MSC Express and I again ordered the soft boiled eggs with a side of bacon. We had one mimosa and one cappuccino each. I've come to expect that the eggs are served upside down in the egg cups as I learned with my very first order of boiled eggs. At least, they are upside to me, with the big air pocket facing upward. I'm not sure if that is "normal" in Europe. As I was carefully peeling my eggs, our server came over to the table to ask if I needed help. (Maybe I was peeling too slowly?) I was flabbergasted, but in a good way. Could you imagine having the server peel your eggs? Perhaps we've been underthinking services in YC all this time? LOL By the way, I did decline the offer of help, if anyone wondered. I'm sure we headed back to TSL after breakfast, stopping on our regular route to beg, I mean -- ask, for more car supplies. In TSL, we were gifted some supplies by a British couple who had earlier admired BCD's creations. They've helped with supplies for a few days now and had told us about a male relative (Maybe a grandson if I'm remembering correctly? They were certainly very proud of him.) who was in the automotive industry. BCD has decided that he will be gifting them the black car when we catch up with them later today or tomorrow. Since we've been enjoying our cruise so much I spent some time with the Future Cruise Consultant to investigate the same crossing in 2024. I got a quote that seemed fair, along with the extra OBC for booking on board. In addition to pricing and OBC, one of the touted advantages of booking onboard is the added flexibility of changes. The change window increases to one year and re-booking can be on any MSC ship for any destination. I have read here on CC that people have difficulty getting MSC to honor this additional flexibility, but it is still a named benefit. I checked with our personal TA later and found a better deal, both price-wise and OBC-wise. In fact, the OBC was nearly $1,500 more from our TA. I think the deposit is lower when you book on board as well. Our TA only needed a $600 deposit so that did not sway us from better pricing and OBC and neither did the more flexible change rules. We decided to book with our TA. I still needed to check which cabins would be available however. We prefer a room with the bed on the left side whenever possible. We also knew that port side was considered better for a westward crossing, due to the southern exposure adding warmth if the weather was cold during the voyage. If you looked at my signature, you'd notice that we did indeed book again -- and in our same cabin! I hope everyone in 16013 between now and November are kind to the furnishings. 🙂 For lunch at Le Muse today, they were out of Nicholas Feuillatte champagne and were serving Pommery instead. I liked it very much and thought it a nice upgrade. It had a more subtle flavor and smaller bubbles. BCD liked it as well but not because of the taste; he liked it because the wires were a nice bright blue color. He had acquired some of these wires already in our collection of supplies, but now he thought he could look forward to more of them. He set his sights on creating a completely blue car. As for food, we both had foie gras for our first course and BCD also had the crab. For my entrée, I had the Waldorf salad from the Starters section since the entrées seemed a bit heavier than I wanted today. This was the first time I've ever tried the Waldorf salad on MSC; I guess there has always been something else I wanted instead on the days it was offered. I loved it -- great flavors and not too heavy. I have discovered another new favorite on this cruise. BCD had the swordfish. BCD had sauvignon blanc with his meal, while I tried my best to drink enough Pommery to get some more wires (I was successful -- they had to open another bottle. Is anyone surprised?) For dessert, I had coffee ice cream with Kahlua and BCD had a sundae. I guess we spent the entire afternoon in TSL as usual, though I cannot recall right now. I'm sure adult beverages were enjoyed and BCD toiled away at his blue car. This evening was the last Gala Dinner in Le Muse and the first one with lobster. We figured that the ship must have taken on provisions in the Caribbean that were of the US-menu variety and that's why we would (at last) have lobster tails. We were definitely looking forward to our meals tonight. We dressed for dinner in our finery for the last time on this cruise -- suit/tie and dress/heels (guess who was in which?). Interestingly, the daily planner had today's attire listed as casual. I'm not sure if there was a gala dinner in the MDR tonight as well. Since Divina is not a "smart ship," I'm not even sure how to check the MDR menus. I have read on CC that Divina has had her IT upgraded and the MSC for Me app is now functional, but I don't know if it as robust an offering as on the "full" MSC for Me ships. We arrived at Le Muse at I-don't-remember-o'clock but I do remember weaving my way to our table in Glenn and Ryan's section. Why does it seem the sea is rougher whenever I wear heels? LOL I can just blame it on the alcohol, though sometimes I think more alcohol helps me to sway WITH the rocky seas. Warsha, the hostess, immediately put herself directly to my side and I could tell that I was not the first person she had escorted quite so closely that evening. She has really been great the whole cruise. We've seen her circulating among tables when it is later in the service and there are no more people coming in to seat, chatting with people and in general making sure all is well. Mehmet has a great assistant in her and they seem to work well as a team. Once we were (safely) seated, we could see it was a quite busy time in the restaurant. We did spend a little longer than usual with our menus but no matter to us. Pommery kept us company until Glenn came by to take our orders. 😉 BCD started with the snails. We had loved having them on the everyday menu on Seaside but they are not a standard offering on Divina, at least not yet or maybe not until Divina is based in the Caribbean. On Seaside, they were always able to make me a special GF version of the snails, but I knew better than to expect it on a busy night like tonight in Le Muse. I opted for the octopus carpaccio as my starter, one of my favorites. We both ordered filet and lobster tail, plus a champagne risotto to share. We enjoyed our starters and champagne. As we were waiting for our entrées, we noticed the Hotel Manager circulating amongst the tables. He stopped by ours and asked how all was, and we told him we were very pleased with Mehmet and his staff. After a little while, we realized that many tables around us were also in between courses. I think around this time Glenn came by to apologize for the delay in our entrées. We hadn't really noticed until just then, as Pommery was there to occupy our time. The entrées did finally arrive and we learned that the kitchen had run out of the lobster tails and had to start a new batch -- apparently, caught unaware of the demand timing. We saw at least one table voicing their displeasure with the Hotel Manager, but everyone else seemed to take it in stride. I know we did -- BCD, Pommery and me. The dinner was excellent. I think BCD had a red wine with his filet. I may have had both red and champagne available for alternating bites of filet and lobster. BCD had the crepes for dessert and I either had some cheese or more Pommery to keep him company. We stumbled back to the cabin -- it was the rough seas, not the I-cannot-recall-how-many-glasses-of-Pommery-between-courses beverages we enjoyed that caused our stumbling. No nightcaps in TSL for us tonight -- because of the rocky seas. Yes, blame it all on the rocky seas. LOL Day 16 coming up next…
  2. In our opinion, one nice thing about Divina (and Fantasia, and likely all the Fantasia-class ships) is that there are more tables in the shade right by the bar. On Seaside, the "best" shade is around the sides of the bar and one of those sides is also the smoking section. Selection of food may be less on Divina, but selection of shady seating is more. Of course, others may prefer the sun and consider Seaside better.
  3. I checked all of our daily planners. Every sea day, Galaxy was open 12:00 to 14:00 for lunch. Every day, including embarkation day, Galaxy was open for dinner 18:00 to 21:30. I would imagine the specific times might change for a different mix of passengers, but being open for sea days seems to be the norm.
  4. We had missed breakfast that next day after you asked (and the day after that was disembarkation day so no breakfast at the One Pool that day). They do not serve dinner up there, though the bar stays open until 7pm-ish. They'll close earlier if no one is up there or stay open a bit later if there is a crowd -- like TSL usually does to accommodate whoever is around as well. The One Pool buffet is a much smaller layout on Divina (and Fantasia) than we had on Seaside. The desserts are showcased all the way to the left, under cover. Then to the right of them are the cold offerings, then to the right for the rest of the buffet are the hot offerings. All were well-labeled in several languages, but did not list allergen information. The condiments, utensils, napkins and plates are on the top. On request, they will make you hamburgers and a pasta offering that changes daily. Those are prepared elsewhere, as they don't have a full grill behind the buffet on Divina (or Fantasia) like they do on Seaside (and other ships too, but I'm not sure which because we've only been on Seaside, Divina and Fantasia so far). We have ordered burgers at the One Pool buffet and they are always served hot, so I don't think you'll have any issues with food temperature even though they don't make those offerings right there. Here are some images with Glenn and Ryan at the lunch buffet (Ryan by himself in the first one and Glenn is on the right in the other two):
  5. My apologies to everyone! We arrived in Miami on time and disembarked, traveled to the airport and had barely been in the Delta Sky Club for 10 minutes when we got a family text about BCD's brother being in the hospital in a coma. It's been quite tough for our family for last few weeks. The funeral is tomorrow. 😞 Give me a few days to catch my breath and I'll post about the last days of our trip. I especially want to cover the disembark -- including BCD retrieving his Leatherman -- since it may be helpful to others. Back soon...
  6. I have been GF on all our MSC cruises, actually on all our cruises except the first one back in 2006. I do not want to jinx myself but I will risk it -- I have only had one slight issue with GF and that was at breakfast on disembarkation day where we had a server that we'd not had before and I forgot to mention the GF to him. I knew that some responsibility was mine in that case so I never brought it up with MSC or held it against them. I have been GF since January 2012 and I still sometimes forget to mention it when dining outside of our home. I have been hyper-vigilant on the cruises, though, because it seemed too easy for errors to occur. YC has been great, this time and always. They tell me what I can eat on the menu, what they can change to allow me to eat, and what I cannot have at all. Sometimes I will order one thing and tell them "if the chef says I can have it" and then give them another option in case the chef says no. I try to make it easier on them so they don't have to come back and ask me for anther choice. I'll also order something and tell them if they have to leave out something (sauce, bread, etc.) to make it GF, that I'm fine with it. Basically, I try to convey that if they keep me healthy, I don't mind how they change the menu. I have avoided the buffet on YC One Deck because of the difficulty they might have figuring out what is GF, and we really don't like buffets in general. I think we have eaten there 4 or 5 times total over the 6 MSC cruises we've had. And the regular buffet is a "no" with us completely. YC has room service for pizzas 24 hours a day. There is nothing else in the buffet that we want. Just thought of another thing that you did not ask -- the snacks in TSL. The labels on them are just words, no food allergy indicators. Some are obviously not GF because they are mini-sandwiches, a topping on a piece of bread, a mini-dessert tart, a piece of cake, etc. Some are GF, such as pesto on mozzarella, fresh fruit, nuts, etc. We don't snack that much in TSL so I've never bothered to ask about making some of those GF, but if something really appealed to you, you could try asking them to prepare it GF.
  7. Nope, but it is so small on Divina that we only use it with spa services. The nice part of YC on Divina is that the YC elevator goes directly to the spa, opening in a YC-exclusive entrance to the spa. You can wear your YC bathrobe and slippers and not encounter anyone outside of the YC or spa as you go back and forth.
  8. Missed breakfast already. 😞 Will try to get some pix of lunch later for you.
  9. Funny you ask. We usually get a couples massage and had planned for at least two this cruise. Yet here we are on the last day and we've never had time to book even one. Our own fault -- just too "busy" enjoying everything else. We have been to the Divina spa on other cruises. It's smaller and there is not all the extra sauna/steam rooms, at least not coed ones. You get free access as YC but we only use it when we buy spa treatments.
  10. They only offer breakfast and lunch at the One Bar. The bar itself usually closes at 7pm (I guess some days might differ but I don't recall from the daily programs). After lunch is over, there are snacks available until a certain time (again, not sure of exact times but on the daily programs). As for the items offered, they do usually vary a bit. We don't go there often but have seen different entrées at different lunch days, with the salad/cold items being more consistent. You can always ask for something not there. I've asked for mixed berries, for example, and they've gotten them for me (who knows from where, but I got them). Breakfast would likely be more consistent, but I can't say for sure.
  11. Day 14… We had a port stop in San Juan, Puerto Rico, today. The alarm woke us up way too early -- it was complete darkness outside (ggrrrr). We had to be in TSL by 7:40am for the butlers to take us to the meeting point for our tour. Before the tour, we would need to pass through US Customs and Border Protection as this was our first stop in the US. This does make Miami dis-embarkment easier for us, but the early hour was not welcome in the least. Le Muse did not open until 7am and we did not think it fair to rush them through our breakfast so we decided that the TSL breakfast bites would suffice for this one day. BCD had a few croissant sandwiches of ham with cheese and turkey with cucumber, heavy on the croissant and light on the filings. I had some slices of meat and cheese, which were laid out in TSL European style, and a GF chocolate chip muffin I had saved from a previous breakfast. We had foregone the Baileys and coffee this morning in the room (che brutto! how horrible! que horrible!) so had 2 cappuccinos and 2 mimosas each in TSL. At 7:40pm, a butler took us to the Black and White Lounge, where all people -- not just YC -- who had MSC excursions were waiting for the ship to be cleared so we could go through the border patrol screening. The lounge looked like it was filling up, but the butler found an area for us to all sit together and let the staff in there know that we were all YC. Announcements were made a few times that Border Patrol had not yet cleared the ship. At 8:21am (yes, we were closely monitoring the time now that we knew we woke up way too early LOL), they said the ship was cleared and they began calling groups by bus number. Busses 1, 2, 3 and 4 were called first. A few of our group left, with 6 of us still remaining. I was thinking that this would be a great time for Pepe to show up and get everyone moving -- and not 2 minutes later, there he was! He got us all up front near where the first groups had assembled and told the staff that we were YC. Then they called the next few buses, including 6. We all proceeded to follow the staff to one of the stairs and down a few flights. Then there was a complete stop. It seemed that we were now behind the first 4 bus groups, all on the stairs that led to the passageway that ultimately led off the ship. As we waited there for what seemed like quite a long time -- some older passengers had to sit down on the steps during the wait -- I said to BCD that delay made me think that facial recognition was not working. Our experience with facial recognition in Port Canaveral during our last B2B was a breeze compared to this; the line hardly ever stopped moving then. After maybe another 30 minutes, the line slowly began to move. As we showed our cruise cards to exit the ship, Pepe was there to send on our way with best wishes for a good excursion. We've never had that experience before from a YC Director. Maybe he did that because he was trying to temper any frustration with all the waiting? It was a nice touch. We proceeded into the large hall to present passports to Border Patrol, a line where we waited about 20 minutes more. Facial recognition was indeed not working and each family was spending a few minutes with each agent. When facial recognition is used, each person only takes about 10 seconds to be cleared -- big difference! Then we walked to the right, down the escalator and out the doors to the waiting tour guides who held paddles with their bus numbers. Our tour guide escorted us to our van and we were seated in there by 9:15am, a total time of just over 1.5 hours from when we left TSL, though with all that waiting it did seem longer. We only waited another 15 minutes for the rest of the tour group and our tour driver began the tour at 9:30am. The tour bus was smaller than we've had on almost all our other MSC excursions. Once the tour began, we thought that the smaller bus was because of the narrow streets in some parts of San Juan. The last part of the tour was an optional 45-minute block of time to shop or the bus would take you back to the ship. We opted to return to the ship. We arrived back at the ship at 11:55am, pleased that we had a great tour. We had plenty of time to return to the cabin before lunch in Le Muse. We noticed that there were some emergency drills going on as we heard "evacuate ship" on the public address system. Some of the doors -- leafs, as they are labeled -- in the passageways around our cabin were closed and our regular route was blocked. We were able to easily navigate another path, but I could see others not familiar with Divina having a difficult time. When we arrived at Le Muse, no tables were occupied. A small staff was there and we presumed the others were taking part in the drill. Three more couples arrived shortly after us. We figured that most people were still ashore in San Juan. We don't depart until 2am in the morning tomorrow, so many people might have lengthy excursions to take advantage of all the time in port. We then saw a flurry of activity in the back of the restaurant as they set up for a VIP lunch. The Coast Guard members came in, still in their work coveralls, and seemed to be all smiles making us think the drill went well. We were hungry from our tour and very little breakfast so we had a pretty big lunch. We both ordered prosciutto and mozzarella as starters and pork as entrées, accompanied by a pinot noir. For dessert, BCD had carrot cake and I had coffee ice cream topped with a shot of Kahlua. All drills were complete by the time we finished lunch. We stopped at all the bars collecting supplies and headed back to TSL so BCD could get back to work. We can't have him slacking off all the time, like he did this morning. When evening came, we headed back to the cabin to change for dinner. We arrived at Le Muse around 7:45pm and were surprised when Glenn said that the VIPs had already had dinner and left. We had some champagne and studied the menus. A few corks and wires were dropped off at the table to BCD's delight. For starters, we both had the vitello. For his entrée, BCD paired a filet mignon with a Maryland crab cake, with a Syrah. I opted for the broiled amberjack with a sauvignon blanc. We both had grana padano for dessert, with me changing to the dolcetto d'alba. We headed back to TSL for 3 rounds of nightcaps and some live music. We headed to bed exhausted after a long and fun day. Day 15 tomorrow…
  12. I have no idea on entertainment. We don't partake in any shows or live music except for what they have in TSL. We did hear that the wines will change when they source from Miami. We liked what we had on this cruise, but we also liked what we had out of Florida in the past. If there are any specific grapes you're questioning, I can try to recall what was in stock on our last few cruises.
  13. We are having a fabulous time. Am I including too much play-by-play and not enough commentary to make that obvious? LOL We've enjoyed the food and drink -- way too much. Today the "regular" YC champagne, Nicholas Feuillate, has run out and been replaced by Pommery. (Perhaps I contributed to this run while helping BCD's cause?) The staff has been excellent as well. I'm sure that the lower passenger count makes it easier for them, but we feel that we've seen some of the best YC butlers ever on this cruise. TSL service has been impeccable. And hearing how many of the crew will still be on board when we're back in April portends for another great cruise. 😉 Thanks for asking!
  14. I have only been posting menus, but I have all the daily programs as well. If anyone needs anything from them, please ask. Since tomorrow is our last full day, if there are any questions I can answer that require me to be on the ship, ask away!
  15. The same door (maybe a little room) exists on Seaside on the port side of TSL. There was a knocking coming from behind it one evening and the YC Director Maria Luca leapt into action to open the door and inspect whatever is behind there to make it stop knocking. It was funny to see how that little sound annoyed her. 😉
  16. No releases needed for what we've been calling the "Black Car." This one is made from the wires of Borgo Molina Prosecco, which have a black coating. The Garden Pool Bar, the adult pool and bar at the back of the ship, seems to have the best rate of consumption of this brand. Note that there is no skin on the Black Car, as there was on Hubert's. BCD wanted to showcase the skeleton design, rather than cover up any of it with foil (also from the champagne bottles).
  17. Here is YC Bartender Extraordinaire Hubert with his car: (I prefer to ask permission to post images of "real" people. I'll try to find some more images to post.)
  18. Day 13… We woke up before the alarm but today it was a cloudy, rainy sky. No land was yet in sight from our balcony. About an hour later, while we enjoyed Baileys and coffee, Sint Maarten finally came into view. The rain had stopped and the sun was peeking through the clouds. We had found the New World! Christopher Columbus would be proud. 😉 We went to breakfast earlier than usual, since it ended 30 minutes earlier because we docked early. As we walked to Le Muse, we saw all the loungers out. On the way back to the cabin, nearly half of them were re-stacked, which made us think that more people went out than expected. By the way, we learned that early in our MSC cruising days -- to "go out." When the crew talks about going ashore, they refer to it as "going out." They always ask us "did you go out today" and we've learned to ask them the same. We're not sure if that is an MSC-specific phrase or all other cruise line staff use the same words. We also learned that they go out for mainly 2 reasons. The first is to get a magnet for their quarters. Apparently, they want one for every place they've ever been and they use them as a sort of pecking order with their co-workers. More magnets = higher status. The second is for wifi. They only have browse wifi so they'll go to a Starbucks or McDonalds, buy a cheap drink and download a few days' worth of digital content to watch during their off hours. For breakfast, I wanted to again try to the soft-boiled eggs. I ordered the 6-minute eggs this time, with bacon on the side since it was possible that the eggs would again not be as I expected. BCD had the MSC Express and waffles with maple syrup. We each had a mimosa and I had a cappuccino. I was pleased with my eggs but they were not cooked to exactly the same amount of doneness. Then I started thinking about how every egg is different and so of course they were not the same. All my years of cooking hard-boiled eggs had made me less-than-sympathetic to cooks of soft-boiled eggs. I ask now for forgiveness and promise to be kinder in the future. We had tried to book a motorcycle excursion for this port but it had been cancelled. We've done motorcycle tours in the past and like how you can drive around learning an island at your leisure. The rain this morning made us not so unhappy that the tour was unavailable. Who wants to pay to get wet and drive on slippery, unfamiliar streets? We headed back to TSL, stopping at BCD's regular supplier bars to collect the previous night's loot. Once back in TSL, BCD put some last minute touches on the "special" car for Pepe and awaited his arrival in TSL for morning greetings. Pepe came in just a little while later and BCD presented the car to him. He smiled like a little kid and proceeded to carry it around for awhile, circulating with other guests. Next Rudy appeared in TSL and BCD gave him a car. Rudy had expressed a big interest in car racing in addition to being a key supplier of scarce resources (the needle-nosed pliers) so BCD was happy to give him one. The day that BCD showed Rudy a completed car, Rudy walked around TSL admiring it for nearly an hour before he finally gave it back -- his actions telling us he truly wanted one of his own. BCD wanted to be especially careful to only give cars to people who said that they "wanted" one and not just that they "liked" it or thought it was "great." There is so much talk here about how the crew really does not want gifts because they have no room in their living areas. People say to give them tips or don't bother. We wanted to make sure that they wanted the car and did not accept one to be nice. Then back to production mode. A short time later, Elvin found us to give us information for tomorrow when we docked in Puerto Rico. Since this was the first US port on this sailing, every passenger (not just US citizens) will have to disembark to pass through customs with their passports, etc., for a face to face check. For YC, they would take us to the port terminal in groups from approximately 7:30am to 9:30am. Re-boarding would be allowed after all guests cleared immigration, which sounds similar to what we've experienced on B2B cruises out of Florida. We have an excursion in Puerto Rico, though we're not sure yet what time, so we're hoping that we'll be able to go through immigration on the way to the tour and come back at our leisure. We sorta lost track of time and arrived late to Le Muse for lunch, at 1:45pm. On the way, we passed 2 couples from YC who told us that the restaurant was closing early for a drill. When we got there, another couple was still there having lunch and they did not give us any indication they wanted to close early. When we were nearly done, we noticed that most servers were gone, not milling about working to change the tables for dinner. We later found out that there was supposed to be a coast guard drill after breakfast that had been postponed until after lunch. And then later still we found out that it had been postponed until tomorrow. Apparently, the US Coast Guard did not have to be precise with when they would perform their drill but the crew did have to be at the ready in case it occurred. None of the crew were able to go outside because they needed to be ready for the drill at any time. In addition to the coast guard drill, there were also inspections planned. Since the ship was coming back from Europe, US inspectors were expected at either Puerto Rico or Miami. This inspection is not announced and so the crew must be ready for whenever it might occur. Also, a group of MSC VIPs were expected to board today to "help" prepare for the inspection and do a pre-inspection of their own. We couldn't think of more stress to put on this crew! At least they had the luxury of a nearly half-full ship on their side. For starters at lunch, BCD had the hamachi carpaccio and I had the octopus soup (one of my favorites!). We both had tournedos for entrées, each of which were generous and thick portions. BCD had two pieces of beef, like they had come to know he really likes beef. We thought that the cuts of beef might have been filet mignon, because they were so much thicker and more tender than we have in the tournedos dish in the past. We drank pinot noir during our entire meal. On the way out of Le Muse, BCD stopped at the Garden Bar, the bar for the adult Garden Pool, and picked up a nice supply of champagne remnants. One of the bartenders there saves more supplies for BCD than anyone else. We went back to TSL and gave Hubert a car. He also was a major supplier and had expressed a desire to have a car. I have a picture of him grinning and showing it off. The man is clearly happy to have one. We were happy to give it. After a little while, we went back to our cabin to relax. We decided to get dressed up for dinner since there is only one more gala night this cruise but not until Tuesday. We arrived at Le Muse a little early at around 7:45pm, thinking that the VIPs wouldn't show until later. We discovered that they were already there, in an 8-top in the raised dining area in the back. We usually sit there because that is Glenn and Ryan's station. They were keeping all the other tables in that raised area unoccupied though, so we sat in the section to the left with a view out to the Garden Pool on one side and their table on the other. On the way into Le Muse, BCD presented Ryan with a car. From Ryan's reaction, you'd think it was a real car. After he'd given us so many supplies, we couldn't believe he really did not expect one. We have a picture of him with said car as well that I'll post eventually. We told Glenn that we were surprised that he wasn't serving the VIP table. He said it did not matter. "Aha!" we thought -- no risk of making a CLM so he was fine. (CLM = career limiting move) We also found out that Divina has 5 dining stations in Le Muse but on this sailing they have 6 gold tie servers. The extra one was the easy choice for that table. He was also our substitute the other night, and now we know why. It makes sense that he's not developed a routine with any assistant servers yet since he doesn't have his own tables. I'm sure he'll do fine once he has that opportunity of relationship building with his own guests. For starters, we both ordered steak tartare -- a favorite of ours. I had made a silly comment about who peels the tiny quail eggs that are served on top and what do we get? A little bowl of a half dozen extra quail eggs. I ate every single one and loved them. BCD ordered the lobster ravioli and I had the short ribs. The pumpkin risotto (pumpkin = yuck) did not appeal to us. We did each have a dessert plate of grana padano for dessert. Our wine was a dolcetto d'alba; how do you not have some hard cheese with that to finish your meal? We walked outside back to TSL and picked up some more supplies at the Garden Bar along the way. After three rounds of sidecars and old fashioneds, we went back to the cabin to prepare for our crazy early wake up time in Puerto Rico tomorrow. Day 14 next…
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