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Everything posted by davekent

  1. Thanks for this, weather permitting the harbor bus looks a great option for the 2nd day, when we will look to have an early start into the city. The Copenhagen card looks ideal for the trip, as we are arriving at 12:00 on day 1 and leaving at 18:00 day 2 we could probably get away with a 24 hour card + pay for the last journey back separately but a 48 hour pass would I suspect remove any possible stress and rushing around. Still some planning to do!
  2. Thanks for the quick response and details of the shortcut! Would much prefer once we arrived in Copenhagen to get going rather than hanging around looking and then queuing for buses. We can and have got lost in pretty well anywhere but as we have the afternoon and night to play with that's not an issue. Never been to Copenhagen and having a night and another nearly full day there is a bonus, this is the first occasion when an itinerary change has ever pleased us
  3. Lots of really useful detail on this thread. thanks to all but particularly hallasm for all the information. We have an overnight in Copenhagen on the Enchanted Princess at the end of August. It may well be that the weather will drive us onto the buses or shuttles but if the weather is good we would probably look to walk to the Orientkaj metro station from the ship. Is this a reasonable walk (distance is fine for us) or would the local infrastructure, any heavy lorry traffic, construction works or any port restrictions make the walk uncomfortable or hazardous Thanks
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