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Posts posted by Fincherson

  1. Did it occur to you that I similarly think you are misguided and "drinking the koolaid"?


    You are free to think what you want. I'm leaving info for people who are still forming opinions on the matter.





    You're mad about straws but happy to continue cruising on a ship burning fossil fuels? I assume you also get on your high horse about flying?

  2. LOL, I find it funny how they had to say they don't wear a lanyard because they are a luxury cruiser. I wouldn't think that the category of the cabin or price of the cruise would not be a determining factor in whether a lanyard is useful or not.


    Agreed! So cringeworthy really. Lol! Hardly anybody on this whole thread said if they were a luxury cruiser or not, that's the best part, they just wanted to put it out there that they ate. Too funny

  3. Thank you for what you do. I’m an animal lover, I have a rescue, I’m the first one to share Facebook posts about dogs who need homes, I donate. However, I don’t expect poor countries that struggle to keep human residents fed, homed, and medically cared for to focus on the dogs. Priorities.


    I'm glad someone finally said it...

  4. Hello all, I've used the search function and unless I'm doing it wrong I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Can anybody give me a simple breakdown of the restaurants, their price and then their after dining package upcharge? I know some are a' la carte but I'm finding it all pretty confusing when trying to decide how many meals to get on my dining package. I hope this makes sense.


    Thank you!

  5. That's Cruise Critic making automatic emojis from the text. They're actually colon and parenthesis as in Restaurant name colon parenthesis. But Cruise Critic's forum tool apparently automatically made the colon / perenthesis into Emojis and I could not correct everything in the 30 minutes I was allowed to make edits. That's also why you see so many words running together. I typed it all in MS Word and then did a Copy / Paste. For some reason, this forum tool removed all the spacing and made emojis where I didn't have them.


    Good to know! I thought something was wrong with you. Lol! Didn't want to be rude and ask. Great review!

  6. I am a dedicated platinum NCL cruiser, and enjoy the fact that the cruises are casual. Unfortunately today people are so self centered and it's all about me attitude that they push any reasonable rules to the extreme. On all of my past 16 cruises the only rude people I have ever experienced was my fellow passengers. I grant you that dress is not a reason to have someone spoil your dinner but it does show the ignorance of the offender to assimilate into society. This is generally why I only take longer cruises always when school is in session to avoid unsupervised children, wild spring breakers, and large family cruisers.


    Sounds like me trying to avoid the persnickity old people. To each his own!

    • Like 1
  7. It's about a little thing called ambiance. If a restaurant advertises the dress codes as being a bit more formal in nature and people choose that particular restaurant for that ambiance then they should expect the dress codes to be enforced.


    Not a single person is saying that seeing someone in shorts is going to ruin their meals but there is a time and place for everything. There are plenty of venues on board the vessels for everyone's tastes.


    Respect for other people's preferences is a two way street.


    No, it's called live and let live. People on a cruise need to get over themselves if they think anyone is going to lose sleep over their fellow cruisers wearing sandals and shorts to dinner. Clearly NCL doesn't actually have an issue with it so the people in question are dressed "appropriately" for dinner.

  8. If there is a less formal one they should be directed there for dinner :)


    It still bothers me that people actually care what others are wearing when on vacation as well, it has nothing to do with how good a time you will have or the food you will eat. Plus some of us have to wear a suit and tie every day for work so you don’t want to wear that same attire to your vacation :cool:


    Also once seated you can’t even see if people are wearing shorts it is only the 30 seconds as they walk in :')


    Agreed. It comes off as so pretentious and snobbish. I couldn't care less what anybody wears. I'm there to have a good time, not turn my nose up at others. Let the pearl clutching continue.

    • Like 1
  9. Some of the posts in this thread remind me of the restaurant dinner I was at a couple of months ago where a woman in my party went from table to table, telling people that the food was all crap and that the food in her home was of such high quality that she hated to eat anywhere else. But it guarantees that I will try La Cucina.


    Agree. My oh my are people full of themselves. Listing their "credentials" behind their opinion though stated like facts. I've never eaten at la cucina but find the attitudes so off-putting.

  10. Here's what I can remember from Feb cruise....


    * Cigar bar ( nasty as hell, small room. If you're going to humiliate smokers and stick them in a tiny room at least they could get the ventilation correct)

    * Bar outside... I think it's called the Sunset bar

    * Right next to the pool there was a clear windowed tent

    * H2o adult area... all next to the bar... nice chairs and most comfortable area IMO

    * In most of the casino, at the slots. non smoking section was very small.


    Snide comments about smoking such as above follow your nose drives me crazy! I find people who drink beer to smell worse than a smoker but no one comments on how the drunk smell!!


    Enjoy your cruise and tell your fellow group members, from a fellow smoker, it's not hard at all to find a place on the Getaway


    People don't comment on beer drinkers smell A. Because it's nowhere near the stench of a heavy smoker who takes no precautions not to smell and B. It's not effecting the health of those around them if they can smell beer.


    Personally I wouldn't be rude to a smoker and know several. I just find the assertion that people drinking beer smell worse to be pretty silly. Just because it's your opinion, doesn't mean it's the norm in any sense.

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