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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. Ya , looking for Trends , not forecasts. Pretty hard to 'forecast'18 months out. Drakes must have been a little wild eh , wouldnt want to make that your first cruise probably..
  2. What about temperatures ? Guessing in April they would be warming up nicely ?
  3. Thx. Maria If I do follow through , I would be looking at a Symphony for sure . Weather doesnt faze me , but , Happy Wife ...Happy Life !
  4. jsf Clearly not lookin for someone to predict weather . However there can be clear trends that we can count on . ...In Nova Scotia the prevailing winter winds are from the NW. Doesnt mean it will blow NW every day , but I can bet on it and be right more than I am wrong Also more likely to snow in the winter rather than summer . :)
  5. Hi all , Looking for some opinions from those of you who have done multiple Transatlac crossings , or even from those of you smarter than me who have done the necessary research. Considering doing a Transatlantic crossing at some point in the next couple years and I am wondering how the weather,(Sky condition/Temperatures) compares Late Winter VS mid Fall when they generally cross. Is one more clearly favourable than the other ? And also and probably more importantly the Seastate,(Wave height/prevailing wind/choppiness). Is one direction clearly favourable to the the other , IE. East to West VS. West to East ? Hopefully you can educate me Thx
  6. If any of this statement is to be taken as a critisicm , that would be sooo wrong. The fact that people 'strategize' constantly should not be viewed as a critisicm but rather should be applauded ! Some may feel that using loyalty programs to thier full advantage is nickel and diming , but that would be a dead wrong assumption. I use every loyalty program possible to full advantage including grocery and pharmacy / entertainment /credit card points / air miles programs etc. to maximize the benefit, and unless you work them to full potential you would never believe the benefits you can achieve. I have redeemed for well over 40k in value on different programs {most of them free to join}and still have stockpiles waiting to be used . That being said I have done this for the purpose of maximized financial benefit and not for the purpose of acheiving any kind of ststus. Everyone needs groceries/gas/pharmacy etc. If i can spend 700$ to get 1000$ in value simply by doing a little 'strategizing 'its only common sense. Same goes for cruising. Everybody needs to cruise .. If you can spend 700$ for every 1000$ in value to get what you needed , youd be foolish to do it any other way ! Kudos !
  7. ahh yes , perfect, great plan... beers keep well ! Are these vouchers a permanent perk? Have they always been part of the diamond package or are they maybe a temporary perk , used in trying to encourage return to sailing ? The way I read it on the website it was under "ENHANCED BENEFITS". Wasnt sure what that meant exactly..? Enhanced Benefits Drink Vouchers We’re excited to offer our Diamond, Diamond Plus and Pinnacle Club members beverage vouchers for drinks up to $13. Each day of the cruise, Diamond members receive four vouchers, Diamond Plus members receive five vouchers, and Pinnacle Club members receive six vouchers. These can be used at any bar, at any time, in the lounges during Happy Hour or in our private destinations. Consider it happy hour all day long!
  8. Thx . Also , Does anyone know are you able to stack them ? As in , my wife and I both use 0 on day 1 , would we accumulate 8 each for use day 2 ..? or do the expire at end of each day ?
  9. Just a question on the original post , it sounds like you are saying you get 4 vouchers per couple per day ...Is this the case or is it 4 vouchers per person per day as I had understood ?
  10. They may say its the thought that counts but in this instance I believe you should rethink your approach . If you are only handing an envelope to your 'primary' waiter , I would say more often than not the assistant waiter is likely left empty handed as more than likely it would not be shared . Best to give 1 envelope per person. ... IMO
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