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Posts posted by BVILady

  1. On the World Cruise the MyExploration Package (2 Halfday and 1 fullday) was available to book but the Passepartour (5 halfday) was not bookable. It says now "The Passepartour package consists of 5 half-day excursions (Please note that the Passepartour packages are no longer bookable)." but I have never seen it available and was looking into booking tours from the day I had booked the cruise.

    On the WorldCruise the MyExploration Package also comes with discount on all other tours booked, so could not be happier about it. Things also seem to constantly change, I had booked the MyExploration package before tours themselves showed available, that had been cancelled then by Costa and was later available again to book.

  2. https://emmacruises.com/costa-cruises-drinks-package-guide/

    Wansbrough has posted pdf-drink-menues. I am booked on the 2023 World Cruise and it looks like prices will go up since we have seen a price-increase in prosecco (I have pre-ordered for my birthday).

    In comparison to Casino's in Europe Casino's on cruise ships are not impressive, lacking the atmosphere and would not attract me for example. Shops - how much jewelery and art can you purchase - lol.

  3. 3 hours ago, fredmdcruisers said:

    It is costing you more, but you seem okay with that so no worries. My TA answers email immediately and if off, another agent replies. She has even responded while on a cruise.

    lol, okay so I am chilled but I live and learn, so Royal Caribbean and the Agent I dealt with are not on my horizon any longer. I know no loss to them, also no problem to me.  I know I am a conservative shopper but I also recommend reasonably priced options. I am evaluating my options and I don't see a reason to waste money whether I can afford it or not - matter of principal, so for them cheating me out of my price-adjustment goes against my principals. I drive a Suzuki Vitara because I don't see the value in driving a Landrover (just an island-thing).

  4. 6 minutes ago, fredmdcruisers said:

    Wrong TA. Find a good one.

    Cruise Specialist. Had a different cruise specialist before and when I had to cancel 3 cruises because of Covid, the one I booked directly with the cruise-line, no problem, the 2 I booked through the agent cost me money. So now a different agent and this - no more agents for me. Noticed it is better for me to speak directly with the cruise line anyhow, my friend booked on the same cruise as me always has to wait to hear back from the agent, I get it from the Horses mouse. And using skype it is no problem time-wise since I can do lot's of things on my computer waiting to get through.


  5. so I will never book through an agent again. Had contacted them about the pricedrop 3 weeks ago, nothing, had called 3 times and last thing was being told that Royal Caribbean themselves will get back to me last Friday. Today I called Royal Caribbean reservations and group-reservations and was told that I had to contact the agent. Called the agent again and sent them screen-shot from June 6th - sorry no more cabins at that reduced price available any longer so nothing we can do for you. So they dragged their feet for 3 weeks and I am paying the price. Not impressed. 

  6. 3 hours ago, sealynx said:

    This makes me wonder if business for Costa is going well or not. Of course they've added two giants to their fleet, but that was planned years ahead. Apparently they don't have the bookings in the med to keep their fleet intact, so they need to dispose of Luminosa. On the other hand, MSC is adding extra capacity to the med with the transfer of the Bellisima. If the market was the same for Costa, they wouldn't have the need to dispose of the Luminosa, but they would also have the possibility to get the Firenze and Venezia (either or both) to their home market.

    I have been wondering about all this shifting around. Maybe the reason is that they have lost all the Russian customers in the Med, so they are moving these ships temporarily to serve other markets. Must be quite a struggle.

  7. I have booked 3 cabins and the price drop had been about $ 700 on 2 of them about $ 300 on one. Have fully paid and have called my TA 3 times now and they said they had sent a request to RCI and are awaiting response. When I called yesterday I had been told that I will hear from RCI before end of the day yesterday. NOTHING. That is a lot of money I am losing here, since I am the one paying. Have also already prepaid for all the excursions. Just now finished booking excursions for a WC with Costa and their prices for some of the same excursions are lower then RCI. Not happy with Royal Caribbean at all! Just sent them a message but not holding my breath. Had previously contacted them concerning check-in and never heard back from them.

  8. 1 minute ago, Noo said:


    Thanks very much.  I remember liking their itinerary but I don't think I priced them up fully.  I wish they'd make it easier to get cost info!  I think Princess are one of our favourites at the moment, although I probably should admit that on here! 🙂  Anyway, I should leave this now before we derail the thread any further.

    Just check posts from Inside Cabin, she has a really good cost-calculator. At Princess you will also need to figure out extra costs like excursions, actually that is something you need to figure out for most cruise-lines even the one's advertising excursions included, because usually not all excursions are included, for example overland tours and a lot of the longer and classier excursions have additional pricing.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Noo said:


    Do you mind me asking who you're going with?  We've tried a few lines so far but only three of them do world cruises and only two of those I'd do again.🙂

    I am going with Costa, just finished booking my excursions for the 2023 World Cruise, which some might call a Grand Voyage since it just goes from Europe to India, almost around Africa and around South America returning to Europe through the Panama Canal. My total for excursions is $ 7050 now and I have not penny-pinched, have actually Taj Mahal and Iguaza Falls Overland Tours booked,  Petra was an included tour. Again all the overland tours single-occupancy so more pricey. So far by my calculations considering all I can think off like laundry, Insurance, Drinks, Service Charge, Tips, Fuel Surcharge, Luggage Forward.... $  42,000 - not bad for covering all my expenses. I have been on Costa several times before and know I will be happy with it. I have been on other cruise lines like HAL, P&O, Princess and various other European lines not so well known, so not married to Costa. The itinerary was what I had been looking for and the price is right.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Noo said:

    I read these topics on the forums because we're planning to hopefully do our one and only world cruise in a few years time.  I rarely comment because I've never done one so have very little advice I could give.  I imagine that many world cruisers/potential world cruisers are in the same position as us.  The answers on this forum are unlikely to reflect that because the people that tend to keep checking and helping on the world cruise threads are the ones who have already done at least one are likely to do another!

    I have cruised before but not done a World Cruise before, January 2023 will be my first. So considering and planning your one and only World Cruise I recommend that you just keep on reading the posts here and also try to figure out where you would like to go most and take it from there, check itineraries and like in my case prices, since cruising solo tends to be quite expensive. And then go from there and enjoy planning. The only reason I have planned 2 World Cruises is because of the ports I want to visit and because I have found a cruise-line which makes it price-wise possible for me. There are so many possibilities out there and planning is a great part of the fun.

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  11. On 6/15/2022 at 12:51 PM, kremerlorraine said:

    They are offering two "segments" of the world cruise on Deliziosa instead, but the consultant I contacted today doesn't have any information as to what those segments are. Really disappointed to lose the opportunity to cruise the Amazon (at least at a reasonable price!)

    That surprises me, last time I checked there hadn't really been a lot of availability on Deliziosa for the 2023 World Cruise and have not been aware of any segments either. I am sorry to hear your cruise was cancelled, hoping to do this one at a later date to cruise the Amazon and northern part of Brazil. I think HAL has a cruise to the Amazon but at a more expensive rate. So where is Magica going then, all her scheduled cruises had been already cancelled.

  12. 4 hours ago, not-enough-cruising said:

    I always use the Philippines as an example because there are quite a few Filipino crew members. 
    Crew are GUARANTEED $1100-$1200 per month. 
    In their home country the average income is $3000

    I am not opposed to tipping, but I refuse to be manipulated by guilt to do so, especially prior to receiving service. 

    Wow $ 3000 per year is terrible - I see you corrected it.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Janet&Carl said:

     I didnt play bridge - we took our own travel games and played in one of the lounges - other people joined us and we have friends that we still keep in touch with through these games. The internet was woeful ..... very very slow and very expensive.

    Are you on the 23 cruise? Do  you play Rummy-cube. Would bring my game if there is somebody to play it with?

    Concerning Internet, I have been on cruises but not a world cruise and quality mostly depends on the area and it is sadly always expensive. On a cruise to Australia and New Zealand HAL actually refunded some of my money - by no way compensating for the time I was not able to use it, but an admittance of the lousy service provided.

  14. She said she will have to put in a form to get the reduced price. As with pcur she wasn't able to find the price on her platform. Being on skype I wasn't able to send her any screen=shot. She said they will get back to me within 3 days. Will not be happy if I don't get it but it will not be something I will let rise up my blood pressure.

  15. Contacted my Agent. Have already paid in full but cruise is only on July 28th. She said she will put in a request for lower fare. Hoping for the best. 3 cabins, same rate-category as lower price is now. Even if it is only onboard credit we will not be able to use it all because the price difference is so much and we have pre-paid  all excursions.

    At least WiFi and drinks will be covered. Keeping my fingers crossed.


  16. Is it possible to prepay onboard charges? Like to use my airline-points credit card and have the amount cleared through my bank beforehand in case I have any problems getting into the bank-website during the trip. Having booked excursions and other items I do have a pretty good idea what to expect.

  17. on my "personalize your cruise" beverage list is a non-alcoholic package listed with price for adult and price per child. The 20 or 40 non-alcoholic options are also there. You might only see these after you book. Can't provide you with the price for your booking since it will depend on length of cruise.

  18. yes, it really depends what kind of traveler you are. I am now always getting organized in advance. My son and me had ended a cruise in Rio and had all the things we wanted to do, procrastinating we ended up missing out on Rio by night. When we finally got around to book it we noticed it was the evening of our flight so not possible. We are going to spend 2 month in Europe this summer and I just send my daughter the spreadsheet because she is going to meet friends in Barcelona and in Lisbon and she was shocked thinking she had so little available time, not realizing some excursions are just a few hours and evenings are free. At least I know that we will have plenty of free time but still will see things. I do make sure that I also have sufficient time for laundry days, so no stress.

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  19. I have cruised before and did finally decide on a World Cruise, then looked afterwards for a cruise with ports in Africa,, since that really had been an area I have not been to, besides a Safari in Kenya. Now I am booked on two World Cruises with Costa for 2023 and 2024 because of different ports to visit. I am retired and cruising solo, Costa's price for solo cruising has been an important factor for me. Now I just have to stay in top shape to fully enjoy exploring the World.

  20. Thanks Alex; I carry a German passport and my friend US-passport, but it reads if we have been during the last 14 days in the US- or British Virgin Islands we will not be permitted to board. At the moment we are scheduled to spend Christmas/New Year in Germany for a cruise Jan. 6th, 2023. As much as I do love Germany, really don't want to be there in the cold. Will try and call Miami tomorrow, hoping the call-center has updated information. Hoped somebody might know more to avoid being on the phone forever.

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