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Posts posted by mousey

  1. Melody, so sorry to hear about your fall and injuries. I hope you have an awesome time on your cruise!


    Well, when it comes to body shapes...I'd say I'm pear shaped. I hate it but it is what it is. I have a small shoulder width, a bigger tummy than I'd like, big upper thighs, but slim legs. So go figure! LOL! You'd think I'd stay away from stripes but I don't. I just love them too much.


    So, Arizona lost...boo hoo! But it was great to see the DS even though he didn't stay at the house. He did come by twice and I just kept hugging him and staring at him. I just love that kid so much. I'm excited that he'll be home again in a couple of weeks for Thanksgiving.


    I've got my Thanksgiving menu all planned out and everyone knows what they're bringing so all is well. I'm making things, except for the turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy, that can be made the day before and so only have to be heated. I know you can make mashed potatoes ahead of time but I just don't like them that way.


    The DH and I went out for dinner tonight and talked about the dinner menu and he thinks I've made good choices and when I mentioned that I wanted to make the same kind of mashed potatoes that we get at one of our favorite restaurants in town, Wood Ranch BBQ, he was all for it. I was afraid that people might not like not having traditional mashed potatoes but the DH says he for sure would love me to try something different. So now I've got to look up the recipe.


    I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving with their families and friends!

  2. Thank you all for your support. It's so nice to be able to come on here and read such supportive things.


    The DH got a hold of the DS's guidance counselor today and she was awesome! Right now the DS is back on track so let's hope it stays that way. He's coming here for the U of A v. USC game on Sat. Hopefully this break will help him relax and he'll get to have fun with his frat brothers.


    I got out today and had lunch with one of my very dearest friends. It's easy to talk to her and she is also very very supportive. I came home feeling way better for having spent time with her.


    So...life goes on!


    The DH is going to take me to a pumpkin patch and on a hayride this weekend. I love doing stuff like that.


    Can't wait for Thanksgiving!:D

  3. We have the late dinner time w/ assigned seating. (My sister is in a wheel chair...I'm wondering where we will be sitting.)


    I will be on her at Christmas for our 30th Wedding Anniversary. We also have late assigned seating that's been confirmed but no table number yet. I'd like to know if there is (as there was on the Pride) a table where one side is a banquette and the other side has two chairs. There will be the DH, the DS (20) and his friend (20). I'd love to have a table like that. If there are tables like that and if you had the chance...I would love to get a couple of the table nos. so that I might request one when we board the ship.


    I hope you and your family have an awesome cruise.


    Whether you can do this or not, I think it's extremely kind of you to offer to help people out the way you are doing.:D

  4. I'm terribly sorry about your friend's illness. Unfortunately this is not Carnival's fault. If the ship has met it's lifeboat capacity no one can be added. Once your ill friend cancelled that was it. Had there been more than one person booked in the room it would be a different story. Just go on the cruise with your friend and enjoy yourself and don't spend another minute on being angry with an entity that is not at fault. Life is too short. JMHO

  5. Only post... GOT to be a troll.


    A. Ask for the water refills until you get them. Maybe try explaining to your wait staff on the first night that you have to have water, and lots of it. With a smile, and maybe a charming apology for asking for something you know they were probably going to take care of anyway.


    B. Chair hogs suck all over. I don't play the game. I prefer to sit in Serenity, but if I can't find a chair there, there is always a chair somewhere for me.


    C. If someone ripped up my tip in half and told me I'd only get it if I took care of their every whim for the next seven days, I'd give it back to them. That has got to be the most insulting method of tipping I've ever heard of.


    I totally agree with this post. I used to get bummed out over chair hogs. Now I just move on life is too short.


    I too believe that this was a post just aimed at getting people upset. But it didn't work with me. It's the poster who is going to have bad karma not me.

  6. Unfortunately the named person on the offer has to be present. Not any different than special offers from the Casino, named person has to be present. My daughter is platinum and her husband has gotten several different offers with reduced or free fares (not casino related cause they don't gamble) and she doesn't understand it either but it's no big deal in her case cause she's also on the cruise with him.


    Exactly. The OBC wasn't sent to her it was sent to the DH so he has to be present for her to use it. Makes total sense.


    We are going on a Christmas cruise because the DH and DS each got a great Casino promotion...I got zip. But I totally benefit from it because I'm cruising with the DS and DH. The DS is taking a friend who will also benefit from it. Also each of them are getting $100 OCB...which I'm keeping for myself...LOL! Actually we're applying the OBCs to dinner in the steakhouse my choice) and what's left will be put towards excursions that we'll take together as a family (also my choice). So for me it's a win-win situation.

  7. How is debarkation for people who check their bags? Anyone want to share their personal experience?


    We always check our bags and then in the morning we just take our time and get off the ship when we're kicked off...meaning we're in no hurry to get off the ship. LOL! We've never had to wait for our luggage and once we've gone through immigration, we just pick up our luggage and leave.


    We've cruised a lot on several different cruise lines. Luggage has never been a problem for us. Never had luggage lost and have always had our luggage in time to change for dinner as we do the late sitting at 8:15p.


    I see absolutely no reason for us to ever spend money on FTTF. We get to the fun fast enough and don't need to get to our cabin before the all clear is announced to go there.


    I've never spent any length of time in a customer service line. And...if there is a tender port on our schedule as there will be on our Christmas cruise this year...we just book our excursion through Carnival and no problems there.


    I just don't see the point in spending that kind of money. But...that's JMHO.:)

  8. Hi,

    You can wear quite casual clothing for Carnival's elegant nights so you can still enjoy them and not dress up much at all.

    For men all you need are long pants and a shirt,even a golf shirt is fine.

    For women really any slacks or dress would be OK.

    I think the only thing that is just not allowed is to wear shorts that night into the MDR.

    IF you still don't want to eat in the dining room you won't be alone at the Lido or anywhere else on the ship.

    There are usually plenty of people that just don't feel like sitting through a long dinner so please yourselves!

    It is your vacation!!


    I totally agree. On most ships these days you can dress casually on what are considered "dress up" nights. I've never missed going to the MDR on "formal" nights and I long ago stopped dressing "formal". It's up to you what you chose to do. The most important thing is that you enjoy yourself whatever decision you make about where you eat on your cruise.

  9. How not to catch the common cold...


    Never leave your house.

    Don't invite anyone into your house.

    Don't fly, vacation, cruise, eat at restaurants, visit your kid's school, have kids for that matter.

    Don't go to sporting events, swim in community pools, use communal exercise equipment, eat the freebies at Costco.

    Stay away from hospitals, clinics, and Drs. offices.


    Hopefully you all get the picture.


    So true! There are germs everywhere and we're immune to most of them because we've been exposed to most of them. It's not a good thing to go around acting like Howard Hughes all the time. Just use good judgment and enjoy your life.


    I've been cruising since 1964! I have never, ever gotten sick on a cruise and I've been on lots and lots of them. I do believe in washing my hands before I touch my food and using good judgment about what I eat and where. I do not believe in being crazy about it all. JMHO:)

  10. Melody, I'm so excited for you! I hope you have an awesome trip!


    Wow! I thought I was doing a lot by thinking of make three pies and look at all the ones you're making. And I don't have to transport mine...good luck with that...LOL.


    I pray every day for things to calm down for the DS. He's a great kid and it just breaks my heart to see him suffer so much. He's always been proud of his grades and is a high achiever so getting behind in his classes was just stressing him out so much. But now he's only got two classes to worry about so things should get better for him. At least I pray that's so. Keep your fingers crossed.

  11. Your best bet for what to wear on an Alaskan cruise is to plan to bring clothing you can layer. There is a ton of advise on this subject on the Alaska board. Even in June and July it can be very very cool/cold on an Alaskan trip. You'll need to keep an eye out about two weeks before you leave on your cruise to see what the weather forecast is.


    Our Alaskan cruise was in July and there wasn't one day that I would have worn just warm weather clothing. I wore layers and took off and added clothing as needed during the day.


    As I mentioned above, there is a plethora of information on the Alaskan board about what to take and wear on such a cruise. Having said that and to answer you more specific question about the dining room...every night I wore a long-sleeved, thick, cotton sweater with either jeans or a long denim skirt. Alaskan cruises are very casual. Even on "formal" nights people did not dress up all that much. I wouldn't venture outside on deck at night without gloves, a scarf, hat, a heavy jacket, socks, and boots. However, like I said...sometimes in June and July it could be very warm. You just have to keep you eye out for the weather forecast and plan to layer your clothes.


    Another tip I would give you is to take the best pair of binoculars you can afford and the best camera you can afford. Those two items are, in my opinion, mandatory. We would have regretted not having them with us on our cruise. We were able to see so many things from the deck with the binoculars that were in the distance. Whales, birds, scenery, etc., etc. Just the best tool to have.


    I hope you enjoy your Alaskan cruise as much as we did. It was a great adventure and one of the best cruises we ever took. It's just awesome.

  12. Look at Marshall's, TJMaxx, Burlington, Ross, DSW etc. and bring whatever (or same sized) is going to go into the bag. I hate returning things and I was able to find several bags that would've worked doing this.


    This is exactly what I was going to say. You can find a huge range of bags that will fit your specific needs at any of these stores and not have to pay for shipping and handling charges. Not to mention some sites charge for returns. I'm a brick and mortar girl myself. LOL!

  13. Ugh, I typed this long post and then it just vanished!


    Anyway, just as well as it was not the best news. We got a call that no one wants to get from their kid..."I'm dropping out of school!" It was going to be for just the rest of this semester but we totally freaked out. It's because of all he's gone through since coming home from Argentina in Aug. The near death car accident, the break-in and burglary of his condo, and now the break-in and burglary and damage to his car. It's just too much and he freaked out. The loss of yet another computer with schoolwork on it and not having one for several days was just too much. Thank goodness with a lot of calming down, conversation, research, talking to teachers, deans, and counselors, etc. we've saved the semester by have him drop out of all but two classes. It's not a big problem because his trip to Argentina had put him ahead 1/2 a semester. But it was just a week of hell. I don't know how much more stress the three of us can take and it really has me worried. Not for myself, but for the DS and DH. We just need a break from all the negative stuff. I'm just hoping we can calm down, relax, and get through this God awful year without any more negativity. Geez! Enough already!


    Anyway, I was hoping to wish Barbara a good cruise but I see I missed her. Well good wishes to those of you...Melody comes to mind on your upcoming trip.


    I've only ever living in FL or CA so there's never been a need for a mudroom in any of my homes. We enter our house through the garage so any dirty stuff...like returning from skiing or the beach...gets left in the garage or in the laundry room which is the room you go through once you're in the house to get to the living area. After the laundry room there is a short hallway where I have a rack on the wall and that is were we hang our jackets, sweaters, etc. when the weather is such that we need them.


    I love Margaret's hat. I have a couple in that style too.


    Melody your travel outfit looks really comfortable and I agree the blue looks good on you.


    Laurie, I love the flower print dresses you posted.


    Anita, I love your boots and color scheme with all the scarves and all. I'm glad you're coming up with a plan that makes you feel better and from what I've seen you're going to look great with the choices you've made.


    I can't believe I'm saying this...but my head just isn't in a place for even thinking about clothes right now. I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon. I'm just too anxious and down in the dumps right now. But I do enjoy seeing and hearing everyone else's plans.


    I've put together my Thanksgiving menu and now I'm assigning dishes for each person to bring. All my friends have a signature dish that they make and the ones that don't are happy to bring whatever you might need. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving because even though I've had a crappy year so far...there has been good things that have happened such as the party we gave my parents. They just can't stop talking about it. Mom just picked out 100 pictures from a disk that my niece made up for them. She's busy putting together a memory book. I have a lot to be thankful for and as they say "This too shall pass..."


    Wishing everyone a great day!

  14. Melody,


    I forgot to say congratulations on your DGD's band's 2nd place win. Yea!


    We agree that the DS's frat should have cameras in their parking lot. AEPi can certainly afford to do that. They would not hire guards...you know because of the partying and all they only allow their frat brothers and special male guests, parents (when they're invited) into the house. Oh yeah, and girls, girls, girls! LOL!


    The DS has invited a really nice young man on the cruise. He's one of the new crop of frat brothers that's going to be inducted into his frat this year. We met him the last time the DS was home. The DH and I liked him very much and he's going to be a perfect fit with us on the cruise. I'm so happy he chose this kid because I feel very comfortable around him and he's very easygoing. He's also a good influence on the DS I'm happy to say.


    Well, I've gathered up all of our single friends...not a couple among them with the exception of the DH and myself of course...and there will now be 10 of us for Thanksgiving dinner. I've got my menu set. I'm going with what I did for Thanksgiving of 2013. It was a hit so I'm going to repeat as with the exception of one person these are all new guests.


    The Macy's parade, football, great food, drink, family, and friends...what's not to like. Plus everyone's bringing something to share. Can't wait! I love Thanksgiving!

  15. Wow, if you miss a day on this thread there's so much to catch up on...LOL!



    I agree...let's go Mets (unfortunately they're not doing so great right now as they're down 2 games but I've seen them come back from worse case scenarios)!


    That Andrew Marc leather jacket you posted a picture of...I almost bought it in beige while I was shopping at Ross 4 Less when I was back in FL. It was on sale...dang...now I wish I had gotten it!!!


    I loved the Michael Kors outfit...minus the fur (faux or otherwise). I have a jacket similar to that one so I might try to find some funky pants to go with it. I love that those pants were pajama ones.


    Hope the DH's hip surgery goes well. My cousin's DH is recuperating fine so far from his. He's 63 years old and should have had the surgery done years ago. Christmas in New York...how exciting. I've done that before when we spent Christmas with the SIL years ago. It's so festive and fun. Very crowded though so take that into consideration. Wishing the best for the DH.


    I agree with the East v. West style of clothing. Here in So Cal we are very casual. I live in jeans and various styles of tops. Since we don't have "weather" per se...we can live in our jeans (Capri or reg. length) all year round. Our younger girls usually wear denim short shorts with cut-off hems. Also, here in So Cal it's very trendy. One of my girlfriends once said of me..."She'll be trendy till the day she dies!" So that tells you a lot about my style. LOL! I just don't have one set style...I'm all over the place. I just enjoy fashion and don't like being tied down to one look. I just love shopping! But...and this is a big BUT...I don't spend a lot of money on my clothes because with rare exceptions I don't plan to have them for a long time...I know I'll be handing off most of them off to my girlfriend's non-profit group at the end of every year. I do tend to keep coats and jackets forever...but all the other stuff usually goes out the door to people that love to get them. I usually shop at TJ Maxx, Ross 4 Less, Marshalls and sometimes Macy's and Nordstroms. I just have so much fun with fashion.


    One sad note...of course so it seems lately...the DS just had his computer stolen again! This time out of his car as it was parked in his fraternity's parking lot as did a few other kids...dang! But we're just getting him another one and rolling with the punches. I feel so sorry for the DS and all he's been going through with these thefts. He's getting to the point where he's hating living in Tucson and I feel badly about that. Especially since he has another year to go studying there. He's especially bummed out because he has to sit around today waiting for the guy to come and replace the window of our car that got bashed in. Geeze! Poor kid!


    I'm into planning Thanksgiving dinner and collecting up my single friends that have no plans to dine with us. So far I've got seven for dinner.


    Here's wishing everyone that has an upcoming cruise or trip a really great time! Can't wait for our cruise in Dec.

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