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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. Hit or miss. I hide mine in my luggage but yes. Could happen. Cruise well well and enjoy every moment.
  2. You are killing me. YUM!!!! Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  3. @BSR Sorry for the late post. I originally sent it to the wrong name above. My bad. My sincere apologies to YOU. You had every right to post the Investment Number on the other board. You and I are HUGE NCL fans. I have been cruising NCL since my Honeymoon 44 years ago when it was call just Norwegian. Once I found the NCL Haven, I found what I have called the Best of Both Worlds. It seems you and I are new to the other brand. I am very careful when I have never cruise a brand not to come across as an expert on the brand. Where with NCL, I make very pointed comments based on Experience. My reaction to the amount disclosed was based on a less than thrilling exchange on Crystal Cruise some years ago prior to taking my first one. When you posted, I felt one of the members was being rude to you like you were lying about the information you found. You were classy enough to say you would let me disclose the link and you got a Laughing emoji. That is why I came back, said you were correct and gave the link. Putting the dollar amount on any thread was a stupid move if I wanted it keep private. Again, you did nothing wrong, you were actually being complementary. I hope you will accept my apology. Since we are both new to that brand, and I have done intensive research. Ask me anything and I will freely share. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. Love the FOOD Porn. Makes me want to stay on my diet before my cruise leave in 100 days just so I can try everything. I have to tell you, one one picture I LOVED the most was the breakfast. I LOVE Breakfast on a cruise ship. Thank you Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. Here is a standard list. 1. Money Belt: Amazon is your friend. For safety of all valuables while in a port. 2. Over the counter medication: Tylenol /Allergy/Seasick Meds(optional)/Preparation H /Rolaids/Tums / Band-Aids/Polyisoprene/Cough drops. We pack a small medical kit. 3. Cell Phone Security Cord: Designed to stop thieves from snatching your phone from out of your hands. 4. Travel Neck Pillow: Makes air travel a little nicer. 5. Portable Umbrella/Ponchos: Portable vs. the long umbrella in the suite. 6. Power Strip with Electric and USB (Can NOT be a Surge Suppressor): This allows flexability on where it the cord is plugged in. 7. Extra Long USB (Multi-Device) Charger Cables: Has all male ends for iPhones and other devices. 8. Neck Lanyard for Suite Card: Stops from losing your suite card and makes the suite card available when ordering drinks. 9. Lightweight Backpack: Light weight and allows for easy of carrying non-valuable items while in port. Also, it is much easier to have when doing air travel. 10. Hair Dryer: The Hair Dryers in the room are mid-low power. If you have thick hair, bring your own. 11: Thermal Cup: Many Haven's don't have a bar on the Haven Sundeck. This allows for your drink to stay cold and will fit two drinks. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  6. Online Check is the same for everyone. Haven Guest can board when ever they want. However, my habit is to do the online check in as soon as available and get the earliest check in time. Old habits die hard. This is the question of the year. It comes up so many times and the answer and or solutions are less than perfect. I am no expert on Cruise Airfare and have stated my opinion of how they worked in the past. Others who have the highest knowledge base come in and get very, very specific. I will do my best here for you. NCL and every other cruise brand has a contract with airlines. They do not focus on our needs, they focus on the lowest costs. That is why depending on the airlines used, you might not have the ability to choose seats, you might not get airline points, you might not be given any luggage making that a cost at the airport and you might not be able to change ANYTHING without loosing all the benefits. Call the airline directly. Sometimes they will work with you, more often they say NO. Worth a phone call. Yes you can and their is a fee. Go to the NCL website on FAQ, they will give you all the details. Hope that helps. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  7. @CDR Benson That my good friend is wonderful news. My I make a suggestion. On YouTube is a lovely couple the did a very low key but excellent series of video's on RSSC. As the expense of a cruise goes up, the number of video's created for that brand goes down. It should be a very simple search. I have watched these and other many times as I day dream about going on RSSC. What makes these video special in my minds eye, is the people are not influencers nor travel agents. Just retired folks looking to enhance their cruising experience. Can't wait to read your review. No pressure, just looking forward to it. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. Yes on the drink. Off the ship YES, on the ship it depends. Some times yes, sometimes no. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  9. @CDR Benson Which of the RSSC ships are you on and why did you choose it? If you don't mind me asking? Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. @BSA My sincere apologies to you. You had every right to post the Investment Number on the other board. You and I are HUGE NCL fans. I have been cruising NCL since my Honeymoon 44 years ago when it was call just Norwegian. Once I found the NCL Haven, I found what I have called the Best of Both Worlds. It seems you and I are new to the other brand. I am very careful when I have never cruise a brand not to come across as an expert on the brand. Where with NCL, I make very pointed comments based on Experience. My reaction to the amount disclosed was based on a less than thrilling exchange on Crystal Cruise some years ago prior to taking my first one. When you posted, I felt one of the members was being rude to you like you were lying about the information you found. You were classy enough to say you would let me disclose the link and you got a Laughing emoji. That is why I came back, said you were correct and gave the link. Putting the dollar amount on any thread was a stupid move if I wanted it keep private. Again, you did nothing wrong, you were actually being complementary. I hope you will accept my apology. Since we are both new to that brand, and I have done intensive research. Ask me anything and I will freely share. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  11. You are more than welcome. I am really looking forward to my first Oceania cruise. I usually cruise the NCL Haven. I am well known there. I find it difficult sometimes to interact on the Oceania Board. My approach seems to set some of the Oceania faithful back. I am working on it. Thank you again for such kind words. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. True, you are always the voice of reason. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  13. What BSR is saying is TRUE. I purposefully did NOT disclose any numbers here for this very reason. I was given a professional courtesy. I was very thankful to Oceania. I knew if I disclosed my total investment here, on this blog, it would cause a stir. I was obviously right. I used this situation to high light how to handle issue with brands and to show how brands will do the right thing if you approach it right. Also, to address that the "Upgrade Fairy" exists. The information provide is accurate and quite frankly I was THRILLED. The actual link is on the blog, "First Time Cruisers". The entry # is 28. It is on the first page with my screen name as the Author. I explain what happened and the result. I could have just not responded to this inquiry, but if BSR makes a statement that is factual, and it seems like others are challenging that statement. Even if I did not want to disclose that here, I will not allow any member to come across as not being honest. I hope that is the end of this inquiry. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. @BSR I did write a very nice letter to top executives. Not sure if you know the story but I was misquoted an paid upgrade. It was a MISTAKE by Oceania while I was on the phone listening with my Travel Agent. When I heard the amount to upgrade, I knew it was To Good To Be True. So when I got my credit card which all of 60 seconds, the offer they gave me was off the table. Mistakes happen. I sent a letter making sure that I fully understood mistakes happen. All I asked in my letter was, if and when "Paid Upgrades" were to happen on my cruise, would they consider offering one to me. That is all I asked for. I got a call, an upgrade was provided which was "A LOT" more then the original amount. Still, it was a value to me. I was impressed with Oceania's willingness to communicate with me and acknowledge that an mistake had been made. Did I gain a fair deal and now have a "Once In A Life Time Cruising Experience." Yes. I did not expect it, I did not demand it. I was also impressed with the shear speed my situation was handled and resolved. Win/Win situation. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. @SATaxman See if this attachment helps you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment. Oceania_Upper_Suite_Bar_Menu.pdf
  16. And, in this one simple statement, you totally and completely get me. I thought I was alone in these thoughts. Thank you kind sir. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. Hi ALL: I also wrote an OP-ED on the Premium PLUS Drink package so my comment here should have some validity. NCL realized we all started to do our due diligence. With the Haven, we studied all the amenities and how to gain every ounce of benefit from the premium fare. The same thing holds true for the Premium PLUS Drink Package. In an effort to increase profits and revenues, NCL increased the cost for specific spirits. Where the PERK Free At Sea drink program has a limit of $15.00 per drink. The Premium Plus Drink Package does not. By increasing the cost of Grey Goose and Bailey's for example, they think more people will buy the Premium Plus Drink Package or even better yet, the new Free At Sea PLUS program. On the Premium Plus Drink Package you are now limited to the number of "Selected" Bottles of wine you can order at lunch and dinner. Some have reported, those bottles if wine is left can not go with you to your suite. NCL is changing policies and procedures because we learned how to leverage their plans. Bravo to us and we now have to go back to the drawing board with new strategies for the new rules. We are just the kind of folks that will excel with that challenge. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. Thanks to all for the comments here and on YouTube. The most comments I have received was to provide my Excel Calendar which I have sent to everyone who asked. The second most requested item is very difficult for me to send. It is my detailed Journey Document. The reason why it is difficult is because it is so personal. Everything from copies of my Passport, Drivers License, Covid Card and the list goes on. The purpose of this document is twofold. First, for me to have an idea of what to expect from the cruise and ports. Second, to answer the most commonly asked questions by my wife and this cruise my guests. They tend to make fun of all my preparations so early. Yet about 5 days before the cruise, they start asking questions and challenging "WHY" we are doing things a specific way. That "Arm Chair Quarterbacking" used to get to me. Now, I give them this multi-page journey document and say, "I gave you all the opportunity to research, plan and do due diligence. You made fun of me. This is the work down over months without any of your help. If you want to change something, Call Your Congressmen." In my heart of hearts I know they all appreciate just going on a great vacation with all the pitfalls proactively thought out. Yet, wanting to change something as simple as a popular "Specialty Restaurants" on board on board a ship that is sold out, is almost impossible. I just let them try and enjoy their frustration. When they go to a port and immediately want to take a cab to the city center and I explain, the cab will be $140.00 and the train which is just as fast is $10.00 gets a challenge like, "Why are you being such a Know-It-ALL". "Do you know that for sure." My answer is "YES, it is on page 27, mid-page. I have a YouTube video to support it. But feel free to find out for yourself. I will be going to the train station. See you later." Funny how the follow me and won't talk to me for an hour because of my attitude. Now am I exaggerating, SURE. But not by much. Sometimes luxury for me is knowing the facts and taking pro-active action on them. What I know is I would rather take a train, leave when I want and come back when I want than to take a Cruise Line bus, waiting an hour to fill up before leaving with a specific time to catch that bus to come back to the ship. Same walking tour. Cruise line $179.00 per person. Train to city center, $10.00 per person. You choose. All it took was some research and my now famous Journey Document. Hope you like my story. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. @sophia thomas You read my response wrong. I totally know you are real and that your situation is disappointing to you or anyone else that it would have happened to. My comment on Anger had to do with the best approach to letters with big companies. Sorry, post don't allow for quick interactions or questions. It seems you might have a person that can assist you prior to that letter. That is a good thing. I personally want your room back because it is what you wanted in the first place. I also hope you gain real compensation and a apology from the powers that be. Life should always be happy conclusions in my opinion. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. @sophia thomas Your welcome. As I read your initial post and comments after, I was taken back. Something is OFF in the situation. This happens sometimes on social media. It just does not feel right. My gut told me you are being transparent with your situation. Another words, you were telling the story emotional but also factual. You have very few post on Cruise Critic and been on for a while. That told me you only post or comment when it is very important to you. You would rather sit back and enjoy the banter. NOW, on the Oceania Side, something is amiss. I don't recall if you booked directly with them or used a travel agent. I usually use a travel agent for lots of reasons. HOWEVER, my experience is "no one can fight for what I feel is right better than I can". I want to give you confidence in your letter so here is a "true story" that JUST happened. Remember my attitude, I never got angry or really upset. I stay in control. I was simply disappointed. That means my letters will be more factual than emotional. Here is my story: I booked my Oceania voyage in September 2022 with the four category upgrade promotion. The booking was a PH3 Guarantee which is why I watch this stream so much. I than leveraged the "Extraordinary Sales Event" to lower my over all investment a good bit. Those on this board suggested to have my Travel Agent let Oceania know that I was a candidate for a "Paid Guest" upgrade. At the time their were two Vista and four Owners Suites left and the entire (PH) category was "Wait Listed". My agent called me while Oceania was on the phone and gave me an upgrade amount that was, "To Good To Be True". She verified it twice while I was listening. I accepted it immediately. About a minute later I had my American Express In hand, the offer was taken back. Not your situation however you can see why it was disappointing to me. My agent got nowhere on that call and with me off the phone went to several supervisors. It was a no go, a mistake had been made. So I went into action using the approach I gave you. Three days later, I was confirmed in a Vista Suite. NO, NOT even close to the original offer. But an offer I could live with. Win/Win situation for everyone. It is all the way we ask for things and the realization that mistakes happen on both sides. Honey vs. Vinegar even when you did nothing wrong. I just wanted a favorable outcome and maybe like you, an acknowledgement that a mistake was made. This was simply my most recent experience. Side Note: My Travel Agent called me and asked me how I did it. It seems her strategy was not approaching the situation nicely. She tried to bully. That does not work in human interaction when the company or brand has all the leverage. Loosing one customer or a booking is minor. Not what I would hope but the truth. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  21. @sophia thomas I have been following along with your story since you wrote it. I am NEW to Oceania but not new to cruising. I am also not new to issues happening within my booking and being quite upset. If I may be so bold to offer you an approach that has worked for me with a high level of success. I hesitated to even respond because of the comments I have gotten in the past from my approach. However, putting myself in your place, nothing would give me greater joy then to assist in some way towards gaining you a resolution you felt comfortable with. In my Pre-Retirement Life, I taught "Issue Resolutions" for some big companies. Social Media will NOT help. It will make you feel better and maybe give you some idea's. The key to resolving your issues it a "Very Professionally Written Letter". In this letter NEVER threaten, show no anger, disappointment in the brand is a better approach. Simply explain the facts of your situation, how it made you feel as a loyal Oceania Client. Then at the end, make a suggestion of a Realistic Resolution to this issue. Realistic for both sides with an emphasis on your satisfaction. Unrealistic is "Give me a free cruise, in the Owners Suite and a full Refund". I think you get the idea. The letter must seem somewhat formal in format. Then send it to the top 4 executives of Oceania In Miami. As someone else has said, send it Certified Mail. You will repeat this process every week until they call you back and resolve your issue. If you want to send an email also, with the same letter. The Code for Oceania is First Initial, Last Name @ OceaniaCruises.com or NCL.com. It would take many more paragraphs to give you every example of how my issues have been resolved over the last 44 years of cruising. Yet, resolved they were. All fairly and with somewhat of a Win/Win conclusion. All this said, I get so much push back when I make this suggestion on a Social Media Board. Usually from those that never approached things in the manner I suggest. Good luck and let us all know what happens. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. "The best thing about waking up, is Almond Croissants with my cup!!!!" ALMOND CROISSANTS!!!!! In the Horizons Observation lounge. With the most unbelievable coffee machine I have ever used. On the JOY!!!! YOU ARE KILLING ME. Some of my best memories. Thank you and I HATE YOU!!! Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  23. @PurpleBunny84 The best credit card perk program is American Express Platinum Rewards. Not associated with any brand. It give you the most flexibility. However, it is VERY expensive so you have to leverage every perk which I have done. I used to travel for business and my client paid all my travel expenses. At one time, I had 1.5 million points. I can transfer the points to Delta one point for one mile. I just used 800,000 delta air miles for two round trip Business Class ticket on Delta ONE from Alabama to Athens, Greece and from Barcelona to Alabama. I needed to transfer 100,000 AMX points to gain 100,000 extra miles. All I am saying is, AMX give reward points & Cruise Perks. The Royal Card just give Cruise perks. Read the fine print and due your due diligence. Then do what is right for you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  24. I am the OP and want to add more information that may help everyone who is new. Two subjects: Credit Card Perks Gaining Upgrades Credit Card Perks: Some credit cards are better than others. Prior to booking your cruise, check out your credit card for cruise perks. I have an American Express Platinum Card and when I book let us say, the NCL Haven Suite, I received $300.00 of on-board-credit and dinner for two at the French Specialty Restaurant. I also gain access with this card to the Delta Sky Club, The Priority Lounge and the The Centurion® Lounge. Those lounges are great when you have a lay over. There are rules and every card is different. Add to this there are some Insurance benefits HOWEVER, NOTHING takes the place of well thought out Travel Insurance. DON'T THROW THE DICE!!!!! Gaining Upgrades: Go to social media sites and learn the tricks to the upgrade for your specific cruise brand. Example: NCL has a Bidding system. They send you and email, you bid on the upgrade you want. Oceania has you make a request if they have upgraded staterooms left to make you an offer. Crystal Cruises when they were in business, did a greatly discounted upgrade as the cruise became closer. If it is a bid, do a mock booking to see what the inventory is left. If lots, bid low. If a few and you really want it, bid higher. On Solo travelers be extra careful on bidding. If you bit $100.00, you pay $200.00 because it is double occupancy. Free upgrades depend on the infamous, "Upgrade Fairy". Rarely happen so don't count on it. Well I hope this helps some of you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  25. @Grimix My comment is NOT directly about your response. It is about the subject of "Dress Code in the Haven Restaurant". Your above comment was responding back to a poster that said, wearing shorts and flip flops. They said "No one will care". You said, that comment was patently false. Here is the Debate I really did not want to have however once again, I will address it and it will become an issue again. The dress code officially is Casual. At dinner anywhere on an NCL ship Haven or other wise is NEVER formal. The MOST casual is usually Breakfast and Lunch. Regardless of the policy, based on many Haven cruises, dinner is country club casual. I have personally seen folks come to dinner in bathing suits, dirty tea shirts and flip flops. This restaurant is one of the nicest on the ship. Everyone should ask themselves, does a bathing suit seem appropriate for dinner. Now nice shorts, with a nice shirt seems to me to casual but still is under the concept of Country Club Casual. Nobody has the right to be upset if someone comes to dinner with nice shorts on. They paid the premium so they can do that. No Haven server or crew member is going to say anything because regardless of how they feel, one negative survey about them could lose their Haven Position. Would I go with shorts, flip flops to the Haven Restaurant for dinner, "NO". Not my style. Would I be upset and would it effect my meal if some else did, "NO". They paid the premium. Have I seen some Haven guest get rude to other guest, "YES". Do they have the right based on NCL Haven Policy, "NO". That is the debate I referred to earlier. A similar debate happens on unruly children in the Haven Hot Tub, Courtyard Pool and Haven restaurant. Those children are not the issue it is their parents that allow them to disturb other. I did this to honor the OP's questions. Can we now talk about how great the Haven and its amenities are for all now. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
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