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Posts posted by perkyblue

  1. Hi,


    Stay at ease, your German wasn't too bad... :D I definitely understood whart you wanted to say ... cute little shifting of words ... but that's adorable, so don't worry!






    Haha, thanks!

    Sorry you got so sick! I guess it helps with the weight loss, though.

    Ich hoffe dass du und dein Kind sind bald besser!




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  2. It's been awful! Yesterday it was cold AND rainy.YUCK! :(


    I have another competition going through FitBit. I won the first one a couple weeks ago, but this one doesn't look so great. One girl walked 25,000 steps (~10 miles :eek:) in one day! And her husband started strong but he's having some hip pain now so I might come out ahead of him for 2nd lol.


    I'm NOT looking forward to Couch to 5k Week 6, Day 3 today. It's a 22 minute consistent jog! But last week I did fine with 20, so maybe I'll be just as lucky this week. Wish me luck!


    Miles ran/walked: 207.24

    Miles remaining: 185.17 (over half way there!)

    Days remaining: 92

    Average miles per day remaining: 2.01


    So how did it go with the FitBit competition and the 22-minute jog? The good news is that once you build up the endurance to go for a longer amount of time, it takes a long time to lose it. When I started running a couple years ago, I couldn't go more than 6 minutes without needing to stop and walk. But yesterday I ran, and even though it was my first run in 3 1/2 months, I was able to go 30 minutes before needing a walking break.


    Having something that really motivates you helps a lot!! When I feel like I want to switch to walking early, I tell myself, "If you keep running for ____ more minutes, then later as a reward you can _____." That's what got me to push through the last 5 minutes yesterday when I wanted to cut back to walking after 25 minutes.


    I didn't even come close to making my last goal, so here's my new (easier) one -- to run 50 miles by my birthday.

    Miles run: 3.1

    Miles remaining: 46.9

    Days remaining: 97

    Average miles per day remaining: 0.5

  3. Hallo! Wo in Deutschland wohnen Sie? Ich habe in Deutschland gewohnt wann ich ein Kind war. Veil Gluek mit deine flussigkeits Diat. Das sieht sehr schwierig aus! Ist das gesund fuer 30 Tage zu tun? Jetzt versuche ich die Deutsche Sprache zu lernen, so ich will ueben wann ich kann! Ich weiss, dass ich bin nicht vollig korrekt, aber hoffentlich koennen Sie mich verstanden!


    Wow, that was hard because autocorrect really wanted to turn everything into English! Feel free to correct the parts that are wrong. Good luck & have a great cruise! :)



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  4. So much for getting back into running tomorrow. I was planning to hit the gym & see what I could manage to do on the treadmill, but apparently all the roads will be ice. Good thing we're able to work from home because I don't think any of us are going anywhere tomorrow!



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  5. Thanks for your input on the fitbit. I am super competitive, so the challenge feature is a big plus for me too!


    I can't believe you're dealing with temps like that in Florida -- that's nuts! I understand too about the cold weather & asthma. I haven't had asthma issues in years, but I do remember having asthma attacks brought on my the cold air when I was younger. (It was sometimes rough back when I was a figure skater!)

  6. Sounds like everyone's done pretty well this week -- Congrats! And hopefully Jan's doing ok too, wherever she is.


    I haven't stepped on the scale since before Thanksgiving. I've been really scared to see the damage I've done over the last 6 weeks of overeating, zero exercise, and drinking almost daily during vacation, but I decided to face the music today. I gained 3 pounds, and I am thrilled! I was expecting about triple that! And I still haven't broken my streak of 2 1/2 years below 130!


    I want to lose 5 pounds to get back down to where I really like to be, but I'm so relieved that I'm facing a 5-pound loss I need to work on and not the 10-pound loss I thought I'd be faced with!



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  7. Yikes! The current temp outside is 5 (-11 with wind chill)! I don't even want to get in the car & drive to the gym in those temps! I think I'll snuggle up under a blanket on the couch with some hot cinnamon tea and see what Netflix has to offer!


    The rest of you who live in cold places -- what's the lowest temperature that you'll head out for a run in? The coldest temp I've run in was 30, and I have no desire to ever attempt a run colder than that one!



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  8. Miles ran/walked: 131.39

    Miles remaining: 261.02

    Days remaining: 108

    Average miles per day remaining: 2.42


    Got my FitBit! Evidently I walk a LOT lol.... but I'm only counting my active walk/runs here unless I get in to a crunch closer to the cruise.


    Week four of C25K has been completed, although today was extremely hard because it's NOW cold and windy. I guess I'll have to start going to our gym at work on lunch breaks rather than outside :( I also have had people "holler" at me two days in a row now, the one today creeped me out a little because he acted like he wasn't going to leave me alone. So, all the better/safer to just stay inside when I'm alone.


    Yeah, I've had people "holler" at me too a couple of times (only when I run around my parents' neighborhood because there aren't a lot of runners around here -- that's another reason I prefer the trail near my house, because everyone there is out for a walk, run, or bike ride themselves).


    How do you like the Fitbit? I thought about asking for one for Christmas, but couldn't decide if I wanted a Fitbit or the Nike+ Fuel band. I don't really know much about the details of either one. I need to do some research and figure out which one I want for my birthday!


    Well, I had great intentions of fitting in a run during this trip, but it's not going to happen. On the 30th, I plotted out a route I was planning to run the next day, but woke up sick on the 31st. I felt a little better yesterday, but not quite up for a run. I'm feeling fine today, but it's been raining all day, and is supposed to be stormy tomorrow, so it looks like I'll most likely be waiting until March (unless I suddenly get super-motivated to go run in the cold or on the treadmill once I'm back in Indy -- both of which are highly unlikely)!

  9. Hello Everyone,


    Belle, Merry Christmas to you!


    I was apparently good but I don't remember it that way. I lost 1 lb. I haven't been this low a weight on the scale in a loooong time.


    I'm about 12 lbs. down now.


    I wonder if it has to do with being post menopause now. When I was going through perimenopause and menopause the lbs. just appeared like crazy. Now they seem to being going away the same way.


    My pants are droopy! I know, don't complain!


    Wishing everyone a great holiday, whatever it is you celebrate.




    Wow, 12 pounds, that's great!


    I'm moving in the complete wrong direction, but 5 weeks into my 6-week vacation (Thanksgiving, river cruise, Christmas Break), I think I'm doing okay. I've definitely gained, but not too terribly much. (I hope!) I haven't actually stepped on the scale since before Thanksgiving. I may be in for a rude awakening once we get back home next week! I'm sure I'll be able to lose the extra weight before too long, but I'm going to miss the family game-night snacking and eating Christmas chocolate every day!

  10. Ugh, I would kill to go for a run right about now. Unfortunately, even if I had time, it's too freaking cold outside -- our high today was just 30! Clearly, I didn't complete that mileage goal that I posted here. I was hoping to catch up and maybe finish it by the end of the year. I might go running when I'm down in Alabama for Christmas, but I much prefer running on our trail bordered by trees, squirrels, & bunnies than running around my parents' neighborhood along the side of the road. It's sort of hard to zone out (which is the main reason I like running) when you're crossing streets & being passed by cars.


    Oh well, only 4 more months until it's warm enough to pleasantly run outside. :rolleyes: Then I'll get to start all over being pathetically out of shape and slow!

  11. I'm down 0.4 this week. Could've done better, but I stayed up late last night snacking, drinking wine, & watching a fun, sappy romance movie. But I'm ok with where my weight is now. I don't really want to think about what it'll be the next time I weigh in, though.


    My 6.5-week vacation starts tomorrow! First, my family's coming for over a week for Thanksgiving, then I'm off to Europe for my river cruise (Yay!), and then I head down to Alabama to spend the kids' Christmas break down there with our family. Lots of opportunity for over-eating coming up, but I've done a pretty good job of maintaining my weight lately without actually sticking to a "diet," so hopefully I can just keep up my good habits and make it through to 2015 without picking up too much extra weight. Maybe I'll be able to run some of it off once I'm down in Alabama and can run in non-freezing temps!


    Thanks Belle, for the poem, and Diann, I'm glad to hear that your new job is going well. Bye, and Happy Almost-Thanksgiving! :)

  12. I didn't plan to post weekly, but I got bored at work :)


    Miles ran/walked: 17.89

    Miles remaining: 374.52

    Days remaining: 157

    Average miles per day remaining: 2.38 (no change... that's a first!)


    I realized that I'm actually at about the same amount of time left that I was at from the point I booked the October cruise, but I don't believe I began that challenge until a few months after booking.


    I'm canceling my gym membership, I much prefer running/walking outside, and if it rains, I have a free gym at work. Win/win!


    I'm so jealous that you live somewhere where you can still enjoy running outside this time of year. Here in Indiana, it is COLD outside. And I hate running on the treadmill, so I'm most likely done running for the year. Ack, and I need to be done with CC for a while too -- I'm running late this morning, but can't seem to get myself off the computer!


    I hope you all have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving! (I know I'm 2 weeks early, but probably won't be on CC much between now & then.) And actually, after Thanksgiving, I'll be out of town & away from the computer for a long time, so Merry Christmas & Happy New Year too! :p

  13. I'm down about a pound (not sure exactly since my scale was off last week). I went WAY overboard on Saturday night. I went out drinking with some friends and have felt pretty bad ever since. But I guess my lack of appetite since then has made up for all the calories I drank that night! I am definitely done partying with the 20-something crowd, but it was nice to have a chance to say hi to people I haven't seen in a long time. I really hope they can forgive me if I acted like a drunk idiot!


    I definitely enjoyed Saturday night, but I need to get back to being good. And hopefully I'll be able to drop a few more pounds before vacation. Oh man, and I need to get off CC -- I'm supposed go to volunteer at my daughter's school this morning & I'm still in my pj's! Talk about a yo-yo of a week -- partying like a wild woman on Saturday and ultra-mommy mode now. It's nice to cut loose every now & then, but I definitely like mommy-mode better. And it's certainly a better way to lose weight than crazy party-mode!


    I hope everyone else has had a good week!

  14. My stupid scale drives me crazy. It needs to reset itself sometimes. Otherwise, if my husband (who is a lot bigger than I am) was the last one on, the scale will add about 2 pounds to my weight. Apparently it hadn't reset when I checked my weight yesterday and it said I was 127.6. Today I saw it make the reset symbol and now it says I'm 125. So yay! It's still 0.4 above where I was before I left for Vegas, but at least now I know I've got a good shot of making it back down to 120 before my 6 1/2 week vacation starts!


    Diana - Congrats on the new job! I hope it goes well for you!

  15. Ugh, I have been a total slacker since my Vegas trip. It's been mostly cold & rainy here, so I haven't really been interested in running lately. I tried to get a workout on the elliptical last week, but had to stop because of knee pain. I might give it a try again tonight, but I just haven't been motivated to work out at all since the trip -- which is a shame because I'm up 3 pounds from my pre-Vegas weight. :( We had three parties to go to in the week after we got back, which didn't help at all as far as getting back on track!


    Gangway Style - I like your plan to run the actual distance between where you live and the pier; that's a neat way to do it!

  16. Impressive! I haven't ran like that in a while :o


    So, I evidently pulled a chest/side/shoulder muscle at some point this weekend (I'm thinking when I walked my dog). So no mileage yesterday or today. I swear I'm not a hypochondriac! Junk just keeps happening lol




    Miles walked/ran- 166.98

    Miles remaining- 29.4

    Days remaining- 20 (WOO HOO!!!!)

    Average per day remaining- 1.47



    Hope your shoulder's feeling better soon! No running for me lately. My daughter's school has this Fall Festival every year that the kids love. It was rained out on Friday and rescheduled for Saturday -- my race day. So no race for me. :( And I'll be missing the 10K I was planning for next weekend because I'll be taking my mom to the airport instead. (She's flying in to watch the kids while I tag along on my husband's work conference in Vegas!)


    Plus it's been rainy every morning this week (except the one morning I had to work), so I haven't even been able to run here at home. I was starting to feel like a slacker so when I woke up to another rainy morning today, I decided to head to the gym instead. I did a killer high-intensity interval workout instead. I have a feeling I'll be ridiculously sore tomorrow, but it was a great workout!


    So for my running, I'm still at

    Miles ran -- 23

    Miles remaining -- 37

    Days remaining -- 53

    Avg. per day remaining -- 0.7

  17. HI all!



    perkyblue ~ have a ball in Las Vegas! Always nice to get away without the kiddos & get some couple time. I see you're going back to Germany on your Avalon cruise. Are you from there?



    ~ Jo ~ :)


    Sort of. Are you? I'm an Air Force brat and my dad was stationed in Germany. I lived there for three years when I was 10-13 years old. I loved it there and am so excited to finally be going back! I've been taking German lessons trying to relearn as much of the language as I can. I've gotten to the point that I can understand most of what is said to me. When I hear the words, I remember what they mean, but coming up with the right words to respond on my own is the hard part, especially because I'm always torn between just speaking however the words happen to come out and actually trying to think and choose the grammatically correct word endings. German is so hard!


    Congrats on your 2-lb. loss!

  18. Thanks for the poem Belle! I'm so sorry for what both of you are going through with your family. :(


    Jan - I had the exact same result this week -- I'm down 2.2! My husband was out of town most of the week on a business trip, and I'm always able to lose weight more easily when all the meal planning & food buying is up to me. I have willpower at the store, but when he's right next to me with wine & chocolate, it's so hard to resist!


    Next week will for sure be a gain for me because we'll be in Vegas!! :D I don't know why I'm so excited for this trip. I guess because it was so unexpected, and although I obviously adore my kids, this will be our first trip without them in a year & a half. I'm ready for a mommy-break and a little adult time!


    Good luck to everyone else this week!

  19. Well, I wanted to go for 5.5 miles today to feel confident going into Saturday's 5-mile race. But it was supposed to start raining, so I cut it down to 4.5 to try to beat the rain. And I just barely made it! It started drizzling right as I was finishing, and just a few minutes later it was pouring! I would have been so miserable if I'd tried for 5.5. I really hate the rain.


    Today I ran 4.5 in 47:15. I always set two race goals for myself. So for Saturday, my "You'd better be able to beat this time" goal is 55 min. and my "It would be awesome if you could beat this time" goal is 52 min. Knowing that the sooner I finish, the more time I have afterward to enjoy the wine should help! I love these winery races! :)


    Miles ran -- 23

    Miles remaining -- 37

    Days remaining -- 60

    Avg. per day remaining -- 0.6

  20. Belle - I'm so sorry for what you're going through with your mom & husband. I can't imagine how hard that must be. :(


    I don't know what's going on with my weight; it's fluctuating like crazy lately. Last week I unexpectedly lost 2.4, and this week I unexpectedly gained 3.8. I feel like my eating & exercise have stayed pretty consistent, so I'm confused. :confused:


    I'd like to lose a few pounds before my upcoming Vegas trip, but I know I'm healthy and have decided I'm not going to stress about it like I used to. It's been nice enjoying dinners with my family instead of running off to the gym in the evenings, not turning down invitations to hang out with friends just to avoid the food, and not having to say "no" every time my husband offers me a glass of wine. I've decided to enjoy life rather than letting the number on the scale dictate my happiness. (That's not to say I'm not hoping to post a loss next Thursday! ;) )


    Congrats to all who lost weight this week and all those who didn't but aren't giving up, and good luck to everyone in the upcoming week! :)

  21. HI all!


    Didn't check in earlier as I would have been the only gainer except for roysue who was on a cruise so had a good reason. You all are doing so great.


    I was up 1.2 lbs on Thursday but it could have been the scale as it said I was down 2.2 the week before. Well, whatever the reason I'm still more than I want to be & when I mentionned it this time to my doctor he said don't go so much by the number but by what you can do. He recommended doing "core" exercises so I'll have to look them up.


    Have a great week & hope to see Belle back. Hope all is well with her.


    ~ Jo ~ :)


    The plank is one of the most effective core exercises. See how long you can hold the position to begin with, then work your way up to a full minute or two. Just watch your form -- if your butt's way up in the air you're not doing it right.

  22. Ran 5.9 this morning. Wanted to try for 6.5, but my knee & hip were hurting. :( In happier news, I may get to go to Vegas in a couple weeks! I've never been to Vegas & have always wanted to go! :D We get back 2 days before my 10K, so I think I'll downgrade to the 5K instead. I don't think I want to try to tackle my first 10K right after a week of vacation. My knee & hip will probably thank me anyway!


    Miles ran -- 18.5

    Miles remaining -- 41.5

    Days remaining -- 63

    Avg. per day remaining -- 0.7

  23. Miles walked/ran- 147.26

    Miles remaining- 49.12

    Days remaining- 36

    Average per day remaining- 1.37


    And I met the weight goal they set for me :D:D:D They said all my levels (glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure) were perfect. They also said my pulse was a little low because of the amount of running/walking I do, which I didn't know. Whoop whoop!


    Congrats on meeting your (or your health insurance company's :rolleyes: ) weight loss goal and on your running! I ran over 12.6 miles this week and am completely beat! Your 18-20-mile average is really impressive!

  24. Hi everyone, I recently got back into running and would love to join you! I've done several 5Ks and a couple of 4-5-mile trail races, but I've got my first 10K coming up in 3 weeks! (It's at a winery, so knowing there's wine waiting for me when I'm done should be a great motivator! :p ) I also have a 5-mile race (also at a winery!) coming up in a week, so that should be a good step up from my usual 5K to help prep for the 10K.


    I'm going to start my count from the beginning of this week because I ran farther this week than I have ever run in a week before! I kind of can't believe how much I ran, but sometimes when I'm stressed or upset, I just zone out - sort of like I'm running away from all of my feelings, and on days like that I almost feel like I could just keep going forever.


    I really don't know what to set for my mileage goal because I have no idea how long I'll actually be able to keep up this level of intensity. So I think I'll go with something manageable like 60 miles.


    Miles ran -- 12.6

    Miles remaining -- 47.4

    Days remaining -- 66

    Avg. per day remaining -- 0.7

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