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Posts posted by perkyblue

  1. Wow shootr, you are doing awesome for being in Vegas! LOL, I would be gaining big time!


    And perky I forgot to mention that is awesome timing for the 6.3 miles! When I got forced to signed up for this 10k in a couple weeks I had a goal of under an hour........... lol, I quickly found out the hard way that ain't gonna happen! I switched my goal to just finishing or possibly an hour and a half :o


    Thanks & good luck with your 10K! There's certainly nothing wrong with walking part of it. I walked part of my first 5K race. I think just completing 10K is a great accomplishment!

  2. Hi! I haven't posted in a while. I've been hoping that if I stay away from CC, I'll be able to get my upcoming cruise off my mind for a while and the time will pass more quickly. (Didn't work so well; just because I try to get something out of my head doesn't mean it's not always there anyway.)


    I'm down 2.4 pounds this week, which is shocking, since not only am I not dieting, I hardly had time to fit in much exercise. But I did get in a fantastic run yesterday. I'm training for my first 10K, so yesterday I ran 6.3 miles in 1:07:45. Not too shabby, considering I had to stop several times for traffic and also ran through a gigantic swarm of gnats, where I was running while holding my breath & waving my arms wildly in front of my face. (Yeah, I'm sure that drew a few funny looks!)


    So hooray for the long run & weight loss this week, but man, my hip & knee are so sore that I can hardly move today. I'm glad I don't have an any showings today because I think this will have to be a work-while-sitting-at-home-on-my-butt day. I managed to update my FB business page this morning and will tackle all of the other easy, sit-at-the-computer jobs on my to-do list!


    Anyway, sorry for the novel. I guess I'm making up for lost time since I haven't written anything here for a while! Hope everyone else had a good week!

  3. There was a review post on here (I believe for Uniworld - not sure) anyway the reviewer had mentioned that every night they ordered 2 entrees (along with appetizers/dessert) and there was never an issue or a problem.


    In fact after several nights the servers would serve them on the same plate.


    I don't think it will be a problem or that you will be frowned upon (and really, who cares if someone frowns).


    And with the amount of money that one pays for river cruises I really don't think it will be a problem.


    In my case, I'm looking forward to eating OFF the boat at local places so my OH will probably eat both our meals on the ship :)


    Yes, this is a good point! I'm so used to ocean cruises where we usually have to be back on board before dinner time. I will definitely eat in the ports along the way rather than on the ship whenever possible. I always prefer experiencing local food over the ship's food.

  4. Thanks everyone! That's kind of what I was thinking -- that you're not really supposed to do that on the river ships since they're so much smaller. I'm not at all concerned with the portion sizes or amount of food available; I just like to try a variety of things and sometimes just can't decide!



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  5. A question about river cruise dining: On ocean cruises, I sometimes order two appetizers or even two entrees if I can't make up my mind. (I'm not really a glutton, just notoriously indecisive!) Is that okay on river cruises (particularly on Avalon) or is that more frowned-upon on the river ships?

  6. I was so disappointed on my recent trip to Paradise Point! I've been there many times over the years and seen it grow from pretty much just a restaurant on a hill to a place with a little nature trail to a place with great nature trails, animals, and a ferris wheel. Now it's back to just a restaurant? :confused:


    I was really looking forward to my kids being able to see the peacocks, goats, rabbits, and other animals along the nature trail, but now the nature trail is completely gone, and the only animals are some birds that you have to pay $20 to get a picture of. (Personal photos are prohibited.) I was very disappointed and won't bother paying for the skyride if the only things up there now are those few shops & a restaurant. I'm so sad that the animals & nature trail are gone. :(


    Maybe the shops, bird photos, & extra restaurant space bring in more money from the people who are suckered into paying to go up there, but I for one won't bother going back. I've seen the view, taken the pictures, and have no desire to go back there now that the trails & animals are gone. I'll spend the extra hour or two at Magen's Bay from now on instead!


    Is anyone else bothered by this change?

  7. I have only sailed on Disney once before, and that was on Magic when she only had Palo for specialty dining. We did the Palo brunch on that cruise and loved it so much we went back a second time later in the week.


    Is Remy really worth the $75 pp upcharge? Is it much better than Palo? I had been planning to skip it after seeing how expensive it is, but then a friend of mine said that dining at Remy was the best part of her entire cruise. I'm hesitant to pay so much, but don't want to miss out if it's truly an amazing experience. Any thoughts on brunch vs. dinner at Remy? I was thinking brunch might be a good way to try it without spending quite so much money.

  8. Wow, shootr, that pool looks amazing! It's 87 degrees and insanely humid here today. I wish I had time for the pool! But instead I'm busy prepping for my son's 10th birthday party. (How do I have a 10-year-old already? :confused: ) I'm getting the house all cleaned up so it can be torn apart by a bunch of crazy 10-year-olds. It's our first time having a sleep-over with more than one person, and I'm preparing myself for a wild & stressful evening!


    I'm down 2 pounds again this week at 121. Still haven't really been dieting at all, which I think works better for me because food doesn't seem quite as tempting when I know I can have it whenever I want. I'd love to be under 120 when I head out for my cruise next month, but I'm pretty happy with where I am now.

  9. Good morning Belle and all.


    This is my first time to post in this discussion!


    DH and I will be taking our first cruise together in 6 months, Dec 13, out of San Juan. Yea! I am excited!


    BUT I am not thrilled over the weight I've gained (back) the last 2 years.

    In 2010-2011, I lost 69 pounds. Then in Jan 2012, I had a 'simple' surgery that ended up with many complications. After 2 years, I was finally released from the doctor but have gained 42 pounds back. *Big sad face*


    My goal is to lost the 42 pounds before the cruise. Or close to that. Before I used Adipex for some (about half) of the weight loss. I am trying to stick with the old fashioned way this time.


    So far no 'real' sodas since Sunday. I am missing my Cokes and Dr Peppers but they had to go!


    I will check in with ya next Thursday!


    Thanks for the motivation.


    Welcome, & good luck with your weight loss! Sorry about your medical issues. I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to have such weight loss success and then gain so much back because of something like that. But the good news is that you lost 69 pounds before, so you know you can lose 42! Cutting the soda should help a lot. I try never to drink my calories -- unless it's alcohol -- then it's worth it! ;)

  10. Belle, I hope that life takes a turn for the better and that things settle down for you soon. Sounds like you've been going through a really rough time lately. Thanks for the poems! Silly little poems always put a smile on my face, and hopefully writing them cheers you up a bit too! :)


    I'm down 2 lbs. to 123 this week, which is awesome because I haven't been exercising or dieting at all and I went to 2 parties plus there was a 3rd night when we went out to one of our favorite places for dinner. I'm trying to just eat normally all the time without all the diet rules I used to have, and so far it's working great! If I had been "dieting," I think I would've gained weight this week because I would've over-eaten at the parties & restaurant last weekend knowing that I would have to get back on a diet on Monday. Hopefully, I can keep it up, although I really should try to find time to squeeze in some exercise -- it's just really hard with the kids home now all day!

  11. Oh my goodness, I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks! :eek: Guess that's what I get for no longer being depressed, LOL! I'm only actually 5 pounds up from my normal weight, since I lost an extra 5 with my bout of mini-depression a few weeks ago, but still -- yikes!


    I would rather weigh 125 and feel happy than 115 and feel miserable. I do need to start getting back to my normal habits; I have just REALLY been enjoying my summer so far. I enjoy taking my kids out for ice cream and a trip to the pool rather than ignoring them while I work out. And I enjoy having a glass of wine while I watch the sunset from my hot tub. And I like not turning down party invitations just because the number on the scale is higher than I want it to be. I do want to get back under 120 before my cruise, but right now my motivation is nowhere to be found.


    Congrats Jan & shootr on your weight loss! Hopefully next week, I'll be able to post a loss too (or at least not another massive gain)!


    I missed what's going on with you Belle, but I hope things get better for you soon!

  12. I haven't posted here (this board, not CC in general) in ages, but one piece of good news came from this ultra-crappy week, so I wanted to share that I hit 115 today -- a 4-pound loss in one week! I don't recommend the depression diet, but boy is it effective! Unfortunately my cruise is still two months away. I wish this would've happened in July, rather than May, but oh well, I'll take it!


    Good to see you Jan - I remember you from when I used to post on this board regularly. Enjoy your vacation! And congrats to you shootr for getting back on track -- good luck to you & your wife with your weight loss goals!

  13. I would love to sail on Regal Princess, so I'm looking forward to the rest of your review. I've done one Princess cruise (Ruby) and absolutely loved it. I'm dying to sail Princess again, but we're doing a Disney cruise with the kids this summer instead. Oh, the sacrifices we make for our children! (And yes, that was sarcasm. I do sacrifice a lot for my kids, but taking them on a Disney cruise is certainly one I can live with!)


    Hope you have an amazing cruise, and I can't wait to virtually tag along with you!

  14. I think there will be a number you can call from your stateroom for all dining reservations. If not, guest services should be able to handle it (or at least tell you who to contact). I hope you have a great cruise! Allure is wonderful! I have a lot of great memories from that ship. The kids really get a kick out of the character dining; hopefully you won't have any problem getting in.

  15. I've been on Allure 3 times (once just for a short ship tour) -- I love that ship! Your pics are great! I'm glad the weather was decent for your airboat ride in the Everglades. I did that tour almost exactly two years ago, and it was a miserable rainy day -- no fun at all. I'm glad you enjoyed yours! And I love your balcony pictures -- reminds me of my cruise last year on Oasis when we were spoiled rotten by my dad with an Aquatheater Suite. Those huge balconies are amazing!

  16. Legend is a Vision-class ship. The superstructure is on Voyager-and-Freedom-class ships. You will have no obstructions on your Legend aft balcony. Enjoy. :)


    Thanks! We ended up switching dates, so now the TA is holding some aft cabins on deck 6 because there were no afts available on deck 7. Are the deck 6 afts good too?

  17. I have an Aft cabin booked on the Legend of the seas 8086 for july 2009, and can not wait ... previous reviews and comments did help me to make up my mind, I was lucky enough when I booked to still have a choice of aft cabins so I have opted for one in the middle. I personally think unobstructed views are important and i like what i see with the Vision Class.


    My TA is holding a corner aft cabin (7126) for us on Legend for July 2009. Is this a good balcony (not a lot of superstructure in the way)? I've never had an aft, so I'm excited to try it, but I definitely want a view of the ocean, not just the structure of the ship!

  18. I have done the "Discover Scuba" in many different places, and I highly recommend it! I love scuba diving, but don't get the chance to do it ofen enough to actually get certified.


    If you like escargot, they do it wonderfully at Golden Fleece. It wasn't very good in the main dining room though.


    I really enjoyed the make-your-own sundae bar at the aft pool. And I know it sounds strange, but believe me--the wild mushroom and goat cheese pizza is unbelievable! You have to try it!


    I miss this this ship! All of you who are about to sail on Legend are going to have a great time!


    Check out my review below (in my sig.) but bear in mind it is almost a year old.

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