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Posts posted by TooManyWakeUpsTilWeSail

  1. @firefly333

    Ive had covid, got over it, got the vaccine, not particularly worried about fools who refuse.  I do have a September cruise out of Miami in the balance.  If it’s canceled because there is another huge spike or variance, that’s fine.  If it’s canceled because people want to be ignorant, I have a problem.


    Here is the Methodist lawsuit.  These were existing workers, not new hires.



    • Thanks 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

    Let those who are vaccinated cruise

    That is all you really needed to say.  The rest is really using 20/20 hindsight and playing on words “all we need are vaccinations” which should be “we all need vaccinations”.  The fact that about 200 hospital workers in 1 Texas hospital are being shown to door and their lawsuit is being dismissed shows a lot of parallels here.  People take their own self-interests to an extreme level anymore.

  3. 15 hours ago, Sinbadssailors said:


    I don't understand why no one sees that NOTHING was being done, up until this suit was filed.

    It's like Stockholm Syndrome, defending the CDC that's held cruising hostage, but people are happy to blame those trying to rescue it.

    It’s funny how you see it as nothing was being done to get cruising started when other states will go forward with cruising & abide by vaccination requirements.  

    And your analogy to Stockholm Syndrome is pathetic.  I guess you think that politician’s intervention into a public health issue is also comparable to law enforcement putting their lives on the line to save hostages.  Using another stupid analogy: the hill you make your stand on isn’t suitable for ants.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 6/9/2021 at 8:18 PM, Saint Greg said:
    On 6/9/2021 at 8:18 PM, Saint Greg said:

    I bought my own full face snorkel for like $20 on Amazon. No way I’d use a public mask Or snorkel. 

    Best decision I made for my last cruise was to buy a full face mask in advance so that I could try it in a swimming pool.  Took no time all to get used to air access being shut off when the “stem” part goes below water.  You get a much better peripheral view and avoid the discomfort of having the tube stuck in your mouth.


    Of course I may never go to a public swimming pool again as the bottom was clearly disgusting!  Make sure to get one where the “stem” folds flat against the mask for easy packing.

  5. 1 hour ago, BrotherCraig said:



    I agree.  To me, $38 is cheap for a steakhouse.  We go to steakhouses here in Houston and we usually pay $50 just for the steak and then $15 per side (shareable for two people).  Throw in Appetizers and dessert.  

    If you’ve never tried Perry’s Steakhouse special Pork Chop meal on Fridays you really should.  Beats any steak I’ve ever had.



  6. 3 hours ago, TNcruising02 said:

    It's ridiculous to make different requirements for cruise ships than land based hotels, amusement parks, pools, and restaurants since cruise ships have all of those and people aren't stuck sitting next to another person for hours on end.

    The federal government laws and agencies are separate from and not always in coordination with state laws and agencies.  Why even compare ANYTHING other than airlines to cruising when it comes to why can’t we do this.  

    Take it a step further.  The federal government can & will prosecute marijuana transportation on airplanes and other federally regulated modes of transportation.  Yet possession of marijuana is now legal in 13 states and medical use and/or decriminalization exists in another 17 states (so more than half of 50).  Note your home state is one of those 20 remaining states that criminalizes its use.  

  7. 39 minutes ago, cruisingguy007 said:


    Probably hurting your score. Ideally you want it to exceed it by 10 times min. That should keep you under 10% utilization no matter your monthly spend and allow for any large 0% purchases should they be necessary. You should boost your limit to at/above your annual income from all sources.

    Not sure if you misread,  I said my credit limit exceeds my income.  My credit balance is at or near zero; so utilization is near zero.  

    I may apply for another card in a year or so but only if the benefits are high and with no annual fees.  Interest rate doesn’t matter since I will never defer payments again.  Not that worried about maxing (800+) my FICO. I’m in the 700s which is good enough for my needs. 

    • Like 2
  8. 26 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:

    If you pay it off every month then it is a charge card and not a credit card.

    Oh I agree.  But as someone who in past years treated credit as disposable income, I’ll gladly now treat it as no more than a charge card.  

    My credit limit exceeds my monthly take home so no going back to frivolous purchases for me.


    Even though we all are mostly off-topic, this is a shining moment where we are being civilized.  Cheers!

  9. 2 hours ago, asalligo said:

    We tried this twice in our lives, but it just always built to the point of not being able to pay it off monthly. So we had to go cold turkey personally. I only use credit cards enough now to keep the accounts active for my credit rating.  

    Possibly off-topic but things like cruises and other non-necessities should only be paid by credit card if you have the means and intention to pay off by statement date.  I get a small (1.5%) cash back on my card purchases and have yet to accrue interest charges since opening.  It’s not much and if I ever feel overwhelmed I will stop using as a primary purchase mechanism.  It’s an individual decision; definitely made easier by making mistakes in the past & not wanting to repeat them.

  10. 10 minutes ago, mondello said:

    Yeah, but there is no way to verify if anyone is really a member of any such religion and do we even wanna go there? Just sounds like a loophole to me.

     There are legitimate religious persons who should have their beliefs observed.  

    Then there are also very obstinate, defiant and stupid folks who, under the guise of freedom, can’t be bothered to stand in a line, observe basic guidelines or follow anything else

    that gets us back to normal.  Get me on a plane, a ship or anywhere else where their disruption can be quickly and efficiently mediated.  I’ll volunteer my time and body to rectify that situation.

  11. Dominica, specifically Port of Roseau.  Very underdeveloped for tourism.  Was an unscheduled redirect due to weather so we had no time to research & it also was offseason for their regular cruises.  Luckily we were able to get a Carnival sponsored tour into the interior that was very nice.  

    Since then I’ve looked a little more into the island’s attractions and past hurricane destruction.  Since I’m a person who has a soft side for 2nd chances I would get off the ship there again but only on a sponsored tour again.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Tom-n-Cheryl said:


    Or, unfortunately, to LIE about it! Sadly, the honor system only works when everyone is honorable and fully forthcoming - they are not...  😞



    Yet, that's the system we'll likely have as we restart cruising.



    It is sad that terms like “greater good” and “sacrifice for others” have gone away a long time ago.  I continued to wear masks not as a political statement but as concern for others after it was not required.  Same with getting vaxxed or even the silly notion of a covid passport.


    I love to travel.  We never stopped even among pandemic times (flew 2 times and 1 train in the past year for leisure).  What I do different than many is what I did different BEFORE: give space to others, say hello and thank you and take simple precautions.  Is that hard now what was being respectful then?


    • Like 6
  13. 18 minutes ago, Sinbadssailors said:


    So snarky. 

    Is that necessary, just because my spin on statistics isn't the same as your spin on the same statistic?



    I don’t spin.

    I woke up this morning & was OMG someone says we are 60% vaccinated.  Hooray.  Oh, wait that doesn’t sound quite right.


    Watched the local news for local numbers (nope).  Took a minute to Google nationally (nope).  You really stand behind what you say even when proven 100% wrong? Ok

    The main difference between me and you is:

    I check multiple resources.

    I never depend solely on FB or other OPINIONS


    You literally can’t be MORE wrong in everything you’ve said so far.


    My 1 admittance of error  is you CANNOT board with 1 stick.  I think 5% maybe/can.  You simply won’t admit under any terms your 60% are fully vaxxed is a total load of manure.  Fine.  

    Good luck boarding with less than 2 jabs.  I’m fully vaxxed; I’ve have covid.  I’m as safe as anyone & (God willing) will said in September.  Hope that helps you sleep.

  14. 24 minutes ago, Joebucks said:


    I always loved this explanation. Why did the flu go away? Because everyone wore masks, washed hands, and social distanced!


    Why did COVID surge? Because no one wore masks, washed hands, and social distanced.

    I’m not an expert (many here proclaim to be) but I would guess both influenza and covid cases/deaths are lower than THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN OTHERWISE due to safety precautions.  Others will say focus on the economic effects (true), social effects like nursing home patients dying alone (also true) and health effects like missed surgeries (also true). Does anyone have the 100% correct answer?  That’s a trick question since no one is 100% correct in saving the most lives while keeping quality of life optimized.  

    In the end I think masks, distancing helped for a while to reduce deaths/cases.  Immunizations now help MORE for those willing to believe the World is round and the bogeyman isn’t being injected into their arm (or sleeve-less-wanna-be arm).




  15. 8 minutes ago, jperry2011 said:

    I do expect alot better than what we've been getting recently when the government is trying to force people to wear around a face diaper. Get real.

    You said yourself in circa April 2020 that this was a cold; going away.  Close to 600k Americans dead in that 12 month period since only convinces you that they are old or not “my party”.  Can’t imagine how you live with yourself.

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