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Posts posted by mercuryfan

  1. Brought my own snorkeling gear with out fins, snorkeled in the bay with the view of the cruise ship found sea life a baby squid followed for a bit did not want to run into momma squid and get face sucked off LOL found a huge starfish

  2. I am glad that I can help someone out... I had to find out the hard way. Spreading the word or information could maybe save someone's life. If I can help someone be more informed on this allergy perhaps we can avoid one more reaction in someone.


    I hope you enjoy your cruise on Enchanetment, it was our 1st cruise and we absolutly loved the ship. It was smaller but everyone of the cruise staff knew our names by heart, even my 7 year old son. When we would walk down the hall to our cabin, the cabin steward if he was out and about would have our door open for us by the time we got to the room. Enjoy!

  3. Things I have learned with this allergy...


    If you take insulin... I had to switch from humalog to novolog because of the latex content in the insulin stoppers in humalog. Novolog uses a different type of stopper. Latex in advhesives.


    At the clinic... can't use the injectable pain relief or numbing solution used in some minor suguries due to latex content. Flu shots vial stoppers contains latex. They could not use 1/2 of the items they were supposed to due to latex content.


    Rubber bands, pens with the rubber finger pads on them.


    Elastic in clothes, underwear, spandex, fabrics can contain latex...


    Matress at hotels and in the store may be sprayed with latex to help them maintain ease of cleaning. Have to call ahead to make sure items are safe.


    Hidden latex in some glue sticks, tennis balls that are used on chairs and walkers to prevent stratching the floor are full or natural rubber latex that breaksdown and emits airbourn proteins into the air.


    GUM did you know that many types of chewing gum have latex.


    TSA - uses latex gloves... Bring your own and put signs up in hotel rooms and will put sign in luggage to ask them not to touch items with latex gloves.


    I made the mistake of eating a piece of cake, did not realize the server had lifted the cake with a latex glove... Bad reaction, BAD REACTION


    Living with this allergy, I am learning everyday.

  4. My allergy used to be contact. Now with repeat exposure it is airbourn. One open Strawberry kiwi juice or a cut open kiwi in the building can cause me to go into anaphalaxis shock. I carry up to two epi's at all times and have 2 extra everywhere I go. Once the proteins are exposed to the air. My body is able to recognize it at once.


    I can't go into tire stores, furniture stores because they spray the furniture with latex to keep it clean. I have to order my fruits and vegetables from a garden share that is delivered once a week.


    This allegry is really hard to avoid. I can't buy meats in the meat deptment unless they are wrapped in paper as the wrappers contain latex and the pads on the bottom of the meat container have latex.

  5. I have traveled in the past with a latex allergy however it has gotten worse. I love to cruise, and I am just wondering if all ships serve kiwi on board. Kiwi is a latex based fruit and deadly for those with latex allergies. I want to go on another cruise but need to find a RCCL ship without kiwi, or balloons. My allergy is air bourne so just being in the area of latex based fruits is enough to go into shock.

  6. We are booked for Jan 2009 room 1700 corner aft (we had the same room on Freedom). Since we arrive in PR later in day does the tour get you into the forts. On website they close by 4:30 or 5 pm???


    Anyone have the compass for the eastern Caribbean on Liberty.


    Or if anyone has the AO schedule for the 13 year old age group. My son will have just turned 13 month before and he really would feel more comfortable in the 11-12 group. Do you think they will let him join in the younger group? I know that I would feel more comfortable as well.


    Thanks for your help.

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