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Everything posted by julig22

  1. I have gotten the SH OBC as a solo many times in the past. In all of those times, they only applied a partial credit once, on a many years ago on cruise where there was a partial solo discount. I've gotten the full credit for everything else, even on cruises where I paid no solo supplement.
  2. There is no published schedule. Sometimes TA's/PCC's have advance notice of what the next promo would be.
  3. Only NCL knows. I've been told that even the production crew doesn't always know the schedule until the start of the cruise, it depends on what else is happening. And that's on cruises with the same itinerary.
  4. Yup, getting the message to the right person tends to work wonders. Years ago I was having issues with my NCL transfer back to JFK - they cancelled the excursion I'd booked and said there wasn't a shuttle. Apparently everyone on the ship was local LOL! I was not pleased. Got into an elevator with the hotel director, who asked how it was going. I started to just say great (the cruise had been good) but saw those stripes and told him about the transfer fiasco. They called within an hour to tell me there would be a shuttle waiting when we disembarked. One excellent reason to attend the Meet & Greet. They usually give you a card with the contact info for all the officers - and emphasize to use it. I've also had success with more general issues by putting comments in the box by Guest Services, got a follow-up call the following day.
  5. You realize my comment was as a follow-up to my issue of referrals to "original container" - how that is a laughable term. Talk about taking something out of context and running with it. Note I NEVER said you could get away with filling a container with something else.
  6. Assuming you have already booked the excursion(s) for the 2nd passenger, NCL should issue a refund - when my latitudes status changed and I was eligible for a better discount, I automatically got a refund. But if you call the Excursion desk they should verify or take care of it, if it isn't already in the works.
  7. While I don't usually travel with family, I'd go with the savings if significant. You're going to be with your family the entire cruise, what's a few hours apart. Book the NCL shuttle from the airport, meet again at the terminal. But that is assuming that each party has someone capable of navigating airports, etc. - and probably not if there are small children involved.
  8. I am fully aware that medications are coded - which is why I have everything labeled. I wasn't suggesting that anyone could pass scrutiny if they put something else into a labeled bottle, just the fact that having a label on something does not mean that's what is in the bottle. And what you get from your pharmacy is not often an original container - just original to you. As you said, the LABEL identifies the contents, whether the label is on a bottle or on a plastic bag.
  9. I have to chuckle at the concept of "original container". Most of my prescription meds come repackaged (by the pharmacy). So nothing stopping me from filling a labelled container with anything I choose, especially if it happens to look like what's supposed to be in there. Nothing magical about having something in a labeled bottle, unless it's also sealed. So unless advised otherwise by someone in an official capacity, I consider anything with a label to be an original container. For travel to places with the possibility of having my medications checked, I had my pharmacy print out labels that are perfect size for the little pill pouches you can get. And print out a copy of the actual prescription. For OTC stuff, I either peel off labels if I can or copy the info from the web, use that to label bags.
  10. A few things I've learned along the way, regardless of who books your flights. If you have the time, do NOT cancel your flight, especially if you have booked through NCL (or possibly any 3rd party) - the refund will most likely go back to NCL and you will have to pay for your new flight. The airline is obligated to find you another flight, at no additional cost. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean a flight that gets you to your destination in time - but if you can find a flight that works - ask for it! Google is your friend. I've gotten on alternative flights more than once when I gave them the flight information and didn't rely on their search. So I usually print out a list of alternative flights before I ever leave for the airport, just in case. If you know your flight is has been delayed, go to the desk and see if they can move you to a different flight/different route. The early bird gets the empty seat on the next available plane. And some of the reps will actually listen when you tell them you won't make the connection. You do risk your luggage taking a different route, so proceed with caution. After the fact, you might also get some compensation from the airline. SW automatically sent me a $100 voucher for a 1-hr delay that didn't even affect my plans. Canadian airlines have strict rules, I got $700+ when they messed up my flights (I did have to ask for that one). I don't know about other airlines, but it never hurts to ask.
  11. Yes, they took the NCL BOGO offer. NCL bought tickets on an airline. The airline delayed the flights, not NCL. So the fact that they booked airfare through NCL is not relevant to the outcome. Their tickets were no different from what they could have booked themselves.
  12. My worst airline cancellation/reschedule, trying to get to Quebec City for a tour (not a cruise) was with flights I booked myself... Flight was on time...on time...all the way to the airport. 15 minutes from the airport - flight cancelled.
  13. How is the fact that they used BOGO relevant to what happened? Everyone else on the same plane had the same issues. Now, if it had been an issue of a short layover (which NCL unfortunately does do at times), I might lay some blame on NCL. But not the case here. And for what it's worth, I've used BOGO a number of times and have had issues with flights, but fortunately on the return. And, by using the number that NCL provides with the flight information, I have ALWAYS been able to make contact with NCL - and yes, in the middle of the night. In those instances I've managed to get things resolved through the airline but NCL was aware of the issue.
  14. Yea, as to that...OP made no mention of using a NCL hotel post-cruise yet said they had a 3-day deviation on the back end. NCL doesn't do 3-day deviations without the hotel, hope that works out for them.
  15. Correction - He has stated "I was notified when I got to the check in desk at the port" and in response to a ?? regarding others "It happened to a couple who traveled all the way from Europe. They decided to wait until final boarding, so I don't know if they made it onboard. I was so upset that I needed to get away from the port or I would have probably been arrested for disorderly conduct if I had stayed"
  16. The person named on the letter posted under the same F_B name as on the letter. And continued to post, even after the original posts and letter were deleted - presumably by the OP. No, as of now, when the person that was denied boarding has not been disclosed. Which is a red flag. I don't recall any mention of him having to wait around just to find out he wasn't boarding (which I certainly would have included with my list of "wrongs" had this happened to me). Just a mention of NCL not offering to pay for his taxi back to the airport. Yes, mistakes do happen. Sure NCL, just like anyone, can make mistakes. And they can usually be rectified without drama. And yes, people do make up stories for attention. Their 15 minutes of fame.
  17. Still waiting for you to post links to the "VAST" publicity on this one. A withdrawn post on Reddit, reiteration of the withdrawn Reddit post, a withdrawn F_B post, and a discussion on CC, based on the withdrawn Reddit post isn't exactly vast. My search on the subject came up with exactly 1 which is based solely on the Reddit post. And no, if it wasn't true, NCL wouldn't add to any publicity by making a statement, especially since the original posts are gone. They might however insist that the posts be taken down...
  18. You should be OK but here are a couple of options for you. Peel off the label (or print a copy of the label from the website) and attach it to the pouch. That's what I've done with all my meds, prescription or otherwise, when I've traveled places that have restrictions. Never had them look, but I'm pretty sure it would pass inspection. After all, most prescription meds aren't in sealed containers so there could be anything in there anyway. You could also get a small container of a similar product and just put your Costco ones in there. They're not gonna know the difference.
  19. Logistically, I would guess all the other passengers had already boarded LOL. Why on earth would NCL tell this passenger that there was no room until they knew that everyone booked had arrived? I'm guessing that there are no-shows on nearly every cruise. So NCL has no idea of whether or not there will be a cabin until after the final check-in time. As to asking for volunteers - again, they don't know for certain that they have an issue until everyone has boarded. At the airport, they know in advance how many people to expect because people have checked-in/gone through TSA prior to arriving at the gate, they know you are somewhere in the airport at least.
  20. Could be a picture of a printed email LOL. A letter created on the scene should still have margins aligned and probably wouldn't come from "Guest Experience" He gave no details about when he was notified (I read his original post on another site). No mention of the fact that he would have had to sit in the terminal and wait until everyone had boarded - in the event that there was a no-show. Why would they send him away any earlier?
  21. You mean other travel locations that are just repeating what he posted on Reddit and other sites before they were removed? If you find an additional original source please post a link for all us.
  22. Just for those of you (like me) that think this is a cut and paste job, here is what the correspondence I've always gotten from NCL looks like. Note the placement of the logo, the inclusion of an address, the consistent left margin (it's hard to not line up margins when typing a letter LOL). And my letter from Guest Experience was from a comment I sent after my cruise - not the department that I'd expect to be handling an issue such as this.
  23. You are assuming that it really happened - I have my doubts. But, yes, his Reddit and his original post on the book site have been removed. But he's still making comments about it on other posts.
  24. You mean clear out a broom closet, put the passenger in a room that has issues, ask a couple of solo travelers if they'd be willing to bunk together? From what I've gathered, this was a sold-out cruise but suddenly an inside room was available for booking 6 days in advance, at a bargain rate. So no extra rooms - and if they discover at the end of the previous cruise that there are issues with one or more cabins that can't be remedied prior to sailing, what do you suggest?
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