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Everything posted by WhaleTailFlCruiser

  1. Someone told me that they only ordered enough provisions for three sea day brunches. I don’t know how true or not. But we do have a brunch tomorrow.
  2. Very long line to get back aboard when guests were supposed to be back aboard at 2:30pm.
  3. Good morning from Amber Cove, Where we are in port with Carnival Spirit. I thought I was going to sleep in but Joey ding donged into the cabin stating they would be conducting a abadon ship drill. So I said welp might as well go eat and get off and explore. As I am getting my omelet the emergency signal went off so I am awake now folks.
  4. Newlyweds onboard who have been married six days admitted to banging on their balcony and in a public restroom by the buffet…… Oooooo lord.
  5. Alright I ran out of glasses wipes and now my glasses are smudged and foggy and the gift shop doesn’t sell any glass cleaner. Anyone know how I can clean these so I can see?
  6. Something rather ironic about having Celine my heart will go on playing on a cruise ship.
  7. Dinner and my family of towel animals has expanded to be next to the tv now. Ans our position which hasn’t changed at all lol
  8. We are essentially just drifting along the coast of DR I have looked a few times and we are barley moving on the map.
  9. Our youngest Plat is 9 years old (*****) Youngest diamond is 14 also ***** lol. oldest diamond is 96 most days at sea was 862.
  10. I guess we are just going to do loops until tomorrow night. Since we are essentially here already. Towel animal of the day
  11. Current position And I am gonna be honest I went back to sleep. Since there was no brunch woke up got dressed and went to deck 11 for pasta and there is a half hour long wait . I said nope, noticed they were doing lunch in the dining room and that is where I am now.
  12. Good morning CC from carnival Magic. So I woke up, was going to get dressed and check in for brunch until I got onto the app……. Uh did they cut a sea day brunch? What kind of bull is this? Ugh fine I will I guess go torture myself on lido.
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