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Everything posted by WhaleTailFlCruiser

  1. Since they aren’t showing the Bucs game anywhere watching it on my phone and hanging out in the theater to watch the bingo madness.
  2. Kinda, My section revolted and another cruiser took all our order papers and delivered them herself.
  3. I have never had such horrific service as I am having here in cucina waiting for the past however long and can’t even get a drink order in. This is maddening .
  4. We have two sea days and then we arrive into Aruba Tuesday around 1pm. It’s been noticeably rocky.
  5. I will post the video of the countdown in Aruba when I can find a place with proper Wi-Fi.
  6. I checked in for brunch and instantly got a seat at a huge table by myself, why do they keep doing this to me?
  7. Ship based out of Florida isn’t even showing the Bucs game today? I am going to go full Bama fan on someone. Lmao
  8. Good morning from the carnival Magic. Time to get ready and see how long the wait for brunch is.
  9. Happy New year CC!!!! Internet would not work up on Lido at all. I have been up since 4am so I am taking a shower and crashing. First sea day tomorrow.
  10. I will take a picture tomorrow night it’s one of those super long tables. I hated every bit of it. But the serving team did an amazing job and made me feel good and took time to talk to me ext.
  11. CD Joey mentioned during the welcome aboard show we are at 4100 and change this cruise with over 600 under 18 on this cruise. And it feels every bit that full.
  12. Impossible to fit all 5k on lido and I think there is usually a balloon drop in the atrium or what would normally be said atrium lol.
  13. Let’s get the party going, from a spot that my introverted ass can watch from a distance lol.
  14. it’s printed on your boarding pass so when you print that out it will have the location. And one onboard just ask one of the many people and they will help direct you.
  15. I am confused why I got a card to email for a pin? Is this because I got a 2022? And I get a 2023? Also what am I supposed to do with a giant slap bracelet? lol
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