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in rod we trust

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Posts posted by in rod we trust

  1. 5 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

    You do know that the cruise lines pay the local suppliers, even the local fishermen, for their goods don’t you?...although, judging by some of your comments, maybe not.

    The hotels,transport,local businesses etc,   who are providing locals with employment etc are not owned by those evil money hungry cruise lines..oops sorry ....only Royal Caribbean ....and that money goes into the local economy. The cruise lines also pay ( rather hefty) fees for the use of the terminal that will be owned by the Port Authority, not the cruise line

    that's why the gov said 2.4 billion  ya take what you posted out it probably be lucky to reach half a billion.. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, The_Big_M said:


    You've demonstrated a history of making claims up to suit your argument, and what you've presented here is more of the same.


    Facts are sadly lacking from your posts. Unsupported claims, not so much.

     maybe to you


    but its all facts ..   you have google look it up ..   my facts are out there and for many to check .. at least they are out there ..  now lets look at the port authority facts and reports  your waiting on ,  oh I forgot they have all be redacted   .. I got nothing to hide I put it all out there .. what are they hiding by redacting all there info.


    I posted the port authority info for you since you wanted to see the reports .  but as you can see its all be redacted  so nobody can see what the pro's and con's are . by redacting the info it just supports all the claims I have made as they hide by the report

  3. 9 minutes ago, The_Big_M said:


    Well, some attitudes are messed up given what I wrote was correct. And it's weird that you defend that when making so many complaints about what potentially could happen at Botany Bay - as said that _pales_ in comparison to the destruction and damage, and killings Russia has wrought.


    I'm well aware of China, not sure how that negates anything that Russia has done and continues to do.

    not here to debate foreign policies or what they do.  but using what Russia has done to Ukraine and im not defending what they did just using a example that china does as much and even worse , but we still do dealings with them . that was my point .. anyway this is a fires in Sydney topic .. it was a suggestion that we could ask Russia for assistance considering they have 2 of the biggest fire fighting planes 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Russell21 said:

    I'd be inclined to take more notice of the passionate epistles that you pen if you made some attempt to use the correct spelling of our language and at least made some try at accepted presentation and format . As your diatribe is presented at the moment, I can only take you as being someone who has such disdain for those that may differ in opinion, that you can't be bothered with this simple courtesy.

    got no problem with those that may have a different opinion.  im not going on opinion's im going on facts …  and sorry for the spelling mistakes and as such but English wasn't my best subject.

  5. 12 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

    Not just talking about  what the  the passengers spend in port but  also the  provisions  required by the ship to feed  etc all those passengers, not only in port but during their cruise. Remember  those "thousands" of trucks you mentioned clogging up the roads around the terminal, that's what they will be doing there.

    Oh,and by the way, everybody will be getting off the  ships as Sydney is an embark/debark port , not a port of call so if you add in hotel accommodation, transport, meals,  airport taxes etc I'm sure the total income would be far greater than the anglers contribution, consdering they have all of NSW to fish in, cruise ships have far fewer venues.

    you do know when your spending on the ship the money goes to the cruise line and is not taxed by Australia or any country .. most of these ships fly international flags from countries such as malta and one stage royal carribean was flying the liberian flag just so they can avoid paying taxes .. that cost 2.4 billion is for everything thing all thru  nsw  and no the income is not far greater than the angling community of nsw we do export a lot of fish as well , transport them fly them overseas , shall I go on .. we even supply yes the cruise boats with fresh fish , all the restaurant's in nsw that have fish  or shell fish on there menu .. 


  6. 3 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

    No wonder some of your arguments are a little skinny on fact or relevance.

    my evidence is solid and known by many against it .. that's the port authority report above  .. now tell me its not a national security issue  why did they redact all the pages .. ask ya self that as well .. what have they got to hide about it and the cost's .. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

    You never mention the millions of dollars, probably billions,  the cruise industry brings to Sydney through the myriad of businesses that provide goods and services  to the passengers and ships that visit here or doesn’t that suit your agenda? 
     And still you have produced the  evidence to  support your claim that it is only Royal Caribbean that wants the terminal and will support it it financially.


    if ya go back and read you will find that report from the ceo of royal carribean .. and the cruise industry brings roughly as its debateable 2.4 billion to nsw  in 2019 and that's about 360 ships visiting nsw  as we all know not everybody gets off the ships and on average from a independent report on average they spend around 35 dollars so that 2.4 billion is going off every single person gets of the ship and also transport cost to the ship etc etc  .. most eat on the ship and spend stuff all just walk around .. now in 2009 I think the angling community of nsw as quaoted by nsw state gov brings in 3.4 billion to nsw economy  in 2017 it was estimated at 5 billion 

  8. 31 minutes ago, The_Big_M said:


    Neither side is going to offer or ask in the current situation.


    As for the government being bad people, you only have to ask the >13,000 killed in fighting in Ukraine from Russian attacks, and infrastructure destroyed and land occupied whether they are bad as one example. If another country attacked us like that, I don't think Australians would look too positively towards them.


    Botany Bay terminal pales in comparison.

    its attitudes like that  makes this world so messed up...    so we deal with china right have you checked out there human rights  and what they have done to many  ..   I think your behind the times ..  

  9. 5 minutes ago, The_Big_M said:


    Funnily enough, John Kennedy believed in progress and advancement... which building new infrastructure like this is.


    I'm sure he'd endorse this.

     your a cracker  progress and advancement  …  at what cost do you stop and think about progress and advancement ..  what when its all gone  its that type of thinking that has put this country at a mess .. everything is being sold off  and destroyed for your progress and advancement as you call it ..  great stuff  take another listen to that video maybe just maybe you might get it .. but I doubt it 


  10. 1 minute ago, The_Big_M said:


    2009 was the days when Russia was looking towards the West with openness. For political reasons they've found it beneficial to close off from the west since then, so the idea of them selling/leasing planes to a Western country is not going to happen in the current climate.

    the Russians are not bad people  .. if asked they would help out .. 

  11. 1 minute ago, ilikeanswers said:


    That only works if you live in the Eastern suburbs. In the Western suburbs it just hangs especially if your suburb is in a valley😒


    that's right it just hangs around and we have had smoke for weeks on end ..  and ash falling if the smoke isn't coming from the north its coming from the west or from the  south..  

  12. 1 hour ago, Chiliburn said:

    Rod ,starting the new year with these negative vibes man.Bad karma.


    Rod have have you ever thought about getting a Royal Caribbean tattoo on your arm.

    The crown and anchor looks pretty cool.

    not bad vibes  and not negative either just don't want to see a whole bay destroyed that's all …  nothing wrong with trying to save your country from greedy investors that don't give a rats on what they destroy to get there 2 billion a yr profit … you should try it sometime to save ya country you might even feel good doing something for it 

  13. 10 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    Not sure if it is good news or bad news for Canberra, we are getting a delivery of 100,000 P2 masks. They are not 100% effective and it also means we still have the smoke for some time to come.


    really 100,000 I find that hard to believe I thought you lot that live in Canberra are use to all that crap smell and hot air from the mouths of the politicians ..  we have been getting masks  for yrs around the country  as all that crap from the politicians seem to blow around the whole country .. thought you people in Canberra were use to it growing up.. oh hang on with a lot more crap from politicians in Canberra due to the bush fires probably is now starting to affect you;s  lol 

  14. 9 hours ago, By The Bay said:

    Rod, this is a news article that is behind a pay wall and is from 21 October 2009. Not a recent offer.


    yeah I know that but being the biggest fire fighting aircrafts you would of thought they would hire them out if it takes 2 days to get here... or at least commission some to be built  like one in every state 

  15. 8 hours ago, By The Bay said:

    This view is good in showing the direct route the swells from the seas could be an issue. Would a break-wall be needed?


    yes it would and it would go according to the maritime union of Australia right near bare island and maybe past it...  the swells there in summer can reach over the 2 mtrs at times the average is about 1 to 1.5 mtr .. the current container break wall is around ten mtrs high and I have seen swell crash almost over it in summer . also it would all have to be dredged as most of that place is very shallow  due to sand being washed in by under currents .. the turning basin needs to be 440 mtrs from the dock ..  for a ship tof oasis class and bigger  362 mtr ships … it would have to be at least  min 11.5 mtrs deep in the whole turn around basin ..  

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