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in rod we trust

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Posts posted by in rod we trust

  1. 2 hours ago, Chiliburn said:


    I was just listening to Rob Stokes,the NSW planning minister in a interview.

    He was talking about fast tracking state significant projects to boost the economy so we can hit the ground running when all this is over.

    He mentioned a few projects and one was your cruise port.


    Rod isn’t that FABULOUS.


    Cutting all that red tape and green tape.Lets just do it.

    It just gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling and proud of our government.

    lmfao your trying hard to get me to bite on your posts , wont happen buddy keep trying 


    only 1 thing I will say if the port botany goes ahead doubt it very much but at least on the bright side for you cruisers is you wont have to be carted to far to get buried , lol  graveyard is right in sight so they can just wheel you's over and dump you's in a big hole  lol

  2. 17 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    We need to keep people at home as much as possible if the spread is to be controlled.

    would of been nice if the cruising community did that after the diamond  but oh no lets get more ships in Sydney and go on more cruisers.  now they all want gov to rescue them from all around the world , that's fine so long as they the crusiers pay for it out of there back pocket ..  cruising in sydny and Australia . wont be happening for yrs and yrs .  

  3. well I went to get something to eat.  and took my old car for a drive to the shops they don't say you cannot do it im doing everything with in the rules  , took the scenic route tho lol.. at least it was to eat something , I see many just going to coffee shops hanging around the street drinking it or the square sitting drinking it and having a cig . so cant see anything wrong with me getting a feed ..


    so the ruby has dock in port Kembla , I highly doubt that ship will be able to leave for quite a while until police finish of there criminal investigation .  heads will roll people will demand action. I think you will find port authority will be held accountable so will nsw health and Gladys for not stoping the cruise ships ages ago as she was told but invited more ships here .  all 3 will be held responsible and probably sacked or replaced



  4. 5 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    He lives close enough for deliveries and they even stated that they saw many delivery vehicles


    that's right I did see many  maybe many isn't the word freakin heaps .. I prefer to support the shops that I have been going to before this virus .  nothing wrong with that is there??  plus I took my cars for a burn , theres nobody on the roads in Sydney was a great drive tho.  did it again tonight .  loved it 

  5. 35 minutes ago, MicCanberra said:

    I was referring to the person who was out getting their own takeaway or going fishing, etc.

    what wrong with a person going out to get there meals , or somebody going fishing alone or with somebody from there own house.. 


    no different than going to supermarket , or getting takeaway,  its permitted to go and get a feed from the shops ,  its also permitted to go fishing . same as many many people I see in the parks , footpaths,  all within 4-5 mtrs of each other. im driving  alone,  and fishing I completely isolated from everybody.  unless I see the ruby ship then im out of there , lol


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, MicCanberra said:

    Breaking the rules, no thank you, we are supposed to be at home unless it is essential work. 

     I can at least still go fishing which is good , not to mention I have been taking my 3 old cars out at night getting a feed .. drive right into Sydney city and surrounding suburbs the cars love the open air and no traffic feels amazing to drive on the roads without traffic , although last night newtown and city was packed out with those delivery uber drivers or what ever company they are never seen so many in my life , there were about 150 of them at least maybe more from enmore to broadway ..  

  7. 3 hours ago, DiamondFour said:

    There is a greater chance of Botany cruise terminal being built now to rebuild our economy and encourage the cruise lines to come back. Our government will really need to eat its humble pie to encourage the lines to come back. A terminal in Botany Bay is the way to go and a sensible peace offering to entice the cruise lines to return. 


    I will be writing to my local MP's State and Federal this week to express my disappointment about how the government treated the Ruby Princess and Pacific Explorer. I will be outlining the benefits cruising brings to our economy and the joy it brings to peoples lives. I will now include in that letter my support for a cruise terminal in Botany Bay to help rebuild the economy, give Australians jobs, and entice cruise lines to return. It is a win win for all sides.

    don't email them write to them on toilet paper roll so at least they can do something useful with  your letter lol


  8. 3 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    How wrong you are on so many points.

    • they will be back before 2023,
    • the cruises will sell just like before, the demand may even be higher due to not having had a cruise for so long.
    • I do not see how this is a victory in any sense, you must be heartless to inflict suffering on so many people (sickness and deaths) just to see cruise ships leave the shores.

    The only thing you are right about is the class action having no grounds for a win, but they may well be compensated if it gets up.


    that's a bit of double standards isn't it...

    you's are willing to support the destruction of the last indigenous beach still in use by them today with thousands of yrs history to them ,  destroy a whole ecosystem  of marine wildlife dolphins and seal habitat reefs etc,  dredge up that cancer causing pfas that will spread thru  the whole bay,  just for a cruise terminal but im heartless hey,  what about having a bit of a heart for those indigenous communities that have seen there beaches destroy bit by bit and now the last remaining  one they have in botany bay was under threat..  like I said double standard .  now im going to lay the boot even more into the cruise ships and entice others to do the same.. 


    you all might as well face the facts there will be no cruising in aus and many other countries in the world after this great big mess . for min 2yrs ..  slightest mention of another virus and there goes that industry again .. 

  9. wishfull thinkers on here don't hold ya breath it wont be back here for ages .  wont even be going to start up in most countries either . the first mention of any virus and everybody will cancel  nobody is going to want to go thru this nightmare again on cruise ships ,  so don't think it will start up for a hell of a long time..   if ya get itchy dry feet and need to get on the water , I can take you;s on my boat I can fit ten on it . ill be going out next week ill take a few pics of the ruby for you's  ill going looking for her 


  10. they will not be back until 2023 if that  , I don't think they would get enough people to fill 1 ship a week now , this has destroyed the cruise industry in Australia and  the world  .. woohooo  .  misses wont be happy but I am.. woohoo  what a victory ..  I see they are trying to get a class action against the cruise ship .. this is one time I back the cruise ship . they knew this virus was spreading they watched what happen on the diamond and still went fully knowing that anybody on that ships could have it.. so cruise at there won risk , no compo for people who put themselves in harms way .   its just sad tho that some lost there lives , no matter my opinion I wouldn't like anybody to die from this virus  be it on land or the cruise ships .

  11. 3 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    The government may be more receptive to a cruise line injecting massive amounts of income with the new dock at Botany Bay by then, you never know.

    political suicide  ,  people wont forget and remember we are just in to these lockdowns 1 month 600 infected from the ruby plus few others from royal Caribbean .. 4 ships in total and 5 cruises . the amount of people lost jobs and business I highly doubt they will build anything for cruise ships now , 

    that's if there are any cruise companies still left.. you will see some go broke . they tried to get a bailout from the usa but nope they got jack , they are only helping out any usa citizens staff members. usa ministers are not to happy with them either as they pay no tax there.    


    most people will be broke or have no money to go on cruise shups for a while , at best on start up I reckon you would be lucky to fill 1 ships a week from nsw


    we are going to lay in the boot into  these cruise ships there will be a enquiry into all this  , now we have also the support of many thousands and thousands of people from all over nsw , and Australia .  our numbers from roughly 100,000 people against will swell to over 1 million or 2 maybe  we have a few reporters that will be asking the nsw minister if she will be rewarding the cruise industry a new port in botany after they infected so many in nsw and Australia and refused to leave when asked  , yep we are laying the boot in 

  12. from that  list and the uncertainty with this virus I doubt cruising will be resuming any time soon in any of those places . 

    at best in any of those region, probably 2 yrs  to 3yrs . remember 18 months for a proper vaccine .  insurance will be a massive prob , maybe few law suits,  there is always one lawyer that will probably start a class action …  

    all they had to do was cancel cruising from feb  but greed got in the way , so the harm they did to themselves was brought upon by themselves  .

    at least the bay wont be touched now so there is one positive thing about this ..  it would be political  suicide  ..   

    so I think cruising 2-3 yrs min  in any region … maybe I might get one of those kiss cruises for the misses cheap now , or might be double  ..

  13. 46 minutes ago, ilikeanswers said:


    Adding to what other posters have said about Singapore, after one infection recorded they intiated emergency protocols and they had a standby medical unit ready to be deployed for testing and diagnosis in the event of epidemics. You have to remember they got hit hard by SARS so the government wanted to make sure it didn't happen again therefore they readied themselves for a potential epidemic.

    we all knew about sars and swine flu and  h5n1 the aussie gov knew .  

    we all knew Chinese ccp party has lied many times about different stuff and viruses

     if the gov knew all that and better than us common people knew they should of closed off all the borders to tourist and cruise ships back in feb 

    they should of put all returning aussie citzens in quarantine camps . treated any loose cases we had floating around in the country and all would of be fine , cruise would of still operated as long as they didn't disembark at other island or countries and people would still all be working , sure the airports and airplane companies would of taken a hit no different to now but we would be safe and our internal economy still thriving to a extent.  


    I applaud Taiwan even tho the ccp party in china tries there best to keep them out of the un and WHO meetings 

    they heard the rumors about the virus thru returning citizens and other countries and acted on it right away .

      the Chinese test kits are defective and masks they sent are being returned to them  they are useless 

    Taiwan is sending material here for us to make some and sending the rest of the world proper ones 

  14.   do you all honestly think what happen here with the ruby princess and the other 3 ships in nsw letting there infected people of here , is going to go away in the minds of people who may loose loved ones and countless of people who lost there jobs.. 


    these ships are even slapping us in the face by not leaving aussie waters , that's just getting more people upset about these ships.  they think the crews are infected and might overwhelm our hospital beds.  


     who will go on a cruise now, and whats to say if they open in 6 months that another case of a infected ship wont happen .

    people will not take that chance and will probably make the gov not allow them to resume until there is a vaccine or the country is free of the virus .

    all those other port of calls around the pacific  wont let them dock with the same fear  so no way in the world will these ships operate hear in oz until a vaccine is found at all. 

    reducing a curve is just so the hospitals can manage the influx of people infected and may need hospital beds or icu , not for you all to get back on a ship ..

    if you flatten the curve it can always flare up again just takes another cruise ship infected and bam off ya go again with another spike up.


      be real will you unless its totally eradicated or a vaccine you will never see them operate here again 


    • Like 1
  15. you would be lucky to get on a cruise ship in the next 2 years . that's if they can remain afloat and don't go bust .


    if our gov took this serious in early feb  closed all borders and cruise ships to all non citizens , put all incoming returning citizens in Christmas island or Darwin or in some hotels under security, went hard on the population quarantined all those who had it under guard we would of been thru this by now ..  the way we are going about it now it will take at least 12 -18 months unless a vaccine comes out.  considering its a unknown virus and the lies from china from all the other viruses they have had, they should of known better ..  right now the only way to contain it now is a full lockdown needed for 6 to 8 weeks  only the very essentials allowed and some exemptions .  other wise its just going to keep spreading .  there is no proof or testing on herd immunity , nobody yet knows if you build a immune to it or if you cannot catch it twice..   so on that note I doubt there will be any cruising for at least 2 yrs or until a vaccine is out .. they way the gov is going about it now is wrong as it will just keep on going around and around , they were better of shutting down loose a bit now but would of come out better in all ways .. if we go for 12-18 months the country will be broke , people will loose there homes, .. as they say the storm is upon us but the tornado is coming 


    and this will be my last post in the aus and nz section .   the cruise industry has done the damage to themselves and I see no way the terminal will go ahead with all the hatred they have against them now im still going to lay the boot it while there down tho.   .. so you may all better come to terms that cruising in Australia will not happen for at least min 2ys 

  16. 1 hour ago, Aus Traveller said:

    Rod, you need to be accurate in your comments. The government said "no cruise ships from foreign ports". The Sea Princess that arrived today has been in Australian waters on its shortened cruise and prior to that it was at sea on its cruise from New Zealand. I can't see why the government would stop the MSC ship from leaving.

    I thought princess ships said they were suspending all there cruises .. 


    all these cruise ships are from foreign ports in a way ,  also its really not about what port.  its more about the fact that the virus may not show in some , if somebody gets sick from it spreads it on a ship then  around the state it will overwhelm our hospitals.   now none of you ole dudes that cruise would want that would you..  that would put our health care workers at risk and over worked for what , a cruise you really don't need to go on at this moment .

  17. I don't understand  why the gov doesn't lockdown none essential  services and total limit the peoples movement .  if you go by what they say 6 plus months this will go on for doesn't make sense .  not that I believe in Chinese stats , but with 1 billion people and they claim they have sent the last infected person home and are now closing the hospital they built  for the virus down .  why wont locking Australia down for a month wont reduce the spread , if they locked it down isolated the cases we have now surely it would almost eliminate the virus . 

  18. 23 minutes ago, Chiliburn said:

    Hey I just found a old mate of ours.

    @in rod we trust.


    Heees baaack


    we need some entertainment 

    just for you I hope these companies go bankrupt  so we don't have any more cruise ships in aus I doubt it tho but hey stranger wishers  have come true. this virus here in aus will last for at least 3 months min so these ships wont be here for a while all though I was in Sydney last night and against gov rules a ship left and another one dock at the opt  think it was  infestation of the seas  docking , sorry spectrum of the seas , here we are trying to contain the deadly virus gov said no more cruise ships and yet royal Caribbean  just doesn't care about the people of Sydney.. watch how Sydney siders turn on these cruise ships 


    spewing over the 500 rule in one way tho we had almost 20,000 people ready to go to the protest planned this weekend no probs tho we are not going away with botany bay just ramping up.. there ya go  chiliburn this post was just for you .


    • Haha 1
  19. i think now that this virus is in almost 40 counties . it needs to be contained .  people fly from all over asia into australia to board ships not everybody is checked so some will slip thru the cracks.. today the gov in australia warned us we might be in for a pandemic here as many countries have it and hard to test all of the people flying or cruising in. if that happens the country will go into a bad panic and recession,  all things must be done to contain this virus .  if that means cancel all cruises so be it rather that then a epidemic in australia we have one of the oldest population  in our region so it can do plenty of damage here . 



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