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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. We're hibernating, winter has arrived early😒 Avril
  2. Because when you're told how much they are, you won't stand for it?🤔 So stand instead😁 Avril
  3. I keep an account book. I have done since the first pay packet (remember those) Frank recieved after we were married, and I was designated the accountant. It worked well then and still does 58 years later. Avril
  4. I've done the best I can with dad's rose tree Harry. I followed the advice from RHS and Gardeners World website, which was the same advice @yorkshirephil gave me. I put the large piece back into place and wrapped it firmly with tape. The leaves are still looking ok, so far so good🤞 If that fails I shall give it a hard prune back into some sort of shape resembling a tree next March and hope for the best. I've retied the tomatoes and fastened the peas back onto the wire netting, but that's all I can do with those, the rest is up to Mother Nature. Thanks for asking Harry. Avril
  5. My grandson was 38 when he passed his driving test after 21 years as a very accomplished motorbike rider. He failed twice and his examiner told him that quite often long time ex bikers have a problem adjusting from motorbike to manual car. He took his 3rd test in an automatic and passed, no problem. Avril
  6. Only 8 beans?? That's a bit mean. I hope you had plenty of toast with them☺️ Avril
  7. Wow!! and I thought I had problems. At least the garden will grow again next year, not sure about dad's rose though😒, I'm no gardening expert but I'll try my best🤞 Some of the lightening last night came one after the other with no break in between, and the thunder so loud it set off car alarms, so I'm not surprised there were strikes. Avril
  8. I love thunderstorms, the louder and 'flashier' the better⛈️🌩️ Until this morning that is🤬 The garden is in a pitiful state. My beautiful roses are now full of soggy dripping flowers, and my dad's standard rose is broken. I've no idea if it can be rescued. The hollyhocks are battered into the ground as are the sugar snap peas and outdoor tomatoes. The rain must have been really heavy. Well that's my jobs for today sorted. Garden rescue. Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Try to grab a little sunshine where you can🌥️ Avril
  9. It's the considerate thing to do Josy. They have so many important jobs that it's nice to take some pressure off them when you can😇 Avril
  10. @AndyMichelle A very Happy Birthday Michelle🥂. I've only seen your thread this evening, but have followed it carefully,. I'm glad you are pushing all the niggles aside and enjoying your long waited cruise. By the way Andy, are you missing your Peroni?🍺 Avril
  11. I phoned P&O the begining of May on 0345 355 5111 and got the chatbot too. I then tried 0800 052 3840 and got a real person. I don't know if it's still the same, but worth a try. Hope you manage to get through. Avril
  12. That'll teach me to read all the posts before replying😏 Avril
  13. Thank you Sandra. I shall await with bated breath☺️ and crossed fingers🤞 Avril
  14. Yes, the weather is pretty dire for July. 13c and drizzly here. It has been for the past few days, and again for tomorrow. Maybe the glittch in in BBC forecast for this week was correct after all😏😁 I'm still waiting for this 'Hot plume from the Azores' to arrive. Maybe it's sat nav is faulty😉 Avril
  15. That gave me a bit of a shock when I saw it too. We can only hope they have it wrong. As usual😏 Avril
  16. Mum, born in 1908, had a saying too. 'There's nothing wrong with the food, it's the rubbish they put into it'. Avril
  17. We would certainly go home slimmer than when we arrived. We'd be laughing so much we'd hardly eat anything. Avril
  18. I'm glad I always read the list of ingredients before I buy anything. Avril
  19. Anything is better than nothing, so I'm told😉 Avril
  20. I'm another who had an awful night's sleep last night. Up at 4am, cool shower and sat in garden with a coffee and Kindle by 5am. It seems as though that will have been the best part of the day. Frank on the other hand is still sleeping contentedly😠 For now that is😁😉 Enjoy your day all and stay cool. Avril
  21. I haven't read anything about it, but surely he had a boat along side him like other Channel swimmers do. Avril
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