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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I am having a problem with Amazon at the moment. A delivery that was expcted and out for delivery was suddenly 'undeliverable' Assuming there had been an accident with the parcel, I reordered the following day on a next day delivery. Tracking said 'arrived at facility' Two hours later 'undeliverable'. I now have to wait 5-10 business days for a refund. I'm wondering if their drivers are on strike🤔 Avril
  2. They said it was The Lone Piper's Lament. I don't know if that's the correct title though. Avril
  3. I have watched the entire funeral from 9.30am and I can honestly say that I have never seen, nor will I ever see again, such an amazing and incredible ceremony. The honour and outpouring of love and respect for our late Queen was astounding, from the lying in state to her internment at Windsor. Both ceremonies were beautiful, but what touched me most, and what I will always remember, was the haunting sound of the lone piper slowly walking away. I couldn't stop crying, and now I'm at it again. Avril
  4. When 19, married, buying a house and with a baby, I knew first-hand what is was like to live from payday to payday and have to count every ha'penny. Make do and mend was the order of the day and I was grateful for the bag of food Mum would help out with from time to time. We lived like that for 2 years and never once did I lose my manners towards anyone, my situation was not of their making. Thankfully we quickly moved on from there, but I have never forgotton what it was like, so I can only assume that the rude people attending the food banks are in an unfamiliar situation. That however is no excuse for rudeness and they should think twice before they bite the hand that feeds them. Avril
  5. And someone more needy and less greedy than she obviously was. Avril
  6. I was told it would put hairs on my chest. It was only when I was about 10, that I realised I didn't want hairs on my chest😲 I'm only glad I never ate any😂 Avril
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