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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/15)

  1. Would love to see some updated data for this topic.
  2. I previously had a PCC, though I never actually ended up sailing because our cruise was right before the pandemic, and all subsequent cruises were ultimately canceled. Through it all, the PCC was mediocre at best; I did most of the heavy lifting in finding deals. She also screwed up my FCC a few times. I haven’t talked to her since 2020. I just booked a cruise yesterday, and honestly forgot about the PCC. She called me today to say she saw my booking and asked why I didn’t call her to book. Eek! I offered to cancel and rebook with her, but she said it was too late. So I guess the PCCs have some type of alerts for when we book? It was a bit creepy. And I wonder why a rebooking wouldn’t work for her?
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