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Posts posted by NMCruzzin

  1. Hey Hey Low Carb Peeps!!!

    I know I haven't been around much...............but...

    I got laid off from my job the middle of May and have been going like crazy! Apply for jobs... but traveling too...! We have our Alaskan Cruise coming up in Aug so I'm trying to stay good! :( A couple of weeks ago I was out shopping...and I found 2 summer dresses, then I said a prayer and went in and tried them on :eek:....I did not come out in tears or depressed.... and ended up buying both!:p They fit nice and now if I get that job interview that I actually want.... I'll have something to wear!

    Cerabella..........Thrift stores always have great cook books for cheapo!! Jane Butel...her cooking school is downtown...I used to walk by it sometimes when I worked down there! Yummy stuff!

    I've been walking with my 4 legged personal trainer... and it's been good! I was working in the yard with some heavy stones and kinda tweaked my back ... so I've been watching how much I do and if it's to heavy - I let my DH help me with it!

    It's been so dry and yes we've had bad fires, but right now...we are in a monsoon pattern and I love it!! It's hot in the afternoon....but I love those clouds building up and then cooling things off... it's a great time to walk!

    Ya all be good! :)

  2. Congrats Lisa!!!! Wow.... you really trained well to have cut that much time off of your events! That is great!

    Lisa... a flatter tummy.... That is so terrific...because when you button/zip your shorts...a big ol'smile over your face...knowing that those inches came off!

    We are Cruising to Alaska....but not until August! ... Seems like it'll never get here!


    I have grand ideas of being much more active with not being full time employed this summer.... we'll see how consistant I am. First it's a trip to the Vet for my walking buddy, Sadie... She seems to be slowing down quite a bit ....and that's just not like her! :(


    I am hoping to really have fun grilling low carb this summer! Smells so good and I will love having the leftovers too!

    Have a great Monday!

  3. Happy Monday Everyone!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE to come back and see the postings that are so encouraging! Great success story too!

    AND... I'm not running a marathon........But I am going to try those PhillyPepper things! OH Yum!! :p

    We went to the mountains for the weekend...eeek! There was some light snow on the ground! By Saturday... evening it was long sleeve weather and we grilled Steaks, Baked Potatoes...for my DD & DS-inlaw... and I found a killer deal on some lobster tails so my surf n turf for my Mother's Day Mountain Meal realllly hit the spot! yum!

    My DH is going to find that he's eating a lot more low carb in the very near future...because... this is my last week at work, and I will even have more time to work on our meals! Yup... due to lack of work.... This is my last week. Now, I'm supposed to leave my desk as is...so that if we get a new contract in Quarter 4, they are calling me back! ... What if we don't?! I'm riding an emotional roller coaster now! eek! -- But I do have our Alaska trip in August to look forward too! :p

    ** Easy on that salt shaker.....and more Water! That can help to kick things in for weight loss! Even if the excersice is hard on the knees ( I get this!) some light weights and arm excersices can still help to work for a weight loss! And... if there is a community pool..... just walking back and forth in the water will be easy on the joints! I plan to get back to the pool when I have more time on my hands too! :D It really helps! Our pool has adult lanes and Many just walk the laps, take a break and walk some more!

    You all have a great day! :)

  4. Happy Wednesday Everyone!

    Hmm... dried tomato chips at Farmer's Market.... will have to check them out!

    I do love that we are in Grilling Season full time now... If you don't mind the Wind one day, things blowing around --- or a hoodie, because the temps have dropped, or the patio already warming up because it's a real spring day!! hahaha! ... OY... what we do to have the right stuff on our plates!!:)

    I'm doing ok.... it's a busy week for me... I need to better to watch the snackinig on the run stuff! Even though I'm on the go .... it doesn't mean I'm physically running a 5k or anything!:p;):D

  5. Hi! DH and I are doing low carb. We did really well a few years ago and lost 50lbs each. DH gained all 50 back and I gained 40 back. I am chef and it was hard to turn down all the foods we loved after we went off our diet for vacation. I feel as if we have been dieting forever. We will go on and off. We are back on!


    Welcome...thank you for sharing your story! And I so hope you get to your goal!


    Wow.... how many times does this run through my head too!.


    So, do we diet for the short term goal? Do we make it a way of eating lifestyle not to put the weight back on? These are the tough questions we all work with..... I know I do!

    I think that I choose LC out of knowing that 1) I just feel better 2) my clothes fit better


    It can really make a person think about choices, goals, habits....etc.....

  6. Draggy What a great goal you have. I have been watching my carbs for about 30 years and, except for the problem with the meds gain, play with 10 lbs. By that I mean. . .life goes on and to deprive yourself of ALL Goodies may not be the answer to keeping on track. For lunch, I just had a sandwich. . .actually I roll up the cheese, lettuce, a thin slice of tomato, with a little Mayo (not lite), and on some hot peppers thrown in, inside a couple slices of baked or boiled ham (not honey) and I have what we in South Jersey call a Hoagie. If I want a grilled Ham and Cheese, instead of bread, I use half an Ole' Low Carb-High Fiber Tortilla. (7gs of carbs.) I have hundreds of tricks that has kept the weight off, including my "on track" dinners at the Asian Buffet.

    I just got weighed at Curves and, not only did I lose the 8 lbs I gained from Thanksgiving, through the Holidays including a week's vacation, I lost an additional 5 lbs. My goal is another 5 lbs by June so I won't have to deprive myself of everything good on the cruise. I say "everything" because, by mostly, healthy choices, I can enjoy the desserts, in moderation. (Double veggies instead of potatoes and no bread.) Like I said, it has worked for this 73 year old broad for almost 30 years.

    You can do it!!!!!!


    Thank you for taking the time to post your story, tips and goals!...Congrats!! Knowing the do's and don'ts.... But doing them is the key!! Great Job!!

  7. Cerabella......... and THAT ('I do feel that this WOE is more user-friendly for emotions too. Whenever I swerve off of keeping it low-carb, I feel the blues, so I know there is a link. Low- carb makes me feel 'cleaner, & healthier' both inside & out!") Has a LOT to do with why I've been with this thread for so long.... I think!:o Oh sure... my scale goes up and down, just like everyone elses.... But... when I grab back onto my low carb eating habits... it's like my insides snap out of the carb induced grumpies....!! And for me ... that helps me through my day!

    It seems that this week... I'm more focused.... hmmm.... even prepared! My smoked turkey breast snack sitting on my desk!.... protein for breakfast... and I'm going home for lunch, because I have some tuna already ready for me!

    DO you have weeks that you really stay focused - more then others?




  8. peri-menopause... I am just at that age...grrr...I mean, it's ok, I'm ok w/ this life transition in the span of time, but not so much w/ the affect on my feeling of well being - emotionally/physically... I am at the point where I need a reality check. I was talking w/ a friend who related the experience of an actress - Regina King - who just took control of her health & 're-made' herself...I don't know all the details, but I should research it more...


    I was just looking at some ladies this weekend in a DVD series that I'm watching... and most of them were I'd say 45-65 age . And...most of them have that muffin top that comes with that age group! I'm 55... and I have one...and I notice that even when I'm working out, watching my carbs close... the front of my body just does NOT want to work with me!:eek:

    ... so... I'm shopping for some really cute tops!! LOL! :p:D;)


    I'm back to moving my bricks around.... and we found a new spot that we are going to pull out the old bricks...lay down some new ones. Spring is the season that we can get busier and longer... the sun stays out longer too!


    Had my eggs for breakfast... and keeping the shells to dry and mush up for my garden... It all works together! ;)


    Have a good week !



  9. Hi Tampa Girl & Seago2! SFS website is very handy...and if you email her.. she is good about replying! I haven't seen her pop in here in awhile...but she may just sail by quietly.... we have a lot of them! Yes,... this thread has been around a long time... Yes... lots to read... Yes!! Everyone is welcome and there are some great tips here!

    * I have used the Atkins shakes at times traveling, on the go... maybe an afternoon snack. I did not use them as meals.

    Don't forget that Almonds and Pistaschio's ... are a great snack to keep on hand, glove compartment, back pack... when you feel that 'Oh my gosh...I need something NOW... feeling!"

    Will look at the yogurt too!

    Happy Monday Everyone!

  10. Lisa!!........ I'm stealing your 'skinny on the inside'..... that is sometimes where I'm at... I'm doing all the right things and my numbers says so... My buttons on my pants are just snug! Oh Goodness... Pollen, Asthma & working out..... You really have some work out there for you!

    So last night.... I moved Bricks! Yes.. Bricks... no, not the nice little red ones. The 26 lb... My what a nice Brick WALL that is, brick!..Only... mine is a boarder for a flower/garden bed. I did 26 last week, 21 last night & I'll do 9 more tonight... And that is why it hurts to bring a tissue to my nose... my arms are sore! I'm thinking... I won't set one brick in my boarder....just carry it around they yard all evening... set it down, pick it up. Well, I don't have a Big Tire to move around like on Biggest Loser... so maybe a brick will have to do! :p

    Cerabella - I thought you were a little more north & east (east Dallas) ...but wasn't sure... when you said your neck in the woods...does that count at a 7 hr drive? haha! I have LEARNED the hard way to ask my TX friends when they say "Up the Road".... I make them give me miles...because a 3 hr drive up the road.... is 1/2 to Colorado from me and that is not up the road...that is "You better have a full tank of Gas drive!" LOL!!!:D

    Oh...and I think of you as I watch my little seedlings coming to sprout each morning, for my NEW flower/garden patch! ;):)

    And I got some really pretty shots last weekend...we went to the Lady Bird Johnson Flower Place.... (:o) Since 4 of us had camera's around our neck... we had some good places to practice!

    And..I'm glad you come to peek at my site.. My TX trip will be up soon! :D

    ..............So what are you all cooking for Easter dinner on Sunday?..... Don'tcha love that eggs are on sale right now! I do!! haha!!

  11. How DID YOU KNOW!!!???

    Cerabella!!!!!!! You know what...!! I kept thinking...I wonder how close we were and thought --- what a hoot!.. If I came and at least gave you a hug and a high five for hanging in here with me for so long!! LOLOLOL!!!...

    Flew into San Antonio.......but went to Gruene and Fredericksburg! Wow... Did we have a great time! 8 gabby ladies of all sizes, ages and goofyness! Fun Fun Fun!!

    I'll have to post some pics! .. Bluebonnets out there were ...well.... not bumper crop - but better then the last time we came! :D

    Have you been to the Salt Lick???..BBQ...?? OH Gosh!! :eek: Delish! AND..I was with some other low carbers... that helped!! I bought their meat rub to bring home and use as the grill season is upon us!

    We did Coopers in Llano......... But it was just ok after being from Salt Lick. --- Ha ha... You'd think this was a food forum or something! :D

    Hey... if any of you are on Instagram.... Look me up! Jeansadventures Gosh...I have fun with that! For me... it's a lot of this and that!

    SO>>> I think I've hit a wake up call!!!............ I know what the Right things are to eat.................. now I'm seriously going to think about portion control! One of my friends from the trip has lost about 40 lbs...in about 6 months... and we talked about food... she is a great southern TX cook with 2 college boys........ but she talked about what she was eating *** ding ding ding!!!*** low carb .... but she had went from a dinner plate - what she used to eat from, to a salad plate... to a smaller plate and it took her system a while to learn that she just didn't need a dinner plate size to survive... she did it gradually and it has been so much easier ...and she looked awesome! So... I'm putting my Dinner plates on the top shelf tonight! :p

  12. I slapped myself back into reality. :eek:.... and I've been actually counting the carbs again. :p It makes me feel more accountable!:o

    Grilled chicken and salad for supper tonight.....!

    LOVE Avacados!!

    A weighted hoola hoop --- um... I never got the hang of the light ones so if she can do the weighted ones.... Terrific!!;)

  13. Happy Monday Ya'all!!!

    So.... ya had a few extra carbs on the weekend.... and this morning it's back to a nice low carb start?!... Hey! Me Too..! :eek: It happens! :o

    Seago....Welcome.... so many stories are through this whole thread! Take a little time to look! For me... 2004 was when I picked up the Atkins book to read and really understand why so many people where I work were really losing and looking great! I had a family meeting .... said I'm cleaning out that kitchen and this is what is the new plan! I started walking.....and took off about 45 lbs! Well..... that was 9 years ago!

    I did give into the crazy holidays and had surgeries, family situations...etc... so I continue to carry 20 re-gained lbs....that I continue to keep the battle with!!

    And even without the extra lbs.... I just find that I feel so much better without the extra carbs! My energy level is higher and I feel much more motivated eating low carb!

    Pineview....your doing great!!!

    jhnsonfamily .... There are a few mornings a week that I use a low carb smoothie too--- they are great!

    Cerabella.... FAKE Food!!? Dash Diet................ There is so much that is on Dr OZ....sometimes I think it almost confuses me! ... Well, not the Fake Food....ugh!!:mad:

    jameybano....Good Job!!!!

    Have a terrific week!!.... It's your fork...It's your choice on what is on that fork!

  14. Sometimes.... I seem to do better during the work week, then the weekend!.... and then there are times I'm strong on the weekend and am weak on the work week! :rolleyes:

    What are your good times and trying times?


    Cerabella.........It makes it hard to get excited about broth.....when ya know it's loaded with salt!

  15. Once again.....it proves it's self over and over..... A Good Amount of a Low Carb breakfast can get ya your day started and to lunch.... a low carb lunch can get ya till a snack in the afternoon, a Low Carb dinner...can get you until morning!! And in the morning...those jeans slide on a little easier and easier!! yippee!! :D:p:)

    That's a fact, Jack! :);)

  16. Hey Low Carbers!

    Cerabella! What a great scale story! And You Go Girl... Down 5 without knowing it!

    I think that when others in your social pond have also changed with WOE... it helps a LOT! My hubby ate something the other day... and put the rest down and said "If I'm going to eat a carb...it will taste fantastic...not like cardboard!" LOL! I told him I wasn't touching any of it... it hit the trash can. The school fund raiser items really need to improve... Or he needs to start buying stationary! LOL!

    SmoothDancer! So good to see you around here too! I've seen you on the Fashion boards for a long time! You've done very well!

    How's it going...ncgirl? C'mon sweetjem.... just get back on track with a good pantry cleaning!

    And any others that are around!

    I loved the Superbowl Farmer commercial..........!

    Have any of you seen the commercial for Atkins with Sharon Osbourne?

    Here is her blog too http://blogs.atkins.com/Blogs/Sharon%20Osbourne/Default.aspx

    Catch ya's later!

  17. ...And I'm back on track!

    Feeling much better...and as my mind is in a better place, it helps me to want my body in a better shape too! It all works together, people!!


    nc... How ya doing?

    Lisa.. are you back, was it wonderful?.. I have to wait 7 more months for my Cruise!

    How is everyone else doing? Want to chime in here? ... We sure seem to be a quite bunch for this time of the year....when gyms are packed and diet programs are in full swing!

  18. Welcome NCGirl!

    Here it is - First of the year - and we all hope for losing a few pounds in 2013!

    It's a proven fact .... you watch what you eat...make good choices, exercise...and your body shape will change.... it will get smaller! :eek: Really!! It will!! :) But not in a week.

    So... if you have read the Atkins Book...and you really get what it's talking about, you'll find that if you have success with a low carb (NOT NO CARB) diet that there are guidelines that you continue to take with you and it just becomes a way of life. So there are many who do Atkins dieting and have success!....And some who learn that their bodies love the low carb eating and the energy it brings - and makes it a way of life! Now..excercise... that's a whole nuther story! LOL!.. ahhh... so many ways to exercise.... simple as walking.... complex as a marathon... YOU CHOOSE!! ;)

    Many who know me from here.... know that I'm talking to myself...Ya 'All are just listening to me talk to myself!! LOLOLOL!!! :p:D

    I'd say this is my first year... that... I did not gain weight through the Holidays! I looked back on my calendar..(yes, I track my weight through the year, and you should too...it's very eye opening!) and I'm the same today...as Oct 19! So, you can have a holiday treat here and there, watch your intake, drink water, have the flu and still fit into your close nicley between Dec 15 - Jan 2! ;)

    Now... I gotta work on that excersice part of the plan!

  19. Well............2 weeks before Christmas Eve... What are you planning for Christmas Day Dinner?


    I went to a Cookie Exchange on Saturday and yes, I took a sweet treat to trade , but I also too 2 different kinds of Cheeseballs! There were Veggies there too... so I took my low carb treat (Cream cheese, sharp cheddar cheese are the basics) and crunching that on a veggie... YUM! And I got to enjoy the party! Think about it.... If you take something that you know...keeps you on track... then Party ON! haha! :D:p


    Life is Life folks.....and if you remind yourself that you can be in control of your eating habits - Your jeans will thank you in January! ;):);)

  20. Melody! You did so great on your last Cruise...you can totally do it again!

    I'm a bit sore on my behind from my workouts....that's a good thing! LOL! ;)

    What do you do with all of the goodies everyone brings over for the holidays?

    For Thanksgiving.........I sent what wasn't eaten ... back home with who ever brought them! Much Thanks for Bringing it...but they weren't going to be here to eat it and enjoy it...so it had to go back with them!.. And that included a delish coconut cream pie!! :eek::) .. But I did it, and today , my jeans thank me for it!

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